"King Arthur..."

"No...I don't want to hear it from you, Matthis." Arthur interrupted coldly. "I want to hear it from Merlin. With all of his power he must have some idea of what you're talking about."

"Very well...Emrys, go ahead."

Arthur's eyes went wide for a moment before his brows furrowed at Merlin. "What is he talking about? You mean to tell me even your name has been a lie?"

"NO!" Merlin shouted as he calmly lifted his hands. "My name has been Merlin since the day of my birth. It's just what the druids call me." Merlin settled his arms back down to his sides and gave a deep sigh. "What would you like to know, Sire?"

Arthur realized that there was no sarcasm when Merlin used formality, and for some reason it irritated him. "So now you know formality."

"What would you like to know, Sire?" Merlin repeated in the same manner as before.

"Fine...What is a warlock? Apparently you are one...but I don't exactly know what that is." Arthur crossed his arms and sat on the floor, motioning for Gwaine and Merlin to do the same.

"Alright...A warlock is what I am but I'm different from others. A warlock is one who is born with magic. Usually they discover their powers later on in life and grow into them...I was born doing magic. I could move objects before I could talk. Here..." Merlin held out his hand and whispered an incantation as he looked at his palm.

A light blue sphere that mimicked the color of the sky gently glowed not only in Merlin's hand, but also above Arthur's head. Arthur looked above his head and gasped in shock. "You...but you were dying! You had drank poison for me. I watched you collapse." Arthur looked back at Merlin who's resigned expression hadn't changed much.

"Gaius had said that I had continued to struggle while I was dying from the poison...he said that I was muttering incantations until I said 'It's too dark' and then I made the ball of light. I wasn't conscious and I still don't remember it. I remember dreaming as if I were there with you at the time...but that's it. Gaius said he's never seen anything like that before, and when he heard that you saw the same ball of light he told me what happened while I was asleep."

"Hold a moment, mate..." Gwaine started. "...You mean to tell me that this is when Merlin drank poison for you?"

Arthur nodded. "The poison wasn't meant for him." Merlin stated.

"What are you talking about? It was in my cup!" Arthur commented in frustration.

"Nimueh knew I would be forced to drink from the cup, especially since it was yours and I was your servant. It was meant for me, but if you were to die trying to retrieve the antidote, she would've considered that a bonus. I didn't find that out until I had woken up and after you visited me."

"You helped me out of the cave." Arthur said in almost a whisper. "What else have you done?"

Gwaine beamed at his friends with reassurance as he saw the anger slowly fade from Arthur's face. "Yes, do tell Merlin. I love a good story."

"Um..." Merlin chuckled lightly at seeing Gwaine's expression. "Well..." He looked back at Arthur so he could explain directly to him. "I had saved you from the witch with my magic...the day I got my job."

"How?" Arthur asked.

"I made the chandelier fall, and then when I realized she was going to throw a knife at you, I slowed time to get you out of the way."

"You slowed time?" Gwaine asked with an impressed expression on his face.

"Yeah...I also did that when I first made it to Gaius' chambers. I had called his name, causing him to almost fall to his death, but I slowed time down just enough to look for something soft for him to fall on...that being his bed, and I moved it while my magic was still holding Gaius in mid-air, and then I released my magic so he could fall. He immediately found me out, however, that was why my mother had sent me to him in the first place."

"Just curous, Merlin...when did you first arrive at Camelot?" Gwaine asked with genuine curiosity.

"A man named Thomas Collins was being executed for practicing magic. It was one of the first things I witnessed when I arrived...the fact my magic was not to be known became clear immediately."

"So why use magic during our mace fight?" Arthur asked raising an eyebrow.

"I had no idea how to use a mace. I really did mean it though."


"I could take you aapart with less than a blow." Merlin smirked but quickly remembered that this was basically his judgment. "Anyway...I made the snakes on Sir Valiant's shield come to life during the tournament."

"I didn't summon you...Arthur remembered clearly, and nodded his head.

"It really had been me who cured Gwen's father and I can talk to druids."

