Chapter 26 - Epilogue

The Most Awaiting Chapter

Sit Back, Read and Enjoy!

Here We Go!

Everyone were surprised that Sailor Moon was returned back alive and they are all shared a group hug.

The Sailor Guardians along with the Moon cats were hugging her so weepedly.

" I never thought that you are gone for good. " Sailor Venus said

" We are so happy that you are came back. " Sailor Jupiter said in delight

" Serena, I'm so happy! " Sailor Mini Moon said in agonizing expression

" Thanks, guys. I'm finally home again. " Sailor Moon said

" We are so desperate after the battle against Arka, the Dark Lunar Princess at the D Point. After all, we having move on from what happened. " Sailor Mars said

" Don't you worry, guys. I won't ever leave this place ever again. " Sailor Moon told her friends

" Besides that, you are the strongest leader of all. " Sailor Mercury said with a smile

" Thanks, Amy. " Sailor Moon said

The group shared a group hug once again. After that, the Paladins approached to her.

" I'm so glad that you returned back alive, Sailor Moon. " Allura said

" Your Welcome, Princess Allura. " Sailor Moon said

" Hold on.. how did you get back alive all the sudden? " Lance asked

" It was almost three days since you went vanished after the battle in the D Point. " Shiro stated

" It was a long explanation, guys. The important is that I will returned back to planet Earth to be with you everyone. " Sailor Moon said

" The planet Earth was turned peaceful once again and nothing can ever interrupted some new evil forces arrives in. " Coran stated

" Wait.. how did you get that new Sailor uniform just like that? I think you like an white angel. " Pidge asked, wondering, looking at Sailor Moon new's uniform

" It was a long story. I can't believe it on how did I transformed into my ultimate form. " Sailor Moon said

" your ultimate form? I can't believe it was so cool. " Hunk asked, amazed

" I will explained it to you guys later. " Sailor Moon said with a smile

Jaden rushed to her, hugging her tightly, making the others act in romantic way.

" That's our man! " Muscles Mouse said

" Way the go, Jay! " Syrus shouted

" Just like in the past. " Tuffy said with a sigh

He was crying in emotional.

" I never thought you will came back here again. I was so worried about you when I heard that you are gone for good. I can't eat or drink anything to just wait for you for your return. I'm so happy... my darling Serena. "

She tapped her hand on his shoulder and said " I promise you that I will never ever leave you behind for real. "

" It does? "

That when, Keith was started to developed jealous in rage, realized in mind that Sailor Moon had still feelings for Jaden.

" Uh... are you alright? " Jerry asked, wondered

" I'm giving up. " Keith said

" giving up?! on what? " Jerry asked

" Don't tell me that you are... " Tom said in a uttered way

Back to Sailor Moon and Jaden

" But... Serena... I need to talked with you on private. "

" in private? What do you mean? "

And Jaden turned to Tom and Jerry

" What's it, Master? " Jerry asked

" Can I asked you for a request? " Jaden asked

" What request? " Tom asked in curiousity

He whispered to his ear. While they are whispering each other, the paladins and the others were wondering.

" What they are talking about? " Hunk asked

" I don't know. maybe it was a secret one, I think. " Pidge said

" You got the point. " Lance said

After whispering each other, Jaden turned to the paladins.

" So... what is it, Sir Jaden? " Shiro asked

" Need help? " Allura asked

" Well, I already told to Tom about on what he gonna do. " Jaden said

" And... what's next? " Shiro asked

" First, I will speak to Sailor Moon in private for a minute. " Jaden said

" Okay, we get it. You gonna tell to her about your secret feelings , aren't you? " Lance asked, embarrassed

" Lance, will you stop it?! " Allura told him

" Sorry, Allura. I didn't mean that to. " Lance apologize

" It wasn't that. I need to asked her a favor. " Jaden stated

" What kind of favor did you say? " Coran asked, confusing

Then Jaden turned to Sailor Moon

" Shall we? "

" Of course. "

The two leave away from the scene.

