Oyal is not lost. Oyal knows exactly where they are going? Why? Because they have gathered a sufficient amount of information to know where to get a map. Why? Because they are an able bodied young adult like person who does not need to interact physically with the locals in order to answer simple questions.

They are also hiding behind barrels and fruit vendors for the same logical and rational reasons. The chances of being spotted are high! This is a marine town and while only two of their members have bounties that is still 33.33% of the crew.

… or more accurately 40%, as they should not include themself for the census of that equation.

They move along a horse drawn cart to avoid visual contact with two young ladies coming down the opposite side of the street.

Stars above, why are there so many people on this rock?! When was the last time they had a global plague?

Oyal just needs to find the store. Get materials. Get out. Say goodbye to the crew. And…

Go to the Animal islands. Help Gaimon and Gori with their plans of unifying animals in the East Blue.

Study more of the flora of this Blue. The blue grass and Pink Flower Specimen will take quite a bit of time and study.

Contact with Gin about the Commanders, he would undoubtedly need a secretary or organizer from this location.

Perhaps find refuge in Ocean's Navel. They are certainly in need or organization as they continue their mass production plans and undoubtedly appreciate the help.

All fine, perfectly respectable plans. Oyal can already see the plans within the plans of the hows, whens, and wheres to complete each one of them. With a 95% confidence interval, they find that their chances of having a reasonable life here in the East Blue to be between 88.67% and 94.57%.

...and yet.

Oyal shakes their head, "Stop this. You are just doing what that… that fool wishes you to. Doubting yourself and thinking nonsensical things," they push themselves away from the cart, behind some curtains in the distance, "Things may work out with him with that attitude but not for you. Never for you."

It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter.

Finally, refuge in sight they see their goal.

The Crafts store.

With a not so graceful movement, Oyal checks the direction to the left. And the direction to the right. It was right across the hole in the wall they were currently holding. Just have to make it across the street without gathering any attention.

One more parameter sweep.

And… GO!

Oyal ran across the street, flip flops smacking loudly against concrete, and aimed for the door handle. Miss the door handle. Break out into a cold sweat. Finally get the door handle to open. Enter. And Slam the door behind them.

Mission Accomplished.

Oyal waits for their heartbeat to stop pounding before they absorb their surroundings. Note: Work on stamina, these heart palpitations are clearly signs of low stamina. Obviously.

With a hard swallow, because their throat is dry and for no other reason, they make their way in store.

It was a lovely store objectively. Big windows, artistically crafted journals on display, the smell of old books and ink in the air, jars of shapes and colors, nicely and wonderfully color-coded in the back. Yes, this was aesthetically pleasant.


Until a loud noise in the backroom made Oyal jump seven feet in the air.

"Sorry! Sorry!" A redheaded surly woman shouts as she barges in like she owns the place. And considering she gets behind the cash register, she probably does, "Trouble with some of the older stack, you know how it is! What can I do you for?!"

Oyal does not know, in fact, what it is as they have completely forgotten everything they needed or what the purpose of coming here was even.

"Uhhhh…" Oyal says intelligently as they quickly look in their pockets for their list.

The woman's eyes bore into Oyal's skull but as long as they don't make eye contact then that means Oyal is safe.

Desperately getting paper in hand they hold it in front of the woman, who snatches it away.

She reads the neat handwriting quickly, "Portable ink bottles, Lead cartridges, and journals! Well, you're in, luck, laddy because I have those in spare!" the woman disappears into the back of the store without further ado, leaving Oyal strangling the air awkwardly, not sure what to do with their hands.

"Actually! Are you a student?!" the woman screams from the back, "You seem young enough, I have a few of my own there already!"

Oyal isn't sure when to answer as the woman keeps talking and feels back for every question left unanswered, "Yes yes, one of them was going to be a physicist she said. Well, until she learned she had to learn biology. Disgusting really. No daughter of mine is touching that with a ten-foot pole! But she moved on, thank the lords, but now we have these horrid books in the house. You seem like a smart laddy, I'll give them to you for a 40% off discount rate. Actually, I have some texts in the back as well, more about but more to do with History. If you take those as well I'll halve your original price with a 30% discount on the books."

She comes back in a flurry, paper, journals, ink, and lots of books in hand, "Actually! How about this, I see you eyeing my fancier journals. I'll give you three Job Hopkind hardbacks, seven Lady Lofter pens, 13 Samwell Ink cartridges and 400 pages of Legiti pages. All at original prices but with every 1000 they will get 10% and will added books being 50% off all prices but only if you can reach the sum of what the value dollar will be and reduce the entire price by 30%. With tax!"

Oyal doesn't breathe during that whole thing.

They take a deep breath. Swallow. And answer the question.

"The sum total would be 154.34 beri, with added books you add the extra 76 beri making it 230.34 beri with 30% of all 161.24 beri if you round up and with the current tax rate of 8.8% that adds up to 175.43. Ma'am."

The woman doesn't lose that crazy look in her eye for a second, "Correct! As a bonus, you get free shipping to your ship! I'll wrap it up for you and have it delivered to your posthaste!"

After exchanging the information the woman neatly wraps all the things that Oyal did not say they even wanted and directs them out of the store into the cold, harsh world of reality.

"... troublesome."


Luffy takes a comfy seat. Best seat on the island afterall.

He looks up, closes his eyes, and smiles.

"Hey, Roger! I want to say thanks for having Ace," he says to the wind, "He is a really great guy! The best big brother I could ask for. Oh! And Sabo too, of course. But, Ace really is the best! Even if he can be so stubborn. I don't know where he gets that from," he sighs, shaking his head, "But for real, he has always been there for me. He got really strong to beat up all the guys that messed with us. And he got really polite just to say thanks to Shanks! Shishishishi! He does a lot for me even if he still thinks I'm weaker. Just he wait! I'm going to give him a pistol PUNCH!" he shouts, punching a fist in the air.

He starts gathering a crowd. He doesn't care.

"So… even if you are dead and he doesn't like you, I think you would have loved him. It's hard not to! So it sucks that you couldn't meet your son... and that… I couldn't protect him…"

It was hot today despite the constant breeze. The sky was clear and bright, no notion of the storm that is about to come. He closes his eyes to get the feeling.

"I was so weak. I am still weak. I know it was his choice but… it must have sucked having to see your kid that soon."

The new generation takes off his hat in respect of the old one, "I promise that is not going to happen again."

"Hey, kid!"

Luffy opens his eyes. Showtime. "Hey, yourself!"

The average looking town guard looks up in annoyance, "You're not allowed to be up there. Come down this instant or else I'll have to arrest you."

