It was several days after the events of the prison as the ship containing the five flew across the sky. Gaia continued to meditate but gave worried looks as she saw large fires and gigantic beings bringing destruction in their wake.

"So, you can see the future?" AJ asked.

"Its not seeing into the future. More like Precognition. I can see glimpses into something that is likely to happen." Gaia said. "And if Flux goes through with his plan, a lot of worlds are going to die."

"Well that sounds like a future i'd rather not let come true." AJ said. "And thats why were headed to Rome."

"Yes. Still, something I can't shake. I feel like something bad is going to happen because of all of this." Gaia said.

"There's nothing you can see immediately." AJ said.

"The future is whatever you make it. I see my goal as becoming the true warlord of the Warrior Universe." Takeda said polishing his sword.

"You have some stiff competition, you know that right?" Hitomi asked. "You have a rival, with three swords to your one."

"The number of swords isn't the deciding factor. Its how one uses them that decides it in the end." Takeda said.

"Yeah. The One with the Sharpest Fangs always wins." Hitomi smiled. "I still dont see why we gotta bring that black squid with us."

Dark water looked up from cleaning his weapons. Among them were a splattershot, Splat Roller, and splat bucket.

"He followed us, no reason for us to lose him." AJ said.

"Given Flux's numbers right now, we need as much help as possible." Takeda said.

"So aside from the god like status, what else do you know of these Olympos XII?" AJ aksed.

"Like myself, who is a reincarnation of the Mother of the Earth, the 12 are all different versions of the Roman Gods. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Diana, Neptune, Juno, Minerva, Bacchus, Vulcan, Ceres and Apollo." Gaia explained. "They're all representations of creatures, each one with their own domain. Millennia ago, they formed in order to battle against the evils of gigantic beings...the titans. Once humans who gained the powers of gods just like the Blessed, but they believed they were gods so they turned against mortal kind. The Olympos XII fought against them and the one who lead them...Titanmon. The battle lasted centuries but soon the titans were defeated. Ever since, that tomb has stood undisturbed."

"And Flux wants the 12 for himself. Thats a bad thing, right?" AJ asked.

"If you didnt get the memo before about her prediction, then that probably is a bad thing." Hitomi said.

"We must get to the temple before Flux unseals the 12, and uses them for his evil ways." Gaia said.

"Right, right. So, what's this temple look like anyway?" Hitomi asked.

"That!" Gaia said pointing to a large stone structure where surrounding it were smaller statues of people and a few giant ones.

"Thats the tomb?" Takeda asked.

"From the looks of it. And flux hasnt shown up yet. Were the first ones here." AJ said.

"What's with the statues?" Hitomi asked.

"Likely representations of the Titans and the god powered humans." Gaia said.

"We should probably secure the temple and find the tombs before flux gets here. I'll find us a place to land." AJ said as the ship landed outside.

"So there's no skyland inside?" AJ asked.

"The temple is sealed all the way around. No ones even been able to open its doors." Gaia said.

"Wow. That's amazing. And we beat Flux here so…" AJ said before a shuriken nearly took his head off. "Huh?"

"Ye who seek to break in. I'll ask you to move along." a voice said as a frog like ninja known as Greninja stood in front of the doors.

"Wha? Nononono, were here to protect the temple!" AJ tried to convince.

"I do not care what your intentions are. You get close to the gates, you are considered enemies and you must now be judged. Water…" Greninja said making another shuriken.

"Oh great…" AJ said as he stroked his hair as some blue veins glowed in his legs.

"Shuriken!" Greninja called as he fired the shuriken, but AJ dodged, bouncing off the walls and running along the temple walls with incredible speed. "What is this?!" he asked as AJ landed beside him.

"Walk Point." AJ said running across walls on all fours.

"I see. You're something of an Enhanced." Greninja said.

"In a way." AJ said as he ran.

"Here I come." Greninja said chasing after at high speed.

"Thats it… you got me…" AJ said as Greninja jumped into the air and prepared to use dark pulse, but AJ then jumped into the air and spun around the shot. "Kung Fu Point! Hah!"

AJ caught Greninja with a back elbow strike and then spun again in the air before knocking him in the face down to the ground.

"Did that get your attention?" AJ asked striking a pose as he landed.

"Haaa. Dark...Pulse!" Greninja said firing darkness at AJ who jumped.

"You cant beat me. I can…" AJ said before someone kicked him. Standing before him was a young man in robes.

"Are you okay, Greninja?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Sasuke." Greninja said.

"Wait, as in Sasuke Uchiha? You two guard this place?" AJ asked.

"Yes. Where my partner goes, I'll go." Sasuke said throwing kunai at him.

"Now the legendary Sasuke Uchiha is here… things aren't looking good for us." Gaia said.

"Will you stop worrying and can get to fighting that ninja?" Hitomi asked glowing purple and assuming her animal hybrid form.

"On any other day, this would be an honor…" Takeda said drawing his blade. " But our situation is dire."

