writing format that I want to try here. Hopefully it looks good.
It was a very interesting time for gemkind. After the trial of Rose Quartz, Blue diamond had found herself pondering her Zircon's words. The luminous Diamond was sitting at her throne, thinking over the events.
(Hmm...she had no idea how it happened. The 'Breaking Point' was most certainly not a sword. None that I know of. She could have been lying, and yet...her appearance. Why was it so...wrong? It did not appear to be any kind of shapeshifting...)
A sigh escaped her lips and she turned to her pearl. She had always enjoyed her pearl's appearance and personality. The pearl was beautiful, calm, serene, and quite a loyal pearl. Yet this was no surprise to Blue. This was her pearl after all.
"Pearl?" Her voice echoed throughout the beautiful blue chamber.
A soft one responded. "Yes, my Diamond?"
"Have the Zircon from the trial taken out of stasis. Escort her back here. I wish to have a word with her."
The pearl bowed low, and spoke again, her soft voice bringing a calm to Blue diamond. "Yes my Diamond. I shall return to you soon. My Diamond." With a salute she turned and gracefully walked out of the room.
As Blue waited she sighed and pulled her cloak around her tightly. The events of the trial playing over and over in her mind. A feeling of sadness came over her as she remembered Yellow diamond's actions.
'Ah, Disregard that last statement! I might have gotten carried away!'
Yellow used one finger to poof the blue zircon. A chuckle escaped the yellow zircon, her smug tone ringing through the room. 'Case closed! Right, my Diamond?'
A look of pure rage was on yellow's face as she shot distabilizing electricity at the Zircon. There was a surprised whimper from the zircon before she was poofed.
'Yellow stop it! Why are you doing this?!'
'We don't need to listen to this anymore! Let's shatter Rose Quartz and be done with it!'
'Can't you restrain yourself?'
'But this is pointless!'
'No. It's not!'
The memories hurt her. It was completely unbelievable! A diamond shattering one of their own!? There was absolutey no way it could be possible! Yet...the Zircon insisted it was not Rose Quartz. And whoever, no, whatever that was on trial? It was not Rose Quartz. She needed answers, and maybe it could help her get them.
There was a sound of the doors opening and she saw her pearl walk in. She bowed to Blue and the zircon saluted her. A look of fear on her face. "I have brought the Zircon, as you have asked, My Diamond."
A soft smile played on her lips. "Thank you, my pearl. Please, leave us now. I wish to speak to her in private."
The pearl stood up, and nodded. "Yes my diamond."
When the two were alone the zircon started whimpering and trembling. "Please, forgive me, My Diamond! I realize what I have done! I realize it is treason! I beg for your forgiveness!"
"Zircon, I wish to ask you something?" Her tone sounded strained.
"Y-yes, of course, My Diamond..." The poor Zircon's body was still trembling in her diamond's presence.
"Do you truly believe this? Do you believe it could have been somebody else?" Blue's eyes held a cold stare.
For a brief moment the Zircon considered lying. It could save her gem. But, no. Her Diamond demanded the truth. With a sigh, she looked up at her.
"Yes, my diamond. I believe so. The...'Rose Quartz' was very...unusual. I do not belive it is a Rose Quartz at all."
With a nod, Blue Diamond stood. "Very well. I wish to prepare a ship at once. I must understand more. I would like some of my best gems to accompany me, as well as my pearl. I wish for you to come along as well."
"Yes...My diamond."