(A.N.) Hello everyone and welcome back!

Wow i'm really sorry for the really long delay but between work, life and uh...My girlfriend surprising me with a Nintendo switch and like three games I got side tracked lol. Anyway hopefully you enjoy today's chapter :)...Or well not ENJOY per say but...Anyway here you go!

Three day's. It's been three day's since that dreadful day. The day Ruby Rose was confirmed KIA.

When new's about her death went around the school the entire student body couldn't believe such a thing happened to someone as sweet as Ruby. The past few day's you could feel the sadness and grief in the school's air. It felt as if Beacon lost something it would never get back. It wasn't the same without a happy cheerful sixteen year old zipping around leaving rose petal's everywhere.

But the one's who got hit the hardest with her death were keeping to themselves. Trying to grieve and come to term's with what happened to the group's favorite lovable prodigy leader.

But right now there were a few who couldn't have that luxury. Coco, Jaune, Blake and Revy were in Ozpin's office. All four of them sitting next to each other in chair's. Infront of them was Ozpin at his desk and Glynda standing next to his right.

Ozpin spoke after a small sigh. "I know it's been difficult for you all. Losing a comrade...A friend is never easy. But I've put this conversation on hold long enough." The three student's and ex mercenary knew what was coming. "Miss Belladonna. Since Miss Schnee and Xiao Long are taking what happened the hardest i've asked you here to represent your team. Understood?" With her eye's still staring at the floor she gave a silent nod. "Good. What you four did was completely reckless. You've disobeyed strict order's and put yourselves and the transfer student's lives in danger."

The fashionista spoke up. "I take full responsibility sir. It was my idea. Whatever punishment you have planned i'll take it without question."

The blonde boy spoke up next. "No. We volunteered to go with Coco and the other's. She didn't force us to do anything."

Blake stood up so fast that her chair was almost knocked over. "No it's my fault! If I came to you and Goodwhich about me being in the White Fang then me and Weiss wouldn't have been taken! We-"

"Enough. Miss Belladonna please sit down" After doing what Ozpin asked he continued. "Look. I know you all had good intention's. And honestly your attack on the White Fang's camp clearly showed us that we would have been in serious trouble if you all didn't react the way you did. And let's be honest. You all would have gone even if we locked you in your room's under heavy guard."

The three student's didn't deny that. They couldn't even think about leaving one of their friend's behind.

"The council and I were at a impasse. What you did was out of line but if you hadn't then who know's what would have happened." He took a sip from his mug and continued. "The three of you will still be enrolled in school but you and your team's will be spending two hour's of detention everyday for the remainder of your stay here at Beacon AND helping around the school on weekends. Understood?"

The three of them nodded. "We understand Ozpin. Thank's." Coco mumbled.

Glynda gave a stern look at Revy who looked bored. "As for you."

The ex mercenary rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah I know. Throw the cuff's on." She knew this would happen so she wasn't surprised.

"I have half a mind to." The busty teacher growled. "You stole Ozpin' scroll, illegally reclaimed your weapon's, broke multiple violation's of your parole and put over a dozen student's live's in danger." She took a deep breath before saying calmly. "But if you hadn't then...We would have lost more of our student's and from a few report's you saved a few of them during the battle."

Ozpin held out his hand. "Revy for your punishment you will surrender your Huntress license and your weapon's will be disposed of. You are hereby relived of your duty. From here on out you can no longer be a huntress."

The young woman took a deep breath trying to control her emotion's as she pulled out her wallet from her pocket. "I don't need it anymore anyway. I got my revenge." She dug out her digital license and tossed it into Ozpin's hand.

After the headmaster tossed her license in his drawer he leaned back in his chair. "You are all now dismissed, the...Memorial service will begin in an hour. Please. Prepare yourselves for it."

Without saying a word the four of them stood up and headed for the elevator.

When they arrived in the main lobby the rest of Team JNPR, CFVY, Ilia and Luna were waiting for them. Yatsuhashi was the first to speak when they approached the group. "So...What happened?"

