A/N; Okay, I've had this story tossing around in my head for a while and I actually have it almost completed fully so, it's time to post it! This story was inspired by GemNika's "Who Says Fairy Tales Are Normal?" which, if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should! It is by far one of my favorites on the site. This is a ZanLu (ZancrowxLucy) story through and through with a super dark and twisted Lucy taking center stage!

A few necessary details; Lucy is tortured by her father for looking far too much like Layla and, instead of being the withdrawn person she is within the manner, she harbors hatred and takes to the darkness calling for her. Lucy has all of the Zodiacs as well, meaning that she is technically going to be the secret 8th of the Kin of Purgatory. Everything else is explained in the story!

Enjoy, my delicate marionettes!

~ MrsPuppetEx

Lucy had everything that a girl of seventeen could want in life; a huge mansion, servants to do her bidding, everything that she could ever really want was at the limitations of but a few spoken words. She didn't care about that, though. All Lucy wanted was one thing, the one thing that should happen any day now and she was giddy with glee over it.

Lucy wanted her father dead.

Now, to the outside world, this might seem like a far-fetched and dark idea, but, to the beautiful blonde, it was all that ruled her dreams of late. Her father was the source of all of her heartache and troubles. He'd locked her into her rooms more times than she could count, had taken her beloved Celestial Keys from her, had even been looking at marriage requests to men that were more than twice her age- ick!

Okay, so, maybe that wasn't quite as bad as one might think, however, he'd also done worse. He'd had her beaten every night of her life simply because she looked a little bit too much like the wife that he'd lost when Lucy was only a young child. He held in his employ a healer who would simply nurse her back to health after each "session" and then do it all over again the next night, much to the poor young woman's dismay.

Lucy had grown to hate her father, that dark emotion simply churning and growing within herself each and every day of her life until she'd finally made the step to actually do something about it. It wouldn't be long, now, and she would be a free woman. And her father, the disgusting and revolting excuse for a man that he was, would finally be dead.

She sat in the window seat within the large bedroom with the door bolted shut as it always was after the session for the night was completed. This would be the last time and she was counting the moments until her saviors would arrive. Her gossamer hair was tied into a high ponytail and she was clothed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, a pair of worn-in boots on her slender feet. She would finally be free and her keys warmed against her thigh, telling her that her spirits were eager for the chance to leave as well.

Over the last four years, she'd worked in secret to train both her magic and her body. Lucy was fit and held magic far beyond what her father knew, her body seeming to glow in the darkness with the power of the stars filling her to the brim. She'd done everything she could to keep this secret and it appeared she had done perfectly with that detail seeing as she still had her keys, something her father hadn't noticed she'd stolen back the week prior. No, she wasn't exactly helpless, however, she needed help if she was going to get out of here with the money as well as collecting the vendetta against the man who had sired her.

Lucy sensed a power building on the edge of the Konzern, a massive spike in magic expanding more by the minute. It would appear that her call had, indeed, been answered and she couldn't stop the giddy laugh that bubbled up into her throat as she watched a large airship come into view. This was it and she was going to finally be free.

There was a loud crash and the bolts to her door opened quickly with several loud clicks before the door parted to reveal her father's personal guard. "Miss Lucy," The brutish man said urgently. "Come, we must go. Your father is already on his way to the panic room. We're under attack."

Lucy smiled evilly, standing her ground as she eyed the brunette with her burning chocolate gaze. She giggled softly when a scream reached her ears at the highest room of the mansion. "It sounds like they found him," She sounded joyful at this news, hoping that the mages she'd hired would hold up to their words that she would be the one to deal the final blow to the man who had treated her so horrible all these years. "You better go, Sayren," Lucy urged with a smirk. "You wouldn't want your beloved master to be hurt by these people, would you?"

In a moment, a hand was around her throat and she was held against a wall. Her pink tongue flicked out to wet her bottom lip, that same sick smile upon her face when she saw the cold rage in the flat black eyes of her father's guard. "What have you done?!" He shouted, tightening his grip on the young woman's throat.

Lucy wrapped a delicate hand around the man's wrist and morphed her expression into one of innocence. Her brown eyes softened and she whimpered, keeping her gaze locked with Sayren's. "I did what needed to be done," She whimpered with a hint of fear in her voice. "He would never have allowed us to be together, don't you see? When father would have learned that I lost my purity to you, he would have shipped me off and had you put to death." A few tears wet her thick lashes and she pleaded with the man who had once been her lover in secret.

Sayren's eyes went slightly wide and he relaxed his grip, pulling the blonde into his arms. "I'm sorry, you're right," He sounded broken to the Stellar Mage.

"Not broken enough," She thought to herself with a twisted grin that the man couldn't see.

She brushed her fingers through his thick hair in an almost soothing motion. "I'll set us both free," Lucy's voice came like a whispered promise that hung in the air as she pressed her lips to his cheek.

Her hands gripped tight into his hair and jerked Sayren's head to the side, moving her lips to his throat and baring her teeth. Lucy sunk the pearly white teeth into his jugular, where Sayren's pulse pounded. She held him still when he flinched, trying to jerk away from the twisted young woman. In a moment, Lucy jerked her head back, tearing the flesh away and causing blood to spurt over herself as it dripped from her mouth.


"I said I would set us free," Lucy giggled as she stroked his face with one hand, her nails digging into the gaping wound of his neck. "I never said how, Sayren."

