Hello, viewers! This is a idea inspired by an author here on the site. Her stories was the muse, honestly, and the author herself, dondena has given her permission for me to do this as I didn't want to be rude. Now this takes upon the 2003 series of the TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). No spoilers, yet I can tell you that this is going to be interesting. Cowabunga! -Traveler.

-March 7, 2017, 9:00 pm, in New York City of TMNT Universe-

Somewhere in the province of The Bronx, way above the people upon the streets and alleys, atop rooftops of the buildings scattered around, is a group of teenagers leaping, flipping, and parkouring as they laughed here and there. "Oh, yeah! This is awesome! No bad guys, no exploding buildings, no parents nagging on us!". replied the oldest teenager of the group.

He may not be 'normal' like the humans down below, but he's different like his cousins. From a far off distance, he looks like a hunky person, but once someone gets close enough to see him, he looks like a tall albino white turtle, with rabbit ears. He has white fur like his father, and his shell is light green with dark brown markings like his papa, yet no plastron at all. He is anthropomorphic, which means he can walk on two legs like humans yet unlike humans, he has four fingers per hand and four toes per foot. His slanted almond-shaped eyes are light emerald green. His name is Vincenzo Pancho Miyamoto-Splinterson, and he prefers to be called 'Vince' for short.

One of his cousins laughed as she agreed, "Too right, Vince! I swore that Mama was actually begging to come along, but with her carrying my little brother or sister, it's downright impossible!". From a distance, she looks like a slender human, but in perfect sight, she actually looks like a Turtle without the shell, through she has a golden plastron on front, yet she has impossibly a short dark brown mane of hair almost in shade like her mother. Her skin is olive green, and her eyes are warm brown like her father, and having human-like five fingers and toes per limb like a human. Her name is Jasmine Opal Splinterson and she likes to be called 'Jani' for short.

Her cousin flickered his ears nonchalantly, "Pops wanted to come out with us as he's got cabin fever, but Mom actually pulled him over as my little sister is kicking for attention. It's kinda cool that we gonna have more company in our cousins and siblings.". From a distance, he looks like a mismatched human with big ears, but when seen up close, he actually resembles a two-legged mutant hybrid of wolf, turtle, and human. He looks like a humanoid wolf in caramel brown fur, and shielded by a dark golden plastron and a dark green shell, and five fingers/toes per limb. He has lime green eyes like his father, and his name is Griffin Lorenzo Splinterson; Griff for short.

A chipper voice called out, "Wonder if they gonna be here tonight, or-". Another voice, slightly more softer, finished the sentence, "-later on in the week.". Belonging to the first voice, is a dark tan skinned male Turtle with stormy blue eyes, having no plastron yet a dark green shell. His name is Marley Alessandro Splinterson.

His twin sister is the opposite in looks and features. She is a complete human in shape and size yet her skin color is shockingly sea green, and her pixie cut of hair is light brown, and her eyes are light green. Her name is Stephanie 'Steph' Joanna Splinterson.

The last member of the group chuckled, "Despite being the youngest for gosh's sake, my sister is the first ever to be born in the new generation. So, ha!". This one is not a mutant or a hybrid, just a rather flexible and athletic human, taking after his father in mostly looks through he got his mother's smarts and natural flexibility, having deep tan skin, black hair, and dark emerald green eyes. His name is Kyle Arnold Jones.

Vince chuckled, "She was only born yesterday. You can imagine the huge birthday party if our siblings got born all in the same week!". Jani nodded in agreement, "That would be wicked, and it could save us time on that one, through Halloween and Christmas is a bit harder.".

Marley laughed, "We gonna need multiple Lairs. Our folks can keep the main one. We can find one ourselves, after all, with the kids coming, it's gonna be crowded!". Griff hummed in thought, then he saw something in the distance. "Let's figure that out later as we got trouble now! Let's go!". There was a robbery happening, and the Underground Teenagers as the group called themselves by, jumped into the fray, blending with the shadows, saving a young girl from being mugged by some incorrigible men who ran off, clutching their injured arms, etc, disappearing off into the streets.

The girl being a 11 years old African American, with cocoa brown skin, with coal black hair and teal-ish brown eyes, sighed heavily as she glanced at the broken grocery bags upon the ground, and Steph came forward, yet still in the shadows, "Hey, here is your purse.". The girl smiled sadly as she received it, "Thanks for everything.".

Kyle chuckled, "No problem, kiddo. Easy as peachy for us to kick butt.". The girl blinked, "Name's Annie. Can I see you guys?". Jani replied, "Well, if you promise not to scream or anything, we'll come out.". Annie smiled wryly, "It's New York, it can't be that bad. I swear not to scream and stuff as you had saved me, and that's a good thing in my book.". The Underground Teenagers came out, all in full appearance. Along with their unique appearances, each teenager has a peculiarly trademark mask, except for one, and every teenager has its own weapon/s.

Vince has a Teal Blue mask/bandanna, having a pair of Katana swords. Jani has a Orchid Purple mask/bandanna, having a pair of Tonfa Batons. Griff has a Rose Red mask/bandanna, having Nekote Claws. Marley has a Honey Orange mask/bandanna, having a pair of Jutte Blades. Steph has a Hot Pink mask/bandanna, having a Naginata Spear-Blade. Kyle has a Shamrock Green Baseball Face Mask which he lifts up easily enough, and having a wooden/steel baseball bat.

Annie laughed, "Wow, you are really different, but different is cool. How did that happen?". Vince chuckled, "That's quite a long story to tell, but it's far late for you to be out here. We can take you home.".

Annie scoffed lightly, "Yeah, right. It's not really home as I am a orphan.". Marley blinked, "Really, really? You're not pulling our feet?". Annie shook her head, "Serious as a mouse in a snake pit.". Griff twitched his tail softly, "She's telling the truth, cousins.". Steph chuckled, "We have some time before we head home until we get a call about our siblings.".

Vince sighed lightly, "Very well, but we must be out of sight. You fine with heights?". Annie grinned, "Dude, you're looking at a expert. I got practice at hiding.". Kyle laughed merrily, "I like her, guys! Come on, can we, please?". Vince smiled softly, and glanced at Griff, nodded in a signal. Griff came forward, "Wanna piggyback on me?".

Annie widened her eyes, "Yeah!". She slowly came upon Griff's back, holding on to his neck softly as Griff and his cousins slipped up to the rooftops so quick via fire escape and clothesline. Annie soon let go as they landed softly upon a rooftop, and she sat upon a ledge besides a chimney as the teenagers sat down around her, with Vince standing as the only one.

"It started long ago, a while before I was even born, back in the time of the recession. My papa and my uncles had invited my father over for my papa's birthday, yet it wasn't a normal birthday as Papa could say...".