"Yeah, so can the rest of us." Gwaine said in a confused manner.

"No, I mean...I can talk to them with my mind."

"What else have you done?" Arthur asked, now slightly more curious than before.

"I rescued you from being sent to Avalon for one...I didn't clump you over the head with a piece of wood...I pulled you out of the lake...after that...I was the one who started the windstorm in Ealdor...It was a losing battle, and I was going to tell you before it happened and I tried to stop Will from taking the blame..."

"I'm sorry." Arthur said as he looked at his own reflection in the mirror beneath him.

"It's fine Arthur." Merlin answered with genuine forgiveness. "The serving boy you were happy about...the one who got possessed? Well, I took in his soul just long enough to put it back in the crystal...I helped unveil your ex-stepmother who was..."

"SHUT UP, MERLIN!" Merlin laughed and held up his hands in surrender, and he knew he would have to explain that particular outburst of Arthur's to Gwaine later...if he lived long enough to.

"Um...please, don't get mad Arthur...Morgouse wasn't lying about your mother...that was one of the most deliberate lies I've ever told you...I couldn't see you lose another parent. It would've destroyed you..."

"So..." Arthur started shakily. "I really was born from magic...just as you were born with magic?"

"I'm sorry, Arthur." Merlin slumped his own shoulders for a moment. "Is there anything else you want to know?"

"There's a lot...but...what about the prophecy and destiny?"

"There is a prophecy that says Emrys will help the once and future king unite the lands of Albion and bring magic back to Camelot. My destiny is to protect, guide, and be there for you whenever you need me. Your destiny is to be the greatest king to ever be known. Our destiny has been foretold since the dawn of time...but make no mistake...thats not why I do what I do...You're my friend and I can't bare the thought of losing you."

"And you've been walking around basically carrying the kingdom on your shoulders...since he was a prince?" Gwaine asked, dumbfounded that his friend who was willful, wistful, funny, kind, and fun loving...is carrying in charge of keeling the king safe and sane.

"It's what it feels like sometimes, but it is Arthur who is king. I only help when I can. Is there anything else either of you wants to know?"

"...Your powerful...exactly how powerful are you?" Arthur asked, almost fearful of the answer.

"There are those that say I am magic itself. Magic incarnate. The Druids say I am the most powerful warlock that has been, is, and ever will be."

"So why not take the throne? Why not kill my father when you had many chances? He constantly executed your kind."

"I don't want the throne. I want you on the throne. I seek no recognition, no reward, no money, I don't even seek a day off this time. The only thing I seek...is to continue to be your friend and protector after all this is over. I don't care about titles...in truth i believe the reason I've been able to do what I've done is because I'm your servant...and i never killed your father, because yes, he's harmed many magic users, but he was your father. No one deserves to lose a parent, not even one like Uther. I know he loved you until his dying breath and that you loved him. No matter the anger in my heart for what he's done...I could never kill him."

"Arthur...I've seen bad magic...magic at its worst...I have never heard of a sorcerer or warlock being as selfless, generous and loyal as Merlin has shown and described himself to be. What's it to be, mate? Because I need to know, so that I can properly defend Merlin to my dying breath."

"You're my knight."

"Aye, that may be...but before I was your knight I was his friend and I considered him mine. So, I'll ask again...because I believe I know the answer...What's it to be?"

Arthur smiled, and then chuckled lightly as he shook his head. "The most powerful creature of magic sits in front of me...He's lied, practice magic...repeatedly, he has used it against the law, and there are those that would demand to see him dead...I don't see that I have much of a choice...Merlin, you will no longer be my manservant." He finished with a serious tone and an even more serious expression.

"So be it then. Just...allow me to..."

"To what? To say goodbye? Well, I suppose I can allow that...considering you will be getting a title along with new chambers. Gaius may be upset but I'll put you somewhere nearby."

"What?" Merlin's face reddened, and he felt a warm but cool chill got through his body as if his magic were extremely happy at the news.

"I will make you Court Sorcerer...so, unfortunately you willhave a title...You will get new chambers and a servant of your own...along with..."

