Author's note Here I am back with another chapter. At the time of this chapter being posted, my family and I were in the process of moving into our new house, so I was able to update this fic. Sorry if updates have been slow, its just been a busy time for us. We're finally settling into our new place. Thank you all for being patient during this time.

Special thanks go to The Sensational SpiderDom 321, Sharp DragonKlaw, Black Twilight Wolf, Keyblade Writer of the Dawn, Turquoise Triangle and Farris Yi, for leaving a review. Thank you so much for the support.

Something I forgot to mention in the last chapter is the removal of the plan Blade, and Roscoe came up with to turn both Gadget and Zerinn against each other, however when I went back over the plot point, I couldn't find a way to make it work, so that's why there's no more mention of it. Also, Blade, Roscoe, and Iris will be making an appearance soon within the story.

Warnings. There will be blood and violence in this chapter.

Disclaimer Its the same as the previous chapters. I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog.

The Jackal Squad stalked through the streets of Sunset Heights. Zerinn led the way, his jaw clenched. His fingers were tightening their group around the hilt of his sword as he stormed over to a cat standing there on the corner of the curb. A smirk appeared on the cat's lips upon noticing the jackals approaching him. Ace tapped Zerinn on the shoulder; the gesture earned him an angry glare from his leader a small scowl forming on his face.

"This better be good, Ace," Zerinn snarled."I'm not in the mood to deal with anything stupid right now."

"Boss, that cat is the client who promised to pay us if we wiped out every single member of the Skunk Squad," Ace said. "We only took out the leader along with a few members. He's not going to pay us. What do we do?"

The cat wasted no time in approaching them a smirk already forming on his face eying up Zerinn. Zerinn cautiously stared down at him his fingers tightening around the hilt of his sword.

"So, I couldn't help overhearing your conversation," The Cat said. "You said the rest of the Skunk Squad weren't dead, huh? Well, that's too bad, since I only agreed to pay if you killed every single member. Perhaps the rumors were true; the Jackal Squad are the weakest group of mercenaries in all of Mobius."

The cat chuckled to himself turning on his heel when a sudden searing pain tore throughout his body; the cat cast his startled gaze down to his chest to see the tip of a crimson sword exploding through his stomach, tearing through flesh, fur, and skin.

The cat gagged on his blood feeling Zerinn leaning closer to his ear whispering something into his ear which set a chill running down the dying Mobian's spine.

"No, you're wrong about my squad being the weakest, we're the best squad in all of Mobius. Your corpse will be a message warning everyone not to mess with the Jackal Squad."

Zerinn yanked back on the sword; the cat slumped forward his eyes staring sightlessly up at the sky. Zerinn smirked ignoring the growing pool of blood forming around the dead cat's body, before reaching out for the small money pouch unhooking it from the belt.

"Whoa, Zerinn, have you lost it?" Nephthys breathed out in horror "He's our client. If someone finds his dead body, the word's going to get out that we killed a client and no one is going to want to hire us for any future jobs."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm well aware of that Nephthys," Zerinn said. "We're not going to be sticking around here for much longer. Once we get Kaito out of the hospital we can kiss this dump goodbye along with along with that traitor Gadget."

The other jackals fell silent, following Zerinn and leaving the dead body of their client to rot in the street walking towards the hospital. Zerinn tossed the coin pouch up and down in his hand with a relaxed gesture.

The stress he felt from the failed mission to kill everyone in the Skunk Squad faded away. Leaving the cat's body to rot in the early morning sun left him with a feeling of satisfaction. Admittedly, the sight of a dead cat would get them noticed by the authorities sooner which would be a disadvantage for sure but it would also leave a message to any wary Mobian to never cross the Jackal Squad if they valued their lives.

Kaito was disturbed from a peaceful slumber, hearing the window open and noticing Zerinn leaping up into his room. Kaito looked up at him his amber eyes wide upon in shock seeing his half brother walking towards him, roughly pulling back the blanket and nearly dragging Kaito out of bed.

"Zerinn? What are you doing here? The hospital-"

"We're leaving Sunset Heights in a couple of days. I'm not waiting for some stuffy nurses to discharge you. You can stand, right?"

Kaito shakily nodded, unhooking himself from the IV tube and pushing himself to his feet feeling his older half brother sling an arm around him. Wordlessly Zerinn guided Kaito to the open window. Zerinn allowed Kaito to exit the window first seeing his brother land in the bushes. Zerinn counted the minutes making sure Kaito scrambled to his feet standing with the other jackals.

Satisfied that Kaito had already rejoined the rest of the jackals, Zerinn leapt out of the window, hurrying away from the hospital. The other members of the Jackal Squad following him vanishing into the shadows. Zerinn risked a glance over at his shoulder feeling satisfied with the knowledge even if the other members of the Jackal Squad showed concern towards his actions, no matter what they would follow him to the ends of Mobius.

