"Sherman come with us." Kate asked the tin man.

"Kate there is no place for me where you are going. You know this."

Kate just looked at him and willed him to reconsider with her eyes. He would have none of that.

"Go, now Kate."

Kate gives one last look to Sherman and then takes Rick's hand. They both walk through the gate and then are gone.

Sherman just looks to where they were and is happy that they did leave. The gate is ramping up as the timer comes closer to expiring. Then Sherman thinks of something and he hopes Kate is still in tune with him. Just before the detonation happens he finishes his thought and then the gate explodes and he is vaporized. He knows it can't happen since he is a machine equipped without emotion but he thinks that a tear ran down his steel cheek before he died.

Kate and Rick stepped through the gate and were met with air that is breathable and pure, nothing that she is used to from where she came from. Rick looks at her and can see that leaving with her was the best decision he's ever made in his life.

This is not the end… this is not the beginning of the end… it is the end of the beginning.

Kate heard this in her head and knew that it came from Sherman before he ceased to exist. It was like they were still connected. Once his voice ended she knew that he was gone.

She looked out at the rising sun and wondered what they were going to face next. Was she going to have Rick's child? She sure hoped she would. But how could Sherman ever know something like that? Like he said there was only one way to find out…

"So Rick do you want to see where our new world will take us?"

"Kate I'd thought you'd never ask…
