"Come on Mikan, let me tell you something interesting as we go home."

Is this really the right thing to do?

The summer breeze grew chilly as we walked past stores selling trinkets along the street. The leaves were now brown like warm oak as they fell gracefully down upon the Earth, detaching themselves from their homes. Ruka was silent as he walked speedily by my side, a clear look of nervousness adorned his face, his cheeks were pale in comparison to the maroon cardigan he wrapped messily around himself.

"Hey Ruka" I called out to the blonde man who was supposed to talk to me, "are you sure you're supposed to be outside? It's just because you look a bit... sick." He looked briefly at me before stopping by a lamppost, "not that you look weird or anything, I'm just worried" I added quickly.

"I'm fine Mikan" he said coolly, unbuttoning his cardigan and wrapping it around his waist in the process, "just thinking of where to start, and if I'll still be alive to see the sunlight tomorrow" he muttered.

He gestured to a bench next to a massive tree, by the looks of it, it was the only tree with green leaves. Though the day was getting darker and the stars were beginning to become more visible, the warm light from the lamppost shining on the leaves gave me a sense of safety as the shadows casted down on the bench, the branches of the grand oak twisted into the dark sky as if its very presence was enough to slice the sky.

"Hey, stop spacing out," he waved his arm in front of my face, "I love trees too but remember that I'm here as well."

"Sorry," I replied sheepishly, "so... Continue, please."

I copied Ruka and sat down on the bench, he looked bothered as his fingers continued to fumble around. He laughed nervously as our eyes suddenly met, "I don't really know where to start" he said shyly, his smile was genuinely sweet with just the right amount of shyness that it made me smile. "Natsume has always been... Problematic." He said, his smile had faded and his eyes gave a far away look, "I remember when we were younger he flipped Imai's dress just so he could see her underwear" he chuckled at the memory, "but that was when we were 6."

I laughed too at imagining Hotaru's reaction but my chest stung slightly, I have to ignore this feeling.

"He was a normal child, if you include looking amazingly handsome normal" he continued, "but then he was kicked out from his home was sent to his Uncle's in Tokyo, his Uncle doesn't really visit him often..." his face grew grim and once again I sensed tension from him, "I honestly don't know what happened but I vividly remember visiting him because he was missing from school to find him on the floor with bruises around his cheek."

(Ruka's POV)

This is the right thing to do, right? Natsume told me that he was planning to tell her something so I just invited her out to see if anything happened but now I'm stuck.

Her eyes shone brightly despite the light being dim, I guess she really is curious.

I always knew that she was something, Natsume can talk all he wants but I will never believe him when he says that she's just a fling. It was clearly obvious from the start.

FLASHBACK (haven't had one of these in ages)

"Ru, how are you? I couldn't visit you today 'cause I was busy with the tournament but I'll try tomorrow."

"Natsume, it's fine. How's it at school? I might join you once I get released."

"It's cool, nothing interesting has happened."

"What about that girl? Sakura Mikan right? I want to meet her once I get released."


-The person you have been calling has ended the call, please leave a message after the beep-


Ah, he really acts like a kid, especially when he's jealous.
But sometimes..

"I honestly don't know what happened but I vividly remember visiting him because he was missing from school to find him on the floor with bruises around his cheek," I told her this and her hazel eyes widened, her lips parted and all emotions disappeared from her face as well as mine.

It was horrendous.


Wow, Natsume's new place really is 1st class, having a business man as an uncle really does pay off.

I was at the 'Jiyu Tokyo Apartment Complex' and wow, is the floor really marble? I know that I shouldn't get side-tracked but it's not everyday that a normal guy like me gets to see a neat place like this, this is complete luxury!

Now, what floor is Natsume on again?

The apartment itself was up to 50 storeys high, finding a person in a place like that was as easy as finding a needles in a haystack, or a carrot in a room full of bunnies.

Heh, I love bunnies.