" Shall we let them to go? " Sailor Jupiter asked

" It will be fine, those two are quite very serious this much. " Sailor Mars said

" I think Jaden will tell it to her something very important. " Luna stated

" You say so but are you sure it will gonna work that way? " Artemis asked, wondered in curious

" Everything it gonna be fine after all. Those two are defenders of the universe, right? " Sailor Mini Moon asked

" Yep, I agree to that. " Diana said

The paladins looked at each other in curiousity.

" So.. what now? " Lance asked

Shiro turned to Keith, asked " Shall we speak for a moment? "

" For what? " Keith asked

And the two left away.

" So.. what did Master Jaden tell to you, pal? " Jerry asked, whispered to his ears

" He tells to me that I will talked to Keith. " Tom said

" You will gonna talk to him?! But..." Jerry asked, trying to finished of what he gonna say

" We can't let him to make jealous to Jaden so that why he told me to talked to him in private. "

" Okay, I understand. I think Shiro will be the one to talk with him. He's the only one to understand his feelings. " Jerry said

Tom runs in hurry

" pal! Wait! Where are you going?! " Jerry said, trying to stopped him

" Let him be, he knows on what he will gonna to do. " Spike told him

" Yeah, cheered up. " Butch said

" Okay, fine! " Jerry said with a sigh

Acxa, was stunning in silent, was worried about him.

" Is something wrong? " Ezor asked

" I was so very worried about him. I never thought that he got a love interest already. I don't know on what should I do next. " Acxa said

" Don't lose faith, my friend. I hope he will gonna be fine. " Zethrid told her, cheered her

" Yeah, you're right.. " Acxa said in a stunning way

" Don't lose to that moon warrior, Acxa. Remember, you are the strongest and fastest in our team. " Ezor told her

" Thanks " Acxa said with a smile and she thought on her mind " I will do everything to take care of him but I'm afraid if that Sailor Moon was really was his first true love then it will gonna be... "

The Voltron Coalition members looking at her expression.

" Will Acxa be alright? " Nyma asked in curiousity

" She will gonna be fine. She had just been worried about Keith's safety. " Matt said

" I never thought that she was in love to him from the first place. " Rolo stated

" Yeah. After all, Both of them are half Galra heritage. " Ryner said

" Yep, I guess you are right but I think I'm not so sure about that. " Olia said

" What do you mean by that, Captain? " Matt asked

" About the past relationship of him and Sailor Moon? " Nyma asked

" Might probably it is. " Olia said

" Speaking at which.. how was those two paladins are talking about right now? " Rolo wondered

Meanwhile at the garden alley, Keith and Shiro are standing at the post stand.

" So... what are we doing here, Shiro? " he asked

" I need to asked you in private. " Shiro said

" What do you need that to asked from me?! I completely understand that Sailor Moon. .. I mean... my beloved Serenity still have feelings for Jaden. I was started to jealous at him again. I never realized that it will happened that way from before when I encountered him. Why she does loves me?... Why she chose Jaden instead of me? I'm such a pathetic loser. " Keith said in emotional

" Keith, I know that Serena had still feelings for you even though that you two are different each other but there is one thing in common... as the defender of the universe. " Shiro told him

" Even though I was reincarnated here on planet Earth, she will ever to forget about me for real. I'm already given up now. " Keith said

" What?! Are you out of your mind? " Shiro asked

" Sailor Moon didn't have been cared about me so that why she was going to someone else who is better than me. I can't take this anymore! I'm out of here! " Keith shouted in anger, trying to walked out

" Keith! Wait! " Shiro shouted, trying to stopped him

But then, Tom went in.

" Tom? " Shiro asked

" Keith, we need to talk. " Tom said

" I don't have time to talk with you, I'm out of here! " Keith shouted, trying to walked away

" Don't you think that Sailor Moon will accept you that way?! " Tom asked in anger

And Keith was shocked of what he said and he stopped walking.

