[A/N: Ok so this story idea has been in my head for the past week or so. This is a Sword Art Online and Percy Jackson fanfiction.
It is set two years before the lightning thief.
So the story will be more in the future because, since full dive vr games were developed in 2022, I'm gonna have Percy and the other demigods be born in 2012 instead of in the 1990's, well accept for Nico and Bianca, ( and Thalia and Luke but will only be a few years older than Percy (well Luke will be anyways).
Also when SAO starts Percy is 10. And Gabe doesn't exist... AT ALL!!!]
On to the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Sword Art Online.
August 18th, 2022
A boy was sitting in his room looking at a box that was on his bed, how it got there he didn't know. All he knew was it was there when he got home from school.
The box was a normal cardboard box, but the box's logo was a golden Omega symbol on the sides.
He suspected it was a birthday present, as it was his birthday. But when he asked his mom if she bought it for him she said that she didn't buy it for him, but she thinks she know who did.
When he asked who she thought bought it she just stayed silent with a sad but still somewhat happy look in her eyes.
And now here he was, staring at the box with eyes so intense that he might've melted a hole in it, if that was possible.
This was what Percy's mom, Sally, saw when she walked into he son's room.
Sally sweatdropped and sighed "Percy just open it, I want to see what you get."
Percy looked sheepish for a second before nodding.
Once he opened the box he saw a note on an odd looking helmet. He picked up the not and read it.
The note read:
Dear Percy,You may not know who I am, but I know you and your mother and for reasons that I'd rather not say I know that it's your birthday.
So to make up for me being gone, I got you this video game called Sword Art Online.
Sword Art Online is a full dive virtual reality game.
The official game doesn't come out for two months, because it is still in the beta stage, so I managed to get you into the beta for this game.
And those in the beta get payed to test out the game, so that'll make it easier on you and your mother.I cannot say who I am at the moment, but I will say that we will meet someday.
P.S. Happy Birthday.
With love.
Percy couldn't believe it the person who called themself P had somehow gotten him into the beta for the game that has been advertised all over the world. There were only about a 1000 people, including himself, who got picked to be a beta tester for Sword Art Online.
"Well, what did you get?" Sally asked her son.
Still shocked he passed he the note, which she too read.
After he passed her the note, he searched the box for a manual, and began to set up the Nervegear.
Because he was busy he didn't notice the tears that ran down Sally's cheeks as she read the note.
"Finished!!" Sally heard her son yell out, quickly drying her eyes, she turned to see the Nervegear all set up and ready to be used.
Percy turned to her with an excited look in his eyes.
"Mom, can I start to create my character?!" He asked, oblivious to his mother having cried.
"Sure go ahead, create your character and get a feel for the game. But be back in a half hour, that's when dinner will be ready." Sally said with a smile.
"Yay, thanks mom!! Alright I'll be back in a half hour, I promise." Percy said with a huge grin.
With that settled, Sally left the room.
"Alright, let's get going." Percy said still grinning.
Percy put on the Nervegear and lied down on his bed. After a few second of waiting for the NG to boot up, he finally said the two words that would send him into the world of Sword Art Online.
"Link Start."
And the world was filled with white and many other colors zooming towards him.
Eventually the colors stopped and disappeared.
Next circles and and language translation options appeared.
Percy had read in the manual that the base language was Japanese, so the NG was equipped with a sort of Universal Translator that instead of translating the words it just downloaded the information of the Japanese speech and reading skills needed, into the user.
Basically the NG taught Percy how to read and speak Japanese in an instant, and because of that Percy now had a headache.
"Ow, now my head hurts now." Percy compained.
After the language barrier was broken a box poped up and read "select character appearance."
Grinning, Percy began to play around with the character design. This went on until Percy finally got the appearance he wanted.
He chose his character to have black messy hair, green eyes and tan skin, in short he tried to make his character look like him.
Next a small box appeared that said to put in the name of his character.
After a few minutes of deciding he chose to go with Perseus, which "Percy" was short for.
After that was finished Percy pushed, OK and another box popped up, the box read:
Are you sure about this set up, you cannot change this later. YES. NO.
Percy immediately picked yes. When he did the box chaned to say:
Congratulations, you have created an account for Sword Art Online. Please wait to be transported to the Town of Beginnings.
After a few seconds of loading Percy, now named Perseus, disappeared in a flash of blue light.
Town of Beginnings
Perseus reappeared in the center of a town.
When he looked around he saw other people appearing in the same blue light that brought him here.
The other players had various looks. There were alot of girls, most were likely to be boys in real life. There were still quite a few boys around.
He was going to go say hi to the other players but when he started to walk a box appeared.
The box read:
Would you like to take the Menu tutorial?
Perseus chose yes, and the tutorial started.
The tutorial was basically just on how to open the menu and equiping Items and other gear.
When he opened the Main menu, and opened the Item menu he saw that he had 1000 col, the currency of SAO.
Deciding to just get some basic equipment, seeing as when he spawned into the town he only had a tunic and trousers, he began to wander to where the most players seemed to be going.
When he got to the market he saw a bunch of stall that had various weapons and armor. There were also some stalls with Items, such as potions (of various types).
He went to one of the weapon stalls and began to look at what was in stock.
There were longswords, shortswords, daggers, waraxes, and warhammers, with a few spears here and there, there was also a few bows.
Perseus looked at the weapons carefully, eventually he decided to go with a shortsword, he also bought a spear and a bow for extra range.
Due to the weapons being starter gear there wasn't much variety, the better weapons were mostly found out in dungeons, Perseus only new this because it was basic video game logic.