"No...No thank you." Merlin gently interrupted.

Arthur's jaw dropped immediately. "Why ever not!?"

"Like I've said before...I'm happy to be your servant...till the day I die. I will be more than happy to bring peace and magic to the lands, but I want to do so as your servant. You've already made one of my biggest dreams come true...you, Arthur Pendragon, have accepted my magic. If you'll have me, I would like to remaine your servant." Merlin looked Arthur in the eyes with the most joy he's ever felt.

Arthur didn't speak. He didn't even move, nor blink. Gwaine waved a hand in front of Arthur's face. "Merlin, I think you broke him."

"I..." Arthur began. "I can't believe..."

"What Arthur?" Merlin asked, growing slightly concerned for his king.

"You denied a promotion?" He finally got out. "I can't believe you of all people denied a promotion. Why?"

"Even when you hurl insults at me I know it's friendly banter. You can't be seen doing that with someone high up in court like where you want me to be, and even then...I can never be truly angry with you. Irritated? Yes! Angry? No."

"Erm...very well then...I guess...you'll remain my servant then."

"Thank you, Arthur." The mirror room crumbled to pieces and suddenly they were back at Camelot, and surrounded by knights.

"What is the meaning of this!? Why have you kidnapped the king!?" Sir Leon shouted at Matthis.

"I have not kidnapped anyone. Each of them had come to me willingly at the same time. Good to meet you Sir Leon."


"Don't bother..." Arthur said as he stood up. "He's a strange fellow but he's harmless.

"Sire...I have to explain what we all Saw before the sphere crumbled..."

"Sphere...we were in a cube..." Gwaine looked back at Matthis who shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"It's whatever is easiest to see. They saw a giant crystal ball..."

"We noticed it about three to four hours ago...and then it started showing visions of Gwaine getting stabbed in a bar, Melrin going to ask for his help, and two of you fighting each other surrounded by thugs..." Leon spoke frantically.

"And don't forget about Arthur fighting Merlin..." Sir Percival added. "...Also there was Arthur getting bitten and Merlin defeating a priestess and she called him a warlock and he has magic...And about Arthur being unconscious while Merlin commanded the great dragon."

"There was also..." Elyan hesitated. "...Merlin jumped towards a Dorocha and Lancelot took him to a rover and the spirits there healed him because he has great power and a future that has been foretold since the beginning of time...Then there was also one that showed Merlin being captured by Morgouse and getting stung by a serket...and then he was speaking with the great dragon once more...Surely...these are nothing more than false visions..."

"They aren't. They are all true." Arthur stated with a hint of pride , but remembered that these were his knights, and they were frightened.

"M-Merlin has magic?" Sir Percival asked, lowering his sword.

Merlin smiled as he cautiously stepped forward. "I do have magic. I was born with it, and I swear I've only ever used it for Arthur and for Camelot. If I am allowed to live, that is what I'll continue to do."

Percival crept forward and poked Merlin in the side with his blade. Merlin grinned mischiviously. "Percival, that is a sword, it does hurt."

"You...you're the old man!? What about Uther..."

"Morgana really killed him. i tried to heal him but Morgana placed an enchantment that made my magic take the opposite effect." Merlin answered quickly.

"Sire, do you accept him? Do you accept a...warlock?" Sir Elyan asked.

"I do." Arthur smiled at Merlin and then looked back to his knights. "Merlin has helped myself, Camelot and yourselves more than I can possibly know...and I just offered him a promotion with a title and he denied it saying that he would rather be a servant. I have seen and heard what he's done...We owe him our thanks."

"So...what do we do now?" Sir Percival asked with an approving expression.

"We change the laws about Magic, we learn more from Merlin and have him help us fight Morgana...the future will move forward and Magic will be welcomed back into Camelot."

His knights looked both shocked and happy. "Great when do we start?" Gwaine asked with amusement, causing the other knights to start laughing.

"Thank you, Arthur." Merlin said with tears threatening to fall.

"No, thank you, old friend."