Re; Zero
Starting life somewhere else
Firstly, I want to add that this theory has been around for a while. I found an Image on Reddit, posted by #u/AsaT7, that has been around since sept 2016. Honestly, I was surprised to find that few people followed up on it. #Kite21 idea was so good It inspired me to go further into his script. But ya know, the funny thing is, is that the image that inspired me was actually a… I'm gonna stop there. Let's say the image really miss lead me. Yeah, it was titled in the modern world but… anyway, it doesn't matter.
What I'm writing is strictly a fanfiction and, strongly relies on theories. Let's begin.
Starting life in the modern world
*Beep. Beep. Beep.*
In a dimly lit room with two sliding curtains rested a peculiar silver-haired beauty. Plastic tubing connected to a breathing apparatus was attached to her nasal cavity. Lacking in strength she lied without budging.
"What is… going on? where exactly am I?" Unable to fully move her mouth her words were inaudible.
Her eyes shifted side to side, investigating the room. she noticed a lot of strange things.
A bouquet of flowers. Not just one but many. Each telling a story of who's been here and for what extent. One of these bouquets seemed rather fresh with little signs of withering. But out of the many littered on the table one has already begun to fade. The room was moderately well furnished. With two blue chairs; One of which shown signs of prolong use; two mirrors- one crystal clear while the other looked jet black- both hung to the wall. a metallic faucet and a large, light-blue curtain parallel to her. A window to her right, also with some kind of blind to block out the sun. She could just make out the color of the tiled white room.
A total count of eleven. That's how many bouquets she saw. Each one slightly older than the next. Just who was visiting her? Where was she? and another question: Who was she?
The girl didn't know the answers to any of these questions.
From our perspective she is in a hospital.
Even if she held some memories she wouldn't know that. She is from another world.
Common sense isn't so common anymore.
Just a generic convenient store. The sound of jazz befitting elevator music, seemingly emanated from every direction. Both brightly lit and filled with all sorts of things like books and drinks and snacks. Never once has this place failed to up-hold everyone's expectations. In every sense this place is- to the up-most extreme... Dull.
Ching. "That will be 350-Yen." With a push of his finger this overly ordinary clerk rung up the total.
"Right. OK, let's see. Mm... oh" Searching through his wallet Subaru found a notch 10-Yen coin. "I should probably hold on to this, huh…" shoving it back into his pocket he Handed the cashier his due. Subaru took his items and made his way to the door and peered into the streets.
"Huh. That's weird." Cracking the door open, a fridged breeze swooshed in. Something is slightly off with this picture. Today's a holiday yet, not a soul in sight. Not a car drove by.
Time flew by rather quickly, too. "I must be losing my mind" He thought.
"Hey, Kid, It's freezing, ya know. " The clerk informed the boy.
The boy exhaled, "Mmhm" nodding in agreement. Thinking to himself the kid retorted un his mind, 'but what am i to do? i can't stay here all night.'
"No." He went, Shaking his head, arms crossed. "Make sure to close the door behind you on your way out."
"What was that?"
"Sorry, store Policy. The doors need to stay closed."
The sun was out when he had left home earlier for a walk. Deciding on a whim to visit the convenient store only a few blocks from his home he took the fastest detour in order to make it back quicker. The weather was rather chilly at this time in Japan. i should have expected this much. "Man, keeping myself cooped up inside all day is degrading my common senses." Shivering in his track suit Subaru thought: Maybe I should have worn something warmer. But it wasn't suppose to be this cold, anyway.
Standing at the edge of the side walk he waited for the signal to turn so that he may pass.
"Go! Cross walk." Hearing this, holding his head low, he instinctively moved forward.
Rubbing his eyes as he crossed the street Subaru noticed a pair of motionless legs. a person standing still in the middle of the cross walk. Raising his head slightly his feet stopped.
infront of him is... it was a very gorgeous girl. A beautiful girl. No, what he saw was something that couldn't be easily defined by using mere words. She transcended beyond what mortals could comprehend. He was in the presence of a person with divine qualities. She wore a white dress with an embroidery depicting a bird of prey. Her hair was so blonde it looked silver. And her amethyst eyes, which sparkled like a compact nebula were as deep as they were enchanting. He found himself trapped unable to look away from them.
Subaru was incapable of turning his gaze. For a NEET such as he, Subaru couldn't think of anything to say.
Her eyes were captivating. Something about her made his heart stop.
