I run like the hounds of Hell are nipping at my feet. I desperately wanted to look back but knew it would only slow me down. I jump over fallen logs and scatterings of dead leaves. I can hear the Erlking behind me as he tries to gain ground but, I'm faster and before long I see the top of the mountain! I'm about a few meters away when the ice king tackles me to the ground. we tumble to the ground and he pins me to the rocks. I try to claw his face however, he grabs my wrist with both hands and pins them above my head. I writhe for control as his face is a few inches from mine, his nose was caked with dried silver blood and his teeth were bared in triumph.

" Poor princess, look how close you were to winning. Very clever tricking me with wizard magic, I should have known your pathetic friends would never abandon you... no matter they will be dealt with shortly", the Erlking leers.


Ah man oh man! The story has finally come to an end! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this twisted tale! I thank everyone who read this and enjoyed it, and I thank you for all the support! This was my first fanfic ever and I must admit that it was addictive. I will eventually be re-editing the entire story, for yes I know there are tons of typos but dammit, I would type each chapter in one sitting and would then hence be super thirsty to post said chapter. I have learned from my mistakes and promise to take much more time on future works. Anyways, enjoy the final chapter. I will be working on a Tomione story for the Tomione Fanfic Fest from Facebook. I highly recommend joining that page if you haven't, there are many talented writers who post stories daily, as well as funny Tomione centric yumminess! Please stay tuned for the second installment of this story ( eventually) ...without further ado...Go get your man Hermione!

3 Cleobitchra

Chapter Text

" Excellent. Now what's the challenge that will grant me my desires, my dear?" he screeches.

I snap my golden orbs to the Erlking's dark silver ones with renewed vigor.

"A race", I say as my heart thumps in my chest.

This time I wouldn't fucking lose, I hold my breath as I await the Erlking's agreement. If he did not agree to the terms I was royally screwed.

The Erlking stares, observing my motions with wise eyes.

" A race summer princess? How romantic, one would assume you have had enough of races since that's how you lost your freedom in the first place." , He chuckles before finishing his glass of blood and vanishing the empty chalice away.

" Yes, well I guess I'm not one to learn from past mistakes, besides I plan on winning. So do you agree?" , I say through gritted teeth.

He observes my annoyance with gleeful eyes. He rises once more and saunters towards me.

" I will compete in your pathetic race, I take it you have a route in mind, wife?" , he whispers while dragging his claws down my spine. I shake off his touch and glare back haughtily.

" I'm not your wife Erlking. I have chosen the eastern portion of land, the neutral lands close to your borders. There is a mountain I'm sure you're familiar with, Hallows Edge. We will race to the top. Whoever gets there first will win.", I say as I turn to face his cold eyes. He silently stares at my throat before staring back at my golden eyes in amusement.

" Of course I know of the place princess, clever to choose neutral grounds. What are your terms?" he says.

"Simple, we will start at the base and whoever gets there first wins. No Fae magick is to be used against the other, this will be a simple race of mortal means, no apparating or transporting yourself to the top in anyway… our feet or should I say claws will be the only means we can use", I make certain to play my words carefully.

" Hmm yes sounds fair, however, I will be taking this" , he snaps his fingers and my ivy wand vanishes from my hands and into his clawed ones. I narrow my eyes at his quickness before smiling back with malice etched upon my ethereal face.

" Yes, I presumed you would take my mother's form of magic away from me. No matter I won't need it to win. So, do we have an agreement?", my heart beats out my chest and I'm certain he can hear the heavy thumps. The Erlking ponders over my words for minutes as he strokes his chin in heavy thought before finally replying.

" Yes, I do believe that we have a deal.", he extends his arm as he smiles darkly. " Allow me to transport us to the base of Hallows Edge, afterward I will not use my Fae magick until I win."

I stare at his...Tom's long claws before grabbing his ice-cold hand into my warm one.

" Let's get this over with, I have a race to win and a husband to free."

The Erlking smiles sinisterly before vanishing us from his iced palace. I sincerely hope my friends were positioned and ready.


The Base of Hallows Edge.

We arrive in a flurry of icy wind and I stumble back as the Erlking let's go of my form. The forest here is littered with many trees the color of orange and gold as if fall was eternally in control. Fitting due to being neutral lands between the Seelie and Unseelie kingdoms. The mountain itself was of monstrous design and its peak was unseen with the grey clouds scattered above.

I stare at the Erlking who was taking in his surroundings as I did, he finally stares at me and licks his lips.

"I must say, princess, this will be the easiest challenge yet. Shall we begin?", he walks over to me with a raised eyebrow. I shiver at this look… he made Tom's body look so…evil, and not Tom's usual "I'm superior to everyone else so cower before me" type of evil, which was quite cute I must add… No, this evil was sickening…it made me feel cold and alone… the kind of evil that makes you check behind the shower curtains when alone… He was terror and I was beginning to regret my deal… I swallow my fear before nodding in determination.

" Yes let's begin. Ready… set… go", I say as I begin to set off.

" Wait princess", he says icily. I stare at him, cautious at his tone. He extends his arm and I step back with apprehension.

He chuckles darkly before saying, "It's only good sportsmanship to wish each other good luck, what were you raised by filthy humans?", he mocks before smiling innocently. I hesitate before putting my hand into his cold one.

"Goodluck, you monstrous fiend. Prepare to spend the rest of your miserable life as a powerless entity destined to roam your lands knowing I bested you.", I say sweetly. The ice king narrows his silver eyes before lowering his icy blue lips and kisses my hand. I almost recoil at the cold dead sensation from his touch.

" Yes, good luck princess, I cannot wait to dine on your fiery blood while you beg for your freedom forevermore ", upon these words he raises his left foot and crashes into my right ankle with violent force. I bite my tongue as my world turns red. A sickening crunch is heard as the ball of my ankle shatters at the powerful strike. I fall backward unto the brown leaves and roll to my side. The pain is too much, and I throw up my breakfast from earlier as the sky above me spins.

