"Thank you for seeing me this late," said Sycamore. Though it was not the first time he had appeared before them in his current state, his three visitors could not help but note the great contrast to his usual polished look. Striped prison garb covered him instead of a business suit, and brown ringlets that framed his face now touched his shoulders in loose waves. Exhaustion and the environment betrayed the man's often youthful appearance, harsh light and fine lines painting a closer representation to his true age. Still, he managed a smile for his three visitors. "It's over, but somehow, I cannot rest."

"Is it truly over, Desmond?" asked Layton. "You have yet another difficult road ahead of you. I...regret I could not spare you from this path."

Sycamore shook his head. "That was neither your role nor your responsibility, Layton. Have I not made myself clear? This is the path I have chosen. But...speaking of regrets..." His eyes traveled toward the person sitting beside Layton, the girl who was staring sadly at the hands in her lap. "I am sorry for the pain I have caused the two of you. Perhaps I should have acted sooner in setting things right."

"I don't believe it would have made much of a difference, Desmond. My brother would still be sitting in a cell..."

"Professor Sycamore..." Flora said. "I'm sorry I wasted so much time being angry with you. I didn't want to believe how serious it all was, but when I saw you on that stand..."

"No, Flora." Sycamore turned away slightly, a shameful look upon his face. "It is I who should apologize. How I conducted myself on the stand...I never wished for you to see me that way. What you saw..."

"But..." Flora looked at him. "...did you really have a choice, reliving all those memories?" Little by little, she appeared more determined. "What I saw...what I saw was a father whose heart was being broken all over again. I desperately wanted to believe you weren't guilty, but at that moment, I knew you had to be. Only someone hurting that much could go to such lengths for revenge. And so...I decided...I needed to do whatever I could...to support you."

The man's shame was turning to warmth, a meek smile replacing the frown. "Flora..." he said, meeting her gaze, "...what I meant was...children should not burden themselves with, nor be burdened by, the struggles of adults. Still...I appreciate having your understanding. Thank you. I will do all that I can to ensure I am worthy of your support."

"You are worthy, Desmond," Layton told him. "You have come so far, and are more honorable than you realize."

A shade of pink began to accompany Sycamore's expression. "Layton..." he started to say, when the third visitor weighed in.

"You've got to have more faith in yourself, Mr. Sycamore!" Maya Fey told him. "Sure, you did some bad things, but everyone knows you're capable of doing good things too. And you've already come this far, trying to make things right. Whatever happens at this point, I know you can handle it. You've been through far worse and lived to tell the tale."

Sycamore nodded, returning to his former demeanor. "Thank you, Ms. Fey. Everyone. While I cannot say I am eager to face my sentence, at least I know I won't be alone. I am grateful to you all...to Mr. Wright, and to Mr. Edgeworth, who ensured that I was permitted to tell my story."

"Oh, speaking of Nick, he wanted me to give you an update. He's still talking with the judge and Mr. Edgeworth so he won't be by tonight. But he'll do everything he can to make sure you receive a fair sentence... or fair enough, anyway."

"Ms. Fey, there's no need to keep up the charade," Layton told her. "You aren't here simply to play messenger, are you? Mr. Wright had concerns...about what I would do."

Confirming the man's suspicions with a pause, and then an uncomfortable groan, Maya replied, "...honestly, we both were concerned. Not that we thought you'd try to break your brother out of prison or anything, but we weren't sure how you'd take the verdict, especially when you'd finally reunited with him after all those years."

Layton showed her an appreciative smile. "That is very thoughtful of you both, Ms. Fey. Fate has been kind in sending you and Mr. Wright to us..."

"Fate or Mr. Edgeworth." Maya had a pensive look on her face. "Honestly, I still think he had some idea that we met during that weird adventure. I'm not sure if he anticipated who Mr. Sycamore's lawyer would be, but he must have known that Nick would try to help once he heard about the case. I just don't know why he couldn't tell it to us straight...then again, that's Mr. Edgeworth for you."