" That's was a close relief. " Shiro said with a sigh

" I been heard your conversation with Shiro. Are you saying that you are given up on her because of her love for Jaden? Why you thinked such a thing like that? Sailor Moon is still not giving up on loving you just she did to Jaden for all those years even though you two are reincarnated on planet Earth just to be with her. You have to make your mind straight before you can say anything. Jaden told me a while ago that Sailor Moon admitted that she has truly cares and loves you for real. So that why he and Sailor Moon were talking about the same thing. Don't let your emotions growing rageous. "

Then he kneel down to the ground, crying in emotional.

" If you wanted to prove that Sailor Moon had loved you then you must proved it through your heart and mind. " Tom told him

" But how? " Keith asked, confusing in panick

That when, Sailor Moon and Jaden came in.

" Hey, Jaden. " Tom said, turned to him

" Is everything was alright? " Shiro asked him

" Seems fine. " Jaden said

" So.. what did you and Serena talking about out there? " Tom asked

" Well.. it actually was... " Jaden uttered

Sailor Moon steps forward to Keith.

" Serena? "

" Yes? What is it? "

" I feel terribly sorry for I have do-"

" No need to apologize to me because I finally understand that. "

" understand of what? "

Jaden said to him " Sailor Moon... I mean... Serena has made the final decision. "

" final decision? " Shiro asked to Tom

" He means about during their confrontation last time. Serena can't able to finished answered yet because of the interrupted incident. " Tom said

" Oh, yeah. I finally remembered that. She hasn't finished said it that who will be her true boyfriend. So that's why... " Shiro stated

" Now.. everything was clear the whole situation. " Tom said

" Huh? What do you mean by that? I never thought you and Sailor Moon are been in... " Keith said, trying to finished of what he gonna say

" I know that but she has changed her mind because I believe that she truly loves you so much because you are her first love. " Jaden said

" But... I don't understand... " Keith uttered

Sailor Moon tapped on his shoulder, said " Keith, as the defender of the universe. I will never changed my past love for you because I loved you with all my heart and soul and I'm willing to sacrifice my own life just to protect you always and I will stay by your side no matter what... always... forever... for real... that's was my final decision. I will always be with you always. "

Then Keith was touched of what Sailor Moon said and he suddenly crying in emotional.

" Sailor Moon... I never realized you will gonna do this to me. I'm so hurt so badly because anger and jealousy was inside me. Now, I finally understand why we are reborn here on this planet. "

" As I promise you that I won't ever leave you again just like from the past. " Sailor Moon said

" You will? "

" Of course. I love you so much."

" I love you, Serenity.. with all my heart. "

The two embraced each other. The three were in happy expressions then the five went back to the others, who were waiting for them.

" So.. what's now? " Jerry asked

" Is everything was okay? " Allura asked

Sailor Moon reverse back to her civilian form and she holds Keith's right hand and said to them " Everything was going to be fine. " with a smile on her face and she asked them " Shall we? "

" Huh? " the others confused

" I think she planned a party... for... ALL OF US! " Tom shouted

" Wait.. are you serious about this? " Lance asked

" Of course it is because the whole universe was in peace again thanks to these two defenders of the universe who hadn't given up on one another. Without them, we can't able to lived a normal and peaceful life on planet Earth. " Tom stated

" I think Tom got the point. " Shiro said

" Well.. what are we waiting for?! It's Time to party!! " Coran shouted

Everyone were shouted in delight and later that night, they celebrated a victory party at the Hikawa Shrine, Raye's home. Every creatures from every planets and galaxies were invited and they enjoyed themselves, thanks to Sailor Moon ,who had bring peace and unity together once again and also for the love of her life, and Keith, a loner turned into a strong and brave paladin and leader of Team Voltron, was capable that they are meant to be together forever always... as the defenders of the universe.