"Arghmmph", I whimper as I breathe deeply through my nose. "You… fucking…Mmphh bastard!", I scream out as the acrid taste of bile coats my mouth like thick velvet on my shredded tongue. I whimper unconsolably as I grab my deformed ankle in utter pain. The Erlking stares down at my cries with dark pleasure.

"Oh, innocent summer princess you should really be more careful with your words, although you are not to blame. Your foolish father never taught you the ways of our kind... a true pity. Yes, you were clever to say we are not allowed to use our magick, however you said nothing of physical incapacitation", he says as he bends low and turns his head in mocking manner before grabbing my throat violently. I cry out at his harsh grip; his nails dig deep into my exposed skin and blood soon drips freely down his pale arm. He drinks in my misery with a murky smile.

"Remember, princess you cannot use your summer powers of healing to fix your wound, have fun winning your race with one working leg.", he strokes my cheek softly with his other nail. I spit into his face in retribution and smile through bloodied teeth as my bloody saliva spatters his cheek like glittering rubies. He growls before gripping my throat tighter as he wipes the spit from his face before licking his fingers clean and continuing to lick my blood running down his wrist. I gag at the nauseatingly depraved act and my empty stomach churns once more. He lets go of my throat before rising and I scoot back in dread as my ankle throbs hotly.

"Mm you are simply delicious, princess, as much as I love to see you in utter pain, I must get going…I have a race to win. See you at the top…eventually", with those words he blows a kiss and turns towards the path leading toward the mountain.


I watch as the Erlking slowly saunters up the path leading towards the mountain's peak. I cry out in pain, my ankle was beyond fractured, I was sure it was shattered into several places.

" Blaise…Blaise!" , I cry out weakly, as blood from my bitten tongue drips forth. Zabini apparates to my side in seconds and grabs my face, his eyes were dark with fury.

" I'm here Hermione, I'm here. That fucking bastard! I'm going to kill him! Hold still Hermione... Brackium Emendo… Episkey" he says while swishes his wand in complicated movements. I grit my teeth as my ankle is painfully reset back into its rightful place, my tongue is magically threaded back together and loses with swollenness.

" Mmmmph…ah better, thank you, Blaise.", I whimper as I place weight unto my newly healed ankle. He hands me a pain relief potion and helps me up. I drink it quickly before wiping away my tears. I was going to destroy that Unseelie prick.

"Hermione you need to get going, there's no knowing how far this has set us back, I will follow you magically to make sure he doesn't try anything else physically… be safe little lioness", Zabini says through gritted teeth, I could feel his simmered anger at viewing my attack. I nod my head with determination and he apparates further up the path.

I take a deep breath before turning into my Animagus form, a golden lioness, it feels soooo good to finally be able to take this form again. Thankfully Tom removed the serpent collar or I wouldn't be able to transform. I stretch my tawny legs before taking off with renewed speed. I should catch up and pass the Erlking in no time.

" No apparating or transporting yourself to the top in anyway… our feet or should I say claws will be the only means we can use" replays in my mind as I smiled internally at my clever words.

Erlking/ Tom Riddle

Somewhere On the Path.

I stop by the clear running stream and drink deeply, it wasn't the sweet nectar of blood, however, it would do. I stare at my new reflection in thought. I was enjoying my new looks, I was quite handsome. The water distorts slightly and my smirking face is replaced with the true owner of my new bodies enraged face. I roll my eyes in annoyance. He was really starting to annoy me.

You bastard, I will find a way out of this and will kill you myself for hurting my wife! Tom Riddles voice echo's deeply in our shared mind. I growl at the water's reflection darkly.

" How will you foolish man? I have control of our body. I will personally enjoy your pleas to stop when I win this race and ravage the summer princess. Tell me are her moans of pleasure as delightful as her cries of pain?" , I say to the running waters before me. I continue at my slow pace, knowing well there was no way the summer princess would be able to catch up with her injury.

You fool, I have trained my wife well and she will find a way out of your trickery, and when she wins this race I will have your powers added to mine and will eviscerate you!

I grimace as the foolish mortal turned Fae tries to take over our body. I fight him back into the recess of our dark mind before replying.

" She will not win! How can she? She has set the rules for no magick and will not make it to the top with a shattered ankle, now silence before I replay more images of what I intend to do to her, you didn't like the intended memories from before? Believe me, I can conjure worst ones, Riddle." , I say through gritted teeth, this wizard was getting stronger because of this damned ring that I could not remove!

You will see her might before long and you will be then you will fool. He echos.

Luna Lovegood.

" Hurry Neville! The Wrackspurts are starting to go haywire, I do believe that the ice king is ahead in this race. Hopefully, the Polyjuice potion works long enough to lure him here." , I say softly as I observe the soft specks of fluffs buzzing through the air. I was surprised I could still see them in Hermione's form, however here they were clear as day.

" There, I'm finished, Luna." Neville says while wiping the dirt from his hands. " Care to help me up beautiful?" Neville's face turns red as he remembers that I'm Polyjuiced as Hermoine. I giggle at his uncomfortableness, he was simply so sweet. I reach down and help him from the huge ditch we've built.

" I meant your beautiful Luna, not Hermione…I uhh mean Hermione is beautiful but she's my friend and like a sister…a very scary and very powerful sister…not to say your not powerful Luna…but I uhh", Neville stumbles over his words as his face grows redder. I giggle even more before placing my finger onto his lips.

" Oh Neville I know what you mean, you are simply the sweetest and most sincere man I know," I said delicately. Neville smiles sheepishly while twisting his wand. " Remind me to give you a kiss when I'm not in the form a scary yet beautiful Gryffindor queen." , I add softly while fluttery my eyelashes. Neville's eyes widen a fraction before he smiles even deeper.

" Honestly could you two find another time to profess your love? about time anyways." , Zabini says before appearing from the heavy foliaged pathway.

Neville jumps at his sudden approach before running his hands through his long brown hair and he continues to wave his wand to levitate the hole with brown and orange leaves.

" Hello Zabini, how is Hermione faring? The Wrackspurts are vibrating quite drastically." I say while watching a few silently buzz around the dark-skinned wizard's head. Zabini raises his eyebrow in question before turning to Neville who shakes his head.