The leader of CFVY rubbed her eyes tiredly and answered. "Well...Let's just say I hope you all enjoyed your free time as much as you could."

Revy approached her blind girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "And as for me I've pretty much become part of the common folk now. No more kick ass adventures for me."

Luna hugged her taller girlfriend. "Your punishment could have been so much worst." She was so worried about her foul mouth girlfriend. She lost one lover she couldn't even imagine losing another.

The leader of JNPR rubbed his before saying. "We should all get ready for the service. I don't want to be late."

Pyrrha held his hand trying to give him some comfort. "We'll see you all then." Team JNPR headed out of the lobby.

When they were gone Luna opened her arm's. "Come here Coco." The fashionista did need hesitate as she hugged the older woman. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be here for you if you ever need me, ok? Call me anytime."

Coco tightened her hug. "Thank's Luna."

After breaking the hug Revy put a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me. I know it's hard and i'm not going to say any pity shit but hang there alright?"

Coco almost chuckled. "You have a way with word's you lunatic."

The tattooed woman just gave her a small smile.


Team CFVY, Blake ad Illia were on they're way to their dorms. "So...How are Yang and Weiss holding up?" Coco asked the faunus couple because she has not heard a word from her white haired girlfriend since they got back from the battle.

Both Blake and Ilia shared a sad look before the cat girl said. "It's...Been really hard. There are moment's where Yang is quiet and the next she's storming out of the room with her gauntlet's. Probably taking her anger and pain out on some grimm in the Emerald Forest."

Ilia sighed. "As for Weiss she...Just shut down. Hasn't said a word or left the dorm since getting back. She barely eat's and only moves around when she goes to the bathroom."

"What about you two?" Fox asked. "It must be difficult trying to help them when your grieving as well."

A few tear's escaped the black haired girls eyes and Ilia immediately put an arm around her shoulder's. "It is...Damn it, the dorm isn't the same. It's like the sun was burnt out and it will never brighten up again...Every morning I expect to wake up to Ruby's stupid whistle blowing in our ear's but nothing...Or her loud video game's in the background or cleaning up cookie crumb's and..." The group stopped when Blake stopped walking. "What I wouldn't give to have those annoying moment's again." She cried.

The spotted girl held her soulmate as she broke down and cried. "Can...Can you give us some time? We'll...Meet you at the service." Ilia asked while trying not to cry as well.

Team CFVY understood and left the grieving couple. "Shouldn't Winter be here for Weiss?" Velvet asked.

Coco sighed and answered. "Well, after Glynda resealed the mountain she had to return to Atlas to make sure all the White Fang they arrested stay under surveillance." The leader still wished that she could stay for her own sister.

They walked in silence for a few minute's before stopping outside the third year dormitories. "You guy's go on ahead and get ready. I'm going to check on Weiss and walk her to the service."

Her team nodded in understanding. "Alright Coco. Good luck and see you in a bit." Velvet said then to Coco's surprise her and her team shared a group hug. If the circumstances were different she might have been a bit embarrassed but she was honestly very grateful for the gesture.

"We're with you no matter what." Yatsuahshi promised

And Fox just nodded in agreement.

The team leader shed a few tears. Feeling blessed to have such an amazing team. "Thank you everyone."

The coffee addict was now on her way to Team RWBY's dorm alone. "What should I say? Should I give her a hug? No She snapped at me the last time I touched her. But it was immediately after Ruby's death maybe she...Damn it I don't know what to do!...Ruby would have known what to do." Coco felt like the worst girlfriend right now. She leave's her lover to grieve all by herself for day's and now she doesn't even know what to do or say once she see's her.

She didn't have anymore time to ponder as she now stood infront of the dorm's door. She knocked twice. "Weiss it's Coco. Can I come in?"

No answer.

