Bailey Jay once said - "there's a fine line between my biggest kinks and my deepest fears."
She does not exist in this universe, but as an outcry to the void, you could say it rings as true as anything else.
Slippy calls into Fox's ear for help and Fox discards his headset. He's on a mission.

Amongst all the chaos he zeroes in on just one craft, just one critter – Wolf O'Donnell. The ship taking a wide left and firing wildly at some hapless grunt.
Fox leads.

Aim. Fire.
Burst round of three. Regroup. Wolf is aware of Fox, reroutes in anticipation. A barrel roll deflects green lasers in all directions.
Tips down. Left. Pulls up. Head on.
Fox can almost see the look in the pilot's eye as the Wolfen careens towards him in the vacuum. They fire and dodge each other masterfully as they get closer and closer. Arwing dips, Wolfen rises.
Fuck it, Fox says under his breath. Gritting as he pulls down hard on the controls. Smashing the nose of his Arwing into the Wolfen, spinning it off track.
Surprise motherfucker.

Fox swings himself around hard and lights a fire under Wolf's ass. Wolf hits the boost and drops a bomb at the same time. He erratically flies towards a nearby planet.
Boosting after him and not noticing the bomb at all, Fox takes some wing and windshield damage. Quickly fumbling for his air mask.

Following Wolf O'Donnell to what very well could be his grave.