Title: Hell To Pay

Rating: T

Summary: Lucifer returns to Hell after a fight with Chloe. The Detective falls into a non-aging demon-cast coma. Ten years later, Trixie marches into the Devil's throne room to tell him to wake up her Mom or else. Lucifer and Chloe must find the perpetrator in Hell and bring them to justice. Before it's too late.

Pairings: Lucifer/Chloe, Lucifer & Trixie (Father & Daughter)

Tags: Teenage Trixie. Strong Trixie. Powerful Lucifer. Hell Politics. Demon Magic. Demon Hierarchy.

Chapter 1

"You're such an ass!"

Her mother's scream startled Trixie from her book, titled Myths and Legends of the Demon World.

Lucifer's voice followed. "Come now, Detective, I'm sure we can work this out."

Trixie hid her book under her pillow, sure her mother wouldn't approve of such reading material. She'd probably try to replace it with a book about fairy tales and princesses. Peeking around the corner of her bedroom doorframe, Trixie saw her mom and Lucifer standing rigidly by the front door.

"This is the last straw, Lucifer! Get out my house and don't come back!"

Trixie wasn't following – she'd missed the first part of the conversation.

Lucifer's face took on the look of a kicked puppy. "Detective– "


Lucifer held up his hands in placation. "Tell you what, I'll leave and you can give me a call when your bewildering human heart wants me back."

"Go to hell!"

Trixie's fingers clenched around the doorframe. Her mom never swore, and she'd never been this mad at Lucifer before.

"You know what, Detective, that might not be such a bad idea. A life on Earth without you in it would hardly be bearable." Flirting again.

"Goodbye, Lucifer," said her mother.

"Farewell, Detective." Lucifer tipped his hat, smiled his Lucifer smile, and the door clicked shut behind him.

That was when her mother turned, saw the top of Trixie's head peeking out, said "Trixie, I'm—", put a hand to her forehead, stumbled and collapsed to the ground.

"Mommy!" Trixie yelled shrilly. She dropped down beside her mom's body and tried to shake her awake. "Mom! Wake up!" Her mother was breathing, but Trixie was suddenly finding it very hard to. "MOMMY!"

Trixie wrenched open the front door and ran a few steps out onto the porch. "Lucifer!" Her voice was high-pitched, pleading. He wasn't there. The sun was setting. Everything was still and silent. How could the world be so silent when something so terrible had happened? It didn't make sense. Lucifer was gone. Her mom had fallen down. Nothing made sense.

Something glinted in the rays of the dying sun, sitting on the porch railing. Trixie picked it up. A silver coin, carved with the shape of a goat's head. She knew who this belonged to.

She ran back inside to call 911 and wait for her mom to wake up.


It had been ten years since Lucifer left.

Chloe Decker never woke up.

As the now eighteen-year-old girl stood outside the massive double doors to Hell's throne room, she felt the last ten years flash before her eyes. Her mother had been in a coma since Trixie was seven. When it was found that she wasn't aging at all while in the coma, Trixie suspected the supernatural. While scientists and doctors had dithered over the correct course of action behind hospital glass, Trixie had turned to magic. She'd always known Lucifer was the Devil, even though her mom had never been able to admit it to herself.

Trixie's interest in the supernatural grew into obsession. If her dad had ever noticed or cared, he didn't show it. He was always busy with work.

The first chance she'd gotten, she'd visited LUX, only to find an exuberant Maze locking the doors.

"We're finally going back," Maze had said, "Going home." Her face-splitting smile was a departure from her usually mopey presence, and Trixie felt a great foreboding, as if everything was about to change.

She'd hadn't seen either Maze or Lucifer again. She'd remembered Lucifer's words about calling, but her mom's phone had shattered in the fall and all the data had been lost – including Lucifer's phone number.

Now she stood on the precipice of all she'd learnt and all she'd ever worked toward. Reaching Lucifer's throne in Hell.

She was here for one reason and one reason only: to find Lucifer Morningstar, drag him back to Los Angeles by any means necessary, and make him wake up her mother. Trixie didn't know if Lucifer had been the cause of the collapse, but either way she was going to make him fix it.

She pushed open the doors and strode in, heeled black boots striking against the grey marble floor. She'd stepped onto a mezzanine, a railing ahead of her, and beside her a long decent of steps trailing down along the wall. Trixie peered down over the railing. She was deep underground, and the cavernous room below looked like it had been carved out of the rock itself. The walls were black and craggy, the floors smooth marble. The ceiling stretched away into darkness.