Luffy's smile widens, "Oh yeah? You and what army?"

"Straw Hat."

Luffy's grin freezes in shock, "Hey… didn't expect to see you here," the yet in his mind went unspoken, "Smokey!"

Shit. Luffy did not recall this from last time. Is his memory failing him again or did he do something to change this? All he did was have a drink with the guy, is that really so bad?!

Smokey does not look as amused, "You're not supposed to touch the tourist attractions."

Translation: This is not just seeing the tower.

"Really?" Luffy cocks his head, "Never had trouble with that before!"

"Really," Smoker puffs a thin but very deliberate stream of smoke, "As captain of the base Marine base station in Loguetown, I have to stop you now!"

Double shit. He looks over at the crowd that was gathering. He isn't here yet. It's way too early. Hell, it's not even cloudy yet! He has to stall or something! Should he fight? Okay, think, you monkey brain! Go through Pros and Cons just like Oyal said.

Cons: Fighting Smoker.

Pros: Fighting Smoker.

… what was the point of that?

"I see, well, that is part of your job, of course, and I don't want to get in your way… BUT I REFUSE!" Luffy sits up, "I'm kinda busy going to the Grand Line and becoming the King of the Pirates! So you are not stopping me here!"

"Then you will have to beat me," Smoker says with the same understanding. "If you don't get past me, you are not going to enter the Grand Line. It is the rule here," he cracks his knuckles, "That is if you have courage to fight me?"

"I just have to fight you to the Grand Line?" Luffy hits his fist in his open hand, "Then I guess we have to fight then!"

"Bring it."

Smoker's hand reaches behind his head, hand slowly closing around his jitte. Like it or not, this guy does have a 45,000,000 bounty and Smoker isn't about to give this kid the benefit of the doubt.

Smoker gets ready to gear up and-!

"WAIT!" said kid shouts, stopping everything.

Smoker makes the rookie mistake of listening, "What?!"

" foot fell asleep."

The crowd that is gathering at their interaction faceplant simultaneously in a comedic fashion at the moronic statement.

For the love of- Smoker feels his eye twitch, "Does it look like I care?!"

"It is not my fault. I've been sitting here for a while, you know!" Luffy rubs his leg, looking again at the crowd. Still not here.

Smoker literally steams as the teen starts getting to his feet.

"Okay! Here goes nothing!" Luffy grabs the sides of the platform, "Gum-Gum…"

Smoker grabs his jitte, ready for anything-!


—except for the boy flinging right over Smoker's head.

Smoker's cigars fell as his eyes followed the lone pirate sailing over the heads of everyone in the plaza.

Once said teen boy is out of sight over the horizon of buildings, it is only then Smoker starts making his move, "I am not getting paid enough for this."

He makes a move to give chase but out of the corner of his eye he sees it.

A Straw Hat hanging on the edge of the tower hanging in the wind.

Smoker lowers his jitte, "Call all available units here now." he barks, not bothering to acknowledge the group of new marines arriving minutes late.

"B-But sir, Straw Hat Luffy has already made his escape to the docks. Shouldn't we—?"

"He'll be back." Smoker cuts off, pushing past the crowd. He doesn't really get it himself but he knows.

He isn't going to bother chasing the brat. He knows he will be back, until then the officer is going to make a few calls.


Oyal looks down at their cards. 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Diamonds, 4 of Diamonds, 5 of Diamonds and King of Diamonds.

Now… let's see where that crew of theirs is.

Oyal opens their journal. On the pages flutters open showing the fives cards that they demanded to see as each one wrote the current whereabouts and doings of each of their crewmembers. They picked up each one in turn as Oyal read their messages.

Under their breath they whisper, "Palm Reading."

2D: Zoro appears to have been sweeping floors in his free time? Well, that is unorthodox. But why is he sweeping Marines' floors!? That fiend! At least he finally got those swords. Should have taken their advice about not paying. Now he is in debt to Nami for the rest of time.

3D: Speaking of which, she appears to be haggling every store owner in town. Her skills of (harassing) bargaining are impressive.

4D: Usopp is fighting… a father and his daughter.

5D: Sanji is having a cook-off with some woman or another.

Oyal puts their four cards away to see the fifth. They appear to have underestimated their crew's weirdness.

KD: Luffy seems to be… farther from the platform than they would think. He seems to be making his way back so he must have just gotten lost again. But... something doesn't seem to be right...

Oh. He is finally there.

Oyal puts the Diamonds away and takes out the Hearts.

Ace of Hearts: Alvida and Buggy. Looks like things are finally coming together, then.

This… is exactly what they needed. Let's see, Marines are starting to gather at the plaza where Buggy and Alvida are unstumbly gathering to jump Luffy. Once Luffy makes his way back to the plaza then they can finally find him.

Well, then, it should be a matter of time until—

"Oi! Oyal!"

They do NOT jump at the sound of their name. They turn around to see Nami has a large bag of clothes over her shoulder.

Oyal lifts a hand, "Hello… everyone," as their entire crew starts to show up from a different street each.

Zoro with two more swords and a bag. Usopp with new goggles and Sanji carrying a large tuna-like… fish.

"Huh, lucky we all found each other I guess," Usopp smiles sheepishly scratching his cheek.

"Yeah, if you didn't run off in the first place," Nami snaps, folding her arms, "You're lucky I found you when I did! Trying to pick a fight with a professional bounty hunter like that."

Zoro grins at this, "Usopp trying to start fights without us? We should let you fight on your own more often then."

"W-Wait just a minute!" the sharp shooter exclaims, "It was a fight of HONOR! You hear me! Man's Pride! And I won! So don't you start leaving me in the dust!"

Sanji blows a ring of smoke, "Well while you were fighting for man's pride I was fighting for something better," showing off his Elephant Tuna. "Love."

"Moron," Zoro quickly steps past the blonde, dodging a kick to the head, "Here."

He throws the unmarked bag to Oyal.

Who misses the throw a few seconds too late only to watch as the bag plops right in front of them.

"Nice catch."

"Shut it," Oyal is absolutely not embarrassed to pick up the bag to find inside it is… "An umbrella?"

It was one of those papier-mâché umbrellas, with blank ink painting on the top of whimsical lines and what seems to be a butterfly at the end, "Zoro, what in the world would you need an umbrella for? You sleep in the rain without fail 100% of the time."

Zoro folds his arms, "It's not for me. It's for you!"

Oyal opens their mouth… to close it with a click. "Ah… I see."


"Thank you, Zoro, I shall treasure this forever," they say with as much sincerity as they can muster.

