Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of Stephanie Meyers books or characters, I only own my OC, her family, Garrett Hensley, and Laura.

Elementals are extraordinary creatures that look like humans, act like humans, but are not fully humans.

The Elements are people who can control, that's right, the elements. They can only control one element though such as earth, water, air, electricity, and more.

They are immortal and can stop aging at anytime but they can die. Every Elemental has their own weakness. A weakness that can kill them. It's always a physical weakness, kind of like Achilles heel.

All Elementals have a soul mate. They find their mates before or on their eighteenth birthday. When they find their mate, they get this unexplainable feeling in their chest. I would explain it to you but like I said, it's unexplainable.

Two hundred years ago, the Elementals went extinct due to the vampire race. An Elements' blood smells delicious to a vampire but tastes like dirt. At least, that's what they thought.

Some families went into hiding and lived off the grid. After everything cooled down, they began to live like normal people. They got jobs, houses, and pets like normal people do. No vampire, werewolf,or other mythological creature ever saw an Elemental ever again.

The most powerful element a person can get is the element of nature. That's because it's not just plants you get the power to control, it's also weather, animals, and rock. They can cause storms, earthquakes, a zoo break, avalanches, and more if they wanted to.

Luckily for us, one can only get the element of nature once during a lifetime, so no more than one person during a lifetime can have it.