" The ice king should be here any moment, he broke Hermione's ankle at the beginning of the race, don't worry I healed her and she should catch up soon. Especially if this works out." , He looks at our magically concealed ditch.

Neville smiles before applying the last touches. " Oh it will work alright, and there's a nasty surprise waiting below for the ice king and Riddle. Two birds with one stone so to speak.". Blaise chuckles before pausing mid-laugh. Someone was coming.

"Get into position, he's near." Blaise chocolate eyes darken as Neville and he hides behind the heavy pine tree further up ahead. Neville turns around and mouths be careful before Zabini grabs the collar of his fur robes and pulls him down. Just in time because the Unseelie king appears.

I stare in fear at the newly made Tom Riddle. Yeah sure Riddle was always scary, but he was a scary I was used to, a tangible terror. Now, however, now this ice king that has taken his body over was the object nightmares was made of. Riddle's aura was always murky, but now it was beyond that. It was pitch black and oozed across the crisp air like black tar… sticky with malice. I whimper slightly as the ice king's silver eyes finally notice my figure standing a mere couple feet away. He freezes with wide eyes before narrowing them to silver slits and replying with a voice of a thousand suffering souls.

"Now how did you make it up here little summer princess?", he turns his head sideways before quickly glancing at my right ankle. "- and how did you heal your injury? I would know if you used magick since our agreement is now law?", he keeps his head tilted as he slowly walks closer. I stare down at the ground before snapping my eyes back to his ancient ones in fright. He was still quite a while away.

" Answer me before I peel the flesh from your bones!" he screeches loudly with a clenched fist. He was still walking slowly, predatorily, as if preparing to pounce at any moment. I jump at his sudden outburst and blurt out the first thing to come to mind, totally forgetting the script Hermione painstakingly drilled into my head.

"Wrackspurts.", I yelp before silently cursing my cowardice. The ice king tilts his head even more as a confused look passes over his beautifully cruel face.

"What?", he rasps in bafflement. He continues to slowly walk towards me. Only a few more…feet…come on...Merlin how could Hermione handle this.

"I… I forgot what I was going to say and um well…Wrackspurts are known to fly into your ears and jumble your thoughts…and there's quite a few up here in the mountains you… see.", I spit out in haste while backing away from the malicious Unseelie. He continues to saunter towards me before he's literally a step away from our magically concealed hole. The wind changes direction as a gust of wind blows my now curly mass of hair towards the hunter before me. He stares in confusion from my rambling before suddenly straightening his head upright and sniffing the air.

" You smell different", he seethes with narrowed eyes.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

" Yeah well…you smell like…", think Luna… think… "You smell like a troll!" , The ice king raises his eyebrow at my retort. I'm not cut out for this.

" Dammit Lovegood!", curses Zabini from behind the tree. The ice king snaps his eyes to the direction of the massive pine tree behind me.

" Who was thaaahhh umph!", the Unseelie king finally falls through the levitating vegetation and lands ten feet into the earth with an appalling crunch. I nearly faint at how close I was to mortal harm, I've died enough for one lifetime to ever crave the feeling again. I huff out air as Zabini and Neville both appear at my side and we peer over the ledge.

" A little bit off script but I presume great job Lovegood", Blaise says smoothly.

"I think you did amazing sweetheart.", Neville says before blushing. I peck his cheek as my hair slowly changes back to silvery blonde waves. Zabini rolls his eyes before turning back to the huge hole beneath us.

" Eww what's wrong with his skin?", Blaise says while wrinkling his chocolate nose in disgust. Neville chuckles before saying, "That would be the Fae equivalent to poison ivy… I'm calling it Riddle's Itch" Neville outstretches him arms before laughing with us.

" You sick brilliant bastard Longbottom, seriously this is Slytherin stuff right here", Blaise says in admiration before swishing his wand and lifting the silencing curse from the pit below.

" WHEN I REACH THE SURFACE I AM GOING TO REMOVE YOUR INNARDS AND MAKE YOU ALL EAT THEM!" , yells the enraged Unseelie King and a blast of icy air smacks us in the face.

" hmm hey uhm guys, quick question…do you think Riddle will remember this? You know after we win this, do you think he'll know about the poison ivy?", gulps Neville while staring at the infuriated Fae below, whose pale skin was starting to turn blotchy and inflamed.

"Oh yeah he's totally remembering this, he's somewhere in that body probably planning how to make your death look accidental, so Hermione won't be irate." Blaise murmurs while slowly patting the Gryffindor's back.

"Don't worry, Hermione will save you.", I murmur softly at Neville's horrified face.

"I'm going to win this race and when I do, I'm going to personally make sure each and everyone of you suffers your worst fears. Especially you blondie.", The ice king whispers with enough venom to burn skin.

He circles the pit before trying to climb his way out again, however the bottom and lower sides were conjured into smooth black marble and he slides back down. There's a rush of wind over us and a blur of tawny gold color jumps over the pit and our hunched bodies. The three of us turn our heads in unison to see Hermione change back into her human form. I smile as I hear Blaise mutter magnificent to himself. He seriously had it bad for her, a matter of fact I'm pretty sure he has since first year…

Hermione rises from her hunched form approaching the pit and peering over, she smiles bitterly at the Unseelie below.

"Hello Erlking, I sure you're surprised to see me all healthy and fit. Oh my, your skin really looks painful. Would you like some anti-itching salve", Hermione taunts. The Unseelie king stops his attempts of climbing when he sees Hermione's golden form.

"Princess…you said your friend abandon you!", The ice king spews before bending his head down and chuckling darkly, he raises his silver eyes. "You deceived me princess and you will pay", he whispers icily as his skin slowly healed.

Hermione tilts back her head and laughs, her long curls sweeping behind her back gracefully. "Deceived you, oh no I was just careful with my words, has no one taught you the ways of our kind? Besides, you'll need a body to make me pay Erkling, something you will lack shortly.", she says sweetly as her hair crackles with magic and her golden swirls alight with vigor. Merlin, she was really scary at times… brilliant but petrifying.