"PISS OFF!" Zoro nearly bites their head off, "It's a paper umbrella! So you can have a… weapon, I guess."

Oyal stares at him for the longest time, "So you are saying… because my power is paper you rationally thought it best to get me the first paper item you saw. And then proceeded to buy that paper item and assume I can weaponize it."

"Yeah, duh." Zoro looks at them like they are the one needed explanation.

"I see…" taking the umbrella in hand, "Well, by your logic, it is clear to me there is no point in questioning you further about that except for this: Why?"

"Well, you are still crap at fighting so it might help." As blunt as always.

"Wait a minute," Nami marches over taking the bag inspecting it herself, "Zoro doesn't do anything out of the kindness of his heart. So why… would you buy an umbrella that cost you... all the money I GAVE YOU!"

She yells the last part, holding out a receipt at the bottom of the bag.

Zoro chokes seeing he was caught, "I, uh, had some money left over from the swords is all."

"Zoro," Nami stares him down, "Don't you dare try to lie to me about money. Only I can lie about money."

"Oh," Oyal looks at their gift again, "You bought me a present… with the money I told you not to take from Nami."

Zoro sweats a bit.

"Is this because…" Oyal feels a smirk growing, "I am right. And you should have listened."

Zoro sweats more, refusing to agree to anything.

"Get used to it, Zoro," Oyal opens their new paper toy twirling like a parcel, "I'm always right."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Whitewash," Zoro spats.

"Every single utterance that strides down the red carpet that is my tongue should be considered and hailed as an embodiment of truth itself," Oyal says humbly, "Not a question. Not a suggestion. Not a command. It is prophecy."

Zoro bites, "Why you bratty little, pale-ass freak—"

"WATCH THE LANGUAGE!" Sanji aims a kick to the head yet again, "You're talking to a… kid!"

"Like you give two shits about kids!"

"I love kids!"

While they bicker Usopp comes in closer, "It does look pretty nice, maybe I can suit it up for you?"

Oyal tilts their head. "…I will weigh the pros and cons of your offer."

"I'll take that as a maybe," Usopp easily replies.

"Wait a minute," Nami pulls out another object, "Then why did he get this?"

Both younglings look to see Nami holding… tarot cards.

They were the 72 deck, full with how-to instructions and a beginners guide to fortune telling.

Any fight that would have occurred was stopped at Zoro's side glance, "Yeah, I thought that a witch should have a proper witch set."

"I hate this," Oyal takes the cards. "I hate you."

Usopp giggles behind a hand, "You got to admit It's kinda funny."

"There is a 0% chance that there is anything humorous about this."

"I'll say," Nami huffs, "Now he is 500% in debt."

Zoro chokes on his own spit, "Now just hold on here—!"

"Wait. The pressure of the air is falling." Nami interrupts with a frown, "The pressure is falling rapidly."

All of them go from funloving to serious in a matter of moments. When Nami says something is off it is best to listen after all.

"It is true, the wind feels off," Sanji agrees, happy to interrupt Zoro as well.

"A storm will fall down on this island," Oyal joins the line.

"Welp, we better get off this island as quickly as possible then" Sanji re-hoists his tuna.

Usopp grins, "Right, we got everything and everyone is here so there's no reason to…."

They all look at each other. A message passes over each one of their faces as they notice a distinct lack of a rubber boy. They turn to their astronomer.

"So, where is he?"

"Why, Zoro," Oyal puts a hand to their chest, "you sound as if Luffy got himself in some kind of trouble."

They just look at the kid as footsteps start coming down the street right past them.

"All unites to the plaza! Captain Smoker just called it!" an out of breath marine runs down the street with platoon in tow, "Out in square! Pirates have run loose!"

One of the nameless faces actually calls back, "Pirates? Is it Monkey D. Luffy?"

"Yes! But there are also reports of Buggy the Clown and Alvida the Iron Mace."

"Right under our noses!"

"Captain Smoker ordered to send first unit to the port and ordered at the second to encircle the public place and the remainder to him," he directs more Marines to the plaza, "The mission of the first unit is: to find and destroy all the ships of the pirates as well as the pirates on them. Not to let anyone leave in any manner."

The rest of the Marines finish running past them leaving behind an uninterrupted group as they stare down Oyal.

Who coughs delicately into their hand, "While I must admit the situation appears bad, let us not forget that Luffy is perfectly capable of handling himself."


A second wave of footsteps start running down the street, "It's an execution at the platform! There will be an execution! Buggy the Clown will behead Straw Hat Luffy!"

As the second waves leave the only ones left standing in the road continues to stare down Oyal.

Oyal rightfully, pulls their hood over their head. The old "they can't see me if I can't see them" trick.

The rest of the Straw Hats look at each other.

Then to the ground. And groan.

"Of course, this would happen," Usopp mutters, "Right when we have a peaceful day."

"Let's go then!" Zoro starts running... in a direction.

"Take care of it as if it was a woman!" Sanji throws his fish at Usopp, running in a similar direction.

"We have to hurry," Nami sprints in the opposite direction, "Come on, Usopp, Oyal! To the port."

Usopp fumbles under the weight of his new tuna friend, "T-the port?"

"There is a storm, obviously!" Nami turns around only just so long, "I saw in the east a large cumulonimbi just formed! The largest storm I have ever seen before! And the Navy is looking to stop our ships right now, we need to leave!"

"And that means…" understanding dawning upon Usopp, "The Going Merry is in danger! Move, Nami! I'm passing up front!"

He starts huffing it himself, his usual running skills slowed by the extra weight, "Why am I the one with the damn fish?!" he turns back to their usually quiet third member, "Oyal, can you lend a hand?"

But the kid was gone.



"Negative," Oyal replies back to a clearly pissed off Zoro. They wish to say more but running is still not their strong suit and they are pretty sure they are only slowing the two monsters down chasing after them.

But they have to go.

Sanji looks disgruntled, "Olive-Oyal, we can handle this, you don't need to come-"

"I am… huff…. not worried about…. about you," they get out, "I…. am still a straw hat pirate, and-" they shake their head, "have every right to be here… as you do," they swallow nothing down their dry throat. Why do they taste iron? "You… you cannot take this away from me."

The two out of three monsters are dead silent as they stare at them in shock before glancing at one another, something unspoken passes between them.

For a heart-stopping moment, Oyal is afraid they will stop and tell them to go back. And they will have to listen. Logically speaking, they are perfectly aware that their presence will hinder their fighting if they try to are already slowing them down by running with them. But… emotionally speaking… they were 99% pretty sure there is nothing Sanji or Zoro could do or say that will stop them from completing their mission.