"It sounds as though you three have been through much together. I don't know Mr. Edgeworth very well, but he appears to be a man of good character. Clever and cunning, yet unwilling to turn a blind eye to falsehoods and half-truths."

"Yeah, he's pretty adamant when it comes to uncovering the truth. When he's not doing that, he's busy being his normal stuffy, frilly, tea-loving self. I think you two would get along just fine, Professor!"

"Er...I see."

"Of course, you're a lot easier to talk to," Maya continued, breezing past the backhanded compliment. "Mr. Edgeworth is a good guy, but sometimes he can be a jerk too. Especially when he starts trash-talking spirit channeling. And he's seen me channel at least three people!"

"Incidentally, Ms. Fey, I wanted to formally thank you for what you did today," Sycamore told her. "I didn't realize just how terribly I'd needed to see her face one more time. Mr. Wright said the victims of my plot needed closure, but you...you provided me more closure than most."

"No problem at all! Er...I wanted to channel your daughter, too, but...it's virtually impossible with little kids. Not one Fey in the last eight generations has been able to do it...not even my own cousin."

"It is probably for the best all things considered. At her age, I don't know how well Millie would have grasped the concept of death. Though I would give anything just to see her again, I'm afraid that such an encounter would only serve to confuse and upset her..."

Maya lowered her gaze. "Yeah...I guess I could see that. Well, if you want to talk to Mrs. Sycamore again, just let me know!"

"I don't believe I will need to anytime soon, but thank you for the offer."

"Flora?" Layton asked, noticing the girl's unhappy gaze. "Is something the matter?"

"All this talk of spirits...and the dead..." Flora responded. "It's just...I wonder... if my parents could see me today, would they be proud of me? Errh-" She looked embarrassed, having remembered where she was. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about that right now."

"It's all right. I can't imagine your parents wouldn't be proud of you. You've come so far these last few months."

"Really? But... all the other girls seem so far ahead of me..."

"Can you truly blame yourself for that?" Sycamore asked, mirroring their previous exchange. "Or are you simply doing your best following events over which you had no control? You didn't ask for your parents to be taken from you, nor did they desire to leave you behind. Layton is right; you have come so far. It does not matter where you are, or even where you begin. You have your whole life ahead of you."

"That's right!" added Maya. "Things don't always play out the way we want them to, but no matter what, you shouldn't let that hold you back. I always felt like I was in the shadow of someone else...my mother, my sister, and even Nick...but I knew I had to keep going, or it would never get better for me. Heck, some days it feels like I'm still waiting for it to get better..."

"Really?" Flora said with surprise. "But you seem so calm and collected under pressure! Plus, you have a wonderful talent..."

"Thanks. Honestly, I think Nick freaks out enough for the both of us. Mr. Edgeworth likes to put on an act, but there are times he forgets that-oh!" She clamped a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, I'm not trying to badmouth Nick or anything. He's actually pretty good at what he does. It's just that he doesn't always get that message across..."

Sycamore chuckled at that. "Don't worry, Ms. Fey. I have complete confidence in Mr. Wright's abilities. He's made it this far, after all. More than that, I have detected a certain quality within him-one that I do not sense in many barristers. He is genuinely concerned with the needs of his client, as well as the outcome of the trial for all parties involved. I do not know what will transpire tomorrow, but I am grateful for everything he has done for me. You as well, Ms. Fey."

Maya beamed. "Awww...we're glad to do it, Mr. Sycamore. But speaking of tomorrow...are you ready?"

"Hmm." The man briefly looked down. "These last few weeks, I haven't looked forward to a day more. Now that it has arrived, I'm not so certain I wish to face it. But..." He met the gazes of his visitors once again. "I will. This is the way it should be, after all."

Phoenix was exhausted, having only gotten around three hours of sleep the previous night, yet he managed to have enough energy to be fully nervous. This time, however, it was for a different reason. I hope we did the right thing...

Maya, who took her usual place beside him, did not share in this energy. Her task had been a different one-to keep Hershel Layton occupied once his visit with Desmond Sycamore was over. "I can't believe this day has already come," she said. "And how weird was that, the judge suddenly pulling you and Mr. Edgeworth into his chambers? What exactly was so important that you couldn't tell me about it?"

