Plot: Edward is a doctor living in his hometown Forks. Everyone knows that Edward doesn't date. Not since Tanya. So, when a distressed college girl turns up at his family's house claiming to be his girlfriend, trouble ensues.

"Honestly, I'm going to pull my hair out if he keeps this up!" the little pixie like woman tugs at the ends of her spiked hair.

Her husband sweetly reaches for her hand and tugs it down into her lap while she groans and moans.

"Darlin', that won't do anything but scare the kids," he tries to make light of the heavy atmosphere in the room full of people he had down up with.

Beside Jasper sat his wife of 11 years. Alice and Jasper had been together since he could remember, middle school he recalled may have been when they officially began dating. They now have a beautiful set of twins, Alexa and Elijah, named fondly after the initials of their mother and Uncle Edward. They were the first of their social group to get together, followed promptly by Rosalie and Emmett when they turned 17 and began thinking about college and their future, they realise neither could imagine a future without the other in it. They had now been married happily for 9 years with a little boy of their own, Caleb. Years and years later, Jasper would find out that Emmett had actually been the first to propose marriage out their friend circle and not himself as everyone believed. Emmett had actually asked Jasper's older Rosalie to marry him the day they began dating and that's how their feelings were exposed.

After them, Jacob had started dating a girl from their school, they didn't necessarily hang out with her but were happy for him nonetheless. And last of the lot to go steady were Edward and Tanya. Tanya was always a tag on to their little close-knit friend group, always running after her cousin Rosalie and trying to imitate her the best she could. She became an established member of their group after her and Edward became steady after years of being on and off. Jasper stopped his train of thought there. He would not dwell on that specific time right now.

The group of aforementioned person sit in the living room of Edward's enormous home, minus Jacob's high school girlfriend which ended around 2 years after it began. Alice and Emmett had a key to Edward's house for as long as they could remember. Being, the only single kid in the family and a workaholic at that, his siblings would often pop by and leave him meals and kept the key for emergency's sake.

Tonight, it was being used for all the wrong reasons.

The group sat frustrated in the living room. What was supposed to be a nostalgic and relaxing get together, having left the three kids at Carlisle and Esme's house, had turned into a vent session about Edward's lack of love life.

"She's not wrong! He's driving me up a wall too. How can a man be so…so UGH!" Edward's boulder of a brother tosses his head back in frustration, adding to the collective groan of the room.

"To be fair guys, if Ed is happy this way, maybe we should just let him do his thing. Y'know?"

Alice and Emmett glare in the Jacob's direction causing him to raise his hands up defensively. Having one Cullen on your case is bad enough, he didn't need to get on the wrong side of both of them.

"I agree with Emmett and Alice. It would be nice to see Edward happy again, after all these years." As Tanya, speaks, no one says anything or even replies. Her comment floods the memories of years gone by back into the forefront of everyone's mind. All those years ago, when Edward was happy.

Rosalie is the first to break the silence, "Unless we force a woman's tongue down his throat and a ring on his finger, I highly double he'll ever be willing to test out a relationship."

"Don't say that. That makes me so sad," Alice's broken voice pulls at Jasper's heart. He hated seeing his wife face even the smallest of sorrow, just as much as he hated seeing his best friend so lonely.

"All he does is work and come home, sleep, work some more. And the only time he has off from work is a month in the summer. That's it. He's my twin and I've been married for a decade with 2 kids whereas he hasn't even dated in just as long. This isn't how I wanted us to turn out. I wish he was happier, it's not fair," her continued rant only further dampens the mood. But that's what everybody had been thinking.

"Especially these past couple of weeks, he's been so on edge. Everything sets him off but he won't speak unless he's completely at his wits end. What kind of behaviour is that? I'm so worried for him,"

Just as Emmett was about to pipe in, the doorbell rings.

"Oh, that must be the Chinese. I'll get it,", Jacob jumps up from his seat and runs to the door, he could feel his mouth salivating already.

