Hey, Hey, Hey! How's its going guys! Little announcement. Story's almost done. I'm both sad and excited. Just a few more chapters left guys.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Don't forget to review!

"Isn't there anything that can be done?" Wendy whimpered at the thought of loosing Lucy and Laxus. "There must be something we can do."

"I don't know." Gajeel answered honestly. "All I was told was that rejection and separation of one another leads to death. It's rare for a destined pair to reject one another. And like I said, the few times it's happened, ended in death."

"What if he went after her!" Natsu shouted as he shoot to his feet and stormed his way to the black haired slayer, his trembling hands grabbing at Gajeel's shirt to pull him closer, eyes desperate, his body heat rising to the point that the older man had to shift into his metal form to protect his skin. "If Laxus fond her, if he apologizes-"

"I don't know." He once more repeated, this time much softer than before. "There is a chance that it could work, but there's also a chance that it might not. It may depend on whether or not Laxus and Lucy want to fix what's broken and try for a relationship. You said she packed up and left. She was willing to leave her Nakama, willing to leave you, Ezra, Gray, everyone, just to get away from him... I'm not sure she'll want to come back... and I'm not sure Laxus even wants to commit." He said casting a glance at the lighting mage.

Both Wendy and Natsu turned to Laxus then, eyes welded up with tears, begging him to say otherwise. To say he was willing to run after the Celestial mage and give himself to her. To beg for her forgiveness. To ask that she take him back and give them a try.

Laxus' dragon roared in misery within his mind. He flinched at how the mighty angry roar he had grown accustomed to became high pitched and broken, a gut twisting mix of pure sadness and like it was loosing its voice. It continued its weak cries for Lucy, calling out to her, as if she could hear it.

It was a terrible feeling, Laxus realized. Not just hearing and feeling his inner dragons turmoil, but finally being able to feel his own now that he had begun to understand it all. Those feelings he had felt that night in the club. The anger and possessiveness at seeing Lucy with another man. His jealousy at it not being him. That god awful feeling he got in the bathroom when he thought he was maybe having a heart attack as she walked away from him and literally closed the door on them.

It was pain.

It was loss.

It was yearning.

He couldn't fool himself anymore.

He had wanted Lucy to turn around and look at him again. He had wanted Lucy to give him and return to his side.

He wanted her.

And he didn't just want her for carnal needs.

Lucy was a woman who he could actually see his life going somewhere with. She was someone who any man could marry and settle down with. Having children with and grown old and die together. She wasn't like all those other women out there who you could use to have a good time with and not have to worry about commitment. She was something far above all others.

And perhaps that had been why he treated her the way he did. Said what he said. Did what he did.

Because he was afraid of those stray fleeting thoughts and images of her, them, that graced his mind. He had been afraid and beyond confused of the desires she stirred up within him. He had been lost with the roaring beast in his mind and what it wanted.

He hadn't known how to deal with it all.

With her.

His his feelings.

Their situation.

He wasn't raised by dragons and didn't know anyone who had until he was 16, and by then he had already been a slayer for 7 years and was a temperamental teen who could care less for the new children joining the guild to even ask or try to learn more about Natsu and his magic. By the time Wendy and Gajeel came in to the picture he was excommunicated and once he was back he hadn't cared to ask because by then he thought he had learned everything there was to known.

Now he knew he should have asked. He should have reached out. If he had, both him and Lucy wouldn't be in this predicament. But he didn't, and now ran the risk of death for them both. And he had no one to blame but himself. Had he just pushed his anger and pride to the side, had he just reached out, all this could have been avoided. And the thought that Lucy and him could have worked out from the very beginning had he held this knowledge gnawed at him, because surely he would have gone about things completely different to what he did.

And now he wasn't even sure if she'd believe him if he were to go find him. She hadn't believed him back then on the club, why would she think differently now? Why would she risk her heart again when he had hurt her to terribly. She had no reason to accept him or trust in his words. Not when his actions have spoken otherwise. And boy were those actions big.

"She won't take me back." He finally spoke, swallowing around the tight ball that suddenly formed inside his throat.

"You don't know that." Wendy argued.

"I already tried." He trailed off recalling that night.

"Are you talking about in the bathroom at that club?" Natsu asked before violently shaking his head and snarling at him, releasing his grip to turn Laxus. "That's different! It wasn't real! Back then you didn't have a clue what was going! All you knew was that she was with someone else and not you! All you cared about was stealing her from Galen and getting her back into bed!"

Laxus at least had the decency to look away in shame. It was true. All he had wanted then was to break her and that man up because he didn't want her to move on from him. He had acted in jealousy and was thinking with his dick.

"...but this time is different." The sound of Natsu's fury leaving his voice, lowering in volume to be replaced with fear and hope, had Laxus looking at him. "You know the truth. You know what's happening... it's different this time, right..."

Wendy placed her hand upon the fire mages shoulder, wordlessly lending him strength as she continued on for him, understanding what he was trying to saw but couldn't.

"Knowing what you know now. If you were to go after Lucy and lay it all out for her, speak with her honestly, bare yourself to her and show her that your words aren't just empty. Knowing Lucy, knowing her capacity for love and forgiveness..." she trailed off.

Not even two seconds had gone by before Natsu was snatched away from Wendy.

"What are you doing! Let me go!" Natsu shouted as he tried pushing off Laxus, but the big oaf wouldn't let go.

"Sorry, Natsu, but if we're going to try and convince Lucy that I'm not just saying shit to trick her and make her stay, I'm going to need you to help vouch for me and maybe gang up on her to convince her to stay at the least."

Was all he said before lightning struck where the two stood, leaving Gajeel and Wendy to stare at the empty charred spot of grace.

"Hopefully it'll be enough." Gajeel said.

"It has to be."

Word Count: 1,333 (wow mama! thats the longest chapter I've given you all lol! Hope you Liked it! ️ )
