There is no real specific time in which this story is set, but let's say it's after the events of the Victorious series however Cat still lives with her parents in LA. FYI I am British but I will try to use American terms for the characters sake, so sorry if I slip up there.
The inspiration behind this story is how throughout the series Cat shows signs of extreme PTSD: from her lack of empathy; her sudden outbursts of anger; or that timewhen she fainted during Jade and Beck's argument - telling herself to that she was 'under her bed' . To me this could be linked to her hiding from someone, maybe her psychotic brother of even her parents. This would also explain her childish behaviour as maybe she wishes she could always live in a time where she was oblivious to her surrounding, happier even. This story is in no way mocking children of abuse, instead I feel like it is spreading awareness of it, reminding people that everyone has a hidden story to their lives and to not judge before they know said story.
Insipired by this website called Nickelodeon Conspiracies. Basically google 'What happened to Cat valentine?' and it's the third one that comes up.
-I do not own Victorious, if i did then it would have had a proper ending :/
In the main hallway before homeroom.
"Hiiiiiii everyone" Cat announced happily as she skipped toward her friends who were gathered by Tori's locker.
"No" Said Jade bluntly. "It's too early for this."
"It's never too early to be happy." Cat smiled. "AH Jade no!" She squealed as Jade pulled out a pair of scissors from her pocket.
"Jade" Warned Beck as he gently pulled Cat closer to him.
"Yeah yeah I know, no attacking Cat before class." Jade replied, rolling her eyes and putting the scissors back into her pocket.
"I think the agreement was 'no attack Cat at all'." Stated Tori, closing her locker door after collecting her books.
"Shut it Vega." Jade scowled, leading the group towards their homeroom.
"Come on kitten." Said Beck, nudging Cat forward to follow.
"Kitten? Oh right me!" Cat realised smiling.
"Just thought it suited, you're small and pure and obviously you're called Cat." Beck replied as they followed the group.
"Small and pure?" Cat frowned slightly stopping in her place. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"'Cause you're - oh nevermind."
"Kay kay"
The group of friends, well Jade still didn't fully consider Tori a friend, walked into their homeroom and sat in their regular seats (accept Jade who sat at the back of the classroom). They had arrived before the rest of the class, gaining the room to themselves
"What're you doing back there Jadey?" Cat asked smiling dreamily as her.
"I'm sick of Sinjin sitting behind me complementing my earlobes." She sighed.
"Your earlobes?" Robbie questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"If I were sitting behind her, it wouldn't be her earlobes I'd be complementing." Interrupted Rex. "If you know what I mean."
"Robbie" Jade growled, once again pulling scissors out of her pocket.
"Rex apologise." Robbie said nervously, turning to his puppet.
"Why are those scissors a different colour from the ones from earlier?" Rex questioned.
"I have 2 pairs, and I'm not hearing an apology." Jade threatened, rasing the scissors.
"Jadey please." Cat begged.
Jade turned to face the red head and looked into her big brown eyes. "You're lucky you're cute." She said, placing the scissors down on her desk.
"Hehe yaaay." Smiled Cat.
At lunch, the group are sat on their usual table outside.
Cat is sat looking into a hand mirror, playing with her hair, "I think I'm going to touch up my roots tonight." She thought aloud.
"Hey, you've never told me why you dye your hair red." Tori said, turning her attention towards the petite girl.
"Well, okay so I came home late at night one time, and my brother thought I was an intruder so he smashed a glass vase over my head and I thought the blood in my hair looked really cool." She replied in her normal chirpy voice, unaware of how unnerving her story was.
"You told me it was because it reminded you of red velvet cupcakes." Andre said slowly, concerned about the girl.
"That too." Cat smiled.
"Wait... you've had red hair since 8th grade" Pointed out Beck. "You were 13."
"I know." She replied smiling, just as the bell went. "Time to go to class." She said cheerfully, skipping away.
"I worry about her." Added Tori.
"Don't we all."
Later that evening in the Valentine house
Cat is in her room, dancing and singing to some music while re-dying the roots of her hair.
" You better believe that I'm here to stay, 'cause you're the shades and I'm the sunshine (oooohh) " She sung while spinning around in her room.
"CATERINA" Her father bellowed from outside the door.
"Eek" Cat squeaked, quickly reaching towards her speaker to turn it down and accidentally knocking the pot of dye onto the floor. "oops" She said wide eyed.
"I SAID TURN THAT DOWN" Her dad continued, bursting into her room, catching his daughter trying to quickly clear the dye from the floor. "What have you done this time?" He scolded.
"Nothing Daddy, I'm just clearing it up." She whimpered.
"You better be." He threatened. "Don't let your brother see that. He'll think its blood or something." He muttered, walking back out of the room, slamming it behind him.
"Now I need to go get some toilet paper to clear this up with." She thought aloud and solemnly exited her room behind, got a small amount of toilet paper, and walked back into the hallway to return to her room.
"Caaaatty!" Yelled Matteo, her brother, as he ran towards his sister, skidding across the wooden floor. "What you doing little sis?" He asked
"Nothing Matt, just going back to my room."
"Can I come?" He asked. "Pleassse"
"Sorry Matt. No" Cat said sternly, well as sternly as she could.
"Tough, I'm going." He said suddenly, barging into Cat's room.
"Matt no!" Cat squealed, running after her.
"Is that blood?" He asked, rushing towards the puddle of dye on the floor.
"No Matt. Don't touch it please." Cat begged.
"Why not? I like blood." He retorted, putting his hand in it. "This isn't blood." He scowled.
"I told you it wasn't. Matt please wash that off your hand."
"No way! It's pretty" He said, smearing it on the floor
"Matty please stop!" Cat yelled, trying to clear the up dye.
"Go away! It's mine!" He said, pushing her away, leaving two read hand prints on her dress. "Cool." He acknowledged, making him suddenly run into the hallway and place his hands onto the wall. "Look what I made!"
Cat ran out after her brother "Matteo no!" She squealed. "Daddy will get angry."
"Dad never gets angry with me." He smirked, pushing back past his sister to redip his hands in the dye and then place hand prints along the hallway, ignoring his sisters plea for him to stop while trying to clear it up.
"WHAT IS GOING ON UP HERE?!" Her dad yelled, storming up the staircase. "CATERINA!" He yelled again.
"Yes daddy?" She whimpered, walking out into the hallway to face him.
"What is this mess?" He growled at her.
"It was Matteo he-"
"Are you blaming your brother for this young lady?" He interrupted. "You know it's not his fault, he can't control it."
"I know Daddy but-" She was once again cut off, but a sharp slap to the face.
"Out. I want you out. I don't care where too. I just want you out until tomorrow." Her father said, slowly and menacingly.
"Y...yes Daddy." Cat mumbled, walking into her room to quickly pack an overnight bag.
"Do it quicker! I want you out now!" He yelled.
"Yes Daddy." She sniffled, running out of the house and jumping on her bike and riding away. "I hate him" She cried to herself.
"Cat?" Jade asked when she opened her front door. "What happened to your face? Why are you here? Why is there wet dye in your hair?"
"I need somewhere to stay the night." She mumbled, ignoring Jade's first question.
"Again? Cat this is the 5th time you've done this. What's happened?" Jade pressed.
"Please Jadey... can I stay here or not?" Cat asked.
"I mean I have no choice, so come in." Jade said, inviting her in.
"Thank you." Cat mumbled.