"Are you discounting hard evidence as fraudulent?"

"Albus for God's sake, Multiple Personalites have never been proven to exist, it's probably a hoax knowing Potter" the potions professor replied snappishly.

"Severus what will it take for you to realise that the boy is not like his father? His aunt and uncle have just been arrested by muggle authorities for child abuse and neglect"

"Of Potter?" Professor Snape felt his heart miss a beat, surely not. His aunt and uncle surely doted on the golden Gryffindor. Didn't they?

"Wait why not the ministry, why did they get arrested by muggles?"

The headmaster bowed his head in shame "Because it was a muggle who spotted the abuse and told the police. A new neighbour witnessed Harry being beaten and immediately rang child protective services and the police. The Dursleys apparently felt they had got away with it that long that they thought they were untouchable"

"Oh god Albus, you mean that no one checked on him, the golden child, the boy who lived was being abused and not one of us spotted it?"

Albus could hardly keep the pain out of his voice "we have all failed him, from the first moment he was left on their doorstep!"

There was a pregnant pause. "Another reason I called you here was because I needed to find a suitable guardian for the boy, but the truth is that you Severus have always had parental rights on the boy"

"That's impossible" Professor Snape exploded out of his chair and began pacing.

"He is a carbon copy of Potter" he sneered

"Its amazing what Lilly could achieve with a few charms." The headmaster sighed "she obliviated you to protect you and Harry from Tom Riddle, I only found out myself when I noticed his magical signature looked like yours and looked into it further, i dread to think how things could have turned out so differently for you two."

"What did the Dursleys do to him?" Severus couldn't think about Harry being his Son. Not yet. He would certainly accept Harry as his own flesh and blood, his and Lilys child, but right now he needed to know more facts.

The headmasted handed him a bunch of reports. "These are the police reports, muggle psychologist reports and Madame Pompfrey did a full medical history on him when he arrived last night."

Professor Snape quickly read over the reports words jumping out at him from the page. 'Beaten. Starved. Lived in a cupboard. Worked like a slave. Freak. Injuries. Malnourished. Broken arm. Broken rib. Concussion. abuse.'

Professor Snape was all to familiar with abuse, he himself was abused by his father and being head of Slytherin meant that he had been involved in helping abused children in his house feel safe and protected at Hogwarts. Nothing like this, not abuse that has broken a young childs mind worse than if he had been locked up in Azkaban.

"You are telling me that all this time Harry was being abused, he could have been safe with me?" He hissed suddenly feeling protective of the child.

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing"

"No, no excuses Albus. These reports tell a whole other story! "

"The blood wards should have kept him safe from harm" Albus defended

"But not from his loving family" Severus sneered.

the headmaster bowed his head in shame. "I feel bad enough about this my boy, i have failed you both immensely."

"I need to think things through headmaster" the potions professor stated softly all anger drained from him as he ran his hands over the reports in his hands.

"Does Harry know?" He asked his hand on the doorknob.

"About the Alters? No, he has blank episodes in his memory when his altar comes out, which is worrying him and about the abuse? Also a no to some extent. He knows the Dursleys disliked him, and treated him with some unkind words however he can't access the memories held by the other alters who took over when the abuse became unbearable."

the potions professor sighed "How many Albus?" He asked sounding broken.

"His alter Seth spoke to the muggle psychologist before we managed to bring him up here, he merely said there were a few"

Professor Snape shut his eyes momentarily against the onslaught of emotions and then he was gone.

A few hours later found Severus sat in front of the fire. He had read the reports, Poppys had hurt the most to read. He realised that by the age of five Harry had suffered more Injuries than most teenagers, and all at the hands of his disgusting relatives. He couldn't hate the child. Not any longer. The child, his Son, had been essentially tortured by his own family. He once again vowed to protect the child and also to help heal him. He sat in front of the fire reading paragraphs and chapters from a wide variety of psychology books.

As he read more in depth into Multiple Personality Disorder, he realised just how much torture the muggles had put him through in order to fracture his son's mind in such a brutal way.

He slammed the fourth book closed mid sentence. He couldn't read anymore. He needed to inform Albus that he would do whatever it took to heal his Son.

"How can I help him?" The options proffessor asked the headmaster. "I will do whatever it takes"

The headmaster had smiled sadly when heard that and he peered over his spectacles at the man he trusted.

"My dear boy, just be patient with him, treat him with respect and let him gain your trust. I fear that all of the alters need to gain your trust before progress can be made. It could take years Severus"

"I will be there for as long as he needs me" Professor Snape had replied. "I will help him heal"

Professor Dumbledore sighed "it is not my place to say, but the boys...relatives...failed to provide Harry with any decent clothes, in fact the only personal possesions he owns apart from his invisibility cloak is his school supplies, harry is not up to any visitors until tomorrow morning so perhaps we should work on making your quarters suitable accomodation for the child?"

"Of course. I shall get everything ready if you would be able to get a houself to add a room to my quarters then that would be greatly appreciated."

Sorry to cut off here. I will be updating soon. Please review if you like it. This is the first chapter and the other chapters will perhaps not seem as rusjed but this has been in my head bursting to be written.