When Hansung woke up he glanced at the paper, he reached a shaking hand towards it. After glancing over the paper he realized all the information lead to unfathomable conclusions, he didn't know how to feel as he glanced over the paper countless times, obviously he wasn't where the hwarang are. It didn't matter what was beyond that, he just knows the path they walk is too far for him, so he might as well make a path he can walk for him. After he finished thouroughly reading the paper he turned it over to see if there was anything else, what he saw was handwritten notes.The notes were detailed and told him of Taehyung's life. He couldn't help but notice the odd similarities to himself within taehyung, distantly he felt relieved that he didn't have to find this all out himself as he wouldn't be able to do that easily. Hansung let out a small sigh, he didn't know how to feel. Everything felt alien, the pristine white sheets, the blank surroundings with nothing extra, it was really too much. Hansung felt exauhsted mentally as he flopped down, his head distantly aching with the start of a headache as he closed his eyes, exauhstion weighed on him heavily as he lay there.

When Hansung woke up there was a strange device and another handwritten note, the note entailed an explanation on how to use a "Phone" and had an explanation to listen to music to see if the music would refresh any memories. He glanced at the strange wires next to them and did as instructed, listening to the music this "Taehyung" and "BTS" made was soothing, they addressed many things and gave him insight on the world. He slowly rotated through the playlist, gaining inspiration and writing things down as he went. This felt familiar, watching them dance after he became more familiar with the device to use "YouTube" with the help of the note he realized this was very much like Hwarang. Hansung, realizing this, felt comfort. He made a small mental promise to Taehyung to try with all his might to bring their group up even more. Thus, Hansung slowly started working on the lyrics he had inspiration for, he's not sure where this sudden talent came from but he coined it on Taehyung's genius and continued, eventually his weak body got tired and he fell asleep, the pen and notebook he used on the small table next to him.