The floor below was packed wall to wall with people. Well, they looked like people, but Trixie would bet they weren't.

Lucifer's demon court.

Interspersed among them were scantily-clad and promiscuous dancers. Rock music seemed to beat out of the rock itself. Trixie made her way slowly down the stairs. The whole scene reminded Trixie of what little she'd seen of LUX before it had closed forever. Trust Lucifer to model his club after Hell. No wonder he hadn't wanted to go back underground. He'd been able to get the experience of his wanton den of iniquity without any of the actual responsibility. Curse him.

On the other side of the room atop a dais was a black twisting throne. The dark silhouette of a man lounged in the throne. She had waited so long for this moment. She reached the bottom of the stairs.

A demon was talking to Lucifer, and as she began to push through the crowd, she heard the demon's words. "Are you sure we should go through with this? Is a human really that important?"

"Although he is a vile little human, he has been a valuable ally. We will extend the hand of friendship and dispose of him later should I deem necessary," said Lucifer.

"Humans lives are worth nothing, Your Majesty. Have you considered if your time in the human world is swaying your judgement?"

Even Trixie – a human with no knowledge of demon customs – knew this was a dangerous statement. Her thoughts were backed up by the room as multiple horrified gasps echoed around her.

If looking intimidating while rising from a chair was an art form, Lucifer would have been a professional. As he stood, the courtiers within a five-metre radius of the offending demon retreated from him like a wave, leaving him occupying a bare patch of floor.

"Excuse me. Coming through. Sorry. Excuse me." Trixie was all pushes and elbows as the crowd thickened closer to the front.

Lucifer advanced on the demon like a lion would a gazelle, except his time the gazelle was fully aware and had no escape. And the lion was the epitome of evil itself.

The demon backed up on instinct and began apologising frantically. Lucifer's eyes glowed hell-fire red. The demon cried out and tripped over his own feet in a backwards step, sending him sprawling on the floor. The eyes that stared up at Lucifer dilated in pure terror.

There was a sound like an umbrella opening and two giant black exploded from Lucifer's back. The other demons cringed away, back-stepping, putting as much space between Lucifer and the demon on the floor as physically possible.

"Please!" said the demon, "Please don't hurt me!"

Lucifer seemed to pay no heed as he leaned down over the demon, nails extending into claws.

The demon opened his mouth to again but the words that echoed around the room didn't come from him.


Trixie stood at the front of the crowd, voice hoarse and triumphant. A woman nearby eyed her with bewilderment and a little bit of fear. Perhaps they all thought she was crazy for addressing Lucifer with his human pseudonym.

Slowly, Lucifer's back straightened, and he turned to her.

Their eyes met.

Brown and red.

Human and Angel.

Mortal and Immortal.

The sharp-toothed smile of the Devil King bled from his face. His eyes returned to normal and he looked exactly how she remembered him. Dashing and slightly ethereal.

"Beatrice," said Lucifer. She'd shocked the devil; this must have put her on a world record list.

Trixie marched toward Lucifer, heels clicking aggressively.

"Beatrice, what are you—" Lucifer was cut off as Trixie slapped him hard across the face. His head barely moved. In fact, Trixie thought he might have simply moved it on purpose to humour her. Or to perhaps stop her from breaking her hand. The bastard.

Before she could say another word, a collective gasp exploded from the mouth of every demon in the room. There were a few growls too. All at once, every weapon, every claw and every talon in the room was drawn.

Alarms screeched in Trixie's mind.

Lucifer raised a hand to the cheek she'd just slapped. "Stand down," he said into the air absentmindedly. Reluctantly, weapons were sheathed, though many still glared death at her.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," said Trixie.

"You actually slapped me. Beatrice…" That one word was laced with so much fatherly affection it irked Trixie to the bone. "You grew into quite the capable young lady."

"You don't get to say that. You're not my dad. It's been ten years. Ten years since you left Mom in a coma and pissed off back to Hell. Do you know how hard it is to get here? You give the phrase 'going off the grid' entirely new meaning." Trixie jabbed a finger into Lucifer's chest. "Lucifer Morningstar, so help me, you will return to LA and wake up my mom."

"The detective is in a coma," said Lucifer, worried.

"Yes, you ass. The one you caused when you left."

"I most certainly did not." Offended, though not at her.