Dark water made the first move and fired his Splattershot, covering the temple in black ink. He then became a squid, swimming up the walls to AJ's side, immediately throwing a Splat Bomb sasuke's way, clanking on the floor before exploding, Sasuke jumping out of the way and dodging more ink shots.

"You don't give me enough credit!" Sasuke said firing lightning at Dark Water, electrocuting it and knocking it out.

"But i do!" Takeda said coming from behind as Sasuke barely avoided his opening slash, resulting in cutting a stone pillar in half.

"Whoa, thats sharp!" AJ gawked.

"That's a demon blade. So you aren't a normal swordsman either." Sasuke said.

"I am the the Demon Samurai, Takeda Ryuichi. Know this… I am the one to become the Warrior Universe's true warlord." Takeda said as he and Sasuke began fighting sword for sword.

AJ and Greninja kept fighting along the other side of the temple.

"Hydro Pump!" Greninja shouted blasting a large stream of water.

"Guard Point!" AJ said as his body hardened as he blocked. He then charged and tried to hit him.

"Substitute." Greninja said before replacing himself with a stuffed doll before he stuck AJ from behind.

"Youre good." AJ said. "No wonder youre his partner."

Greninja just remained silent as he ran at AJ.

"Slash." a voice said as Hitomi slashed at Greninja from behind, taking him out.

"Jeez! You coulda killed him, in fact, he may be dead already!" AJ said.

"Suck it up, pussy. So what?" Hitomi said.

"Heroes dont kill. But then again…" AJ said thinking.

"Exactly. Im no hero. Im a beast." Hitomi said. "I kill people, I go by instinct. You're the jackass trying to pass us off as someone we're not."

"You dont hold anything back, dont you?" AJ asked. "But youre right. Were not heroes, were Outsiders. We're…." AJ started before he and Hitomi were hit with darts and fell. "What? I...I can't move?" he said before seeing the others fallen.

"Well...this was easier than I thought." Flux said arriving with his army. "Thanks for keeping the guards busy, boy."

"You used us… you jerk!" AJ said before Flux kicked him.

"Okay, boys. Knock down the doors!" Flux ordered as the prisoners rammed into the door.

"Stop! don't know what you're doing!" Greninja said weakly.

"Yeah I do. I'm gaining a serious army so I'll stop being called a joke, especially from Ice Devil." Flux said as the prisoners hit the door again. "One more should do it."

"Please stop! You'll cause danger to all the worlds!" Gaia said.

"Yeah...cause I'll have the power to rule all of them!" Flux said before with the final barge, the once still doors collapsed. "Yes!" he said as a pulse of energy went out. "Come to….huh? But...this...this can't be. How can it be….an empty tomb?!"

Flux was right, as the inside of the tomb was completely empty.

"What the hell? I thought they were here all this time, Gaia!" Hitomi called.

"No...there was something far more dangerous sealed within." Sasuke said as they heard movement. They looked to the sides of the temple and saw the stone statues shaking as stone was becoming flesh and color was returning to them.

"What's happening?!" Takeda asked.

"The titans except for Titanmon still had mortal traits so the Olympos XII, they turned the army to stone and built the temple to seal their spirits within." Greninja said.

"So flux basically awakened an army without a leader. Crap." AJ said as the titans fully awoke.

"Shut up...mortal." one of them said. "Seal the liberator inside."

One of the larger titans stomped their foot to the ground as a stone door replaced the broken one, sealing the prisoners and Universal Villains inside. "Enjoy a thousand years of torment. We suffered a million."

AJ gulped as the titans then looked at the Doomsday legion and Sasuke and Greninja, all incapacitated by fluxs handiwork.

"These mortals are hardly worth our time. We must now go and awaken the rest of our brethren...then restart taking the world for us titans alone." one of the smaller ones said as they moved on past them.

"Now look at what you've done… you idiot." Hitomi said.

"Okay, i take the blame for this. But we can still fix it right?" AJ asked.

"Afraid not, only the Olympos XII have the power to return them to stone but...with the temple sealed, there is no container for their spirits." Greninja said.

"Then we'll just have to find the 12, and then worry about the Temple." AJ said.

"You want to seek out the 12? They went their separate ways thousands of years ago. You cant possibly find them all." Sasuke said. "Modern tech can't even track them."

"Oh...then...I guess we'll just go world to world and try that." AJ said.

"Seems like our only choice at this point." Gaia said as she got up with the others and headed back to their ship before taking off with Greninja and Sasuke in tow.

"Hello? Are there any people still out there?" Flux shouted inside. "Well...hopefully someone comes."

"Uh...I think we have bigger problems." Aphrodite said pointing to the mob of former prisoners.

"Uh..what's...what's happening guys?" Flux asked nervously.

"You promised us freedom, not more prisons. So...we've decided. We're gonna kill you and eat you to survive." one of them said.

"Oh god." Flux said as he ran for it with his group as the prisoners chased him deep into the temple. "Really hope someone comes soon!" he called out.

And so, with the formation of a new group comes the rise of a new threat. With the birth of a group of prisoners, so is born…

The Olympos XII Saga…