I mentally slapped myself before dragging my body to the mahogany, polished desk in front of a giant painting by Picasso. The receptionist was young and quite a stunner, her shoes were glossy black and her uniform was ironed and pressed giving off an air of sophistication. I gave her a smile causing her cheeks to tinge pink.

She reminds me of Pyon back at home, I hope Mama (he's half French so I thought Mama was suitable) is feeding him well.

"Welcome to Jiyu Towers, the best apartment complex in Tokyo. How may I help you sir?" Her posture was stiff and she seemed self conscious as she played around with her hair.

"I'm here to visit Korudo Hyuuga, do you know which floor he's on?" I asked the receptionist and she quickly nodded before searching on her computer, I dazed off for a while as she continued to search through the Apartment records.

That rose statue looks cool, I wonder how much it cost to make it.

"U-um sir?" The quiet voice a female made me snap my head around, I smiled innocently at her as she looked around nervously, "there's no-one called Korudo Hyuuga in this complex, unless you've mistaken him for Mr. Natsume Hyuuga."


"O-okay..." I replied, a little stunned at first, I was sure that he lived here with his uncle, "sorry to bother you but what floor is he on? I'm a friend here to visit him."

"He's on floor 50, good day to you sir" she bowed slightly and I went on my way.

It was a quick way up, the elevator had white marble walls, a maroon carpet and no buttons, it heavily relied on technology as it worked on what the rider said. The ride up was silent apart from my humming, the doors slid shut and the elevator rose to the 50th floor without stopping. After stepping out of the elevator, I was introduced to an impressive hallway leading up to a white double door, the hallway itself was elegant, big enough to fit a glass table with 2 white chairs on either side, a potted plant stood in the corner next to the marvellous painting of a man holding an umbrella.

As I stared at the blank door in front of me I gulped slightly, there was no sound coming from behind the door or the floor in general. Just me and the inanimate objects.

Just knock on the door, say hi to Natsume, see if he's alright, ask him why he didn't go to school, get him to go to school then go home to Pyon. Simple.

"Okay" I breathed out and walked towards the door, I closed my fingers and tucked them in before knocking gently on the surface of the door. No answer.

"Natsume?" I called out, "Natsume? Are you in there?"

There was a dot of red on the golden handle, I touched it and realised that it was still wet.

"NATUSME? OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted to whoever was on the other side, I pushed the door but it was solid wood and wouldn't budge, "NATUME? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

Don't tell me he got into another one.

Soon enough I heard a creek and the door was slightly open, taking my chance I pulled the handle to reveal a boy lying on the tiled floor clutching his bleeding arms and cheek. Crimson blood tinkled down from his arm and soaked his white shirt. His mangled lips looked lifeless as all life was taken from them, the blood flowed like a lazy river onto the white tiles and stained them, there were visible blood prints on the walls from where he struggled. The strong Natsume that I knew was now nothing more than a shell.


(Mikan's POV)

"It was everywhere..." Ruka's voice cracked as he appeared traumatised by the memory, "I-I couldn't stop it, I couldn't do anything Mikan."

"Ruka..." I held his hands and wrapped an arm over his shoulder to provide some sort of comfort, "he's fine now isn't he? So let's get your mind off the past." My efforts were futile as the blonde haired man wouldn't budge and kept his head in his hands. Looking at him grew tension in my muscles as my stomach churned.

"You don't get it Mikan, he's not fine!" He shouted, passer-by's were staring at us and hurried away, but Ruka couldn't care less as his feelings continued to burst, "he's changed, Mikan, you wouldn't know it but he has."

"What's changed? What do you mean?" I asked him, his eyes widened slightly before he stood up and pulled me along, he smiled but it was painfully fake as it lacked his signature glow and innocence.

"Nothing" he answered quickly, "I'm just... Glad that he met you Mikan." His pace slowed down so we were no longer running but walking side by side, "please keep him safe."

It's been 6-ish days since I last updated.


I was going to write 2 chapters but exams held me back. Thank GOD it's half term.