The ice king grabs his head with both hands and grimaces before snapping his head back towards us. I see the change in aura before hearing Riddle's voice.

" Hermione my love…as much as I'm happy to see you gloating… arghh…now is not the time. Get moving!", bellows Riddle through clenched teeth before kneeling to the ground in pain.

" Tom! Tom my love just hold on a little longer…I promise just hold on Riddle!" , Hermione cries out as she kneels to the ground in absolute fervor. "Tom?...Tom?" , Hermione whispers softly, as tears streaked her face like glistening opals. I shiver as I begin to feel the oozing tar-like aura again.

" Umm Hermione we need to leave now." , I say fearfully as I watch with wide eyes as Riddle's…no I watch as the Erlking's claws elongate into long violent talons of ice. He regains control before slowly raising his head and looking directly at Hermione with a depraved smile of pure evil. He raises his right hand before slamming into the marble. Silver blood spurts from his fingers as the marble fissures, he never removes his eyes from Hermione's as he does the same with his left hand and begins to climb up the slickened marble with ease, like an ice pick.

"Yeeeaah time to go." trembled Zabini before wrenching a frozen Hermione and pushing her towards the path leading to the peak a few kilometers ahead.

" What about you guys?" Hermione says. Blaise scoffs before continuing to push her towards the path.

"We can apparate, you cannot Hermione. Now go, you're almost there and I wouldn't count on Malfoy and Weasley being able to stop arguing for more than a second to help…now go!" Zabini says before pecking Hermione on the forehead.

Hermione nods in determination before speeding up the path in a blur of curls and black fabric. The sound of cracking marble breaks our trance and we all stare at each other before apparating the hell away from the Erlking and his icy fury.


I had to keep going, I was so close! I glance to the peak and note I'm about two miles from the top, the sun was finally filtering through the substantial clouds. My chest was burning, and I had a severe stitch in my side, yet I refused to stop. I was so close to getting Tom back… I had to get him back…I continue to breathe through my nose and out of my mouth as the heavy rhythm of my feet smack the gravel road underneath me lulling me to a steady running pace, I was entirely too exhausted to transform into my Animagus form, yet I kept pushing through the stitch in my side.

Before long I arrive to a crystal-clear stream, which makes my throat scream for water. I could still taste the bitter taste of bile from earlier and against my better judgment I plunge into the freezing stream and drink deeply. I splash my face within the knee-deep ice-cold water before turning around.

My blood chills…fuck. How did he make it up the ditch so fast!

I stare at the Erlking and his vicious aura. He stood with my husband's face etched with pure ire. His hands were back to their regular size, yet were still dripping viscous silver blood in a steady rhythm onto the rocks. We stare at each other for what seems like an eternity.


I was frozen in fear as his icy aura leached away my willpower to move. I stared at him with golden eyes and angered fright while he stared back with silver slits.


Tom's blood continues to drip onto the crumbled slate rock beneath us. My stomach lurches as I look once more at the dripping blood before staring at the path behind him with shifted eyes. I was so close… If I could somehow just get past the Erlking's form I was sure I would have enough energy to finish this race.

I burst forward as I try to run pass the Erlking's surprised look. However, he pushes his palm into my chest and I fly back before landing into the icy stream with a splash. I gasp as the frigid waters sheathe my entire body before jumping back up a sopping mess. I stare drenched, my curls clinging to my face as I sputter water from my mouth. The ice king stalks forward and I bend down searching for anything, my hand gazes a polished rock which I clench for dear life before throwing it with all my might. Surprisingly, my aim is true and the rock smacks him in the nose. The Erlking's head snaps back from the impact as silver blood splatters everywhere, I laugh hysterically because I knew deep down Riddle was pissed. I get ready to run past the stunned ice king, however, he snaps his head back with infuriated eyes before grabbing my throat violently and lifting me into the sky. The Erlking's silver veins were bulging and his eyes were afire with liquid mercury. I grab his hand as I try to claw my way out of his grasp while my legs feebly kicked outwards.

The ice king continues to hold me high over his head as I kicked and scratched with all my might. He bares his teeth like some fiend before snarling " You know summer princess, I was going to make you my queen and together we were going to repopulate these desolate lands and rule together…but now", The Erlking slams my body into the rushing stream and the frothy waters blur my vision as I involuntarily gasp for air from the violent impact. I gag as icy waters fill my throat and lungs, the ice king lifts me from my pinned position and I cough out mouthfuls of water as my entire body burns from the near drowning.

"But now I will simply chain you to my bed where you will remain forever, used simply for fucking and breeding!" , he snarls before pushing my body back into the frigid waters. I continue to fight but I was losing energy, my vision begins to blur underneath the water as I watch the swirling visage of my possessed husband holding me down. My lungs were screaming for water as my vision began to cloud over with black.

This was it…I've failed everyone once more…and now I was to be trapped forever under the Erlking's reign, in the form of Tom Riddle. My muscles begin to relax due to lack of oxygen.

Suddenly, a massive brown blur smacks into the ice king knocking him across the stream. I rise from the rushing torrent and force down gulps of fresh precious air before turning to a magnificent sight. A ginormous brown bear had the Unseelie pinned down and was roaring into his face with a deafening growl. Ronald, I think triumphally! Ronald was in his Animagus form and had the snarling Erlking underneath his muddy paws. I'm pulled from the waters by Draco Malfoy who checks me for injuries before pushing me towards the path ahead.

" GO, Granger! You're almost to the top!", Draco yells before turning back towards Ron and the ice king who was now currently wrestling for control. I sprint off towards the path with rubbery legs. I hear an anguished yelp and turn around to see the Erlking piercing Ronald's furry front arms with a sharp rock.

" Ronald!", I yell hesitant to leave the two alone with the infuriated Unseelie. Draco stops his flurry of spells before yelling.