(3 Years Later)

After the defeat of the Invaders, Everyone were moving on to their new lives. The Sailor Guardians were now in their new respective works and responsibilities. Amy was worked in Canada, as a computer teacher, to teached unpreviliged childrens while on the other hand, Raye was working as a shrine instructor in Thailand, for Lita, she was worked as cooking chef in a well known restaurant in Italy, while Mina was worked as an assistant idol manager in a well popular company in Greece and for Rini, she was already a high school student, was studied in a high school university.

Also, the paladins were now in their new responsibilities too. Pidge was teaching basic technologies to the inspiring computer students alongside with her brother Matt. Hunk, was built a new restaurant for every creatures. On the other hand, Lance and Allura were started to spread the message of Sailor Moon in across every planets from every galaxies while Shiro returned back to Galaxy Garrison to finished the research about a mysterious celestial object that it will crashed on planet Earth in the future generation.

For Tom and Jerry along with their relatives and friends, they are returned back to their hometown to rebuild their new building for the lost childrens and lonely people while Jaden and Syrus traveled back to Duel Academy, to be the duel instructors to those who will be the next legendary duelists.

On the other hand, Keith was visited his father's grave at the cemetery. He placed flowers on it.

" You know what, Father.. for all those years had passed by... I was been so happy that I already have my first love of my life... she was the one who gave courage to never give up hope and have faith... and you know what, she and I were in relationship... is because that I was in love to her from the past life... Without her, I couldn't move on from this new life... that's the reason why I was so very lucky that she was always there with me by my side at all times. I won't ever be so desperate anymore... because of her. " he said

That when, Krolia arrives in a rush.

" Is something wrong, Mom? " Keith asked

" I think Serena wanted to give this letter to you. " Krolia said

" For me? But why? " Keith asked, confusing

" Is because she will gonna study in America, as an inspiring writer. " Krolia stated

" What?! She will gonna leave already? " Keith asked in surprised

Krolia handled the letter to him.

" Read it if you want to know the answer. " she said

And he opened the letter then he reads it

Dear My Beloved Keith,

I'm so sorry for not telling you about my upcoming departure. Well you see, my parents encouraged me to study in America, to become an inspiring writer of a novel book. I will be study there for a year and a half. I'll be back after I graduate. I already told that situation to the other paladins, my friends including Tom and Jerry with their friends even to Jaden.

I know it was hard to leave but I have to achieve my ultimate dream and you know what, this is my ultimate goal when I was little girl. Writing is my favorite hobby ever.

So, just stay strong and continued your responsibilities as the leader of Team Voltron. As I promised you that I will be remained with you always by your side.

I Love You

Truly Yours,

Your Only True Love and Protector

Serena Tsukino a. k. a Sailor Moon


After he reads her letter, his tears was falling from his eyes.

" Son, Are you alright? " Krolia asked in anxious

Then he runs away

" Son! Wait! " Krolia shouted, trying to stopped him

" No... Serena... You can't do this to me... don't leave me behind... " he thought

While Keith wanted to go to the airport, to see Serena and his mother followed him in a distance. Behind the tree, Acxa was watching from afar, stunning in face, finally realized that Keith was in relationship with Serena but still, she had followed them.

In inside the Tokyo Airport, Serena was talked to her friends on a video call on her cellphone.

" So.. Are you leaving Japan, right? " Raye asked

" Yes, it is. I will fulfilled my dream to study in abroad. I will missed you all. " Serena said

" I will missed you too, Serena. " Rini said, as she about to cry

" Just stay well in there, Serena. " Lita told her

" Thanks, Lita. " Serena said

" Good luck! I hope you will came back someday. " Mina shouted

" You too, Mina. " Serena said

" Study harder, Serena. I hope you will be succeeded in your ambition in life especially to the paladins. " Amy told her

" Thanks, Amy. I will fulfilled that. " Serena said

" Hold on... did the paladins knows about this including Keith? " Luna asked

" Yes, I been already tell to them last night. They pleaded me to not leave but I told them about my true ambition. " Serena stated

" I see but how about Keith? Did he knows about it? " Raye asked

" No need to be worried about. I gave to his mother the letter that I wrote last night. " Serena said