He swings the door open in anticipation with a wide smile on his face. On the other side isn't Laurent, the local Chinese delivery man, but a girl he had never seen.

She was a lot smaller than him but definitely taller than Alice, 5'6" he estimated. Her hair was different shades of brown, darker where the light from the door didn't reach, and she had extremely pale skin, to a worrying degree. She was dressed very nicely, a pair of jeans that were a few inches above her ankles with fraying edges and a simple white shirt tied together with a thick black buckled belt. He noticed these things in a quick sweeping glance in the time it took the smile to melt of his face and his stomach to rumble. The last thing he noticed was her red eyes.

There were tears streaming down her face and it was turning a red blotchy colour on her cheeks.

"Um…may I help you?" He manages out finally, failing to understand why a young crying girl was at the front door instead of his damn Chinese.

She opens her mouth, her arms still crossed over her chest, but a strangled sound is all that manages to escape it. One of her hands comes over mouth to keep the sound in and fresh tears start pouring out.

Jacob has no idea how to react or what to say. He becomes flustered quickly at her crying not knowing how to handle it and waits a few seconds before he decides its best to call for Alice, she knows how to handle people. 'She's a people person. Not me' he thinks.

Just as he was about to set his plan into motion, the girl moves her hand from her mouth and seems to have recovered herself enough to speak. She hadn't bothered to wipe her tears, it seemed pointless as a fresh bout would ruin her effort soon enough anyways.

"E...Edward…" She forces out, her eyes anew with unshed tears hanging on by dear life.

"Are you here to see Dr. Edward Cullen? I... are you a patient?" Jacob was sure this girl could only be a patient. Who the hell shows up at someone's house at this time of night like this?

She looks like she wants to say something, a lot actually, but her throat is caught again. All she can produce is sounds which cause more tears and the cycle continues.

She decides to take charge of the situation and rush past the 6'2" giant at the door and into the open living room just to the left of the door.

"Edward!" She calls out into the door alerting the occupants of the room to her presence.

Their bewildered expressions resemble that of Jacob's as they take in her appearance and demeanour, they all stand taking in the strange scene. Jacob had overcome his surprise and followed promptly into the room, being the least perplexed he thought.

"I think she's Edward's patient. I'm sorry but you really can't be in here right now. I can take you to the hospital but you can't just barge into someone's home"

Alice is the first to react as the girl looks around the room frantically, searching. She moves slowly toward the girl almost as if scared to surprise her, with her hands in front of her.

"Sweetie, we'll get you to the hospital, okay? You just need to calm down and let us help you…"

That's when the girl notices everyone's gaze. She had been looking past them, even the man at the door, none of the eyes were the ones she was searching for. But now, she notices the concern and slight fear in their eyes, as if she's someone crazy and potentially dangerous. Her frustration reaches its peak, her eyes are swollen from crying, her throat is scratchy and dry, her body tired from shaking with the sobs.

She forces her words out because she realises these people are likely to kick her out before she can even meet the man she's followed after.

"I'm not a patient…I'm not Edward's patient," It takes her two tries to make it loud enough for the people to hear. The small pixie like woman stops in her tracks but her arms remain outstretched.


"I'm not his patient. Edward is…I'm…Edward's…girlfriend," The words brought emotion to her in a new wave, crashing over her and enveloping her. She was his girlfriend. She can't control her slow, hot, stream of tears anymore when they wanted to become a river flooding her. Holding it in for the drive here was hard enough that she had to pull over multiple times to compose herself, but saying those words for some reason made it all come crashing down.

Her strangled sounds turn into sobs, the gasping-for-air kind, and her arms tighten around her chest as if to keep her in one piece. She allows her herself to squat otherwise she might collapse and that would be bad because she doesn't actually want to become Edward's patient.

What she didn't notice were the even more bewildered looks of the six strangers in the room.

What do you guys think? Review :)