"What exists beyond the great waterfall is greatly unknown and equally as terrifying. Was the barrier made to keep us in or something out? Or, perhaps is it just a force of nature created by chance. 'The truth lays behind confusion and pain.' A metaphor for progression." – Me.

The man of clay vs the sleeping giant

A deep-rooted foundation with quality soil; a titanic tree trumped most of history's greatest minds. When it fell, it shook the world. The ambitions of a country and a new age sought to change the world. To free us from oppression, a state of decay and reliance. The past paved way for our future, and with this seed, with the aid of many, we will bring light to our world. This is a time for progression. One day, we will traverse beyond the great waterfall.

For that to happen we are going to need a bigger boat.

my next chapter will be influenced by current events. someone in recent history, this month at that, did something that I really admire. I want to record in this fanfiction in my own way.

I hope y'all like ships.