" But... Did he understands it? " Raye asked

" Huh? Well.. of course it is.. I'm sure he will understand that way. Because I promise to him that I will never give up on my dreams. " Serena said

" Oh, I get it now. " Raye said

" Be careful, Princess. " Artemis told her

" Come back soon. " Diana said

" I will " Serena said

" Call us anytime if you needed to. " Lita told her

" If you have any problems in studying, just contact me if you need it. " Amy said

" Thanks, guys. I will. " Serena said

" Goodbye! " her friends shouted

" You too " Serena said with a happy expression

After that, she placed her cell phone on her pocket and she went continued on the airport counter, to wait for her flight to America. While she was waiting, the paladins surprised her from behind her back.

" Woah, you guys surprised me that much. " Serena said

" We planned this for you yesterday. " Pidge said

" Really? " Serena asked

" Sure thing, after all... we will miss you a lot. " Hunk said

" Me too, guys. I will be stay there for a year. " Serena said

" We understand of what you said to us last night and I'm sure that you will fulfill your ultimate goal. " Allura said

" Thanks, Allura. I am so appreciately grateful to work with you everyone when we fighting for the peace of the universe." Serena said

" Without you, Serena. We couldn't defeated the evil forces together. You believe that love and faith is the only weapon to bring fort to victory. That why me and Allura spread your message across the universe and to everyone. " Lance stated

" Your Welcome, Lance. Thanks for everything. " Serena said

" No problem. After all, we are all defenders of the universe. We stay together until the end. " Lance said

" Just be careful, Miss Tsukino. If you need some help, just contact us. " Shiro told her

" I will, Mr Shiro. " Serena said

" We will missed you a lot. " Coran said

" Me too, everyone. " Serena said, tearfully

Then they shared a tearful group hug.

" All passengers going to America, please go to the airline board 2 immediately. The airplane will be landed soon in 30 minutes. " the announcer said

" Well, I'll be going now. " Serena said, as she about to go walked away

" Goodbye, Serena. We will missed you! " Pidge shouted

" Good luck in there! " Hunk shouted

" I will! " Serena said, as she continued walking to the airline board

But suddenly a familiar voice was calling her, making her to stopped walking.

" SERENA!!! "

The paladins were surprised

" Wait... is that.. " Lance uttered

Keith runs quickly in a distance, and Serena was surprised.

" Keith? " Shiro wondered

He stopped running and he approached to her.

" He was fast quickly as should be. " Hunk said

" Yeah " Pidge said

And Serena put her luggages down and she went to him.

" Why you have to came here? " she asked

" Serena... why you didn't tell me about this? that you will leave already all of sudden... is that what you want?! please.. you have to stay here... I can't let you to leaved... please, Serena. " Keith said in emotional, crying in tears

" I'm so sorry but I can't. " Serena said

" Why not? " Keith asked

" Because I have to fulfilled my dream to become a writer. That's was my ultimate goal when I was a little girl. Now, I have to be more responsible and well harder to achieve my dreams. I can't turned away to give up my ambition. " Serena stated

" But.. I need you so much.. I couldn't do this without you when I need some help. " Keith said

" Don't need to be worried about me. I'll promise that after I graduate from America, I will return back here and we will be together once again, okay? " Serena told him

" You promise that to me? " Keith asked

" I will " Serena said

That when, Serena get a small box from her pocket.

" What's that? " Keith asked

" I will show to you. " Serena said

She opened the small box and he was surprised in grief.

" What is this? " he asked

" A special red necklace for you. Actually, this is the same necklace that I gave to Jaden from before so I wanted to give this same color necklace to you, in order for you to wear it, to remember me by at all times. " Serena stated

" You will give this to me for real? " Keith asked

" Of course because I love you so much for real. I will never fall in love to someone else ever again. " Serena said

And he was touched of what she said then he cried in tears. The paladins were act romantic towards them.

