
Disclaimer: I don't own or have any write to Harry Potter. No Copy write infringement is meant

Harry and Ron faced each other on the field of battle. The confrontation that the wizarding world had been talking about for a year was finally here. Harry's faster heartbeat the only thing that gave away his trepidation about facing his old school friend, it certainly wasn't the look of determination.

"This can be happening" Hermione said, looking on from the sidelines.

"We knew this day would come… when Ron joined the other side" Ginny looked at her bother and friend with fear, one of them would lose, it couldn't be avoided any more. She knew whom she should cheer for, but in truth her brother was testing her loyalty.

"They are best friends, they should…" Hermione turned away not wanting to watch.

"So you think that you can beat me do you Ron?" Harry spat the words out as the two combatants slowly walked towards each other.

"After today I will no longer be in your shadow Potter."

"We were team mates, on the same side, then you turned traitor. Why Ron?"

"I got a better offer. There can be no holding back Harry, I know you better than you could imagine."

"We'll see Ron."

"Oh the arrogance. I will beat you Harry, I will triumph where so many have failed because I am your friend" The words were lased with sarcasm "Or was anyway"

"You stopped being my friend when you joined them," He glanced at Ron's followers "you know that I won't let our past stop me from beating you."

The two men stood in the middle of the field and starred each other down, the two side poised for battle. Not a sound could be heard, the only noise was the sound of their heartbeats ringing in their ears. One person dared to step in between the two and a booming voice sounded.

"Welcome to the Quiddich Cup Final, the two captains Harry Potter of the Chudley Cannons and Ron Weasley, of Puddlemere step out to start the match. Ron Weasley faces his old team for the first time since his transfer last season. This is set to be a legendary match."

Ron and Harry laugh and hug briefly before mounting their brooms.

"I don't know who to cheer for, this is awful" Said Hermione.

"Tell you what, I'll cheer for your husband and you cheer for my bother" Nudged Ginny "after all I have been a Chuddley Cannon follower for years and we'll both hope that they don't kill each other."

This whistle blew and the battle begun.