She knocked again. "Weiss?" When she once again didn't get an answer she turned the knob and found it unlocked. She slowly opened the door and took a peek inside the room. "Weiss? You here?" The room was quiet, no light's were on and the curtains were closed halfway. She slowly stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She stood in the middle of the room and took a look around. The study desk in the room had was completely bare except for a framed photo of Team RWBY back when the Team was first formed. On each side of the frame were small vases each holding a single red rose. "Blake must have set this up." Coco thought as she took a glance at the bunk bed's of the B and Y of the team. Blake's bed was made neatly as expected but Yang's sheet's were a complete mess as if she hasn't been able to sleep these past few nights. There were also multiple holes in the wall next to Yang's bed.

"I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to lose a sibling...Guess being an only child does have some benefits." She glanced at the other bunk. Her girlfriend's bed was almost no better. The sheet's were practically on the floor and her pillow no where near where it should be. Then finally she glanced up at Ruby's bunk and noticed something on the leader's bed. She walked over and using Weiss's bed to get higher she finally found who she was looking for. But it was the sight that broke her heart.

There the heiress laid. Her back facing the older girl. Her hair was down reaching her lower back, she was also wearing a black knee length dress. Coco could barely hear the girl sob into the pillow she was clutching onto. The fashionista gently placed her hand on her shoulder. Weiss didn't react to her touch at all. "Weiss it's...Me." She was about to say that 'it's ok' but those would have been the wrong words because none of this was ok. "The...Service is starting soon. You don't want to miss it."

Coco felt her heart ache when Weiss moved her shoulder away from the team leader's touch. "It...It should have been me." She mumbled.

"No. Stop that. It shouldn't have been anyone." Coco retorted. "Ruby loved you like a sister Weiss. She-"

"She had a future!" Weiss snapped. The heiress sat up and Coco backed away when she hopped onto the floor. Her stained with tear's, her eyes holding pain and anger. "She had her whole life ahead of her! She wanted to help people! Make a difference! Why on Remnant would she throw it all away for me!?"

"Weiss!" Coco could not believe what she was hearing. Her girlfriend was making it sound like her life means so little. "Stop talking like that! You have future too!"

The white haired girl shook her head and yelled. "What future is that!? Running a corrupted, greedy, racist company that we both know is far beyond repair!? Fuck!" She started pacing the room. "I have nothing! She had everything! It's not fair!"

It was taking everything she had for the fashionista to control her emotions. "...What about me? Aren't I something to you? Yang? Blake?"

Weiss stopped her pacing and chuckled but there was no humor at all in it. "What? Two people who are just going to move on after graduation and continue on with their lives? And come on Coco. Grow up and open your eyes. We were never going to last."

Coco felt her heart almost shatter.

"It doesn't matter how much we fight back. Our parent's, our companies and our society would have broken us eventually. Then it would be like me and Yang all over again." She rubbed her eyes and started walking out of the room. "Just face the fact's Coco, we're just living a teenage fantasy." Then she slammed the door leaving Coco alone.

The third year student stood there. Her fists shook while she bit her lip trying to keep herself from crying. "She's just hurt. She's in pain. It's all part of the grieving process. Just let her vent and leave her be for now and later she'll regret her words, and that's when I can be there for her." After taking a deep breath she finally left the dorm room and quietly closed the door behind her. But not before taking one last look at the photo on the desk.

Beacon's massive courtyard was filled with student's. But instead of walking to their next class, doing homework or catching up with friend's, They were all sitting in rows of chairs. In front of them was a large red three step podium with a open casket. Behind the podium was a large screen showing a smiling Ruby Rose when she took her second year student picture.

In the front row were those closest to the young leader. Including her teammates, Team JNPR, CFVY, And some of the transfers.

Coco was a few seat's down from Weiss. She couldn't help but take a few glances at her lover. She so wished she could do something to help as she watched helplessly of Weiss crying into her hands. sitting on the left of her was Yang who was not as open or loud about it but there were tears running down her face. Blake who was on the right of Weiss was crying into Ilia's shoulder. The poor spotted girl trying her best to soothe her lover. All four girls were wearing black formal clothing.