The silence fell over the small group of jackals when they arrived back at the bunker. Flint and Quartz looked up in surprise seeing Zerinn entering the bunker with Kaito, Ace, Nephthys, and Saber, all of whom bore grim expressions on their faces.

"So, boss how did the mission go?" Quartz asked.

"Terrible, we were only able to kill three members of the Skunk Squad along with their leader. Gadget's no longer a friend to us. He followed us, interfering with our mission. But I have a plan to wipe out the rest of the Skunk Squad."

"Wait what, do you mean Gadget interfered with the mission?" Flint asked.

"Gadget got himself caught by the leader, so I had to kill the leader to save Gadget's life. Of course, Gadget was angered by this, so we got into a fight and I gave him a black eye. The plan to wipe out the rest of the Skunk Squad is simple; we find a way to knock out the members of the Skunk Squad, drag them back here and we're going to kill them right here in Sunset Heights as a warning to all the mercenary squads in Mobius not to cross the Jackal Squad's path."

Everyone fell silent upon hearing Zerinn's proclamation; their leader seemed almost insane. Flint and Ace exchanged an uneasy glance with each other and no one dared to speak up for fear of earning Zerinn's wrath, until Kaito coughed nervously.

"Zerinn, please don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way, but we've always made our kills without a lot of fuss," Kaito said. "So, you're saying, by performing an execution in broad daylight, isn't that going to draw unwanted attention?"

"Hmph, so you're going to back out of this mission?" Zerinn asked staring at Kaito his eyes narrowing. "Just becuase you got a little nick on your snout, don't tell me you've gone soft on me now Kaito."

"I haven't gone soft! It's just that, bro, you're not thinking clearly," Kaito protested. "A daytime execution is going to paint a massive target on our backs. Also, the stuff you said about Gadget, there's no way he turned on us! You're lying!"

Zerinn let out a low growl, storming over to Kaito who realized his mistake far too late. Zerinn reached out to grip Kaito's shoulder hard, digging his nails into Kaito's shoulder and silently warning him not to speak out of line any further. Kaito tensed in silent disbelief that his brother would even think of hurting him. Zerinn forced Kaito to face him.

"I'm not lying, Kaito. Our father was right; wolves are nothing more than lying thieves. If you want to leave the Jackal Squad and go live amongst wolves, be my guest. If you do, you're a disgrace to the Jackal Squad."

Kaito stiffened, flattening his ears back against his head, a small scowl forming at the corner of his lips before sighing.

"No, Zerinn, I'll prove to you, that I'm not a disgrace to the Jackal Squad," Kaito replied sullenly. "We'll still go ahead with the public execution of the Skunk Squad. I still don't believe you about Gadget, but if you say he's a liar and a traitor, then it must be the case."

Satisfied with Kaito's answer, Zerinn released his hold on Kaito's shoulder. "That's what I like to hear. You'll still be my second in command, just don't go against my orders ever again. Have I made myself clear Kaito?"

Kaito nodded sullenly folding his ears back against his head in shame not making eye contact with Zerinn, biting his lip nervously.

"Crystal clear, boss," Kaito said sadly.

Zerinn walked past Kaito, striding towards his room to begin packing only for Saber to step into his path, a slight frown on his face. Saber shaking his head slightly at Zerinn, staring at his boss unflinchingly.

"I have to agree with Kaito," Saber said getting right to the point. "The only thing an execution in broad daylight will lead to is even more problems down the road. Boss, I'm not trying to question your leadership, but as a suggestion how about we wipe out the Skunk Squad in the middle of the night and leave their bodies near the entrance to the nearest town as a warning for Mobians not to cross us, boss."

Zerinn paused narrowing his eyes lost in thought. He stood still his tail twitched a couple of times before a dark chuckle left the jackal's throat. "You're right Saber, perhaps that's what we need to do. For now, though let's pack up and get the hell out of this dump."

Saber nodded, silently falling into step behind his leader and heading towards their sleeping quarters. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Saber felt anger at Zerinn at his dismissal of Gadget.

Back in his apartment, Gadget let out a low moan, feeling the ice pack pressed up against his eye. Aria sitting on the couch a sympathetic noise escaped her lips like a woman trying to reassure her child after the child had taken a nasty fall. In the hallway, Aria could hear Cairo pacing back and forth angrily arguing with the police officer on the other end of the line. Mikhail sitting on the chair his hands in his lap.

Shortly after Gadget confessed what happened to Mikhail an hour ago, his half brother hurried over to their adoptive parent's room, waking them up and explaining what happened to Gadget. Aria, for lack of a better term, was furious she'd fussed over Gadet, while Cario immediately called the police forbidding both his adoptive sons from having any contact with the Jackal Squad.

