Smaller Souls and Greater Evil

Announcement from the Author

Hey guys, Old Wolf Logan here with a couple things to address.

First, I want to address something that a few reviewers brought up, mainly how the White Rose and Bumblebee pairings would not work in the setting I'm using. Basically, the concern is that homosexuality would be seen as heretical by the Imperial Church. After consulting with multiple members of the fandom, as well as Games Workshop employees, I have come to the conclusion that this is a misunderstanding.

For the uninitiated, let me provide some context. In the Warhammer multiverse, whether it's Fantasy, 40k or Age of Sigmar, there is a pantheon of gods, known collectively as the Dark Gods of Chaos, who are basically the personification of pure evil. One of these gods is known as Slaanesh, the Dark Prince of Pleasure, and he is often, mistakenly, associated with sexuality. This is not the case.

Slaanesh's domain is in the excesses of mortal emotions and he is given power when these emotions are taken to absurd extremes. So unless Team RWBY turns out to be made up of a bunch of true deviants who can only be seen on the darkest of dark web porn sites, Slaanesh wouldn't give two shits if they are gay, straight, trans, bi, or even gender non-binary.

The second matter is an actual announcement. After much consideration, I have decided to put Smaller Souls on an indefinite hiatus until such time as I can devote more time to properly writing it and have a clear plan laid out for the plot. Up till now, I have pretty much been pulling things out of my butt and stringing them along in a semi-coherent fashion. With everything going on in my life right now, between my job, prepping for RTX next month and applying for four-year college, I just don't have the time, the energy or the inspiration to write this in a way I can be happy with. So really, the only option is to put this story on the shelf for a while. However, I will be posting the next chapter since I have it about 30% done.

If, for some strange reason, you like my writing, I will be continuing to write Fate/Remnant, as well as my new story Death Does Not Become Her.

Thank you for your understanding.