this is a gift for my good friend, JxAfan2000 for his birthday. I let him choose three different pairings, and I went with this one. hope he likes, and hope you like too

"Alright, Takeru Takaishi, today's the day," TK said to himself as he stood in front of an apartment complex, but not just any apartment complex. No, his crush Kari Kamiya lived there, and today he hoped to change that to girlfriend. He got ready to go upstairs when he froze and turned around. He wasn't scared of Kari. No, it was who lived with Kari he feared. Not her father, he was cool. It was her brother, Tai. "Man, I know Tai's gonna be mad at me if he knew what I was trying to do."

"You mean ask Kari out on a date?" a mature female voice asked.

"Yeah, ask Kari out on a date." TK then took a moment before turning and seeing who spoke to him. "Hey Sora."

"Trying to ask Kari out on a date, but the fact that Tai's up there is keeping you stuck."

"Yep. Hit the nail on the head. I can face a digital ogre without batting an eye, yet I get scared of a guy who lives with my crush. If only there was a way to get Tai out of the house for a while."

"Sorry, TK, I wish I could help you."

TK took another look at Sora before his face got a mischievous look on it.

"Actually, there might be a way."

"Wait, what? No, no, no."

"Please, Sora! Your crest is love. Don't you want to help promote love?"

"Oh, fine. I'll help." Sora pulled out her phone, texting Tai to ask if he wanted to hang out. "Alright, I'll get Tai out for a while, but I can't promise how long, so take your chance."

"Thanks again, Sora."

So TK hid while Sora waited for Tai to get down. Once he came down and went with Sora, TK took the chance to go up the elevator. He walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell. TK waited for a few seconds before the door opened, revealing Kari wearing her usual clothes.

"TK, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out. On the town. You and me."

"Sounds good to me. Just give me a minute to grab my bag."

So Kari went back inside and came out with a kitty purse. The two went down and on the town.

sorry for making it short. but I wanted to get this up. couldn't get the date and lemon done before the birthday with my Evil Ray story too. there will be a lemon, but it'll be tame. or at least you'll have to accept metaphors. someone told me my old Beyblade story "The Samurai and the Phoenix" was in violation of the rules, and I'd rather not get booted from here.