"You can't go yet"
Sighing quietly, Maura turned to look at her best friend. She was exhausted and while she knew she would miss Jane tremendously, she was looking forward to the time away. Battling to hide the constant pull of attraction she felt for the brunette was wearing her out and she hoped to recenter during the two weeks she would spend at the conference in San Diego
"You haven't told me what you want for Christmas. You are leaving and won't be back until Christmas Eve and I have no idea what you want. You can't leave until you tell me." Jane pouted a little, folding her arms over her chest.
Maura glanced at her before turning back to her last suitcase. She closed her eyes briefly and silently counted backwards from 10. She knew exactly what she wanted and if Jane kept pushing her she knew it would explode out of her mouth and effectively end their friendship. She wanted Jane. All of her. That is all she wanted ever. All she dreamed about. She found it equally fascinating and frustrating that none of her previously effective meditation techniques were able to even dim her building physical need to touch and taste the detective. It was constantly there, a demanding thrum of desire that pulsated through her veins and flooded every cell. Impossible, she knew, and yet that's exactly what it felt like. Too many nights she had lain alone in her bed wishing the brunette was there with her and too many sleepless nights were spent feeling that long, lanky body warm her sheets but unable to give into the temptation just inches away. Either way, sleep was difficult and she was beyond exhausted. Feeling the familiar heat and moisture flood her core, she again tried to shake herself free from thoughts of the brunette and attempted to focus on the opportunity she had to get away for a few days.
Moving toward her dresser, she continued packing. "Jane, I will like whatever you give me solely because it will come from you"
"No Maura! I want to get you something you will actually LIKE!" she said throwing her arms wide to emphasize her frustration. "Not something you would thank a great aunt for and then put away and try to forget you ever got. I just…" she stopped, distracted by the handful of silk and lace the doctor had just removed from one of the dresser drawers. Swallowing with difficulty, she tried to tamp down the erotic images of the doctor wearing the revealing lingerie that her brain was conjuring up. Fantasies starring the M.E. had occupied the majority of her nights for the last 5 or 6 months and were beginning to leak into her days. She had come to realize that this wasn't really a new thing but more a developing situation. Despite all of her attempts at denying it, her attraction to her best friend grew every day and had been since they first met. It hurt knowing that it would never be more than friendship but she was willing to shove that part down deep inside her if it meant keeping Maura in her life. Losing her wasn't something that she would want to ever experience. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she saw that Maura was staring at her with a look of concern, waiting for her to finish.
"Is there anything you want?" her voice much quieter now as she took a step closer to her friend. The air between them seemed thicker all of the sudden and a tremor went through the M.E. at the slightly lower and huskier timbre of Jane's voice. Hazel eyes searched darkened brown eyes intently for a long moment. Several emotions seemed to flit through the detective's features before she reached out to tentatively touch the doctor's wrist rubbing her thumb over the soft skin and feeling the rapid pulse underneath. Startled by the rapid beat, Jane dropped her wrist and took a step back worried that she was upsetting Maura in some way.
Off centered by the look of desire she thought she had just seen in her friends eyes, the doctors mind was racing with questions and hypothesis. Had she imagined it? Was it wishful thinking? Maybe there was a chance? Turning away, she instinctively began folding the lingerie and placing it in her bag as she thought carefully about her response. Maybe it was because of sheer exhaustion or maybe her need finally won out over good sense, but something gave way inside of Maura and she decided to take a risk.
"Actually, Jane, there is something I would really like"
Shaking off her concerns and smiling widely in triumph, Jane pumped one fist in the air "YES! What is it?"
Returning her smile she had to laugh at the brunettes antics that had instantly defused any lingering tension. Still smiling Maura carefully shut her last case and latched each side. "I can't tell you Jane, you will have to find out on your own"
"What? No! Maur! Just tell me!"
Sighing in exasperation, the doctor tilted her head and regarded her for a moment. Smiling and giving a slight nod, she moved back to pick up her cases. If Jane could figure it out, then she would be completely honest with her about her feelings. It was a gamble Maura wasn't use to taking, but desperate times and little sleep called for desperate measures. "No, I don't think so. You are an honored and decorated detective and I believe you can figure this out on your own. I am however willing to answer 1 question per day until I return home. They have to be yes or no questions and unless I choose to expand my answers that is all you will get"
Jane's eyes lit up with sudden interest. She could never resist a good challenge and this would ensure that Maura would make time to text her every single day she was gone. Ok, yeah, this could work. She had complete faith in her own abilities and couldn't wait to get started. This would definitely help pass the time while her friend was away.
"3 questions, and if I get it right I get a gift of my choosing" Jane smirked at the doctor as she smiled fondly back at her. Maura expected nothing less than a little negotiating over the rules. "1 question and 1 follow-up question per day, only if you help me carry my cases to the car, and if you figure it out you may choose a prize within reason."
"Doctor Isles, you have yourself a deal"