" Run Hermione ru—" , he's cut short by an icy blast which smacks him into the nearest pine tree, he's knocked unconscious upon impact and his silver head rolls to the side like a rag doll. I whimper at the sound before darting my eyes towards a now human formed Ronald who was bleeding profusely from his arms and chest. The Erlking was in the process of finishing the job when his eyes snap to my whimper. He smiles eerily before dropping the knife mid swing and rising towards my direction. He begins to cross the rushing stream with eyes on me. My stomach lurches before I whip around and book it towards the top. My friends would be in worse condition now if I lose.

I run like the hounds of Hell are nipping at my feet. I desperately wanted to look back but knew it would only slow me down. I jump over fallen logs and scatterings of dead leaves. I can hear the Erlking behind me as he tries to gain ground but, I'm faster and before long I see the top of the mountain! I'm about a few meters away when the ice king tackles me to the ground. we tumble to the ground and he pins me to the rocks. I try to claw his face however, he grabs my wrist with both hands and pins them above my head. I writhe for control as his face is a few inches from mine, his nose was caked with dried silver blood and his teeth were bared in triumph.

" Poor princess, look how close you were to winning. Very clever tricking me with wizard magic, I should have known your pathetic friends would never abandon you... no matter they will be dealt with shortly", the Erlking leers.

I was really starting to get tired of this bastard. I stare into eyes with anger.

" You know Erlking you really love to monologue, the only thing you and Riddle have in common, Tom... I sorry for this." , I say through gritted teeth. The Erlking raises his eyebrow in question, however, his question is soon answered when I collide my knee into his groin with a magnitude of force. The Unseelie's eyes practically bulge forth as he quickly lets go of my pinned arms and rolls to the side of the path before throwing up a disgusting pile of clotted blood. I automatically kick up and rush to the top with renewed speed. I dive to the sunny patch of grass and roll over and stare at the sky with tears of joy streaming from my face.

I did it...I won...I freed Tom from that evil bastard.

I continue to cry hysterically as Zabini apparates to my side and hoists me up. He hugs me tightly before checking me for injuries.

" I'm fine Blaise, I'm fine.", I say through tears of joy.

" You did it Hermione... you won", he gasps out.

" We did it Blaise", I hug him once more as the rest of the gang apparates into view, Ron was in bad shape but Luna has healed him and was currently giving him a blood replenishing potion. Neville was helping Draco walk, but besides that the gang was fine.

" Granger go get your husband already, I'm ready for several bottles of wine" sputters Malfoy.

I laugh through tears before nodding my head and turning towards the descending path where the Erlking was surely recovering from my attack. Blaise follows behind me as we arrive at the path.

The ice king was exactly where I left him hunched over in fury. I walk up to him with a twisted smile etched upon my face. He looks up with evil I have never seen.

" I have won Erlking now give me my Tom back and leave, make sure to never return, Tom Marvolo Riddle is not one to forget any slight done to him or his queen.", I say darkly. My magick was a crackle of energy as my curls lifted with static, my aura was excited as it searched out for its counterpart.

The Erlking rises with a tight fist before laughing maniacally.

" You have won summer princess, you should have truly been born Unseelie with your trickery and I fell for it... a deal is a deal… I will leave your husband's body, however, let me leave you with a parting gift.", he snarls. With these ominous words, he conjures a sickly serrated knife of ice and violently stabs Tom's stomach, laughing darkly as his soul ripped out of Riddle's now injured body. Black and silver smoke pours from Tom's mouth and nose before rushing to me.

" I will be back summer princess, you have not seen the last of the Erlking.", his silvery soul slams into me before heading into the forest behind us with the screeches of a thousand damned souls.

" Tom!" , I scream as I collide into his fallen body, his blood was pooling beneath our forms like melted silver. His eyes were wide in shock at his wound as he grabbed his stomach in shock. I gently remove the ice dagger from his stomach before laying him down. I call forth the last bit of energy I have and heal his wound, I watch as my fae magick quickly knits his torn flesh. Tears fall from my eyes onto his face as I kiss his cold lips in fervor.

" It's okay Tom, It's okay now, see I've healed you." , I say through tears of fear. Something was wrong his body was still weak and he was battling to stay conscious.

" Hermione…poision…the dagger was…poisoned", he shudders as his eyes look into mine with fear. I stare at the ice dagger beside us as it sizzled with purple smoke. My heart falls as I try to heal him again, yet I could feel his aura slipping away. His cold body was warming as if on fire, he slowly reaches for my hand before kissing it softly.

" No no no Tom stay awake! Just fight it…Tom!?" I screech through blurry tears. Damn that Unseelie! I should have seen through this! I should have known he wouldn't leave Riddle's body without damaging it. I couldn't lose him… I couldn't.

" Here Hermione", Blaise says stoically. I snap my eyes towards his outstretched hand and almost faint at what I see. Blaise Zabini was holding a bezoar.

" Blaise you brilliant beautiful Slytherin you!", I gasp before snatching the stone and opening Tom's mouth, I shove the bezoar down his throat and clamp my hand tightly over his mouth as his body begins to convulse. It seems like minutes have turned to eternity as I silently pray to whatever Fae gods listening that this worked.

Before long Riddle's body stops shaking and slowly cools back to its icy temperature. I cry out in joy as I begin to feel his waves of aura lick at mine. It was slightly darker, as the Erlking's power still resided in his body, however, he was still my Tom and my own aura swathed his body in an embrace.

" Blaise it worked!" , I say joyfully as I stare up to notice that Zabini has disappeared from the path. I glance back down at Tom's stirring body and lay beside him. I litter his face with hundreds of kisses as I magically cleaned him of blood and dirt. Before long Riddle's bright eyes open up, he smiles weakly.

" Hello lioness", he whispers before reaching for a frizzy curl and winding it around his long claws.

" Hello, my love. Welcome back from Death's door.", I say through tears. He chuckles before trying to rise, I gently push him back down.

" Let's just lay here for a bit…I missed you so much, my love.", I say before pushing his glossy locks from his forehead. Riddle kisses me deeply before sighing.

" Hermione, you are simply amazing my love. I…thank you.", he says before laying back and staring at the quickly darkening sky above us.

" Tom…I thought I lost you…I didn't know how I would ever survive without your annoying presence", I blurt out before laughing. " Imagine an eternity without someone to keep me on my toes".