"Well, with the sentence happening today, the judge wanted to be clear on what we could expect. Mr. Sycamore's crimes...I mean, they're a pretty long list. The kidnapping portion alone could get him up to ten years."

"No way. Mr. Sycamore is going to jail for ten years?"

Phoenix shook his head. "N-no, not exactly. I mean, that's the maximum punishment just for the kidnapping, at least in this case. Think about the events at the Crown Petone. There were hundreds of people in attendance, even though the majority of them were released shortly after the abduction. Not to mention the other kidnappings in Misthallery. Now add everything else on top of that...destruction of property, blackmail, and so on. It's like I said...someone in his position could go away for a long time."

Maya looked depressed. "How awful..."

In the following moments, the judge appeared, taking his usual place. "The court is now in session for the trial of Desmond Sycamore," he announced. "More specifically, this is a sentencing hearing. Mr. Wright. Mr. Sycamore."

Phoenix nodded, then looked to his client, who was in the defendant's chair.

"Your Honor?" asked Sycamore.

"Mr. Sycamore," the judge repeated. "This has been a most unusual case...but then, the crimes described have also been unusual. It is for this reason I gathered several individuals into my chambers yesterday. It is not my normal procedure, but as stated, this is a most unusual case."

"Here we go..." Maya murmured.

"Mr. Sycamore's crimes could have landed him in prison for several decades, had the prosecution sought the maximum punishment. However, a number of victims chose to withdraw charges, leaving us to determine a sentence for a fraction of the original crimes. Mr. Sycamore, you are guilty of the destruction of property in Misthallery, of conspiring with the police chief to cover up your actions, of kidnapping two citizens, and fraudulently changing the will of a deceased man and temporarily robbing two children of their inheritance. You also coerced a retired engineer into building machines for your plot. You then deceived and kidnapped several hundred theater attendees in the Crown Petone. As for your acts in Monte d'Or, the city has withdrawn all charges. The institutions that funded your research have also elected to not press charges. I would have also added attempted murder, but even those charges have not been pursued..."

Luke and Professor Layton must have pretty big hearts, thought Phoenix. And I guess Mr. Bronev wouldn't dare, after everything he's done.

The judge shook his head. "Enough. Desmond Sycamore...I sentence you to 120 months, or ten years, in prison. But since you had already pleaded guilty, I have reduced this to 80 months." He cleared his throat. "...still, something about that did not sit well with me. I wondered if that by itself was a fitting punishment. The truth is...the individuals I summoned yesterday held the answer. I needed the minds of those with whom you had...greatly interacted. I will now reveal what the true sentence will be..."

"Wait, what?" asked Maya.

"You'll see," said Phoenix.

"Mr. Sycamore, you have been through so much in your life, things that one would not wish upon his worst enemy. I cannot condone the path you have taken in response to the tragedies in your life, but hopefully I can ease some of that suffering." The judge paused. "For that reason, I have reduced those 80 months...to seven."

The audience reacted in surprise; in fact, it seemed the only people not surprised by the news were Phoenix and Edgeworth.

"S-seven months?!" exclaimed Sycamore. "Your Honor, I...I don't understand."

"I will explain," the judge replied. "Normally, I would hand down the sentence and nothing more, but I could not do so in this case. You have committed some terrible crimes, but you have also performed some heroic acts. It is as the defense stated...you are a complicated man. While in prison, you will submit yourself to psychiatric treatment. It is...long overdue, I believe, in your path to healing. At the end of the prison term, you will return to the home of your brother, Hershel Layton, and complete the remainder of your debt to society, a period of 73 months, through community service. Your first assignment has been decided by Mayor Greppe of Misthallery - though the majority of property has been repaired by this time, you will survey and determine which structures are still needing repairs, and assist where needed. Otherwise, you will perform other tasks as instructed for the number of months you terrorized this town. When you have finished, you will then turn your attention toward Monte d'Or, where the mayor has also requested your services for some kind of role. While not performing community service, you are not to leave your brother's residence for six months, and you are not to leave the country until your community service is complete...with one exception. You are to also pay multiple fines to the city of Misthallery." He took another pause. "You are a lucky man, Mr. Sycamore. Not many people have someone looking out for them in a situation such as this, and this decision is a first for this courtroom. It is a most unusual punishment befitting most unusual crimes."

