I hung my head low as I focused on taking notes in class. I could feel Todoroki's eyes prying in my back and see Bakugou trying to steal glances at me. It has been over two weeks since the incident happened and I've been avoiding them as much as I could. They've been trying to talk to me, to talk things out and solve this, but for once, I don't feel like it. They really hurt me, and I don't think they understand that.

Their jealousy is just selfish and yet…. I feel like it's not their fault. It isn't like they can really help the fact that they both want me to their own. It's still uncommon for someone to love more than one person at the same time, so I'm just an exception. Still, it hurts me, and I want them to understand that.

I've been feeling a tad nauseous since the day their jealousy came to light and my heart has been aching non-stop. Is this how a break-up feels when you truly loved someone? I had no experience with relationships whatsoever before this, and going headfirst into a polyamorous relationship like this might've been crazy, but it felt good. It felt right to be with the both of them. I felt happy and content and fulfilled. I thought they did too. They seemed like it for a long time. I really wonder what has changed their minds…

I sigh deeply as the end of class bell rings. I don't want to go back to the dorm yet. It'll just end up being a pity party with me in my room or trying to force myself to be happy in the common room. Still, I have nowhere else left to go, so I make my way there anyways.

In my room, I change into some casual clothes and go back towards the common room to socialize. 'Hey, Deku-kun?' I hear. I look over and see Uraraka sitting down next to me. 'Is something wrong?' she asks. I can clearly see the worried look on her face. I guess it must've been noticeable how I've been feeling…

I keep my voice down as not to alarm anyone else. 'It's nothing really,' I answer her, trying to keep her from worrying too much. 'Deku, don't lie to me,' she says while frowning. 'I can easily see something's bothering you.' My eyes flicker down at my hands. Should I tell her? Is she really the kind of person to talk about such things? I guess she did help me when I first decided to start dating them.

Unconsciously, tears have started to gather in the corners of my eyes. 'Let's go to my room,' she says as she takes my wrist and guides me away from the rest of the class.

'I just don't know what to do,' I sob as tears freely stream down my face. I try to wipe them away with the sleeve of my shirt but they come so fast they're soaked before long.

'It's a tough situation,' Uraraka says as she soothingly rubs my back. I managed to tell her everything that happened before breaking down, but now that I'm not solely carrying this burden anymore everything just came out like a dam flooding over. 'You still love both of them, don't you?' she asks me. I nod while sniffling. 'Then why have you been avoiding them?' I try to wipe the last of my tears away and take a deep breath. 'Because they hurt me.'

'Nothing good will come from not talking it out. You know that.' I hang my head low again. I do know that, I was just trying to ignore it. 'Somehow.. I'm afraid that if I talk to them, they'll either make me choose, or decide not to want me back.' I wrap my arms around my legs and rest my chin on my knees. 'I don't know if I'll be able to handle that.'

'I'm sure that won't be the case.' I look up at her. She isn't smiling like usual but her gaze is determined. 'I think that they just got jealous for a bit, and now that they know they might lose you because of that, they'll find a way to make it work.' A flicker of hope lights inside my heart, making me feel a little less miserable. 'You think so?' I ask.

She nods. 'And even if they don't, then they just won't be worthy of you.' That makes my heart sink a little again. It's not the answer I wanted to hear, but it's true.

'So what should I do now?' I ask her. I'm too scared to simply go up to them and talk to them. She looks up from her phone after fervently sending a text message. She grins at me. 'I'm sure everything will work out fine.' I cock my head at her, but she won't say anything more. She practically shoves me out of her room and I'm left standing there, questioning what on Earth I should do now.

I'm hugging the pillow close to my chest as I scroll through the Hero News app. Nothing truly noteworthy happened today so I quickly toss my phone aside and roll over.

I squish the pillow over my face and moan. I should make some homework for class tomorrow, but my stomach is twisting and turning and I'm just really not feeling like it at all. I close my eyes, ready to call it an early night when I hear my door opening.

I immediately sit upright, pillow still clutching to my chest as Bakugou comes walking in. For some reason his fierce appearance is completely gone. He kind of looks… vulnerable. 'I heard you wanted to talk,' he says, not looking me in the eyes. A thousand gears start turning in my head. I didn't tell any of them that I wanted to talk, unless… Damnit, Uraraka!

I shift a bit to make space for him on my bed and he sits down. I feel strangely nervous, almost like the day after they both confessed to me. Just as that day, this situation isn't completely normal, and would never have happened in a normal relationship.


The word was spoken so fast and so soft, that I barely heard it. But I did hear it. I look over at him, his head hanging low as he's avoiding my gaze. 'It's just, I can't make sense of all these feelings,' he continues. 'I want you to be mine, and only mine, but I know you're happier with the both of us.'