Tom snorts before grabbing my ringed hand and kissing it once more.

" Hermione I'm not going anywhere…we will have an eternity to annoy each other now"

" Yes, I suppose we shall", I whisper

" I love you Hermione", Tom croaks softly.

" And I love you my king", I say before snuggling into him and staring at the starry sky before us.

I had my soulmate back. Funny how fickle fate was.

Before long I deem Riddle strong enough to make the journey back to the peak where my friends were waiting surrounded by a fire. When they see us hand in hand they stand up with curious looks. Riddle looks slightly grumpy at their looks of fear. I nudge him and raise my eyebrow, he stares back before shaking his head in irritation.

" Tom…" , I say seriously, crossing my arms. Tom huffs out before replying.

" Fine you beautiful irritating minx.", He approaches Draco first who quickly turns pale, Riddle extends his arm and Malfoy flinches and closes his eyes tightly assuming he was going to be cursed. Riddle growls darkly and Draco opens his grey eyes in surprise before slowly grabbing his hand and shaking it.

" Thank you, Malfoy, for helping my Hermione. I will look past your couple years of betrayal for helping regain my body…although I didn't need any of your lots help.", Riddle says stiffly.

Draco opens his mouth and closes it a couple times before sputtering " Your welcome my Lord, I …I will remember your forgiveness forever."

Tom raises his eyebrow in annoyance, Draco turns pale and quickly bows low. Tom smiles arrogantly before moving onto Ron, who looked loads better. He watches with a scowl on his face as Riddle approaches him with a sneer.

" Thanks blood traitor, how are your legs?", Tom says sarcastically. Ron's face turns scarlet with anger before replying.

" I didn't do it for you Voldemort, you better treat Hermione like a queen or I will-", he doesn't get to finish his threat as Tom has silenced him before moving onto Luna and Neville who stare onwards with a slight fear of Tom's quickly reforming power. I remove Tom's silencing charm from an angered Ron before hugging him.

" Ahh little oracle, thank you as well…and I suppose I am sorry for years earlier I'm working on my behavior…you are annoyingly one of a kind and shouldn't change your…whimsical demeanor", Tom says stoically. Luna smiles and hugs him, which Riddle did not expect and stiffens before staring at me with an exasperated look. I laugh as the rest of the group stares in shock.

" I forgive you Mr. Voldemort and I'm happy that you and Hermione are together once more, you guys need each other you see.", Luna let's go of annoyed Riddle.

" Yes…", Tom says stiffly before straightening his newly conjured black in slight irritant before smiling subtly. Tom turns to Neville, who was quite ashen-faced. Riddle stares back with indecipherable eyes before putting his hand on Neville's shoulder and squeezing tightly.

" Mr. Longbottom… you have my gratitude, however…" , he whispers something into Neville's ear and the latter's face goes completely white before he nods quickly before gulping. Riddle smiles back darkly, apparently happy with Neville's response, before moving onto Zabini who was staring back with a cool blank face. Riddle looks at Blaise with annoyance.

" Zabini, my traitorous follower, you have my gratitude as well, however, do not forget about our little talk weeks ago", Tom says while brushing off a fallen orange leaf from his shoulder.

Blaise bows deeply before replying, " Of course my Lord, I greatly appreciate your forgiveness", he rises stiffly before stepping back into the shadows to sulk.

I roll my eyes at the Slytherin's formalities, slightly curious about their " little talk".

Riddle stares at the group sinisterly before saying " Yes, well I said my thanks, you will most likely never hear me say these words to you all everagain, I believe I do not need to explain to you the repercussions if any of my current actions were to ever leave this mountain."

I smile at my husband's threat before grabbing his hand.

" Come let us show you my kingdom"


One week later.

"Honestly, Hermione I do not understand why you love this place so, it's too airy and way too much gold for my liking.", Tom says while donning his matte velveted robes. I laugh at his grumpiness before dressing myself. It's been a week and we have literally spent the majority of our time between lovemaking and quarreling… like old times I muse.

" Well at least my palace is welcoming, yours is simply gruesome my love.', I tease before throwing a pillow at his head, he dodges it easily before pondering my words.

" Hmm yes, I assume the old Unseelie's kingdom is officially mine. I quite like the whole icy darkness…it certainly fits my whole style now... at least I have a bottomless trench" Riddle says before heading over to the crystal table laden with fruits and wine. Fae magick was quite extraordinarily, apparently, Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfigurations held no power here for one simply had to wish for whatever nourishment and it would appear before you, at least in my castle. It didn't work outside the palace walls. Once I discovered this and told the group; Ronald has been stuffing his freckled face ever since. That reminded me…

" My love?", I say and Tom turns around from his stack of Fae books.

" Yes, my lioness queen?"

" I will be right back, please try not to threaten my friends will you?", I say seriously, Neville told me about Riddle's threat of retribution for filling the ditch with poison ivy. The poor sod was scared to leave Luna and his quarters.

" Where are you going dear?" Riddle asked, completely ignoring my request to play nice. I peck his cheek before grabbing my wand and heading towards the arched gold doors.

" I'm going to fix your mess…I'm going to see if I can heal Ginny's mind that you broke.", I say crossly

" Ginerva is alive?", Tom asks completely forgetting the many books before him. He seemed disturbed by the fact. I stare back in question…why did he seem interested at this?

" Yes…why wouldn't she be Tom?", I turn around with my hand on my hip. He quickly notices my stance and picks up another book before shuffling through it.

" No matter my queen, I simply thought you would have destroyed her for killing your friends, after all, she's technically the reason you had to offer your body to the foolish Erlking." , he says casually.

" Yes, well I'm sure you would have tried to kill them one way or another", I say before heading towards the hallway.

" I still plan on finding Potter and ending him", Tom yells out before the door closes.

I stop in my tracks at the mention of Harry, my heart clenches. I have sent his numerous patronuses begging to come back, if only for a bit, as has Ronald yet no reply has been heard. I just hoped he was okay. I shake off my guilty consciousness before finding Ronald and telling him to follow me to the dungeons.