The courtyard went silent when Ozpin stood on the podium infront of a microphone. "Attention please. Thank you all for coming it mean's alot to me and i'm sure it mean's alot to Ruby as well. Let us begin." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I've seen it happen many time's over the year's as the Headmaster of Beacon. But it never get's any easier. Ruby Rose was a kind and pure soul. Always thinking of other's before herself, befriending almost all that crossed her path. She had an ability very few are gifted with, And that is to open people's hearts. Her two year's here at Beacon proved to be some of the most entertaining year's of my job and also heartwarming. No matter the situation, no matter the danger, no matter the consequences. Ruby Rose fought to protect not only Remannt but for her friend's and loved ones as well. She was a very gifted student and I wish so dearly that I could have handed her diploma." He cleared his throat trying to keep himself composed. "Now. A few final words from those closest to her."

He stepped down the podium and a few moment's later Penny walked up the steps and stood infront of the student body. "He...Hello everyone. My name's...Penny Polendina. I'm a transfer from Atlas." She took a moment to find the words she was looking for. "For...As long as I can remember. I've been really bad with interacting with other people. I didn't have any friend's, I honestly didn't know how to talk to people. I always seemed to make thing's awkward or make them uncomfortable." She balled her fists tightly. "But then I met Ruby. I tried talking to her and her team. I didn't voice it or show it but I could tell she and her team were weirded out by me. But despite that, despite her friend's who tried to ignore me she stuck around. She WANTED to be my friend. She was the first person to actually give me a chance. She helped me become a...Better person. Then before i knew it I had more friend's and people who cared about me than I ever dreamed of. That's the kind of person Ruby Rose was. I'm very honored to have the privilege of knowing her."

Penny turned around to face the casket. There Ruby laid with her repaired Cresent Rose folded up and nestled in her arm's. Ozpin had the best doctors in Vale clean her up and look as presentable as possible. She was wearing a long formal red dress. "Goodbye Ruby. I...Hope your at peace." The green eyed girl then gave her best friend an honorary Atlas salute. After a moment she dropped her arm gave her friend one last silent goodbye then slowly made her way off the stage for the next person.

The next person who walked on stage was Reese.

She had her hood down and her eyes closed. She couldn't bring herself to even glance at her former girlfriend yet. She knew she'd breakdown if she saw her and she wanted to atleast say her final goodbye. When she stood infront of the microphone he took a deep breath before speaking. "My name's...My name's Reese Chloris. I'm a...Transfer from Haven and." She choked down a sob while fresh tear's started running down her face. "I'm...Was her girlfriend...I...I'll be honest. I was a player when I first started Haven. I didn't care what girl I shacked up with. I grew up in a very...Unstable household and I wanted to escape the pain of that with pleasure, not caring about the feeling's of those other girl's...Then I met Ruby." She tried wiping the tear's away but they wouldn't stop. "She first spoke to me because she was amazed by my weapon. Dust did she love weapons. I thought it was cute and decided to show her how it works. It didn't take long for me to take a liking to her...When I returned to Haven after last year's tournament I felt...Empty. I missed her alot. I sent her a letter thinking she wouldn't respond but she did...Even through letter's she made me smile and laugh with what she had to say. Along the way I decided to do something I thought I'd never do. Ask her to be my girlfriend. I still don't know why I did it at the time but i'm so happy that I did...When I returned to Beacon she was the first one to greet me. I felt so alive again and..." She fell to her knees and began sobbing. "It should have been me...I was suppose to protect her...What kind of girlfriend am I? I...I never even...Got the chance to tell her that...I love her."

The audience stayed silent some even crying themselves even when Arslan rose from her chair and made her way towards the podium. When she got on stage she slowly helped her teammate up who kept crying. "Tell her now Reese. I'm sure she'll hear you." The dark skinned leader hated seeing her friend like this. Her words were probably meaning very little but she had to try.

The skater punk girl slowly turned around and prepared herself for what she would see. Arslan kept her hold on her when Reese finally saw Ruby. She nearly broke down again. "Ruby...I...I love you." She mumbled. She leaned down and gave the young leader a small kiss on her cheek. "I'm sorry..." Reese was escorted back to her seat by her team leader and the stage was once again empty for the next guest.