She wanted to say something. Her shivering body looked so cold.
Her eyes were trembling. She seemed on the verge of tears.
Her hands covered her mouth.
Holy cow.
It seems she wanted to say something.
Hold on. She might be a cosplayer. Look at her costume. It was well made. It screamed 'I'm from another world filled with magic and adventure.' What other explanation could there be?
But another question arose.
Is she lost?
then another.
Why does she look hurt?
What happened? Oy, Dumbass. What did you do?
I didn't do anything!
Why is she crying?
I don't know…
She's really, really cute, though.
It's like she's from some other world or something.
That moment seem to go on for an eternity.
Then her shaky, white hands lowered, revealing her purple lips. She finally begun to say something.
That was the sound of a vehicle hitting Something solid.
The van had hit a power-line and came to a complete stop. The horn blared throughout the prefecture.
Something moaned from the dark end of the street. behind some bushes a a torn piece of road-kill lied down just barely conscious. He was blind for a moment and at the same time he couldn't hear a thing other than an airy ringing in his ear. when he finally Opened his eyes he put his one good arm to use and sat himself up-right.
"!" Still incapable of fully focusing he felt his own body. everything seems to be intacted but, he seemingly suffered a blow to his ribs. it didn't hurt as much as you'd think. He too must have thought this. at least until he-
"Tss" Tinder to the touch he winced at the sharp pain in his side.
Not only was it his side, but his shoulder, legs and arms were battered as well. The skin on his palms had skid off revealing a pinkish-red color- littered with foreign debree, and his track suit had tares as well. He was covered from head to toe with road rash. He had skidded from the pavement, off the curve and into a bed of flowers. Still sitting on the ground he groaned incoherently. How he was still functioning was nothing shorter than a miracle.
he looked over to the crash.
And, that's when he noticed it… that hair of her's covered the blacktop. She wasn't moving. She was lifelessly lying face down on the grimy pavement next to a street light.
The light shown down upon her as if it would just whisk her life away at any given moment.
Subaru needed to act. NOW! Something really out of character for himself.
Something deep within him urge him up. Mustering all his strength, Subaru haphazardly rose to his knees and then his feet.
This is BAD.
Looking over at the girl he noticed she wasn't breathing.
"Someone, anyone, help!" he called out through the darkness. Slowly limping toward the scene, he then continued to plea. to whom? who knows. Straining his voice hoarse he needed to think outside the box. Moving her could be dangerous but if this keeps up she might die.
Cradling his side, he clinched his jaw by biting down thus causing his remaining molars to bleed.
Flipping her over in the most hazardous way possible so that her head may face upward, he dropped to his knees and begun.
Desperately in need for help, Subaru continued to repetitiously push on the girl's chest.
Breathes come second. First, I need to focus on her blood flow.
Luckily Subaru had a knack for random skills. One of which so happened to be cardio pulmonary resuscitation.
_ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The compression's continued.
He screamed at the top of his lungs for mercy but no one answered.
Know notoriously for not being able to "read the mood" that was on certain occasions. This was not one of those occasions.
Time was scarce. The longer she went without real care could be devastating.
"Come on." I need to think. Think. think.
He palmed his forehead thus knocking some sense into him.
He gained an idea.
The pavement was old and in need of maintenance. he saw a depression close by littered with cracks and loose debree.
You must be wondering 'why'. Why in the Hell, of all things would he do something so, so random. In a situation like this time is critical.
He needed to make time.
Like the start of a re-lay race. Time slows down. His adrenaline is at work. Subaru began pushing his body to its very limit.
Twisting to his left, he palmed the pavement and sprinted to the hole. reaching down into the depression and he dug out a chunk of cobble. Then, with a fast pivot he used the hole as a starting block.
"I'm average as fuck at just about everything. But ya, know- I'm gifted at running away!" he rapidly Stated this nonsense as he lunges forward accelerating with a single tracked mind.
If nobody is paying attention I'll make them pay attention!
It may not be a good trait, but Subaru is especially annoying. Unparalleled he could make a mess out of anything. Just you watch.
Sprinting to the closest house, rock in hand, he didn't hesitate to throw the chunk of pavement through the fragile window.
What came next was to be expected in an Suburban area.
Instantaneously The house alarm went off.
Mixing with a blaring horn of a car he had kicked.
A scene was inevitable.
Confident with what he did will work, he sprinted back to the girl he was giving his all to.