Next Perseus went and bought some basic light, but durable, armor. The armor consisted of simple leather boots and gloves with light metal plates, and a chest plate made of the same materials as the boots and gloves.
Perseus wondered what time it was so he looked in the menu and saw that it was 6:19, he had about 11 minutes till he had to go eat dinner, so he decided to go out and do some fighting in the fields outside of the town.
Outside the ToB.
Perseus was walking around, looking for a mob to fight, eventually he came across a pig...
Sighing, because he expected more, he drew his shortsword, and started attacking.
Two Minutes Later.
"RUN!!" Perseus shouts as he ran away from a hoard of pigs that had spawned as soon as he killed the first pig. When they did they were aggroed by his presence and began to chase him.
Eventually though he got himself cornered and began to atleast try to fight back, but his health was in the red, because of the first pig and the lucky hits that the newer pigs got in while he was running.
His health was almost gone and the pigs were about to gang up to finish him off, when they suddenly shattered into fragments of blue glass.
The glass faded to reveal another player, it was a male, he had black longish hair and gray eyes. He was dressed in armor that was similiar to Perseus's own. His weapon was a one handed longsword. (Kirito's avatar during the beta, before the SAO main "story" (if you could call it that) starts)
"Geez, how does one person aggro so many pigs?" The mysterious player asked Perseus, holding his hand out to him.
"I don't know, I had just finished killing one pig when all those other ones spawned in a circle around me..." Perseus sighed.
"... wow you must have some of the worst luck ever for them to spawn in a circle around you." the player says after a few seconds.
"Yeah, probably." Perseus sighed.
"Anyways, my names Kirito, what's yours?" the now named Kirito asked.
"Oh, right... My names Perseus." Perseus introduced himself.
"Nice to meet ya." Kirito greeted. "I'm guessing that you're new to the beta." he deduced.
"Yeah, got into the beta today, and I don't know much about it yet." Perseus explained.
"Ah well in that case, how about I teach you the basics." Kirito offered.
"Really!! Thanks!!" Perseus said with a grin, one that was matched by Kirito.
For the next few minutes Kirito taught Perseus how to use Sword Skills.
"Oh crap!!" Perseus exclaimed, surprising Kirito, "What time is it!?" Perseus said as he checked his menu.
The time read: 6:26.
"Oh good" Perseus sighed in relief.
"What?" Kirito asked.
"My mom said to be back IRL by 6:30, that's when dinner is ready." Perseus explained.
"Ah well, we better head back to town then." Kirito said with a nod.
"Yeah... wait we?" Perseus said confused.
"Yep we. While you were checking the time I was was checking mine as well, and I got to do some studying for school." Kirito explained.
"Oh, well then let's go!" Perseus grinned.
"Yeah, let's go." Kirito replied before sprinting towards the the ToB, with Perseus following.
A few minutes later - ToB
So after getting back to the town the two saved their progress and said their goodbyes and went back to the real world.
Real World.
Percy, after getting back to the real world, took off the NG and began to go to the kitchen.
When he got there he saw him mom sitting at the table, waiting for him.
"Oh good you're here." Sally said looking over to Percy.
"Am I late?" Percy asked his mom, hoping he didn't worry her.
"No, to be honest I just sat down about a minute or two ago." Sally said smiling to her son.
Percy sighed in relief and sat down across from his mom.
"So how did it go?" Sally asked her son.
"It was awesome, and I'm pretty sure I made a new friend in SAO." Percy said with a grin.
"That's great Percy." Sally said happily, because she knew how hard it was for Percy to make friends, mostly because of the odd things that seem to happen around him, these were what got him labeled as a problem child because he was always blamed for the things that happened.
"Yep, he was cool." Percy said before telling her all about what happened to him in SAO, even the pigs, something that Sally laughed about.
"... and that's how I met Kirito." Percy said when he finished his tale.
"Well it sounds like you had quite the adventure, oh mighty pig slayer." Sally said with a grin, causing Percy to pout at the mention of the pigs.
"Hey, those pigs were evil I tell you, EVIL!" Percy said in a dramatic tone.
"Yes yes, evil pigs, now eat your dinner, and go to bed you do have school in the morning." Sally said with an amused look in her eyes.
"Alright." Percy sighed, he never liked school, mostly because the teachers would call him a "disruption to the learning environment" and if any thing happened during class that was unusual, people would point fingers at Percy, even if he didn't do anything (and even if he wasn't at school at all).
Then there was his dislexia and ADHD, because of that he could barely read, and when he would try to, it felt like the words would float off the page and form a large hammer and beat his head.
Perhaps that was the reason he was so eager to try out SAO, to escape from those problems that he had in real life.
"Oh well lets just get it over with so I can go back to SAO." Percy thought before going to bed.
If only he new what was to come in the next three months (Two months of beta time, and one for the game developers to work out any bugs the official game might have before being released) then he might not have been so eager to go back into the "game" that would influence his future, for better or for worse.
[A/N: alright so this is the first chapter of my new story, now to those who read my other stories and are expecting another update don't worry, the next chapters will be out sometime this week.
So about this story, this chapter was mostly about introducing Percy to SAO and getting a feel for the "game".
Next chapter will be a three month time skip, to get to where the anime starts, now each chapter will contain the entirety of one episode.
I will also be making a custom floor, the floor will be based off of Greco-Roman mythology, this floor will be the floor with the most events (mostly because of the fact that these are so many myths about ancient greece and ancient rome)
Hope those who read this enjoy it.]
Read and review, and to flamers at least give some advice on how to make the story a bit better.