"I..." Redness crept up the man's face. "I don't know what to say. People...have served heavier sentences for a fraction of the things I've done. I...I am...I'm deeply humbled, and grateful. I don't deserve anyone's kindness, yet you have all given it to me..."

"If you ask me, this whole world could use a little more kindness. Mr. Edgeworth?"

Edgeworth nodded. "As promised, Mr. Sycamore, I have arranged for you to attend Mr. Raymond's funeral. It will take place tomorrow."

Sycamore nodded. "Th-thank you..."

"I see no reason to prolong our presence here," said the judge. "The sentence has been read. Mr. Sycamore, your sentence will begin in three days. You will surrender yourself at that time. Should you fail to appear, the proposed punishment will be void and you will serve the 120 months in jail. Please keep that in mind. Until then, your bail has been posted, so you are free to go... for now. Court is dismissed."

"I don't get it," Maya said and she and Phoenix walked back to the lobby. "Mr. Sycamore is getting off pretty easy. And who posted his bail? I'm pretty sure he had no interest in posting it himself."

"Believe it or not...a lot of people contributed here and there," said Phoenix. "They didn't see a reason for him to stay."

"Huh? But why?"

"These last couple of days have been pretty intense. People saw a man in serious need of help...and they responded."

"Yeah...I felt pretty bad for him yesterday."

"Me too," said Phoenix. "But not just that...I think that, after hearing his story, most people realized he was no longer a threat, and hasn't been for a while. This Azran stuff is ancient history, no pun intended. Mr. Sycamore isn't seeking revenge against them or anybody else. And with that being the case, he's actually a pretty decent guy."

"He really is...but I still think he's getting off pretty light."

"You're telling me. But honestly...I wish that would happen more. Not that people who commit heinous crimes should just go free or anything, but...I wish the courts were more interested in whether or not there's any benefit to just tossing someone in prison or worse. I mean, yeah, we could have done that with Mr. Sycamore, but who would have benefitted from that? Aside from those who want to see him rot. I just think he's someone with a lot to offer society when he isn't behind bars."

"He does seem like the kind of person that a lot of people look up to," said Maya. "That girl, Flora...I spoke with her last night after visiting Mr. Sycamore, and she's really sweet. She says she hasn't known him for long but the way she talks, I think that he's been filling a parental role for her. I'm sure a long prison sentence would have ruined that."

"Let's hope she's good with the alternative. All of them, actually..." Phoenix opened the doors to the lobby to find a surprising amount of people present. "Uh..."

"Mr. Wright!" Sycamore called to him, hurrying over. "I...I wanted to say...thank you. Thank you for everything. I am lucky that Layton knew a man like you. You have my eternal gratitude. If it weren't for you and your friends, Ms. Fey and Mr. Edgeworth, then I'm certain the outcome would have been drastically different..."

"Don't mention it," Phoenix said with a grin. "I'm just glad it all worked out. And to be honest, it wasn't just the three of us. The judge wasn't kidding about others looking out for you. You know about Mayor Greppe, he was one of them. And I'd better warn you, the others had some seriously creative ideas after you, uh, imposed a few creative ideas of your own upon them. They thought this was the best way to show mercy and have you repay your debt to society."

"Is that so? And who are these people, if I may ask?"

"Professor Sycamore." Clark Triton and Randall Ascot appeared from behind and then joined the small group.

"Y-you two?" Sycamore asked, stunned. "But...but why?"

"Greppe and I disagreed on many things," said Clark. "But we always wanted what was best for Misthallery. I knew he would be interested in the conversation, so I brought him into it. And honestly, I don't know how much more there is to do in town, but I know he'll put you to work. So...look forward to it."