We walk seven floors down the where Ginny has been for weeks, to call it a dungeon wasn't fitting more like small crystal walled rooms. Each room was about the size of our dorms from school and had a comfortable bed and bathroom. We arrive at Ginny's room, she was currently reading a small book about different breeds of nymphs in utter boredom. She closes the book when we arrive at her door. She stares back with hallowed eyes.

" Hello queen", she says mockingly before turning her eyes to her brother who was wringing his wand in silence. "Hello brother, don't you look healthy…I miss your face of death," she growls before rising and stretching. " What do I owe your company?" , she circles back and forth with the gaunt eyes of a trapped animal.

I narrow my eyes before reminding myself that she was broken because of my husband and his sociopathic tendencies.

" Ginny we are here because I'm going to try and heal your mind, do not fight me or I will simply stupefy you.", I say in warning. Ginny clenches her hands before raising them in surrender.

" Try as you might Granger but I'm not broken, I am whole fully normal as you will soon see," she says this as I approach her and place my hands on both sides of her temple. I concertrate as I push forth all my fae magick, willing her mind to be fixed of all depravity. I feel my magic simmer and watch as her torn fingerbeds, from her self-mutilation were healed. I frown slightly as I realize that her mind isn't broken…I stare into her dead eyes as I gasp.

Ginny stares at me before laughing darkly. " You see Hermione… I was never broken…why do you think it was so easy for Riddle to possess me my first year? I have always been this way…I've always been drawn to the darkness…I guess you can't fix what's born a certain way. You would think you would know this already since your husband is the same way…that's why he was supposed to be mine bitch!", she spits out in fury.

I step back startled. Ginny was… evil…more than that…this whole time I've known her she was acting, that's all…she wasn't the girl I thought she was. I turn to Ron with saddened eyes and shake my head. Ron shakes back his head in angered disbelief.

" No…no Hermione try again! Ginny whats wrong with you? Your my bloody sister and I know the real you Gin." he says before reaching for her hands in terror. Ginny slaps his violently and the slap echoed through the crystal room in reverence. Ron grabs his face in shock before staring at her with new light.

" Ginny… you mean to tell me you chose mum and Fleur's death without being under the influence of dark magic…that you enjoyed it?" Ron says through barely concealed tears.

Ginny stares at her newly healed nails before staring back at us with boredom.

" I've hated our family since the very day I could form my own words, I hated you the most Ronald…you were always so weak and pitiful. I've dreamed of slitting each and every one of your throats for years... It feels so good to be my true self", Ginny says through fits of laughter. I just stare in shock at her admittance before looking at an equally flabbergasted Ronald. He stares at her fits of laughter before turning towards the door in simmered anger.

" Let's go Hermoine.", he says sadly. I glance at Ginevra Weasley once more before following him out the door.

" Ronald I'm sorry…", I grab his shoulder not knowing what to say to my hurt friend. He grabs my hand softly before heading towards the surface.

" She's dead to me Hermione, I do not have a sister."


I replay what just happened as I head towards my quarters, upon entering I see that Riddle was still pouring over my vast library of rare Fae tomes. He glances up and notices my furrowed eyebrows.

" I take it you now know Ginny's true nature?" , he murmurs before glancing back down to his book. I nod my head before laying on the bed in a huff.

" How can she be so evil when her family is..well apart of the light side?" I ponder sadly. Tom sighs before closing his book and sitting next to me on the silk bed.

" I noticed her dark demeanor her first year, in fact she was actually the one who turned Potter's idiotic Dumbledore's Army in, she imperio'd the Weasley with the glasses, Perry, and used him as a pawn, shes even more disturbed than Bellatrix was." , Tom murmurs before turning the page.

" Percy… I just cant believe it" I say as Tom begins to nip at my collar bone.

" Yes well forget about her my love, come with me", he pulls me from the bed before conjuring heavy furs to my person.

" Where are we going?" , I ask as he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my forehead before smiling innocently.

" To my kingdom.", with those words, he apparates us to the Unseelie kingdom.

We arrive directly into his new throne room, the chilling air seeps into my bones and I shiver. Riddle lets go of me before walking to the throne and slowly sitting upon the throne gracefully. He stares at me with excited eyes and I know Tom's good behavior is about to end abruptly.

" Tom…what do you have planned?" I ask before following him up the dais with a concerned look. He looks at my suspicious form before chuckling.

" Ahh my clever lioness, I have had enough of playing honeymoon. It is time for me to put my plans into action.", he pulls forth several blackish purple pearls before grabbing one and putting the rest back into his robe pockets. He holds the pearl into the air as he views it gleefully.

" Tom where did you get that", I ask crossly, I notice the similarity to the one my father gifted me years ago, the pearl I used to save Harry and Ron from death, and the sister one I used to transport us here. Tom continues to stare in reverence at the pearl before staring darkly at me.

" Months ago I told you I knew of your plan to change me Fae and your attempts to bind me here, well Severus and I have been quite busy duplicating the pearl shards found on the floor of the Great Hall, after you helped Potter and the blood traitor escape, Severus came to me with the remaining shards. It was then that I came up with the perfect plan.", He rises before gently grabbing my throat and stroking my collarbone with his long fingernails. I stare completely shocked at the mastermind before me.

" You see my love, I came up with the idea to create these because as you know I want to rule the world… which will be quite problematic when the muggles are overbreeding, not to mention the technology they have is quite strong and is quickly becoming more advanced. So I came up with the idea to transport the magical world here to Tir na Nog. Here I will reign forever, with the wizard race beneath my immortal rule…I suppose we will have to bring a few muggles along as slaves but they will be easily controlled... thanks to Ginny's help I will be able to go back and forth between here and Earth…I have thousands of these transporting pearls in my lab at Hogwarts and overtime shall bring over the wizarding world… Severus and Lucius have been preparing for my return… I told you I would always be a step ahead my love" , Riddle finishes his rant and kisses my flabbergasted face before chuckling.

I try to punch his face but he catches my fist before kissing that as well and laughing at my simmered anger.

" Dammit, Riddle! why cant you just be content with the life we have here?" I stomp my foot in fury.