The half-brothers agreed to leave out the part where Gadget willingly followed the Jackal Squad almost getting himself killed in the process.

"In case I didn't make it clear already jackass, a jackal assaulted my adoptive son!" Cairo screamed into the phone. "Yes, a group of jackals is living in Sunset Heights, just go down there and arrest the leader of the group already!"

Cairo paused speaking his jaw hanging open in disbelief upon hearing the police officer's reply. Cairo was quick to apologize for his error.

"So, you're telling me you can't do a thing becuase your department can't handle dealing with a bunch of rouge jackals then," Cairo said quietly. "Alright then, thanks for being no help at all donut muncher."

Cairo slammed the phone back down on the hook, storming over to his favorite sofa and sitting down burying his head in the palm of his hands. Aria sensing her husband's distress, made her way towards him sitting down on the settee next to him and placing a tender hand on his shoulder.

"I knew that jackal was trouble the second I saw him," Aria said fiercely. "So, the police are refusing to help us with bringing this fiend to justice?"

"I'm afraid so dear," Cario replied all of the fight having left his body. "They refused on since their department has never been trained in how to handle an assault report by jackals as jackals rarely venture into cities in Mobius."

"It's clear we have to keep the boys away from this Jackal Squad," Aria faced her adoptive sons. "If we receive word that the two of you have been hanging around them you will be grounded for a month. Have we made ourselves clear?"

"Yes, Mother you've made yourself clear," Mikhail replied looking to Gadget for confirmation. Thankfully the swelling had gone down making, his eye appear less swollen. The Gadget reached out for the ice pack reapplying it against his face. All he wanted to do was to lie down and forget the awful events of the last twenty-four hours had ever happened.

Gadget sighed hearing a spoon clink against a bowl, turning his head noticing Mikhail walking back over to him with a bowl of cereal setting it down on a table.

"You need to eat something Gadget," Mikhail said.

Gadget nodded rising from the couch and reaching out with a hand to awkwardly pulling the chair closer towards him. Sitting down at the table pouring the milk into the bowl, Gadget took several bites it wasn't much, but it was calories. Mikhail quietly began to eat his breakfast too, the two of them chose not to say anything else eating their meal in silence.

A half hour later, Aria and Cairo headed out of the door to the police station; both parents were determined to bring Zerinn to justice. Aria hugged both boys, informing them they would be back soon. Gadget got up to collect the bowls heading over to wash the dishes.

Mikhail said nothing watching his brother occupy himself with the task desperate, to get the events of yesterday behind him.

"Mikhail, I know I've said this already, the next time you see Zerinn, please don't do anything rash." Gadget begged Mikhail.

Mikahil's jaw clenched at the mention of Zerinn's name. Mikhail longed for the desire to grab a knife or anything sharp to drive it into Zerinn's face, adding even more scars to Zerinn's face. The mental image of Zerinn lying on the ground writhing in agony from his newly formed scars brought a smile to Mikhail's face.

"I still can't believe after he's hurt you're still willing to stand up for him," Mikhail said.

"I don't want you-"

A loud knocking at the door put an end to their conversation. Gadget raced over to the door. Opening it, his heart sank at the sight of Aster who shot him a sinister smile.

"Hey, there Eggman lover, long time no see," Aster said taking several steps entering the hallway. Gadget glowered, feeling his fists clench and taking several steps back in a mixture of fear and unease. Mikhail immediately came to Gadget's defense, getting in between Gadget and his tormentor.

"Look I know we got off to a bad start, Gadget, so I've come here with a little proposition for the two of you. I couldn't help but overhear a rumor the Jackal Squad will be leaving Sunset Heights by today. if you want your vengeance, I would act now; we don't have a lot of time to do so."

Gadget couldn't shake the chill down his spine stepping in between Mikhail and Aster ignoring the glare the fennec fox sent in his direction. It was almost ironic, one of his bullies willingly

Aster grinned gleefully, holding out his knife extending it towards Mikhail. "I'm also seeking revenge on Zerinn after he embarrassed me six years ago. I thought Marcus would be able to kill Zerinn, but he didn't so, for now, I want to call a truce since we both want revenge on Zerinn."

"You're an untrustworthy snake, Aster; we already know where the Jackal Squad lives and are going to taking my vengeance," Mikhail said firmly. "I'm not going to kill him. All I want is to draw a little blood him a few nicks, and then we part ways with the Jackal Squad for good."

Gadget led the way out of their home the trio of Mobians walking down the pathway towards the Jackal Squad's bunker, his jaw set in a determined frown; He glanced up at the afternoon sun. The small knife Aster had given him weighed heavily in his palm. Aster is trailing not too far behind him, the fennec fox fighting to keep his beaming smile with a low chuckle.