Trixie was pulled up short. Out of all the things she'd expected, denial wasn't one of them. "How do you explain it then?"

Lucifer's brow was furrowed. "The detective has been in a coma. For ten years." His eyes were slightly glazed over, staring into nothingness, disbelieving.

"Yes, that's what I said. Would you try to keep up."

A demon with a pair of insect-like antennae sticking out the top of his green hair chose this moment to interject.

"Your Majesty, who is this?"

Lucifer's attention wrenched to the demon, then back to Trixie. "Ah yes, best I inform the polluted posse of your identity before they tear you to ribbons." Lucifer didn't raise his voice, but it carried. "Alright, listen up. This here is Beatrice Decker. She is not to be harmed on pain of death, nor her family or anyone close to her. If I find even a hair on her head has been touched, I will personally ensure the deepest pits of Hell will seem like a daydream in comparison to what you'll experience. We clear?"

A mumbled assent passed through the crowd.

"I said, are we clear?" Lucifer's eyes blazed red.

All at once, the right hand of every demon curled into a fist and shot to their hearts, like a roman centurion's salute of fealty. Lucifer smiled waspishly, eyes turning brown again. "Fantastic. Now get out."

After the room had cleared, Lucifer continued. "Now tell me, dear Beatrice, how on earth did you get here? As you said, we don't exactly have an express shuttle."

Oh, so it was "dear Beatrice" now? At least that was better than "small child" or "offspring".

Trixie pulled something round and glinting silver from her pocket. Lucifer's coin. "This. Good for one trip though, unfortunately. So I'm not going back without you. Just how I wanted it."

Lucifer's smile was wide with affection. "Beatrice dear, you sly little minx. How ever did you figure out how it works?"

"Ten years is a long time to research. And information on Hell magic isn't exactly easy to find. But I figured it out. It's a Bonded Object – connected to the place the spell was cast."

Lucifer collapsed into his throne and looked impressed. "That's wonderful, my dear, but that still doesn't answer the question. That explains how you got to Hell. I want to know how you got here, into my castle. I'm thinking I might have to up my guard detail."

Trixie smiled triumphantly. "Oh, getting past your guards was easy. I just told them you were my father."

Lucifer chuckled, deep and honeyed. "Oh dear. And they believed you?" He looked over Trixie's outfit. "Of course they did. You look the part. Like a bona fide denizen of Hell if ever I saw one. Do they have demon fashion magazines in the human world now? I wouldn't put it past Maze."

Trixie had developed a gothic clothing style. Black leather, piercings, boots and all.

"We're not here to talk about my clothes."

Lucifer's expressed passed into worry again. "Ah yes, the Detective. Are you absolutely sure she's been in a coma all this time?"

"I'm sure."

"Then how do you explain the text I received days after your mum and I fought? It said and I quote: 'I hate you. Don't come near me or my family ever again.'" Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "I thought that was rather crass of the Detective at the time, but nevertheless, I gave her space. All my texts rebounded. It was rather frustrating. I went to her house, but I could no longer feel her presence there. And there was a note on the door that said she'd left town and not to follow her."

"That doesn't make any sense. You couldn't feel Mom's presence because she was in the hospital. She didn't move out of town. And your texts rebounded because her phone broke. And she absolutely couldn't have sent you a text as – and you may have missed this – she's been in a coma for ten years."

"Yes," said Lucifer. "I know."


"So, someone set it up, is so. Someone wanted your mum and I away from each other." A look of realisation settled over his face. "So I would return to Hell. And I fell for it." Lucifer's eyes were hard. "I have to talk to your mum. We're leaving to see her at the earliest opportunity. I'm going to find out who did this. The Detective will be able to help."

Lucifer stood from the throne.

"And what'll happen to the person who set this up?" Or demon, added Trixie silently. The blood was boiling in her veins.

Lucifer smiled and his eyes blazed red. If she hadn't been Trixie, it would have sent a shiver down her spine.

"Quite simply, my dear, there'll be Hell to pay."




That is supposed to be the opening title card for an episode. You just have to imagine the guitar riff ;)

A/N: Thanks for reading!

Tell me what you think of the eighteen-year-old strong version of Trixie!

Do you like her as a lead? I hope you can see her non-stop determination at work. She's a girl on a mission. :)

Chloe's coming soon. They're going to figure out who's responsible for the coma together.

Reviews are greatly appreciated and inspire me to write more! :D