Dropping back to his knees. he looked down. seeing her face on the brink he whispered to no one specifically, "I will save you" Continuing the compression, he only thought of those words. Continually caring for her until the very end.
Several minutes elapsed. Eventually someone came to investigate.
a man who wore a white night gown arrived. He must of heard the boy's cry for help.
A young man with brownish, red hair came. He looked foreign. Maybe an American on vacation. He must have called 119.
Stranger: [The paramedics are on their way. You both will be fine.] the man assured me that we'll be all right. Thank the gods. Now its just a matter of time.
What happened after that was a blur. I apparently passed out... I was kind of glad too because the guy who aided us re-aligned my shoulder and fingers. Needless to say, i woke up feeling rather sour and sore. But grateful.
The emergency team came along. Soon followed the whole neighborhood.
Yes! things are looking all right now. The girl is safe and Subaru is sitting on the curve. under the street light his hands were wrapped in gauze while his arm rested on a sling. He had an ice pack on his scalp and even a crutch.
"Gaaahhh! i didn't even get her name." shooting his fist to the sky he cursed the heavens above.
They had just sent her to the emergency room. After asking which hospital he found out that she was sent to one just a few miles north from his home. Resting his elbows on his crisscrossed legs he held his head with bandaged hands. Subaru had time to think to himself. knowing he did something outstanding he just wanted more.
i need to re-capped what just happened tonight.
First: i think i just saved a girl. and not just any girl but the most gorgeous one i could ever imagine.
Secondly: I'm pretty sure i just pulled some super-human feats here.
By the way, that guy who helped me earlier he's a cool. yeah, he seemed a little quarky but that's not so bad. Hell, it just means we have something in-common. It turns out that he really is here visiting for the holidays.
And speaking of the devil.
"Yo, Subaru. Come with me if you want to live!"
"Don't say something scary like that. And would ya just give me a moment? can't you see i'm having an internal monologue over here?"
Ryan shrugged his shoulders "Not really but, sure. My bad. please continue. don't mind me."
"Right" dashing his eyes back to the ground Subaru Continued "Looks like he's too use to the honorifics."
This overly kind asshole's name is Ryan Hart. The foreigner with brownish red haired who offered me a ride to the hospital.
Like i said earlier. who was she? who is she? Only time will tell.
"Wait a minute. I'm such an idiot!"
He unzipped his pockets dug into in feeling for something. "Eh? where did it go? I could have sworn i brought my cell phone with me."
Somewhere else
"Emilia-sama?" In endless pursuit of the missing girl a pink haired maid traversed the streets.
"Emilia-sama?" Pleading. Her worries only grew worse.
"Emilia-sama?" Some time had passed.
It was already nightfall. Just how long has she been searching?
A pink haired maid ran a muck. Her hair messy. Her knees shown signs of coagulated blood and her uniform is covered with various grimes and dirt. Maybe this was the result of her search? She looks like an uprooted Rose that's been mangled by some dirty hands.
Thinking to herself, many thoughts ran through her mind. All those thoughts were focused on someone she was tasked to watch over.
Where has she gone?
Was she Abducted?
But by who?
she theorized various reasons for her dis-appearance.
Her appearance… Could that be the reason?
Logically thinking, By now, it would be unlikely that word would had spread out of her candidacy, already.
Would someone kidnap lady Emilia due to her having the same traits as the witch? No, that's insane. But still...
If so, what was their agenda?
Earnestly searching. calling out to a name that would not answer. Ram searched in vain.
In the city of Lugnica a silver-haired half elf, had vanished without a trace.
The maid was given an order to watch over her. A specific order from her master, Lord Roswall L. Mathers. And would you know it, the one time she let her guard down. This was the result. And she feared what fruit it would sprout. And she couldn't help but think that this wouldn't end well.
Continuing in her search, Ram probed every corner searching for the missing candidate. Lady Emilia, a candidate for the throne of Lugnica.
So, how do you like the first chapter? After my last work, I was at a stand still for what to write. Well, I found a way to link all my favorite theories. It'll take some time, but I'm confident. Thanks to a few reddit users I have a plan on how I want this story to go.
Definitely will be a more light-hearted comparison to the actual series. But prepare yourself, clench your ass cheeks and hide the mayo. I'm only getting started.
Until next time.
(Updated on Feb 1st. added a slight change to the store scene to make it more fluid.)