" I love you so much, Serena. You are truly my moonlight love forever. " Keith said

Then, Serena put the necklace on his neck and that moment, they shared a tearful goodbye kiss. The paladins act romantic again.

" How touching... " Lance said, crying in tears

" Just like on a TV drama. " Hunk said

" They are meant to be together always. " Pidge said

" You say so. " Shiro said

Krolia, was feel happy that her son was confident that Serena was there for him at all times. On the other hand, Acxa, was watching from behind the wall, was feel desperate that Keith and Serena were together in relationship and she leaves out the scene.

" All passengers going to America, please proceed to the main airline board, the airplane will be go off in 5 minutes. " the announcer said

" Goodbye, Keith. I love you. " Serena said, as she about to walk away

" Goodbye, Serena. I love you. " Keith said in a tearful expression

She walked to the main airline board along with some other passengers, then went inside the airplane.

" All passengers weared your seatbelts, the airplane will be take off in 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1." the announcer said

The airplane went off from the main board, flying off to the skies. As the airplane going off, the paladins watched in a distance.

" I guess we will missed her so much. " Allura said

" Yeah... " Lance said, uttered and he hold her hand

" Well, she will came back after a year. " Pidge said

" By the way, did you research about the mysterious celestial object that it will crashed on Earth? " Coran asked Shiro

" Yes but it was still on going. The Galaxy Garrison must know where is that mysterious celestial object came from outside of the universe. " Shiro stated

" That the good news. " Krolia said

" But first off, I'm getting starved. Shall we take to my restaurant? " Hunk asked

" Oh man, I can't wait to taste some of your delicious foods in there, Hunk. " Pidge said in excitement

" Thanks, Pidge. " Hunk said

" What are we waiting for? Let's go! " Lance said in a hurry and he runs quickly

" Hey, wait for me! " Allura said, followed him

Pidge, Hunk, Coran and Krolia goes followed next while Keith has still looking up at the skies.

Shiro turned his back, asking him " Keith, are you coming? "

" I will passed you guys at the outside. " Keith said

" Okay, suit yourself. " Shiro said then he left the scene

Keith, holding the red necklace that Serena gave it to him, placed in his chest by his hand and he looked up at the skies.

" I will missed you, Serena. You are the only lady of my life. You will always be in my heart forever. "

Then he walked out from the balcony.

Meanwhile at the outside of the universe, an unknown spaceship had arrived across the top of the planet Earth.

" So... this is the planet Earth? " a mysterious person, was sat on the throne chair, asked

" Yes it is, Your Highness. This is will be our second home to invade with. " the another person said

The mysterious person, wear a black cape on the back, wear a crown with a symbol that it was similar to the White Moon people but it was upside down and it was colored black (similar to the Black Moon Clan or Negamoon Family), but the face was not shown, stand up from the throne chair, looked at the planet Earth.

" Soon.. I will controlled the whole universe between past, present and future world and no one can ever stop me. " the mysterious person said and she laughed in evil grin

On the other hand at the alternate dimension, at inside the castle headquarters, all the members of Guns of Gamora was knocked unconscious including Arkus, by an unknown evil force. But at the Crystal Tokyo, Kairus was asleep in slumber in a glass coffin bed after the mysterious attack at the castle headquarters while Neo Queen Serenity watching at the distance, senses that new evil has been appeared in.

" It was coming... " she thought

What she means that it was coming? What evil force was behind from the mysterious attack at the alternate dimension and at the Guns of Gamora headquarters?

Where is that mysterious spaceship came from? What is their ultimate plan? To take over the entire universe or to take over time bounds between dimensional worlds?

Now, Kairus had been in slumber and the new evil force wanted to begun their invasion on planet Earth.

Will the paladins and Sailor Moon will returned back to battle?

Find Out

The story is still continued...

See You In The Sequel Story Titled:

Sailor Moon and Voltron Legendary Defender Crossover Sequel - An Another Story - Love of Sacrifice and Darkness

Don't Miss It!