His eyes grew dim as blood poured out of his wound and he stared at the woman before him. Lucy grinned evilly when he sunk to his knees, gasping for breath. This was far from the first time she'd killed, and it was one of her favorite ways she'd thought of, honestly. It took all of her willpower to not kick the man as he fell further down onto the blood-soaked carpet, knowing she needed to keep a clear mind on the task at hand.

She watched the man's breaths fade and melted chocolate eyes glimmered with triumph when Sayren stared at her with dead eyes, his chest stilling forever. "That was almost as easy as the last one," Lucy giggled almost to herself, a smirk forming on her face as she ran her tongue over her lips, collecting the blood that dripped down her face.

"I take it you're the one who called for us?"

Lucy looked up to see a man with silver hair and stubble on his stoic face. His words caused her to smile sweetly, "I did. Took you long enough to arrive." As she spoke, the blonde moved to her wardrobe and pulled out another shirt before taking off the one she was wearing that was drenched in blood and wiping the crimson liquid from her face and chest, making sure to get the valley between her large breasts so as not to let it crust there.

"We had other matters to deal with," The man said, eyes following her movements and an obvious hunger forming there as she put on a fresh tank top, tossing the ruined one to the floor nonchalantly.

The Celestial Maiden hummed disinterestedly and brushed her fingers across a key on her hip. In a puff of pink smoke and chiming bells, a pink haired maid appeared with a stoic expression that put the dark mage to shame.

"Come on, Virgo," Lucy told the maid spirit. "We're getting the fuck out of here."

Cornflower blue eyes shined with excitement especially when they appraised the body on the floor. "Yes, hime," She replied in a bored tone that was laced with sadistic joy.

The pair walked out of the room with the man falling into step with the buxom blonde. "It's hard to believe a woman like you would want to work with a dark guild," He commented with a toothy smirk.

Lucy rolled her eyes, ignoring the stereotyping of the man as they made their way down towards the basement where the vaults and her father's panic room were kept. She pulled a button from her pouch that lay around her curvaceous hips, holding it up to a scanner sunken into the wall. A bell chimed and a hidden door slid open, revealing a room filled with gold, jewelry, and money that was stacked floor to ceiling.

She suppressed smirking at the giddy smile of the man next to her and turned to Virgo who cleared her throat softly. "How much are we taking, hime?" The pinkette asked.

"All of it," Lucy grinned widely. "Hold it on the other side until I call you again. If you need help, use my magic to have Taurus come out and assist you. I have business to finish up down the hall."

"Of course, hime," The maid bowed deeply before turning and beginning the work of moving the riches out of the room in flashes of pink.

Lucy walked away, knowing her spirits had that handled, to make her way to the room down the hall where she could hear her father screaming in agony. She entered the large panic room that was decorated in a way that she knew her father would never expect to be less than top notch. Her brown eyes took in the group of three who stood there- a woman with long, black hair, a girl who looked slightly younger than Lucy herself who had pink hair fitted with wing-like pins at her temples.

The man who was holding what looked to be black fire against her father's face caught her attention and she sucked in a quiet breath. His hair was just as brilliantly blonde as her own and spiked out wildly in long waves down his back. She could see obvious muscles working in the shoulder that was left bare by the robes he wore, the sight making her mouth water a little bit. When the most beautiful eyes the color of fresh blood turned to her, she resisted the urge to tackle the man right then and there to demand he give her exactly what her body wanted in that moment.

"Who the fuck is the chick?" The blond male snapped out, his magic cutting off as he turned his full attention to the young woman.

"Lucy… run…" Her father gasped out, wild eyes seeking to stay locked onto his daughter across the room.

"Oh, daddy," Lucy giggled as she stepped forward, ignoring the looks from the trio near her. "You think I would run when I'm the one who hired them?" She questioned, bending at the waist and pressing her hand deliberately to the burned flesh of the man's cheek and earning a hiss of pain when she dug her fingers in.


This made the blonde growl low in her throat, her hand shifting to the old man's throat and squeezing until his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "Why?" She snapped as anger washed through her. "I asked you the same thing when you fucking tortured me, when you healed me every night only to do it again the next night. I'm done, daddy, and you can see what you created, what you made of the daughter you made with the woman whom you apparently loved so dearly. You couldn't give me that same love and this is your punishment."

She jumped on the man, wrapping both of her hands around his throat and knocking her father to the ground with her straddling his chest. Her eyes shone with a wild anger and she slammed his head into the ground repeatedly, giggling when she heard a loud cracking sound. His hands clawed at hers in a feeble attempt to get her to release her grip, the strength of his flailing arms weakening by the moment.

Lucy lifted his head and grinned in his face. He gasped for breath, coughing as blood dribbled down his chin. "Please," Her father begged, his eyes beginning to dim when tears welled up in his eyes. "Lucy, I love you, please."

"I love you too, daddy," She said with a grin that told otherwise. She slammed him back to the ground, his skull impacting harder than before and blood began to pool around Lucy's knees when she leaned down to his ear. "Just kidding," The blonde giggled with sadistic glee as she rose to her feet and kicked the body of her father before walking away. "We've got the contents of the vault," She informed the four mages that stared at her with expressions varying from shock on the two women to a wide grin on the attractive blond male. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

Lucy looked back at the manner as it burned to the ground from her seat on the airship. There would be nothing left of the Konzern and she would be declared dead just like her father. It was a new beginning and she couldn't help but to feel the glee erupting from her chest.

She was finally free.