DISCLAMER: I do not own any of the characters except from my OC!
I apologise in advance about my spelling and English.

Chapter One – Where the hell are we?

I guess I should introduce myself, as I am going to be the narrator of this story.

My name is Lottie Hycliff and I am 17 years old and a massive anime fan: I love Naruto, One Piece, Shugo Chara etc. But most of all I love D Grey Man! Allen Walker is my anime crush, along with Tyki Mikk (He's so hot). My biggest wish is to be in one of those Fanfictions where you end up in the anime or manga and you can play a part in the story. But being realistic, that will never happen because it's just make belief and fiction.

I would also not do much except probably sit on the side and watch them play around, and maybe mess around with the plot a bit. Because we all know (if you read fanfiction that is) that if you mess the plot around you end up changing everything, and in the end, you have no clue with what's going on.

Anyway, you are probably thinking, what the hell has this person got to do with this story and how does she fit in.

Well I'll tell you.

It was a Sunday Morning and one of the hottest days in July, and I was just coming back from getting my groceries from the local market, when as I was walking up the stairs to my condo I tripped. I tripped that was all, but it ended up with me finding myself in a room covered in shadows staring at a man in a black cape covering his face, with only his glowing red eyes showing. Kind of reminded me of a cat. He also had a huge scythe with him covered in red dripping stuff (I'm guessing blood, but at the time I just ignored it) which clued me in on to who he was.

"Death" I squeaked, staring into his none existent face. Sweat started to cling to me as I realised that bringing attention to myself was probably a big mistake, and I should get up and run away as fast as I could. But that brought another big problem. There was no doors or windows, only walls.

"Mrs Hycliff, I assume" was all Death returned.

"I am here to offer you a chose and a second chance if you take it." Without waiting for me to reply Death just carried on.

"After your unfortunate accident, of falling down the stairs, I have decided to give you one chance and a wish. You may decide where you want to go for your second life and how you wish it to turn out."

Did I just hear right, or was I getting a second chance at life and a wish?

I didn't really want to live my life all over again and I wanted some adventure this time, so I thought of all the fanfiction I had read. Specifically, the ones where the characters got to watch their own show and give their input in it.

I decided then and there that would be my wish. The only problem was asking Death if this was possible and if I was able to have all the characters I wanted in one room and watch all the episodes of D Grey Man with me.

"That is possible" Death spoke up.

"Huh" was my intelligent reply. Did Death just read my mind or…

Cutting me off Death said "You where mumbling out load. But yes, it is possible for that to happen and it will be very enjoyable for me. Is that you wish?"

"Yes" Oh my God, it was finally happening. No longer will my wish be fiction or a dream. It was finally coming true.

The room suddenly glowed and I felt as if I was falling for who knows how long, till I fell into a seat.

"Where the fuck am I" was the first thing I said as I got a good look at the room I was in.

It had grey marble walls with lights on the wall and a never-ending ceiling. The room was full of seats and tables which were covered with food and sweets. In all honestly it looked like a cinema with a few upgrades. I started looking around the room to see if there was anything to give me a cue to where I was. After 30 minutes of searching I had found nothing except an envelope addressed to me.

Opening it read:

'Dear Mrs Hycliff,

I have granted you, your wish of watching D Grey Man with the characters.

Below is a list of names that you may tick of who you want to be there.

I would also like to note that this is a one-time thing and that there will be no going back from now, so choose wisely.

Yours Sincerely


Looking at the list I ticked of the following characters:

Black Order:

Allen Walker, Lenalee Lee, Komui Lee, Johnny Gill, Cross Marian, Lavi, Bookman, Yu Kanda, Noise Marie, Arystar Krory, Miranda Lotto, Klaud Nine, Winters Socalo, Bak Chang, Link


The Earl, Tyki Mikk, Sheril Kamelot, Wisely Kamelot, Road Kamelot, Jasdero, Devit, Lulu Bell.


Mana and Nea D Campbell.

Looking at the list I double checked that I had everyone that I wanted and placed it back in the envelope. I then posted it through the letter box I found earlier and waited. And waited. And waited. Till suddenly there was a pop and I found myself looking at a pile of people.

"What's going on"

"Where are we"


"gyaaah it's the Noah"

"Moyashi get off me!"

"It's Allen. N."

"KOMUI was this another one of your experiments?"


"Excuse me" I spoke out.

"I bet this is your fault"

"Lavi put your hammer away"

Getting annoyed that they weren't listening to me, I stood up on a table and yelled "SHUT UP!"

Quickly they quietened down and all looked at me.

"Now that you are all listening. I will be able to tell you what's going on. Now first of all it is my fault that you are here so."

"Why bring us here then!?" Yelled Kanda interrupting me.

"Well if you shut up then I will be able to tell you."

"Haha Yuu-chan just got told off"

"I will kill you if you call me that again"

"Now before I was interrupted I was going to say that we are about to watch your lives as a TV show and what has been happening up till this point. I may also show you a bit of the future if you are good. Now if you could please sit down so we may start watching."

Thankfully they all listened to me and sat down on some seat.

I found the remote and pressed play.


Thankyou for reading.

All comments will be appreciated.

I will be posting episodes one soon and I am sorry if this was poorly written.
