"God dammit, a motherfucking Mei!" Matsuri yelled into her mic when she saw the wall of ice blocking the only exit.

Worse, her team was now trapped in this fucking cellar, and they were going to get picked off in a chain of kills. She had a feeling she was playing with a bunch of losers when most of them were trying to get kills at the spawn camp instead of defending the choke point.

Sure enough, in front of her, their Pharah took a headshot from a Widowmaker. "Oh come on!" the Australian dude playing Tracer whined like a little bitch in her headphones. He was down too. Matsuri smashed the keys to back up, but the other team's Mei was trained on her with that damn frost gun.

"Fucking dicks!" she yelled again when blue ice encased her. Matsuri didn't wait for the other player to finish her off. She tapped a few keys and left the match.

Matsuri banged the table with her fist, making her bottle of Ramune jump. She wondered, and not for the first time, if the reason why losing to Mei in a match infuriated her was because the damage hero shared a name with a certain student council president. She probably wouldn't have lost her cool if she was killed by Sombra or something.

She wasn't the least bit sorry that she ragequit on her team. They were all a bunch of morons. She also wasn't worried about being penalized for leaving the game. This was the first game she'd left in five weeks.

Matsuri sighed as she yanked off her headseat. Oh well, she'd been playing for almost three hours, it was time to head out anyway. She picked up her phone and tapped a LINE message to SPQR, her gamer buddy who was a Genji main, asking him if they could play together tomorrow. With his Genji and her Zarya, they could kick some serious ass in competitive.

She spun around in her swivel chair and walked out of the cubicle, almost bumping into the netto kafe nanmin who was shuffling like a zombie to the showers. This net café was a little sketchy, but it was close enough to Aihara Academy. And besides, in most cases, it wasn't randos that Mizusawa Matsuri should be scared of. They should be scared of her.

The pink-haired middle schooler checked the time on her phone before stepping out into the street. She avoided being out in crowded places in her uniform during school hours as much as possible. Seeing that it was past 3:30, she slipped on her wireless Beats headphones and exited the net café.

The sky was considerably darker than she expected it to be when Matsuri stepped outside. She looked up and saw clouds pregnant with rain. Opening up a weather app, she confirmed that there would be sporadic rain showers in the area. This was unexpected weather, but Matsuri smiled. Going into the first convenience store she passed, she bought an umbrella with cat ears and another bottle of lemonade.




Harumi had only been walking for about a kilometer when the rain started. She groaned, hoping that she could have beat the rain before she got home. She was on a stretch of road that didn't have any convenience stores, and the nearest one was almost two kilometers away. She started to weigh her options when who should come walking down the street with an umbrella but Matsuri. Harumi pressed her lips together, took a deep breath and ran towards the middle schooler, also known as Satan.

"Matsuri!" she yelled as she got closer. "Let me under your umbrella!"

"Oh hello Taniguchi-senpai," drawled the younger girl when Harumi was standing right in front of her umbrella. "Where's Yuzu-chan?"

"I don't know, probably attempting to study or something." Harumi gritted her teeth, irritation mounting at Matsuri's little game of stepping back whenever she attempted to duck into her umbrella. "Let me in, now!"

Matsuri smirked. "Sorry, this umbrella is made for one."

That smile always made Harumi want to wipe it off of Matsuri's face. Giving the shorter girl a glare, she reached out and caught the handle of the umbrella and yanked it towards her.

"Hey!" complained Matsuri when Harumi's wet uniform came into contact with her skin after the older girl ducked under. "Get out of my umbrella!"

"Calm down, shortstack. C'mon, walk me home. I'll treat you to a coffee."

Matsuri narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Throw in a slice of tiramisu and you've got a deal."

Harumi rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat. She had nothing else better to do anyway. She could kill some time with the munchkin. "Ugh, fine. How come you even have an umbrella on you?"

Matsuri looked her dead in the eyes and said, "So I could stay dry after you get wet, Taniguchi-senpai."

Harumi grimaced. She decided not to dignify that with a response and just tugged the umbrella out of Matsuri's hands and started heading to the café on the corner.



"Cream or sugar?" Harumi asked as she held two steaming mugs.

Matsuri drank her coffee black, but she said, "I would love some." She flicked her gaze to Harumi's chest. "Sugar."

Harumi looked down at her chest and saw that her purple lace bra was visible through her white shirt, which was translucent because of the rain. "I'm going to pour this coffee on you," she threatened.

The younger girl looked like she had a snappy comeback to that, so Harumi continued, "And I swear to god, if you breathe another word of innuendo I'm going to take your umbrella and leave with it."

Matsuri thought for a moment, then raised her hands, palms out in surrender. She smiled innocently and said, "Chill, Taniguchi-senpai. We had a deal. I'm gonna walk you home."





Author Notes: I don't play Overwatch, in fact, I've never played video games of that kind at all. I watched like half an hour of Overwatch gameplay on Youtube and read the Overwatch wiki to get an idea of the gameplay in order to write the scene…but if you play Overwatch and catch something totally wrong, drop me a comment! Like, do you use keys to move, or do you use the mouse? Is it actually possible, or is there enough time to quit the game when you're frozen by Mei's endothermic blaster? What keys do you actually press to exit a game? So many questions. Oh, and I may not play Overwatch, but I certainly read Overwatch fanfiction. The femslash ones, of course. Widowtracer and PhaMercy, baby.

I really really wanted to portray Matsuri as a hardcore gamer, and it tickled me that there was a character named Mei in Overwatch.

This umbrella scene was definitely inspired by the Citrus doujin Hydrangea's Flioriography. It's awesome, one of my favorites.