tales of a drunk malfoy

A/N: Ayyyy shaybae the fic's here! ;) Dedicated to you bc I told you I'd deliver this :p This fic was inspired by some dialogue on a post on Instagram by audrarry :) You should check out that account if you have an insta ;) This might be...lowkey crack? Idk.

Words - 812

Music could be heard as people were talking, laughing, and dancing at the class of 1998 five-year reunion.

A certain Draco Malfoy - who was literally on the floor at the moment - was too inebriated to know that he was even at a class reunion. All he remembered was that there was a really cute black-haired guy over at a table with food.

(He didn't remember that that was who he came here with.)

Draco just needed the courage to ask him out. He spotted Blaise nearby, talking to...who was that again? Theo? Anyway, Blaise would help him, right?

"Blaise!" called Draco. Blaise turned around, giving a lopsided grin at the sight of his friend.

"Draco, mate!" called Blaise with a smirk on his face, walking over to him. "How're you holding up?"

"Good!" called Draco loudly, causing Blaise to chuckle. "Do you see that really cute guy over there?" he added in a stage whisper.

"Uh...that one?" asked Blaise, raising an eyebrow, pointing at the cute guy.

"You know 'im?" slurred Draco, his eyes widening in excitement. "Can you introduce me?"

Blaise looked at him as if he was crazy, which pissed Draco off. "I'm serious, Zabini!" he snarled.

"Don't you realize that you're datin - you know what, never mind," he said, grinning. "I don't know him, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Is he single?" asked Draco curiously. All he wanted to do was kiss the guy.

"I'm not sure. You'll have to find out," gasped Blaise. Draco wondered why he looked like he was about to pass out from laughing.

"I'm going to ask him out," said Draco confidently.

"I won't stop you," said Blaise.

"I'm afraid he'll reject me," said Draco worriedly.

"Look," says Blaise seriously, grabbing his friend's shoulders. "You're Draco Malfoy. You've got this."

"You're right," said Draco. "I do got this. I'm just gonna take some deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths. In and out."

"You'll do great," said Blaise, "Now go! Before he leaves the table."

Draco didn't need telling twice. He was going to go for it.

"What do you mean Draco is going to ask Harry out?" snickered Theo, watching as Draco literally swaggered over to Potter. "They're already together!"

"Clearly Draco's had a bit too much to drink tonight," smirked Blaise. "All I know is that this is going to be fun. Well, at least for us."

"Are we ever going to let him live this down when he gets sober?" asked Theo.

Blaise leaned up to kiss Theo. "Never. Neither will Potter, probably."

Theo placed his hand in Blaise's and grinned. "In that case, let's not miss the show."

There he is.

The insanely hot guy from the food table. His black hair. His emerald green eyes. Pure perfection. He was literally drooling.

Draco was going to make him his.

Deep breaths.

In. Out. In. Out.

"Hey," said Draco, walking up to the guy. "So you're insanely hot, and I'm insanely cool, so I think we'd make a good match. Wanna go out with me sometime?"

The guy looked at him, utterly confused. He exchanged looks with the tall redheaded man by his side, who started laughing at Draco. Draco glared at him. The nerve of some people.

"Draco," said the guy carefully, trying not to laugh. His heart leapt. The guy knew his name! "You do realize that we're already -"

"Are you single?" blurted out Draco. The redheaded man was laughing even harder. Draco was going to hex him soon enough.

"No," said the guy. "Unfortunately, I'm not single."

"Oh," said Draco sadly, before walking away. He heard snickering behind him. If he wasn't going to get the cute guy then he certainly was going to hex his mean friend at some point. He wasn't even doing anything that was worthy of laughing! He was merely trying to ask out someone cute.

"Wait, Draco!" called the guy. "You are really cute. I'm really sorry."

"If it doesn't work out between you two, let me know," he said honestly. He hoped it didn't work out between them.

The guy looked at him for a second, before nodding. Draco walked back to Blaise.

"How'd it go?" asked Blaise.

"He's not single. He's taken. Probably by some ugly tramp 'oo," he slurred bitterly, already feeling hot tears come to his eyes at the thought of not dating him.

"Are you crying?" asked Blaise.

"You'd never understand, Zabini," he hissed, already shaking with sobs. "You'd never understand what it's like to like a guy that's already taken!"

Blaise reached over and gave his friend a pat on the back in comfort. "You're right. I never will."

Over Draco's shoulder, Blaise smirked at Theo. They were never letting him forget this. And judging by the way Harry was smirking over at them, it was clear Harry wasn't going to let Draco forget it either.

Also for -

April House Challenge - (pairing) Drarry

Writing Club

Count Your Buttons: (character) Harry Potter

Lyric Alley - I might do this to myself

Please R&R :)