Both Sanji and Zoro slow down, now running alongside the kid.

"Be ready to run," Sanji orders.

"Not that you are good at it," Zoro adds.

Oyal feel an invisible weight lift of them. They nod in understanding before looking ahead.

The scene was right in front of them.

The scene before them isn't anything Oyal didn't expect. Stormy sky, a huge crowd surrounding a single platform where two figures stood. They couldn't see what is happening exactly up there but it is clear who it is. Luffy and Buggy. Show time.

"If… huff... I may offer some advice?"

Zoro undid his bandana as he tied it over his head and moved to get his swords out, "Shoot."

"Don't charge right in," Oyal interests, "Buggy will have no trouble keeping himself preoccupied with his own voice as long as he is not interrupted. Get as close as you can and charge him when it seems he's winding down for a finale."

Sanji and Zoro glance at one another before shrugging and nodding.

"Sound like a plan," Zoro grunts as he clocks his swords back into their sheaths.

"And what do you plan to do?" Sanji points out

"I'm going to hide in the crowd and… provide emotional support," Oyal offers lamely.

"So nothing useful," Zoro finishes.

"Not to you, yes."

With that they split up, Zoro and Sanji slipping into the crowd with some degree of subtlety and

Oyal… stay near the edge of the crowd.

They walk along the outskirts of the distracted mass of people, their attention solely focused on the two clowns at top of their infamous platform. Unsurprisingly their prediction was accurate, as Buggy is living up the moment for all it's worth. They couldn't hear a damn thing he is saying from this distance but Luffy seemed to be handling the situation just fine.

Oyal and Luffy talked about this before. How this whole thing could have been avoided.

Luffy didn't need to go see the platform. Luffy didn't need to be caught by Buggy. Luffy didn't need to test his luck again.

But he was adamant.

Everything has to be perfect. Has to be the same. At least for this, just to make sure that he is here.

Oyal catches green out of the corner of their eye.

They whip their head fast enough for wind to break at the flash of green as the heavy furred overcoat of the one and only "Cannibal" Bartolomeo .

Well…. Not who the he Oyal was looking for but...

They look back… they have time before they miss their chance. And it would be such a waste of an opportunity.

They walk up to Bartolomeo with no plan in mind. They know it would be useless in one of these situations. They are facing one of Oyal's greatest, most hated enemies they have encountered and refused to be conquered.

Initiating social interactions.

So with that in mind get close to him. A good three feet apart. Perfect distance. Ready to say the first thing that comes out of their mouth.

"That man is going to get himself killed."

Great start!

Barotomeo glares at them, clearly not in the mood for idle chit-chat with a stranger, "HE CAN'T DIE YET!"

"Oh-ho?" Oyal forces themself to sound confused.

"Listen, that guy is a mad man! An absolute lunatic!" Bartolomeo goes on widely, "I was just with the little bastard and he was shit talking the Old Big Smoke Choker- TO- HIS- FACE! At first I thought this guy was just suicidal, and he still might be, like this hasn't changed that. But he is either finding the most punk ass way to die or really thinks he can get out of this alive."

Oyal nods their head up and down, hand placed carefully under this chin, "Oh! Do go on. Please."

Either Bartolomeo really wanted to talk or he just didn't care, "I won't lie, I've seen some people with moxie but this guy too the cake," his shoulders slumped lowly, "So when I heard some moron in a straw hat was getting executed I knew he was here. IT SUCKS! I was so hype to… to… I DON'T KNOW! I just really wanted to see what this guy was going to do next!"

Oyal actually understood that part. This was Luffy after all. If there was one thing everyone can agree on, he was entertaining. To see what he was going to do next, see how he was going to get out of an impossible situation. It is a part of his charm.

Oyal hums and tilts their head with fake curiosity, "Care for a wager. How much are you willing to bet he will survive this one?"

"Wager?" Bartolomeo o stands straight once more, using his height as leverage, "You one of these gamblers?"

"I… gamble," they say, you know, like a liar.

Bartolomeo gives them a look over, "Bullshit," he says smirking, "But I'm always up for an easy bet. Name your price."

Oyal keeps their face clear, "I will give you 500,000 beri if he dies. If he lives, however," they pull out a pamphlet from their sleeve, "You have to read this."

Bartolomeo glares at the paper, smacking it harshly, "How to be a Pirate for Dummies? The hell is this?"

They turn their head to the platform, "Just a wager. If you think you are going to win then you have nothing to lose."

Bartolomeo olomeo still has an irritated scowl on his face but shrugs it off, "Whatever. You'll lose anyway. No way in hell anyone is surviving a sword to the neck like that. His balls might be steel but not his neck."

"We aren't in hell."

"Yeah, not now," the mobster laughs at his own joke, "Well the kid gots the guts to talk the talk, sure, but I don't really see how he is going to walk the wa—!"

Lightning crackled.


"You know it is actually quite flattering, Buggy."


"That you would try to kill me where your captain died," Luffy twirls his hat around his finger, "Really, I appreciate how highly you think of me."

"THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" the clown yells with his face morphing into something horrible, "You don't even deserve to stand where he stood!"

Luffy just laughs, "Maybe, but… can we hurry this along, actually?"

Dark clouds are blowing over the square, casting the whole area in shadows. There is a tension in the air, perhaps it is just the chill, perhaps it is the electrical energy from rolling thunder, but there is a strong sense that something big is going to happen. And it is building every minute.

"...What the hell did you just say?"

"Go on! Let her rip!" Luffy sits right in front of Buggy. There wasn't a need for the hold head lock thing. Luffy hasn't moved an inch since he got up again. He is just looking at the best view on the island while Buggy stands right behind him. So he bends down, exposing out a very vulnerable neck, "Right here."

"...You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope," popping the p, "I, um, actually kinda have a bet going on. I want to see if this was all luck that I get to where I am… or... Anyway he is watching right now so..." he admits easily, "So yeah, give it your best shot."

Buggy, galres at the brat, looking left and right really quickly like he was about to jump, "You're… serious. This isn't some trap to kick me in the balls again, is it?"

"I can't even tie a shoe and you think I can set a trap?"

Buggy twitches, "You're an annoying brat," raising his sword, "But I'll kill you anyway. Got any last words? There are a lot of people here."

Luffy looks up, neck still open, face blank, "Last words? That's generous of you."

Buggy gives a nasty grin, "Well, you are giving me your life on a platter. It would be sad if you didn't have anything to say," the lightning surrounding the two loudly thunders again, illuminating Buggy's sword, "You are about to die after all."

