Days of Fifty Challenge.

Dear wonderful readers:

The Playroom of the FSoG Sisterhood is very pleased to announce the start of:

The Days of Fifty Challenge

The Days of Fifty Challenge is an opportunity for ALL writers, brand new and experienced, to have fun while challenging themselves to write with several different writing prompts. An established writer may want to step out of their comfort zone. A new writer may want to post a story for the first time.

This is not a contest. NO WINNERS OR LOSERS. Just good fun and great new stories about our favorite couple.

Guest reviews will be moderated for constructive criticism. Troll/Mean spirited Guest Reviews will not be posted to protect our writers.


Challenge Number One:

Our first writer's prompt is: He knew that he was home when her lips touched his.

We will post one story each day centering around this writing prompt.


Information about the Challenges.

The Days of Fifty challenges are not exclusive to our Facebook group members.

1 **ANYONE can join in the fun. If you are not a member of the Sisterhood group, please PM Lanieloveu or Mrs. Caron for details.**

2. The entries will be anonymous. Names will be revealed after the last story for each prompt is posted.

3 **There will be several more writers prompts in the upcoming weeks so get in touch with us if you'd like to participate.**


The first story for our current prompt will be posted tomorrow!

Thank you all in advance for your support.