Death Follows Where Misery Lies

'Being a hero is really boring.' Saitama thought.

It was one of those days, the days where Saitama regretted gaining all his power. There was nothing to enjoy in fights, no tension, fear, adrenaline or anger. He simply…. punched his enemies once and the fight was over.

Saitama was walking down the most boring street in City E, all the houses were identical to the point of insanity. Saitama vaguely remembered Genos saying something about how this city was different from all the other ones, different culture or something like that.

'I really should pay more attention when Genos talks.' Saitama thought, with his face never changing expression.

As he was walking by the houses Saitama heard a noise, it sounded like a cry of pain, but the voice was much too young, that of a child.

Quickly Saitama switch direction and began walking up to the house, straining his hearing he heard the sound of shouting and cries of pain.

When he was two meters away from the door Saitama heard yelling, "I DON'T WANT YOU DOING ANYMORE OF THAT FREAKISH STUFF, YOU HERE ME?" followed by the sounds of more punches.


Hari Mortem was not having a very good existence.

You see in a past life Hari was known as Harry James Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and all-around Golden Boy. Unfortunately, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Hari after being attacked by Voldemort had actually sacrificed his morality in order to survive the killing curse.

This means that he held very little concern and was not above doing things most would find horrifying to get what he wanted.

Let's just say it didn't leave him with many friends that could put up with his lack of feelings.

So, in order to survive, Harry put up masks. He became the Golden Boy everyone wanted him to be, right up until the moment he killed Voldemort and claimed the Hollows. Finding out that they didn't make you the Master of Death, but rather Death itself, was a little bit of a shock to him.

So once Harry got bored with his birth Universe he began traveling the multiverses, discovering worlds that used abilities like Nen, Chakra, Spirits, Demon & Angel powers.

His most recent stop was a world where people called 'Heroes' fought against strange monsters that appeared out of nowhere. He discovered that this universe had a lot of explosions pretty much daily.

This world was pretty much ideal, since he could use all his skills and abilities from previous world's here without fear of being experimented on. The downside is that he had to replace this world's 'Harry Potter' and was left with a father even more abusive than the Dursleys.

'And I can't kill the bastards yet cause then I would have to deal with the paperwork an early demise would cause! According to my instincts I only have to deal with this for a few more seconds before some hero saves me.' Hari thought.

As if summoned by his thoughts, the door flew open. Hari's father stopped his punching for a few seconds to look up. What he saw caused Hari's father's blood to freeze.

Saitama walked into the house and instantly became serious at what he saw. A beefy man, around 6'2 was punching the crap out of his seven-year-old son. The child was staring at the man with such hate, his aura screamed death, even more than his when he got serious in a fight.

Walking over to the frozen man, Saitama glared at him as he flicked the man in the forehead, sending him flying through the house wall and down the street.

Hari watched on with growing excitement, his sickly green eyes glowing with malicious glee, having to put up with that creepy bastard's treatment of him for years really made this revenge even better.

Sighing, Saitama reverted back to his emotionless state, turning towards the kid, he was slightly surprised to see that all of his injuries were gone.

"Hey, gaki, you good?" Saitama asked.

The kid stared at him with a look of someone who had just found their favourite toy, it made him slightly nervous, especially since he knew the aura he had felt was no joke.

"Thank you, Saitama-san, I don't think I could've held back killing him any longer if you hadn't stepped in." Hari answered with an adorable giggle that really didn't match his words.

Saitama looked slightly alarmed, but he could already tell this kid wasn't normal.

"Well, I best be going. Have to get to the sale at the market soon and my student is probably worried." Saitama said.

Just as Saitama turned to leave he felt a weight jump on his back and arms wrap around his neck. He turned his head to the left and came face to face with the grinning kid,

"Gaki, what are you doing?" Saitama asked in a bored voice.

"Coming with you, of course, where would I go without my hero to keep me safe?" Hari answered in a teasing voice.

Saitama sighed, it looked like he was stuck with this kid for a while.

With a burst of speed, he appeared at the meeting point for him and Genos, he saw the cyborg leaning against a railing looking impatient.

"Yo!" Saitama called in greeting, deciding to ignore the kid on his back that felt like death.

Genos turned when he heard his sensei's voice, he was about to walk over and lecture the man on punctuality (for the fourth time) when he spotted the kid clinging to his sensei's back.

"Sensei, who is this child?" Genos asked.

Genos answer was his sensei's blank stare, clearly the man had forgotten to ask the name of the child he had saved…how like him.

"Hi Genos-san my name is Hari Mortem! Saitama-san saved me from my father so I've decided to stick with him!" Hari introduced himself.

Genos could only stare in shock, before face palming. Why did he have to choose the weirdest sensei on the planet. Genos paused his train of thought, how did the kid know his name?

"Hey, Genos, we should get to the market. I don't want to miss the sale they have going on." Saitama said, apparently not addressing the issue of the child clinging to his back.

Genos simply stared at the retreating form of his sensei's back, with the kid clinging to it. Swinging his short legs back and forth in childish happiness. Genos sighed, it seems things with his sensei were about to get much weirder.