Luffy looks back down, hat covering his eyes, "Nah, I got nothing to say at all…"

He really doesn't have anything to say. He doesn't have anything to prove. He is just here for one reason.

"But…" He feels his heart well up a bit. Huh, well maybe he could muster a bit more. Just this once,

"HEY!" he yells into the crowd.


The crowd stares in stunned silence. Out of a city of hundreds only his voice was heard over the sound of fallen rain. They all say it. All say God himself chose one.

Marines covering the outskirts, waiting for the head of Straw Hat Luffy to fall for them to move in. As the Buggy pirates surrounded the platform also stunned by the boldness of those words. None is more stunned than Buggy as this little cretin dared shout his old mentor's title. His sight turns red. He is going to-



Zoro and Sanji are right there! Beating clowns and pirates left and right.

"You really know how to put the disorder in a city, Luffy!" Zoro cuts another foe down.

"What kind of sideshow is this," Sanji kicks two clowns at once, "Does this Big Nose really look that bad all the time?"

Luffy laughs, "Don't be mean, Sanji. He can't help looking like that."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, BRAT?!" Buggy yells, lifting his sword into the air, "But it is a little bit too late, Roronoa Zoro! And Other Guy!"

Zoro gets to the bottom of one pillar, "The platform! Let's destroy it!"

"Right!" Sanji gets right to the next one.

Luffy smiles. He appreciates the thought. He really does. But it isn't necessary.

Sanji moves to take out the iron pillars. But there is just too much fodder getting in their way.

Buggy lifts his swords one more time over the sitting Luffy.


He can't. He has to see. He has to see.

He is so selfish, isn't he?

"Oyal! Zoro! Sanji! Usopp! Nami! Ace!" Chopper. Robin. Frany. ... He smiles….

Zoro, Sanji, and even Oyal stop dead in their tracks at that smile. It wasn't forced or painful but… serene. As if he was truly happy to be where he is. He looked like…?

"Sorry," he means it. With all his heart. His biggest regret, his biggest failure. He has to know. If it was all dumb luck or not.

"I let you die."

And he keeps smiling even as Buggy brought his sword down on his neck.

Why? Did it know that it was going to be saved? No.

The first time, he had understood that his life was going to end.

He was dead and he had accepted it.

He was ready and he smiled.

But this time.

This time is just the beginning.

Zoro's heart stops, "Idiot—" he stares up in horror.

Sanji chokes, "Don't say that!" now desperately kicking pirates by the dozen out of his way.

Smoker, hiding with a dozen marines in the rafters, looks at that, "That smile!"

But it is too late.

The blade fell.

Luffy feels it. Not the sword millimeters from his neck. He feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He feels the electricity.

So… lightning really does strike the same place twice.

He smiles.

Guess he really can't do this alone.

Lightning like no other hits the stage. It is enough volts to have the clown burn in a pit of fiery blue. The image is that of nightmares. The whole execution platform up in a wave of blue fire. So hot that it starts to lean and smashed in the ground. The rain water then did nothing to lighten then burning.

From the sky, a single hat falls from the heavens. And out come a totally unharmed man.

He puts his hat on… and laughs.

"Well, I am alive! How lucky!"

Buggy is not so lucky as he lays on the floor out cold in a twitching burnt mess. Well, Luffy is made out of rubber, after all.

There is a stunned silence as all around them the crowd stare at him in disbelief. Yet at the same time with the fire behind the boy and the rains pouring around them... It is as if the heavens itself is confirming his words.

Out in the crowd, Oyal's breath hitches as they feel the exact same wave of certainty, the same sense of fact they felt the first time he'd said those words.

"H-holy crap…" Bartolomeo olomeo breathes in shock. He looks a hair's breadth away from having a heart attack at the coolest thing he had just ever witnessed, "D-Did he just-?! In front of-?! And THAT WAS-!"

Oyal pushes the pamphlet into his shaking hands, "It appears that I won the bet."

Smiling at death. How very D of him. Of course. Just like Roger. Just like Saul. Just like any good D. Not a trace of fear or regret.

Bartolomeo o doesn't even notice, eyes glued on the hatted figure, "How the hell can he just… SAY STUFF LIKE THAT?!"

Oyal turns around, eyes immediately looking for their original target, "Well, he is a pirate. Most of them seem to have that kind of attitude to life."

Bartolomeo o looks back finally taking his eyes off his new hero, "...Seriously? Pirates are like that?!"

Oyal continues to look. They don't have time for emotional speeches. That's Luffy's thing. He has got to be here. He was the whole reason for this song and dance. He has to be. He has to be. Has to be… right…


"Go ask him yourself," and like that they run off.


"Hey, you believe in a God?" Sanji asks his fellow partner.

"Now's really not the time," Zoro puts away his swords, "Let's get the hell out of here."

Luffy skips over to his two crewmembers, "Yeah we should probably get going before we have to waste time fighting those weaklings."

Sanji furrows his brow, "Who-"


"Oh, them."

"RUN!" Luffy turns tail and heads down the street to the docks. A cloud of smoke already encircling a group of fodder pirates, "Looks like Smokey is having his own fun!"

"Wait!" Sanji runs after, "What about Oyal?!"

"They got their own thing to do!" Luffy smiles, "Don't worry about it!"

The three run. Not noticing that they had a tag along in their possy.



Luffy looks back, smile spreading across his face as a familiar fourth person was running right by them, "Hey! Who the hell are you?"

Bartolomeo olomeo is huffing but keeping pace nicely, "M-My name is Bartolomeo olomeo! S-Straw Hat Luffy! T-the reason you're so awesome, the reason you were able to smile at death… is it because you're a pirate?"

Luffy stares at the blubbering man for a moment before grinning widely, "Of course! After all, pirates are the freest people on the sea! That means being able to go on incredible adventures and keeping smiling no matter what happens. We're nothing other than awesome!"

Bartolomeo olomeo looks like he was going to bawl, "S-so… if- if I become a pirate… could I be as awesome as you?!"

Luffy's smile somehow widened even further, "Definitely!"

Bartolomeo olomeo hesitates for a second, a mere second before crying eagerly, "Then I'm going to do it! I'm going to get a ship! I'm going to get a crew! And I'm going out to the sea! To the Grand Line! I, Bartolomeo olomeo of Loguetown, am GONNA BE A PIRATE!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughs, "sounds awesome!"

"Hey!" Zoro runs right next to him, "You can do whatever you want but becoming a pirate isn't a hobby. I don't care what you do in life, but this is a dedication not a rush of emotion."

"When did you become a pirate poster boy," Sanji grumbles.