The damned snake! I should on known he was up to something, he was being entirely too good this past week. Riddle stares at my anger in amusement before saying.

" My dear, what worth is it being an immortal king with no subjects to rule?"

I narrow my golden eyes. " I hope you know I will find a way to stop this?"

"Of course you will my love, and I look forward to it your adorable attempts… now, as much as I enjoy your company I must urge you to go back to your golden palace. I have work to do.", he says before turning back to his throne.

I furrow my brows before apparating away and appearing back in minutes. I throw a stupefied Ginny to his feet. He stares at the redhead before raising his eyebrow in question.

" She's your problem now", I say before walking up to his throne where he was perched. I kiss him deeply before hugging him tightly.

" I should have known you were up to something Riddle, you can never sit still long enough before going back to your ways, Let me know when you are back from home. Goodbye you megalomaniac." , I say stoically.

" I'll see you in a month's time dear.", Tom says as he watches me apparate away.


Unseelie Palace.

I chuckle at my queen's fury, she was simply ravishing when angry. She will come around to my plans, after all, she had no choice but to rule beside me.

I stare down at the red-headed witch before me….yes before I go I must deal with this…

I awaken the witch before me and watch as she takes in her surroundings before finally noticing me. She falls to the floor in delight before lifting her freckled head.

" My Lord! I am here to serve you…please allow me to serve you, my Lord…I promise to do whatever you wish!" she whimpers. I smile at her willingness.

" Arise my faithful servant.", I say before rising from my throne and reaching down to help her up, she grabs my hand with a wide smile. I lead her to the narrow path leading towards my frozen waterfall.

" My Lord, I did exactly what you ordered! I changed the rune so you will be able to leave this land whenever you choose!" she says joyfully. I pat her head before smiling.

"Yes Ginevra I know, you did well my pet and I thank you… however, the rune can easily be changed back to the way it was constructed, and my wife if ever so clever. I hope you understand?" I say sadly as I put my both my hands on her shoulders. She shakes her head confused. I sigh, honestly, she wasn't the brightest.

"I don't... understand master?", she pouts as she sticks out her bottom lip.

" Yes, I'm sure you don't. You see your blood can be used to recorrect the rune and hence trapping me here…we can't have that now can we pet? , I ask her softly while tapping her freckled nose with my finger. She shakes her head no and I smile sweetly at her naivety.

" No we cannot have that, I'm glad you understand. Once again thank you for your services and I must admit it hurts me to do this but goodbye Ginevra Weasley, you have served your purposes.", I whisper into her ear before gently pushing her off the narrow pathway and into the purple miasma beneath us. Her eyes widen in shock as her arms flail out into the abyss. I watch as she shrieks for quite a long time before finally a sickening crunch is heard below.

" Hmm... I guess it isn't bottomless", I murmur to myself before heading back to my iced throne and staring at the purple pearl in wonder.

Ahh, it felt so good to be king.


Seelie Palace

I quickly go to my war room before calling forth my friends, they arrive quickly with looks of worry on their faces. I motion for them to sit before me.

I stare at them all before explaining why I called them forth. They all stare back with bewilderment, Zabini is the only one who doesn't look surprised. He stares into my eyes with brown orbs of calculation.

" How do you plan to stop this Hermione?" , he asks quietly. I sigh before throwing the purple pearl I knicked from Riddle's robes whilst hugging him goodbye. The pearl thuds softly onto the crystal table before rolling towards Zabini, who stares at it silently.

" I hope you're ready to spend hours in a lab again, Blaise", I say as I watch his brilliant mind go to work.

Draco breaks the silent by stretching and commenting sarcastically, " Thank Merlin, I was starting to get quite bored of the tranquility here, honestly, do Gryffindors always have to save the day?"


Somewhere West.

I finish my second bottle of wine before throwing the empty bottle into the fire before me, the glass shatters and the fire roars alive before licking the broken glass.

I have roamed much of these lands and was not done running from my demons. Hermione and Ron have sent many patronuses pleading for me to come back but I wasn't ready to face her, I couldn't face her…she was everything I needed yet she still chooses that evil prick over me!

I yell violently into the silent forest before me, slamming my fist into the damp earth beneath me.

" I will find a way to end you Riddle.", I say to no one.

" My what anger you have boy, I sensed it all the way from my old lands... delectable it is", a voice says from the darkness around me. I jump up from my drunken stupor with a raised wand.

" Whose there…show yourself!", I say while searching the area around me. The faceless voice chuckles before appearing, it was a shimmery bodiless form. I step back as I take in the cold figure.

" I can help you mortal…help you get revenge" it whispers darkly, it's voice echoed throughout the forest clearing.

" What are you?" , I ask, my head was swimming with the wine and I wasn't sure if I was hallucinating from lack of sleep.

" You are quite sane mortal, now as I was saying before I can help you get revenge from Riddle…and perhaps even help you gain favor with the summer princess.", the silver form beckons.

I clutch my wand tightly before replying. " How and what's in it for you?"

" I simply want revenge as well and I need a body for it, we can be great together Haaaarry."

I think over the offer…what did I have to lose? I lost Hermione…I was stuck in this land forever

" What's your name?" I ask as the form moved closer to me.

" I go by many names but you can call me the Erlking", the silver form says, it's voice echoes eerily and I fight the urge to run.

" Fine, let's team up." I finally say... I was tired of being the good guy… it has gotten me nowhere.

" Excellent…now…hold still for this shall hurt.", the form says before slamming into my face and down my throat. I fall to the ground as the feeling of being frozen from the inside out takes over. The pain is overbearing as the Erlking forces himself into my body violently. I finally scream in pain as my entire body begins to grow colder. Eventually, the pain subsides and I rise from the ground with a strange feeling taking over me.

" Lets go mortal we have much to do before we can plan revenge." my own voice pulls forth, I shudder at the feeling of this dark entity in my mind.

"Where are we going?" , I ask as my body begins to walk East without my control.

" We are headed to the river of Styx to make you immortal.", my frozen lips screech.

THE END… For Now