"Oh...of course..."

"Monte d'Or also had its share of damage, thanks to the performance you and I put on two years ago," said Randall. "But due to the revenue that came in that year, all the damage was repaired within a month. The sand was flushed out, the streets fixed, the buildings patched and reinforced in the unlikely event of another disaster. Henry, Alphonse, and I...found this to be a teachable moment."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes one must tolerate what is unpleasant...for the greater good. We all despise what the role of the Masked Gentleman represented. But the truth is, Mr. Sycamore, during the year the dark miracles were performed, Monte d'Or pulled in the most amount of revenue it had seen in its eighteen years. Incidentally, you recall how the judge spoke of a special role for you to fill? We have all decided that the Masked Gentleman will return for a limited run...this time, with you beneath the mask...and, of course, without the attempted destruction of the town."

Sycamore was stunned a second time. "Wh-whaaaaaat?!"

"I believe your exact words in court were 'I fear I have missed my calling as a special effects creator, or a theater producer.' The illusions you created that year were more convincing than most magicians' tricks. I understand your life is different now, but certainly you will draw inspiration from somewhere? If the initial run is a success, we will request your presence twice a year until your community service concludes. Otherwise, you will fill other roles as needed."

"Oh...m-my..." Sycamore composed himself. "Then...then I will certainly do my best. Thank you...Mr. Ascot."

"And you'd better put on a good show, Mr. Sycamore," said Maya. "Because Nick and I are gonna check it out!"

Phoenix was suddenly feeling some degree of secondhand embarrassment. She's...she's looking at Mr. Sycamore the way she looks at a burger after a whole day of not eating. "Uh...yeah...! Monte d'Or sounds like it'd be fun to visit too."

Sycamore could only offer nervous laughter in return.

"Desmond," said Layton, who approached with Luke and Flora. "Honestly, I do not know whether to extend my congratulations or not. But this outcome is a pleasant surprise." He looked toward Phoenix and Maya. "Mr. Wright, Ms. Fey...thank you...for everything."

Flora ran to Sycamore, throwing her arms around him. She then looked at Phoenix and Maya, tears of relief in her eyes. "Thank you so much. I was so scared...I thought Professor Sycamore would be locked away forever. But now..." She turned back to the man.

Sycamore responded with a smile, returning her embrace.

Luke nervously cleared his throat. "Um...Professor Sycamore, I...I'm glad the sentence wasn't as bad as it could have been. It probably would have been...I mean, it would have been pointless, because...well..."

"Thank you, Luke," the man said, before the shame returned to his expression. "I truly am sorry for the terrible things I did to you, to your family, and to Layton. I was not in a good place, but this does not excuse my behavior. And...I would also like to thank you. Whether or not it was for my sake, I am grateful for your testimony...and your mercy."

Luke started to blush. "Honestly, it's been difficult. Knowing who you are, knowing all the things you did, good and bad. But...I know you're not a bad person. You just...needed help to get out of 'that place.'"


Luke turned to Phoenix and Maya. "Mr. Wright, Maya...thanks for helping Professor Sycamore. It'll be good for Professor Layton and Flora too..."

Between the expressions of gratitude and the sight of people reuniting, Phoenix felt a warmth in his heart. "No problem at all," he said with satisfaction, bringing a hand to the back of his head. "It's what we do-" He was cut off by a familiar sting of pain. "Aaaaggghhhh!"

"Phoenix Wright," the woman scolded. "You know better than to claim all the credit for yourself."

Oh, for the love of... Phoenix recovered from the shock as Franziska von Karma and Miles Edgeworth approached. "It's just an expression! I wasn't claiming all the credit. Geez."

"You know better than to argue with her, Wright," said Edgeworth.

Either way, it doesn't keep her from cracking that whip. "I know a lot of people pitched in. And...I didn't understand it at the time, but I realized it was necessary for Bronev to testify. Otherwise, we might not have gotten the entire truth. So...thanks for what you did, Edgeworth... you too, Ms. von Karma. Without your help, things may have gone much differently."