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you!" Bartolomeo o enthusiastically agrees, "I'll do it! I'll do it RIGHT! Wait for me alright! W-we're gonna meet again! We'll meet again... IN THE GRAND LINE!"

"Shishishi! I'm already looking forward to it! Good luck, Bartolomeo y!" Luffy chortles animatedly.

Bartolomeo o gives one last thumbs up before dodging into a corner street. If the Marines made any plans on going after him, it was all for naught, as the hometown boy knew these streets like the back of his hand. He would be fine. He wouldn't have made it on the Grand Line if he is just some wuss.

"Well, looks like you have a fan!" Sanji laughs.

"I know, isn't that awesome!" Luffy snickers in agreement, seeing something in the distance.

"Hey, Zoro! Look up ahead!"

Zoro raises a brow, seeing who was standing there, through the rain.

And there she was, "So it was you. The pirate Roronoa Zoro!" an angry Tashigi guards the path in the rain, "You made me look like an idiot!"

"What did you do to that lady!" Sanji screeches at the moss head.

"You never asked me for my name, if I am not mistaken." Zoro smirks, running faster than his companions, taking out his sword, "I never lied to you."

"The villains of your kind who carry such a sword. I will never forgive them! Your Meitou Wado Ichimonji, I will confiscate it!" she takes out her own blade ready for a head on collision.

"Just try," Zoro meets her sword with his own.

"Species of ill-mannered lout!" Sanji shouts behind the moss head in question, "How can you fight against a Lady?"

"Do not interfere!" the swordswoman shouts, "It is a combat between Roronoa and me! Leave us!

"You heard her," Zoro smiles, "Leave in front!"

Sanji looks at the both of them, something passing in front of his eyes he doesn't fully understand. He looks to Luffy for some guidance...

His captain was picking his nose.

Sanji wipes the disgusted look from his face. He came to his own conclusion, "Zoro, if you wound the Lady! You're a dead man!"

If Zoro makes any reply it was lost in the sound of rain and footsteps. Now, there are only two.

"Oh great, another one," Sanji grumbles as another figure in the distance blocked their path.

"Straw Hat Luffy," Smoker stands in the rain like it is his natural habitat. Smoke covers the ground near his feet, "I already said it to you: if you don't beat me, you'll never be able to go to the Grand Line."

"I could never forget that!" Luffy stops once they get close enough.

Sanji lifts his leg up, ready to fight.

"Sanji. Leave. I'll catch up afterwards," Luffy says casually like there wasn't one of the strongest, most underrated marines right in front of him. Of course, Sanji doesn't know that.

Smoker narrows his eyes, "Do think I'm going to go easy on you, brat."

Sanji takes one look at his captain. There is a silent argument going on behind his eyes. But again he has to come to his own conclusion. He starts running.

He said he got it then he gots it. That's trust after all.

Smoker lets him go, eyes only for his prize. The rain was really coming down. Dear lord, can you make this any more heavy handed?

"You know, I would really like to avoid fighting you," Luffy says truthfully.

"You're a pirate, I'm a Marine," Smoker doesn't have an ounce of mercy in his voice, "as long as that is true, we are always going to fight."

"True," Luffy looks at him with sad eyes, "But that still doesn't mean we can't be friends!"

Smoker narrows his eyes, "You really are a moron," he sighs letting loose a particularly ominous cloud, "... why did you talk to me? This morning."

"Cause I want to be friends, duh," Luffy rolls his eyes, "You're okay for a maine. Can you imagine yourself as a pirate? Low key, that would be so awesome! But while I understood you are trying to make the world a better place, I doubt the Celestial Dragons are making that possible. And I think you know that as well."

"I know why I became a Marine," Smoker states, his gaze fading briefly. "Still do. But…" He sighs in frustration, "Why are you a pirate?"

"I had a goal," he says easily over the rain, "One that I even got at the end… but it wasn't really worth it."

He has already been Pirate King. That was the goal again sure, but now… Now there is more. He knows more. He has seen more. There has to be more. Not for him, he is fine. He doesn't care but… his crew. They deserve so much. They deserve the world.

Smoker raises a brow, "And now?"

Luffy gives a small, but still true smile, "Now… I want them to be free. I want to make a world where… I guess everyone can be free."

Smoker… stares. The rain makes a white noise as he stares at this kid. No, this man. A man who defied death today and did it with a smile on his face. He didn't know what this kid was after. He knew one thing for sure.

Monkey D. Luffy was dangerous.

But for the first time in his career he didn't see that as a bad thing.

Luffy laughs breaking the silence, "Well, I am going to be King of the pirates one way or another," a fact, "And I'm going to have to beat you to do that."

"Not one pirate has made it past me!"

Luffy put his fists on his hips, "From the pirates I've fought here Smokey. We both know that's not a real accomplishment."

Smoker makes the first move, trying to get closer to the straw hat brat. He is trying to corner him!

Luffy jumps in the air before the smoke could enclose. The smoke just follows as Luffy jumps from wall to wall to avoid the white wrath.

"You can't keep dodging forever!" Smoker shouts.

Luffy grins, "I'm not trying to dodge," as he dodges again, "I just need to hit you!"

He pulls an arm back, "Gum Gum... Pistol!"

Luffy shots a hand right through Smoker's chest, "That won't work on me."

"Wasn't aiming for you!" Luffy grins as his hand comes back…with Smoker's Kurbito in hand!

Smoker's eyes widened seeing his own weapon in Luffy's grip.

"You may be smoke, but good thing your weapon isn't!" Luffy says cheekily, twirling the weapon Luffy grins, "Only fair, right?!"

Smoker bites the bud of his cigar off, "White Blow!" sending a huge smoke wave at Luffy.

"Gum Gum... Pin Wheel!" Luffy twirls his arms together… blowing the smoke out of the way with the jitte.

Smoker grips his fingers for another attack. No more fooling around, this kid had his seastone weapon and a bad reputation. He put both his hands together. Now this was serious.

But a hand on his shoulder makes him pause.

Smoker turns around to see… a man.

"It's you... !" Smoker grits out, taking everything he had to keep the shock out of his face but not out of his voice.

Luffy lowers the weapon, "Ah… so you still came."

Smoker ignored the 45,000,000 bounty as the world's most wanted man stands right behind him, "The government wants your head, you know?"

"The world still awaits our answer," is the man's only answer. His voice is hoarse. His tone carries no trace of threat, only business. There is something in the voice that seemed to demand attention despite speaking so softly. A gust of wind comes down bringing a whole platoon of marines in its wake and hitting Smoker right in the back.

Luffy dodges as Smoker is taken off guard and any other flying marines easily, his eyes not taking off the man. His own old man.