Coco took a deep breath before standing up. "I have a few words to say." She turned to Team JNPR. "Is that alright?" JNPR was scheduled to go next and the fashionista honestly didn't plan on going up on stage but she had to say something. Ruby deserved that.

Jaune and his team gave her a small reassuring smile and he nodded. "Yeah. Go ahead."

"Thank you." She made her way up on stage and stood infront of the microphone. Her eyes went to Weiss but the heiress was kept her line of sight on the ground, watching her own tars fall. The coffee loving girl swallowed a lump in her throat and began. "Hello. Alot of you know me but let me introduce myself anyway. My name is Coco Adel. I'm a third year here at Beacon and leader of Team CFVY...I um...I'm not good at this sort of thing so bare with me...Ruby Rose was an amazing individual. She was a great huntress, a kind person, an amazing sister, the perfect leader, and a good friend. I remember when I first properly met Ruby. I was on my way from a shopping trip and all of a sudden it started raining. All of the clothes I just bought as gift's for my team were ruined. I was angry, upset, frustrated and down right pissed off. Then out of nowhere this fifteen year old walks up to me holding an umbrella and helped keep me dry. She just smiled and said. 'You know food always make's me feel better. There's a restaurant not to far from here. My treat!' " Coco wiped away the tear she accidentally let escape her eye after recalling the memory. "That was just the kind of person Ruby was. It didn't matter if you were her family, friend, acquaintance or even a random stranger. If someone needed help or cheering up she was right there by your side doing whatever she can to help. I am very honored to have known Ruby Rose and even more so to call her a friend. This world is a lesser place without her. But I swear I will keep going forward and she shall live on in my memories. That is how I will honor her." Her brown eyes darted back to her girlfriend hoping her words atleast helped a bit. But she was disappointed when Weiss didn't even look up. But she did notice that her two teammates looked grateful.

With her peace made Coco turned around to say goodbye to her friend. She stepped forward and had to stop herself from sobbing. The fashionista was hoping she'd never see another person she cared for in a casket. "I'm sorry this happened to you Ruby. But I swear I'll look after Weiss for you. I will not let your sacrifice be in vain." After her silent goodbye Coco made her way off the stage and went back to her seat. When she sat down she sighed then felt someone place a hand ontop of her's. She knew who it was and gave Velvet a small smile. "Thanks..."

She smiled back and nodded.

It was now Team JNPR's turn.

Jaune and his team made it on stage. The blonde leader infront of the mic with his three friends standing to the right of him. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Hello everyone. My name is Jaune Arc and i'm speaking on behalf of Team JNPR. Wow...Where to begin. Umm...Guess I can start with the beginning. When I first got to Beacon I was honestly...Pathetic. My combat skills were really bad about as bad as my knowledge on how to be a huntsman. I had no friend's or anyone to talk with. But then I saw a girl who needed a helping hand. Ruby Rose became my first friend and vice versa. And i am grateful everyday that she was. Every time I had doubt's about myself and I couldn't tell my team. There she was willing to listen to all my problems and doing her best to give me advice. Of course when it came to everyday life advice she was really clueless."

That made some of the audience smile a bit and chuckle. Including Jaune when he remembered about how he asked his dear friend about where to go on his first date which ended him and Pyrrha with a cold.

"But she knew what words to say if you were down. There was even a time when I wanted to quit and go back home. She was one of the reasons why I didn't. I felt like I couldn't let her down. Now look where I am. Leading one of the best team's at Beacon and I have more friend's than I thought possible. So thank you Ruby. I'll never forget you and all that you've done for us." He and his team took turns saying their final goodbye to Ruby. Jaune and Pyrrha both placing a hand ontop of her's, when they were done Ren gave her a light bow and a quiet farewell. Nora wiped away a few tears before giving a sad little, "Boop..." To Ruby's nose.

Team JNPR quietly made it back to their seats and Blake took it as her que to go next. She slowly stood up from her seat and felt her girlfriend's hand in her own.