"Hmph." Franziska showed that familiar smirk. "Perhaps I am beginning to see why you are happy even when you lose."

"As long as my client is satisfied with the outcome, I guess I don't feel like I really lost," said Phoenix.

"That's right, Mr. Wright," Sycamore said, looking around at the crowd. "As the judge stated earlier, I am a lucky man. I was prepared to serve a harsher sentence, but now I will serve an alternate one. Of course, this does not make me immune to other lawsuits, but now I feel as though I have the strength to face them."

"You will, Desmond," Layton told him. "And you will not face them alone."


"Ah, Mr. Sycamore," said Edgeworth. "This may sound strange coming from the prosecutor in your trial, but I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth," Sycamore replied. "And thank you for everything you and your friends have done for me. When those seven months are over, I..." He stopped, a look of astonishment on his face.

"What's the matter, Mr. Sycamore?" asked Phoenix, puzzled at the man's sudden mood change.

"I am to be released...in seven months, starting three days from now. That would be...the day before my birthday. It will be my fortieth."

"Well, they say life begins at 40."

"Who says that, Mr. Wright?"

"Uh..." Phoenix gave an abashed chuckle, and then shrugged. "I dunno. It's just something one of my mom's friends used to say a lot when I was a kid. Now that I think about it, she was a little vain and probably meant it differently. But I think it works here. I mean, new beginnings and all."

"Is that so?" said Sycamore, bringing a hand to his chin in thought. "I could use a new beginning. This time, I'll make the most of it...with family and friends around me."

"We'll make sure that you do, Desmond," Layton told him.

"You have my thanks, Layton." He looked around at the crowd. "Well, then, now that the trial is over, I confess to feeling peckish. I may go to the Silver Needle for sandwiches and tea. It has been a long time..."

That seemed to spark Edgeworth's interest. "Would that happen to be a certain tea room just around the corner? I've had my eye on that place for a while now."

"The very same. Would you care to join me, Mr. Edgeworth?"

Edgeworth nodded. "It would be my pleasure, Mr. Sycamore."

"What are they, besties all of a sudden?" Maya murmured.

"I guess so..." said Phoenix.

Sycamore turned to the others. "In fact, please, everyone... if you wish, do come along. It will be my treat. Your friends and family are also welcome."

"Ah, the Silver Needle!" Layton chimed in. "They have a collection of homemade brews, but also carry teas imported from several countries. Everything there is loose leaf, and in some cases, carefully tied by hand into intricate patterns."

Edgeworth showed a smirk. "Professor Layton, you had me at 'tea.'"

"You had me at free food!" Maya declared.

"Same here!" Luke exclaimed, then turned to Clark. "Dad, is it all right if we go?"

Clark nodded. "I think so. Professor Sycamore is turning over a new leaf. This appears to be a genuine invitation for company. That reminds me, I should see if your mother is interested in joining the rest of us. If you'll excuse me..." With that, he left the room, the others gradually following.

Phoenix stood there as the lobby emptied out. Gee...I sure hope this tea place is big enough for all of us. And...didn't Mr. Sycamore say he might get sued in the future? I wonder if this is a good idea. Well, maybe it'll be okay... He was lost in that thought when he heard, "Nick?"

Maya was looking at him from the exit. "Are you coming? Hurry up or we'll leave you behind."

"Oh, uh..." Phoenix looked around, realizing he was the last one left in the room. "...yeah." He cleared his throat, and then hurried over to his companion.

To be continued...

A/N: Because I'm a doink who forgot to do this in the last update... thanks to Bicycle for your comments. I kind of wish we'd gotten more info about Sycamore's family myself. Oddly, it would be a double-edged sword now, lol. Nah, anything involving Sycamore/Descole is still good.

Random note, I'm sure glad the AA court system is kind of messed up, as much as I enjoy the gameplay. I'm probably still stretching things a bit, but at least it makes an outcome such as this seem possible. Not so much in real life.