This is a continuation of "Hiei's Sick!" as requested by my loyal fan, Jessica. It'll make more sense if you read that story first but I tried to write it out as best as I could so not everyone would need context. That story is only 10 chapters so why not swing by and read that one too?

"Did you know, Botan?" Yukina asked as Botan entered Genkai's temple.

"Know what dear?" she asked, "You're going to have to be more specific."

"That Hiei was my brother?" she clarified.

Botan looked at her, alarmed. "Well, uh, no dear, I didn't. Is that why you hugged him before?" She tried to backtrack as far as she could. Hiei's going to kill me if I confess I've known all along! She thought.

Yukina said, "Before the black blood poisoning I suspected he was the brother I've been looking for. I knew for sure while I was healing him."

"Oh?" she asked, "Well why didn't you say anything? Does Hiei even know he has a sister?"

"He insisted that he didn't have a family when I told him," Yukina said sadly, "but I know it's him. I've read about black blood poisoning before and you need someone in your family to put their energy in you in order to heal. We also have the exact same bone marrow. That can't be a coincidence, right Botan?"

What am I supposed to say to that? Botan thought nervously. "Talk to him!" She insisted, "Make sure you're heard." He always pays attention to you, you just don't realize it, she thought, wanting to say it out loud.

Yukina explained, "That's why I asked everyone to come to this party. I feel like Hiei would never show up if I only invited him and even now it's only 50/50. I hope he comes."

"I got a message in the mail earlier," Mukuro said from her seat as Hiei entered the room.

"That's nice," he replied sarcastically as he sat down and put his feet up across from her.

She replied, "It says Yukina's invited you to Genkai's temple and everyone else you know is going to be there." She opened up the written invitation and showed him.

Hiei said, "I'm not going. I've spent enough time in human world this year as it is."

"Did you even thank her?" Mukuro asked, folding the letter up, "She didn't have to save you, you know. Without her you'd be stuck there forever."

"She thinks I'm her brother," he confessed.

"She's not wrong. Why don't you go?"

"I don't want to."

"Alright then, don't," she said, "if you stay here we're sparing."

He smiled and replied, "Very well."

After the party at Genkai's, Kurama stayed behind to help everyone clean up. His mom went on a trip with his stepdad so it wasn't like anyone was expecting him home soon anyway. He looked over and saw Yukina looking sadly at all of the dirty dishes. "Yukina, I can do the dishes if you want," he said.

"It's not the dishes," she confessed, "did you know Hiei's my brother?"

Kurama froze and lied, "No." Did Hiei finally tell her the truth when he was here 6 months ago recovering? he thought.

"I invited him hoping he'd show up so I can talk to him about that," she explained, "he never said I was his sister but I know about black blood poisoning."

So he didn't say anything, Kurama thought, she figured it out all on her own. Interesting. I never saw that angle. "Since he didn't come here, why don't you go to him?" he asked.

Yukina perked up, looked over at him, and asked, "Where in demon world does he live?"

"In Mukuro's moving centipede," he explained, "it's hard to miss even if you can't pinpoint the exact location."

"Thanks so much Kurama!" she said happily. If Hiei won't come to me, I'll go to him! She thought.

Kurama was right, finding a giant moving centipede really wasn't as hard as it might have sounded for Yukina. The guard in the front told her Hiei was in a recovery room wrapping his injuries from Mukuro. He was just finished up, facing away from the door in a small room, when she entered. "Hiei," she said. His body stiffened.

Hiei quickly turned around and asked, "Why are you here?" She examined his injuries. His arms were cut up and he had a bruise on his face. His clothing was clearly hiding other injuries she couldn't see.

"Can't a sister visit her brother?" she asked, walking into the room.

"Don't call me that," he said hastily.

"It's the truth, Hiei!" she shouted, "I'm not an idiot. I can see the truth."

Hiei replied, "You can think whatever you want."

Yukina thought, I didn't want to do this. She extended her hand and said, "I want my necklace back, Hiei."

His eyes widened in shock. Ever since he had returned to demon world he had worn both at the same time. He had both of them on right at the moment. If I give this back to her she'll be able to find the one I own on my neck right now, he thought as he reached around his neck to grab the chain. Hiei walked over and handed her necklace back to her.

She put it on and felt the energy of her brother's necklace around Hiei's neck. "You're hiding it," she said, "but it's definetly you. You're wearing my brother's necklace. You're him."

"Why do you want a brother so bad?" Hiei asked.

"Why don't you want a sister?" she asked nervously.

"Right after I was born that whole race left me for dead despite our mother's pleas," he replied coldly, "what do you think? The only reason you want a brother is to kill them off for you, remember?" He thought back to the day where she gave him her necklace when the portal was opening. Yukina clearly wanted him to kill off all of the ice maidens.

I did say that to him, she thought, but that wasn't the only reason I want a brother. She said, "That's not the only reason, Hiei. I don't know who our father is, or was. Our mother killed herself years ago, we were the only children she ever had. You're the only family I have left, can't you see that?" Just mentioned what she had been feeling forever made her eyes started to well up with tears.

Hiei thought, Why now? After all of this time, confess this? "Like I said," he replied, "think whatever you want about me." He walked away and out of the room.

"Fine then!" Yukina shouted, "You'll never see me again!" She let a lone tear fall as he walked away from her without stopping.