Ilia gave Blake a reassuring smile and the cat faunus was grateful for it. Together the two of them made it up on stage never letting go of each other's hands. After taking a deep breath Blake began.

"Hello. I'm Blake Belladonna and I'm a part of Team RWBY. Ruby Rose...I still can't believe she's gone. When I first met her I didn't think to much of her. She seemed outgoing, loud and a little annoying at time's but...She was such a ray of light to alot of people's lives. Like mine. When I first arrived at Beacon I hid the fact that I was a faunus and pretended to be human. I was...Scared of what other people would think and even a bit ashamed for being what I am." The cat faunus swallowed down a sob. "Ruby was one of the first to know about my heritage and not even once, even till her final moments did she comment on my ear's or tail. She just saw me as her teammate and friend, nothing more. And certainly nothing less. Her heart was so big and pure i wondered sometimes if someone like her could even exist. This world definitely lost a good thing. And I hope wherever she is she's happy and free of pain...Goodbye Ruby you are one of the three sister's I love dearly and I'll miss you."

The black haired girl wiped her eyes as she stepped aside to let Ilia speak. "Hey...Umm...I'm Illia Amitola and I'm a...Friend of Team RWBY. Sadly I didn't know Ruby as well as everyone else. But for the past few months that i've been living here she was very kind to me. She welcomed me with open arms and immediately wanted to be my friend...I can'y thank her enough for watching out for Blake when I couldn't so thank you Ruby. I really wish I could have known you better."

The two girls walked over to the casket and Ilia held her girlfriend's shoulders for emotional support as Blake gently place her hand on top of Ruby's. "Goodbye..." The word barely left her lips and after lingering for a moment she finally removed her hand and the two returned to their seats.

The next person up was Weiss.

Yang who was sitting next to her ex nudged her a bit. "Weiss...Your next."

The heiress didn't even look at her. Instead she took a deep breath and stood up slowly making her way yup, she kept her eyes on the ground the whole time. When she did finally make it up on stage she made the mistake of moving her gaze to the casket.

Her eyes went wide, her body trembled she even found herself not breathing for a few seconds. There she was, her best friend, leader and partner laying motionless. She suddenly started seeing flashbacks of when she first met Ruby and all the good times after that.

Then in an instant her happy memories disappeared and was replaced with herself soaked in blood while holding her dead friend.

She shook her head trying to get rid of the images in her head. She couldn't take it. She yelled. "I can't! I can't do this!" The crowd watched as she jump off the stage and bolted towards the dormitories with fresh tears running down her face.

Coco was the only the only to get up and chase after her.

When the two were out of sight, Yang sighed tiredly while rubbing her eyes. After a moment she stood up and made her way up on stage and faced the crowd. "Hey Everyone...I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older sister. I just want to thank everyone for coming today. It mean's alot to me and i'm sure it mean's alot to Ruby as well...All I want to say is that i'll miss you sis. I'm...Sorry I couldn't protect you."

The blonde stepped aside to let Ozpin speak to the crowd. "Will the pallbearers please come up, everyone else please rise."

Blake tugged on Illia's hand. "Come on...I don't think Weiss is coming back to do this part."

The one eyed girl stood up with her girlfriend. "You sure?"

The cat faunus gave her small smile and nodded. "You were her friend too."

Illia didn't protest any further as she was led up on stage. The other pallbearers were Jaune, Penny, and Reese. The crowd stood and bowed they're head's as the six teenagers got to their spots.

With year's rolling down her face Yang kissed her sister's forehead and slowly closed the casket. Yang was up front on the right with Blake and Jaune behind her. On the left was Ilia, Reese and Penny. The lifted the casket and slowly step down the podium and followed Ozpin down the aisle. At the end was an airship ready to be boarded.

Soft music began to play from the speakers set up around the area as they walked down the aisle. What felt like forever to the six teenagers they finally made it inside the ship and gently placed the casket down. They stepped back outside as the pilot respectively started to strap it down.

Glynda was now onstage giving her last speech to the audience while Ozpin turned to the six. "I'm so sorry for your loss Miss Xiao Long. Ruby was without a doubt one of the best student's I ever enrolled. Her mother would be proud."

