Hero: He wasn't a hero.

He was a sixteen year old boy, in love with his best friend.

He had watched to many of his friends die and he couldn't do anything about it.

It was Luke that made the last sacrifice, not him. He heard what they called him and he didn't believe it, he was their hero, their savior.

All he was is a kid with really messed up genetics.

He was Perseus Jackson, Defeater of the furies, defeater of the minotaur, retriever of Zeus's master bolt and Hades helm of darkness, defeator of Ares, sailor of the sea of monsters, retriever of the golden fleece, retriver of Ares stolen chariot, defeater of the nemean lion, Protector of the ophisaurus, ex. Bearer of the sky, wanderer of the labyrinth, defeater of Gearon, defeator of telekines, defeater of Antaeus, retriever of the sword of Hades, defeator of Ipateus, survivor of the river lethe, bearer of the curse of achilles, defeator of Hyperion, keeper of pandora's jar, defeator iof Kronos, saviour of Olympus.

He was Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and he was just a kid.