This entire aura emanating from him makes me feel weird. Even within this relationship, Bakugou has barely ever shown any kind of weakness. Seeing how affected he is by this, I know he truly means it when he's apologizing. He looks up at me, his brows furrowed, as he's trying not to speak too much straight from his mind. I can see that he's in pain as well. 'I know this won't make up for what I did.. what we did.. and I understand if you don't want to take me back 'cause who knows if these feelings will linger, but I want you to give me a second chance.'

His eyes are sincere. It breaks my heart to know how much this must've hurt him as well, yet doubt creeps through my mind. Will it be worth it if he breaks my heart a second time? Two short knocks on the door takes our mind away from each other as Todoroki pops his head through the doorframe. 'Oh,' is all he says as he sees the both of us sitting on the bed, tears probably glistening in my eyes.

I swallow back my tears. 'It's okay, come in.' Todoroki comes into the room, closing the door behind him and sitting down on the chair at my desk, facing me and Bakugou. It remains painfully silent as everyone has their eyes cast downwards. I wonder if they feel the same as I do: nervous, constricted, wanting to say a million things but thinking it's all wrong and it'll ruin everything.

'I'm sorry.'

I look up and Todoroki is staring straight at me. 'What I did was selfish of me, and I apologize.' A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Being in the same room with the two of them, just the two of them, made me realize how much they're night and day again.

Bakugou, who never shows emotion, looking so vulnerable. Todoroki, usually quiet, his emotions hidden behind his mask but obvious for those who know him well, staring me straight in the eye, trying to keep strong. I need them. Both of them.

My heart is aching as I want to reach out and touch them, but something's holding me back. 'I appreciate you apologizing to me,' I tell them. 'But I don't know what I should do.'

'Why?' Todoroki asks. Bakugou's eyes are glistening. I notice myself glancing downwards but throw my shoulders back and tell myself to look them straight in the eye as I talk. 'Because I'm afraid you'll do this to me again. I don't know if I can trust being with the both of you again if all you're going to be is jealous, and wanting to claim me. I love you. Both of you. I don't want to have to choose.'

I take a deep breath, feeling breathless after that outburst. My face is starting to feel hot as I'm comprehending what I just said. But it's only fair to me, right? I want to make sure they won't leave me again but… that's selfish. 'You don't have to promise me you won't ever think like that again but… will you at least tell me?' I ask them.

It's a bad compromise. I'm risking everything in my heart with the chance of them hurting me again, but I don't want to lose them. I can't. I feel like my heart's going to be ripped out of my chest.

Todoroki gets up from his chair and sits down in front of me on the floor. He looks up at me, and I can see that his stoic expression is just a façade. I look back at Bakugou. Both of their gazes are so sincere.

Todoroki reaches out and takes one of my hands. 'Midoriya, I love you.' My heart skips a beat. 'I love you too, you damn nerd,' Bakugou says, taking hold of my other hand, trying to regain his usual personality but his voice is still soft.

'Even if I'll ever think like that again, I'll make it work, cause I love you,' Bakugou continues.

'I'll do everything for you,' Todoroki adds to that. Tears are welling up in the corners of my eyes. I slide down from the bed into Todoroki's arms who hugs me tightly to his body. I can feel Bakugou wrapping his arms around me as well.

'You don't have to promise you'll never leave me,' I hiccup as I cry softly. 'We don't have to, but we will anyways,' I hear Bakugou whisper against my ear. I feel Todoroki's hand against my head as he holds me, knowing that he agrees with Bakugou.

Somehow, this was solved with so little words. All that was needed was a little love and understanding. My heart felt like it was going to be ripped to pieces, but being here now, in the arms of the two boys I love, I feel whole again.

I don't know how long this will last, don't care if it's only for another day. I don't care what others might think about our relationship, because I love it, and I love them. In this moment, everything feels right again. No more words are needed to be spoken, because I know what they're feeling and they know what I feel for them. Even though this moment doesn't last long, I wish it could last forever. And forever, is what I got.

That's all! This is where I'll end this fic, I hope it makes you feel satisfied. Thank you all for the enormous amount of support you've given me throughout writing this. And before you get all sad that this is the last chapter, I want to tell you to cheer up! Even though this fic is finished (I wasn't entirely content with it anymore), I do have a plan for another TodoBakuDeu fic that'll be better written and thought out (in my opinion then haha). I hoped you liked it anyways and I hope to see you guys some other time! Again, thank you for your support, I truly love all of you 3 Bye-bye!