The blonde brawler rubbed her tears away. "Thank's Ozpin..."

The headmaster gave her a small smile and took his leave.

Yang took a deep breath before turning to her friends. "Thank you all so much...I...I really appreciate this."

Blake gave her partner a reassuring smile. "You don't need to thank us Yang...We were honored."

Jaune cleared his throat before asking. "So...You have plans for when you...Take her home?"

"Yeah...Dad and my Uncle Qrow are already getting thing's ready. She's...Getting buried next to Summer. I'm...Probably going to be gone till school starts back up again. Velvet is even coming along to stay with me." Yang couldn't be more glad for that. She really needed someone during this and she knew her Uncle wasn't going to be around and her dad was probably going to shut himself out again like he did with Summer's death, maybe even worst this time.

"Must be nice to have someone like that..." Reese mumbled under her breath then stormed off.

"Reese!" Blake called out.

Yang grabbed her partner's arm stopping her in her tracks. "It's ok...Let her go...I think we all just need some time alone."

Penny nodded sadly in agreement. "I agree...Still can't believe Weiss took off like that." The young android knew she was feeling sadness and grief but she still couldn't process why someone who was Ruby's partner and friend would just run off during something so important. Or Ruby's girlfriend saying that mean little comment to her grieving sister then storming off. Guess she still had alot to learn about human emotion's.

Yang just nodded in agreement then opened her arm's. "I could...Use a group hug before leaving."

No other word's were said as the small group all shared a hug. The grieving sister breaking down in tear's.

The fashionista was out of breath by the time she reached Team RWBY's dorm room. "Weiss sure has gotten quicker." She knocked on the door loudly before asking. "Weiss, you ok?"

Her answer was a quick. "Leave me alone!"

Coco knocked again. "Weiss...Just talk to me...I just want to help."

"You can help by going away! I don't want to deal with this right now!" The heiress yelled from her room.

The older girl was honestly starting to lose her patience. "I know you want to be alone Weiss. I understand that. But leaving the way you did...Don't you want to say your peace with Ruby? Tell her a proper goodbye?...I just...Don't want you to regret anything."

There was a good minute of silence till she heard sobbing from the other side of the door. "I just can't...I just can't accept that she's gone...Please. If you love me as much as you say you do, then just leave me alone."

Now that felt like a low blow for the third year student. "Ok...If that's what you want." With that she left and made her way down the hall trying her best to ignore the muffled sounds of her girlfriend crying. "I really need some fucking coffee."

Later that day after sundown-

Yang was in the airship that was on it's way to Patch. she was laying down, sobbing into her girlfriend's lap. "Ruby...I'm sorry."

Velvet gently ran her hand through her lover's precious hair as she broke down. "We'll get through this together, ok Yang? I'm not going anywhere." She whispered. The rabbit faunus was going to miss her father greatly but someone else needed her more, and her father understood that perfectly.

She wished so much that all of Yang's pain would go away but that wasn't going to happen. She knew this would be a very long, hard road but she was going to be there for her blonde girlfriend every step of the way.

The blonde just continued to cry her heart out. Wishing she had her sister back.


The cat faunus of Team RWBY was currently making her way up the stair's that lead to the roof. After everything that's happened today she needed some space and fresh air. She was grateful that Ilia understood and respected her much needed alone time.

"I should have been more careful. I shouldn't have lowered my guard. It should have be me damn it. Adam, The White Fang. They were my nightmares and mine alone and I ended up dragging everyone else into it...Maybe I should have just...No. I can't think like that. I can't. Ruby would be devastated is she knew I started thinking like that." The black haired girl finally reached the door and opened it. She was immediately welcomed with a calm slightly cold breeze.

She walked out, her arms wrapped around her self to keep herself warm and looked up at the night sky littered with stars and of course the bright shattered moon. "The moon is like the heart's of everyone at Beacon...Broken." The bookworm was broken from her thought's when her feline ear's twitched at the sound of someone crying nearby.