Once the air calms down the streets were cleared of all life. Then there are just two.

"Hey, dad!" Luffy smiles widely.

Dragon looks on, face hard but eyes full of emotion, "So you know. Didn't think the old man would say anything."

Luffy couldn't stop his grin at the irony, "Ah, well, Grandpa is terrible at keeping secrets!"

"That he is," and nothing more is said.

Luffy never really knew this guy in front of him. He doesn't really care either. He wasn't the one who raised him. He wasn't really family like Grandpa or Ace or even Dadan. He was barely someone who impacted his life. Luffy never really cared for the guy.

But… last time around he realized… that even though he doesn't know they guy... Hell, doesn't see the guy as a dad. Not even a deadbeat dad, just a man who is living his own life and Luffy is living his. Anyway, he… kinda wished he did know him more. Sabo always spoke highly about him and if there is one thing Luffy is grateful about it's that this guy was there for his brother.

"A pirate, huh?" Dragon says, either forcing conversation or is actually curious, "I approve."

Luffy sticks out his tongue, "Bleh, who says I need your approval!" 100% not sounding childish, "I'm going to become King of the Pirates no matter what!"

Dragon breathes air through his nose, "No, of course you don't."

"LUFFY!" said man turns around automatically to see his first mate running down the street, "We got to move before a huge ass storm traps us here!"

Luffy turns back around to see his father… gone. Typical.

"Right!" and they run all the way to the port. But the Going Merry was already miles off the docks. They could see Nami and Sanji, fruitlessly trying to direct the ship but it was already leaving the station.

"We have to hurry!" Zoro yells over the wind.

Luffy looks back, "We have to wait for Oyal."

Zoro grits his teeth, "If we stay any longer we are going to miss the ship!"

"No!" Luffy snaps, "We are not leaving without them! They are almost done!"



Oyal runs. They run and run. They didn't even bother to look at their paper. They know Usopp and Nami would be fine. They know. They know. They know.

They look at their paper.

No, they do not feel a sudden feel of relief at the sight of Usopp and Nami still alive and in position.

The chances of burning down the Going Merry. 10% The powder is soaked. The marines left the harbor to get more. The harbor is cleared. The chances of going to the Grand Line are 90% and rising. The wind blows towards the west. The sky itself makes a point of preserving the life of their crew.

But if one does not accelerate, no one will be able to leave this island any more.

It was just by pure chance that they saw him in Luffy's contract. Like most things, it was another detail that Luffy wasn't even aware of. Usually Oyal thought it was pointless to even question him about it as it offers nothing.

But this…

Luffy was adamant about this.

So they are running through the rain. Colder than usual because of Dragon. They run because Luffy is certain. The chances of their target being here is slim. Small. But possible. And they will never know unless they try.

Luffy said he'll handle his father as long as Oyal finds him.

They saw him. They can't let him slip away that easily. This was a less than 1% chance. If they screw this up then… well...

It was illogical to be worried about Luffy. He was fine. He will be fine. They know this. Dragon saved him the first time and he will do it again… But the first time Luffy was helpless and Luffy was just toying Buggy, what if Dagon doesn't know, what if Luffy really gets hurt.

No, no, it will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine. It is always fine at the end, always. They repeated the mantra over and over again trying not to fret over someone they know can more than handle himself but still… damn emotions.

They have work to do anyway.

Ah! There they are! Around another corner!

45% chance they will make a left. 34% going to the roof. 21% they go right.

They went right.

If they are as good as the revolutionaries they would logically go the path less traveled by.

Run for about 4 seconds. If they were right then they should meet him in 3… 2… 1…


Slamming right into the young man. He clearly didn't expect to meet anyone at this corner and slowed down from the impact.


Only to regain it in less than a second and continue to run. Years of practice afterall.


They just need to cut him off somehow- if only they had a-

"24 fold… Paper wall!"

It was a pathetic throw but it did the trick. One of the largest pieces of paper they made, neatly folded 24 times into a compact origami case reading to be used if needed. Just landing inches in front of their target a sudden huge wall in front of him.

The target did top at that. Not out of necessity but more out of curiosity . He went up to touch it. He kicked it lightly but it was pretty sturdy for being so thin.

As Oyal caught up to him, he quickly whipped around, pole and all in case it was an enemy.

"O-Oh, um, heso, uh Sir." Oyal stumbles.

He was tall, far taller than Oyal, around Zoro's height. The top hat adding another foot or so covering rich slightly curly blonde hair. Not the most inconspicuous outfit for someone who works in the shadows but perhaps that part of the getup. Nobody is going to look at the most obvious to be the undercover spy. Body head to toe covered in a rich blue suit with a large overcoat, and thick black boots and gloves. Thick goggles covered his eyes but under the left lense there was obvious scarring, old and long ago.

The Blue Gentleman glares but doesn't look like he's going to attack, more inconvenienced than anything, "You… look familiar," Sabo tilts his head in a fairly Luffy like manner, "Ah! That's right! You are with the Straw Hats Pirates."

"Yes, I am," they answered.

Sabo observed them under a critical eye. Their hair was gray. It reminded him of a senior citizen, who had been stretched out far beyond their didn't look threatening but more like they were waiting for him. He decided to humor them. Dragon went off to do who knows what so neither of them were leaving just yet.

Sabo put his pole down and put on a faux relaxed stance, "So... you wanna talk with me?"

There was no use trying to beat around the bush. This kid wouldn't be trying to trap him if they didn't know who or what he was.

"Oh! Oh, no. No." Wow, Rude. "Nothing against you or anything personally. In fact I would love to have a more in-depth conversation later in the hopefully near future but... It's just, uh, I have to get going soon but I have something for you."

They put a hand in their bag and Sabo, having been in the Revolutionary business long enough, knows that was a bad sign. Like 50/50 chance they are going to pull out a weapon to try to kill him but Sabo also knows that he could handle it. Wouldn't be the first time. Their nervousness seems genuine enough.

"Uh, I didn't make this up, but I helped co-author it with a friend of mine," they pull out… a booklet, "it- it's all in the back but I implore you to read it in order, page by page kind of deal. And... and I hope this helps but, ya know, no guarantee. Uh, sorry, rambling."

They held out a book to Sabo. From where he can see it was like a homemade comic book of some sort.

"So... are part of the Straw Hat Pirates, correct?" He was confused and a black glove hand slowly took the seemingly innocent booklet.

"I…" they seem hesitant.

"I saw him in the square," he goes on, trying to stall them. He had to get a better read to know what they really are after, "He was just sitting there about to get his head cut off. Seemed like an airhead."