Gadget swallowed nervously feeling a tight knot of dread forming in his stomach at the thought of inflicting pain on Zerinn. He felt so weak and useless at being unable to punch Zerinn back when he'd been given the black eye. Gadget hated himself; he was weak, too scared to stand up to his former friend. The wolf had been so lost in his thoughts a hushed whisper from Aster alerted Gadget spying Zerinn on patrol around the bunker.

"Hey, Eggman lover there's your friend," Aster said

"One quick slash is all I need to inflict on him," Mikhail whispered to himself clutching the knife. Before anyone could stop him, Mikhail wasted no time in running out of the brush knife gripped tightly in between his fingers, ramming into Zerinn slashing downwards with the knife, across Zerinn's back eliciting a pained yelp.

Zerinn span around lashing out with his sword, the tip grazing Mikhail's chest. The hybrid, stumbled backward ignoring the thin trickle of blood oozing from his chest. Zerinn clasped his injured shoulder, locking gazes with Gadget and his eyes narrowing a sneer gracing his face.

"I thought I told you to never show your face around here again," Zerinn growled. "Now you're all going to face the consequences."

"No, you're a monster Zerinn," Mikhail snarled. "You had no right to attack Gadget in the manner which you did. This is justice for injuring my brother and your former friend, Zerinn!"

Before Gadget had a chance to shout a warning, Quartz, Ace Flint and Kaito emerged from the bushes. All four jackals launched their attack on Mikhail. The scream Mikhail emitted caused a chill to run down Gadget's spine pain limping from an open stab wound to his leg. Upon seeing Zerinn injure Mikhail his only family member something within Gadget snapped.

Seeing Mikhail fighting for his life when he was outnumbered, Quartz and Ace drove their blades into Mikhail's shoulder eliciting a pained scream from Mikhail, it was unfair. Zerinn glanced over at Gadget being forced to stare into a pair of bright mismatched eyes. Mikhail forced himself to stagger away clutching his shoulder blood oozing from out of his wounds.

"Jackal Squad go in for the kill," Zerinn declared.

The fear he'd felt building up within him vanished as Gadget clenched his fists breaking into a run noticing Zerinn preparing to kill Mikhail, Gadget ran full tilt into Zerinn knocking the jackal to the ground knocking him away from Mikhail. Gadget lay moaning feeling the sharp kick from Zerinn landing on his ribs. Gasping in pain Gadget got to his feet turning to face Zerinn panting wincing slightly from the blow.

"You'll pay for that, Gadget," Zerinn said wincing from the unexpected attack. "In case you haven't gotten the message our friendship is over."

"I got the message alright," Gadget replied, his fists remained clench feeling a twinge of satisfaction he'd been able to land a hit on Zerinn. "You're right our friendship is over, but I won't allow you to harm Mikhail or anyone else ever again."

Zerinn said nothing. Bending down to pick up the short crimson sword noticing Saber's and Nephthys's arrival on the scene, Kaito took several steps forward until he saw Zerinn with his sword drawn bleeding from a couple of shallow cuts on his body.

"Zerinn, Gadget, what the hell is going on?" Kaito asked bewilderment lacing his voice.

"Its like I told you Kaito, Gadget's turned on us, just like Marcus did with our father," Zerinn snarled. "The second I put him in his place we're leaving this town, for good."

"That's fine with me Zerinn!" Gadget rebuked, turning his head slightly and noticing Mikhail shot a glare at Zerinn. A surge of courage caused his heart to swell, he wasn't weak. For the first time in his life, he felt stronger than he ever had before. He glanced over at Mikhail weakly getting to his feet mounting a silent be careful to Gadget.

Underneath the glare of the afternoon sun, the two former friends glared at each other, waiting for the other to make the first strike. To Gadget it didn't matter if he hurt Zerinn at all. To the wolf, his friendship with Zerinn was over.

Author's note. This was a hard chapter to write up, not only becuase of not just making the upcoming fight between Gadget and Zerinn as to not make it as cliche as possible but to show just how far their friendship has deteriorated until it's reached this point in the story.

The reason why Gadget finally found the courage to stand up to Zerinn is that in his eyes seeing Zerinn commanding the rest of the Jackal Squad to kill Mikhail. It became the breaking point for Gadget becuase he wouldn't allow Zerinn to kill his only living relative.

As for Mikhail's lack of his usual caution is becuase he became blinded with the thought of inflicting pain on Zerinn as a form of payback for injuring Gadget. Mikhail despite his calm demeanour does have a reckless side to him, mostly due to doing everything he can to protect Gadget no matter what.

Aster has always sought revenge on both Zerinn and Gadget for embrassing him during his first encounter in front of the mecernary campsite over six years ago. He'll set his sights on Gadget and Mikhail soon.

As per usual constructive criticism/ thoughts and reviews are welcomed and appreciated as always. I will see you guys back here as soon as I can with the next chapter.