Her eyes easily scanned the dark area and found a familiar person sitting at the farthest edge of the roof.

After realizing who it was her ear's folded back and new tear's started to form in her amber eyes. "So much for that alone time..." She slowly made her way to the crying individual until she was standing behind them. After realizing they weren't alone they looked over they're shoulder.

Reese's eyes were red from the amount of tear's that were running down her face. The hood of her sweatshirt was down revealing her entire head of green hair. After seeing who was standing behind her she turned her gaze away from her. "This...This was where...I first properly met her." She mumbled before crying again.

Blake didn't say a word. Instead she sat down next to the grieving girl and gently pulled her into her arm's. Reese didn't fight against it at all. Instead she buried her face into the faunus chest and started crying harder.

Blake just held her trying to bring comfort not only the girl in her arms but herself as well.

At the same time in Team CFVY's dorm room-

Coco just entered into the empty room and turned on the light before shutting the door behind her. She sighed while making her over to her desk. She was glad her two male teammates weren't around. They knew she needed space.

She plopped down in the chair and tossed her shades onto the wooden surface. She massage her temple trying to get rid of the small growing headache. "What a mess." Her brown eyes gazed at the drawer and after a moment of debating she pulled it opened and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen. It was her personal growth list.

After laying her list down her hand holding the pen slightly shook. The fashionista took a deep shaky breath before slowly crossing off 'Stay strong after the death of a fellow comrade.'

She knew it was a morbid thing to put down on her list to be not just a better huntress but a person as well. But at the same time it was reality. She, her team and friend's were in school and training to get into a career that risk's their lives. People will die in this line of work. No matter how talented someone is, it's something no one can completely avoid.

She never imagined it would be this hard though. Now she somewhat understand's what Revy went through.

She crossed it off once...Then twice...Then three times. Then again and again, her speed increasing each time.

Tear's started falling onto the paper.

Then a horrifying image of Ruby dead in Weiss's arm's flashed through her mind.

She finally snapped.

She crushed the pen in her palm. Ignoring all the ink in her hand she stood up screaming while ripping her list to pieces. When that was done she flipped her desk to the side. "Fuck! Fuck!" She picked up her chair and threw it at the wall smashing it to pieces. "Damn it!" She punched a hole through the wall.

She took a few deep breaths and slowly started to calm down. When she did tears started rolling down her face s she fell to her knees. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry Ruby." For the first time in in a long while.

Coco had no idea what to do.

While everyone was grieving, Ilia was currently heading back to Team RWBY's dorm. Completely exhausted from the long day.

"It feel's so different without Ruby around. I don't think I've ever met such a kind hearted human in my life. I wish I could be there for Blake. But she asked for alone time and i'll respect that. Maybe I'll see how Weiss is doing. I never imagined she would take Ruby's death THIS hard." The one eyed faunus finally made it to the dorms door and lightly knocked. "Weiss it's me. I'm coming in ok?"

She dug into her pocket pulling out a key and inserted it into the lock. When the door was unlocked and she stepped into the room she found it empty and in the same state it was in as this morning. "Weiss?" She went towards the bathroom and turned on the light. She wasn't there either. "Did she go out?" Ilia wondered as she walked back into the room.

Her eye lingered on the small shrine on the desk that her girlfriend made. It broke her heart remembering a night where she woke up to Yang praying infront of it then breaking down in tears. "If only I was more careful and stronger. Adam would have been dead months ago and Ruby would be still alive." She wiped a lone tear away and saw something odd. "What's that?" She went over to the heiress's bunk and saw a stack of envelopes with names on them.

The name's included Blake, Yang, Team JNPR, Coco, and even herself.

Her curiosity was peaked. She picked up the envelope with her name on it and opened it up. Inside was a letter. After unfolding it and taking a moment to read it Ilia gasped , dropped the letter and bolted out of the room.

(A.N.) And there we have it. Good news is this story is almost over. Not much left and i'll try not to be so distracted from now on lol.

Thank you all so much for you continuing support and patience and hope you enjoy the finale of the story :)

Until then have a nice day!