"He is," they agree. An honest response. Not what he was expecting, "But he is… a brave man too."

Sabo lets a smile slip, "Anyone would have to be saying they are going to be King of Pirates like that. A little foolish really."

"It's increadiatable foolish. He's an idiot. A moron. A complete and utter… emotional buffoon!" their voice getting higher and higher through each insult.

Sabo raises a brow.

"You don't understand! He can barely read let alone write or do basic math! He trusts far too easily and cares far too much! He is a selfish brat that won't take no for an answer and the most selfless person because he just...UGH! He is illogical, you hear me! An illogical man that can punch a god but can't tie his own shoes and THAT'S WHY HE NEEDS ME TO WATCH HIS BACK!"

Sabo nods slowly at the kid, now sure where this conversation is going anymore.

"What was I thinking?! No, I wasn't thinking, I was analysing the data and didn't draw my conclusion! He can't do this without me! Any of us! I'm not following him because I know! It is a fact that my captain will be my king. Every choice I made, every step I took, every decision made is based on this fact. It is that I know. 100% fact!"

"But… he is a… impossibility. He is incredible and I… I believe in his dream, I believe in it every step of the way," they were rambling, "He is going to go on and do amazing things... And I want… I want to follow him. I… this, with you. And yeah, I'll bet it all on him. Because I genuinely believe in Monkey D. Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. This idiot is going to change the world and I want to see him do it! And nothing anyone in the whole wide world says will convince me otherwise!"

They were huffing my the end of their tyrant. Rant over, they see that this was not the right audience to be saying this to and are properly embarrassed.

"I…I know you don't understand now but... But this was…" they cough into their hand, "I hope this works for you... Sabo."

Sabo's eyes widened, but they were already running away.

"Hey!" Before he could stop them, they disappeared via… paper umbrella. Sabo couldn't tell if it was the storm that blew them away or if the umbrella itself had levitation mechanisms of some kind. Of course! He should have known that was an escape weapon! Damn it, Sabo! You really can be an airhead.

The wall was gone too, now a soaked piece of mush on the floor. But now Sabo's attention was on the comic book in his hands. He leans over it, in hopes that the rain doesn't actually get it wet.

"The ASL Pirates?"



"Captain's business."

Both men look to see the bony figure right behind them.

Luffy looks at Oyal, eyes blank and searching.

Oyal looks back, face unreadable and covered.

Both old souls in too young bodies. Both too tired and yet too angry to do nothing.

Zoro watches as the silent conversation passes between the two. He knows better than to interrupt something when Luffy actually gets serious. Whatever it is they are arguing about, it better be quick.

"Shall we?" Oyal asks.

And it is the only answer Luffy needs.

Luffy smiles, running in the opposite direction of the docks.

Zoro looks back, "Huh?"

Oyal faces the Merry, "I suggest you prepare yourself Roronoa Zoro."

The full name worried him. Luffy grabs two building sides, arms being pulled back.

Zoro sweats, "No! Wait-"

Luffy stretches far enough, he starts aiming, "Gum Gum…"

Zoro's face loses all color, looking almost beggingly, "Hey, you wouldn't-"

Oyal for once share similar thoughts, "He would-"

Too late, "SLINGSHOT!"


Flying through the sky like a graceful dove on the wind, they soar on top …..just to land like a rock in a tornado on the ship.

All three hitting her mast and falling to the floor. Oyal and Zoro are on the floor in similar fashion.

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"Not if I kill him first."

Luffy ignores the murderous intent right behind him, "It would be pretty bad if we missed the boat!"

Luffy may be laughing but he only felt a wave of relief being back on the Merry. This is it. He is home. He got his crew, his ship, his second chance. He isn't going to screw it up this time. He… he can't just get stronger. He can't. He tried and he can't do this alone.

He needs them to be stronger. He is going to teach, not just learn. He was going to help, not hinder. He is… ugh… he is going to think, and not just jump in.

… and he isn't alone.

"There you guys are!" Nami shouts, "What took you guys so long! The wind blew Merry forcefully from the dock. We almost left without you!"

"I know, Nami," Oyal says from their spot on the floor, "I have been kept updated about our position. We weren't in any danger."

Nami raises a brow at that, "How? We have only one snail and that's on the ship!"

Oyal sits up, biting their lips, "Before I speak I must say I had full intention on telling you all this but it never seemed like the appropriate time and-"

"Oyal," Nami grits out.

Oyal gulps, "I… put playing cards on all of you…"

Usopp raises a brow, "What?"

"I put playing cards on all of you," they cough in their hands, "My powers let me be aware of paper that is part of me and since I integrated my deck to be part of my body it allowed me to communicate and keep track of people they absorb inst-


"Yes" Oyal put a tracker on Buggy, not to be creepy or anything but they have to make sure that things are going according to plan.


Nami had a pleasant smile that promised nothing, "Oyal," in a tone that made Oyal sweat, "We will talk about what personal boundaries mean later. Understand."

Oyal nods quickly, "Understood," they glance between everyone, absently fiddling with their umbrella, "I take it we are… finally heading home."

"Yes!" Nami points in the distance, "See that light? That light indicates the site of the entry of the Grand Line!"

"The Grand LIne is just out ahead," Luffy looks in awe. His eyes shining bright as the lighthouse reflects off him.

"—Don't you guys think that entering the Grand Line in the midst of a storm is a bit—"

"No better time," Zoro laughs.

"You're outnumbered here, Usopp," Oyal finishes.

"To celebrate this new adventure, I propose to celebrate a celebration!" Sanji gets a barrel out. And six crew members stepped around it.

Each one has a gleam in their eye, an excited one like never before. They smile at the barrel as if each one is thinking the same as the others.

Sanji puts his foot on the barrel, "I want to find where All Blue hides!"

Another foot, "To have my whole crew see me become King of the Pirates!"

Another foot, "To become the best swordsman in the world!"

Another foot, "To draw a map of the world!"

"To- to…" another foot, "to become an honest warrior of the seas!"

"... to navigate the stars," one last foot.

Through the six of them, hold their feet there for only a few seconds, though it feels so much longer. They look at the barrel like it holds their goals and dreams, each one smiling through the rain. At this moment there is no fear, no hesitation in any of them. There is no turning back even if they wanted. They all know what they want and it is here they decide that they are going to the ends of the world if that's what it takes to get it. No matter what happens they are going to do it together.

"And now..." They lift their feet in the air…

CRASH! to bring them down to smash the barrel.


"YEAH!" as the little boat continued through the rough stone, following the light into the darkness.


I would like to thank The Patient One, Miep42, and MadGirl for editing!