DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of The Royals characters.

Hi everyone!

This show's going to be the end of me! I wrote a quick Rillow one-shot, I just couldn't help it ^_^

And trust me, I know people are not fond of this ship but I just love their dynamic. So here's a little one-shot for any Rillow shippers out there.

I know that Robert's shady and I have kind of mixed feelings about him but I love Willow and whoever that makes her happy. She just needs to smile and stay cute forever and ever! And I just hope Robert knows what he has and doesn't blow it like Liam :/

And to my dear Captured readers, I know I've been such a jerk, but I'm coming back, and it's gonna be hottttttt ^_^

Hold on for a little more while plz :)


"When you left, when you were out there, I just wanted you to come back. To the palace, to your family, and to me…"

Robert was taking her words in, his eyes fixated on hers, a smile creeping up on his lips for a fleeting moment. She was right where he wanted her. Robert thought he knew her well but she surprised him with her little speech. And all he could think about when his shadow towered over her fragile body was tasting her full lips for the first time.

He slowly leaned in and almost chuckled as Willow sucked in some air before closing her eyes. He closed his own eyes and his lips brushed hers gently, gulping at how soft they felt. He wasn't planning to pull away, not before tasting her fully. And for the second time that day, Willow surprised him as she caught his lips with hers.

They were moving way too slow for Robert's liking but he was willing to wait until she was more comfortable. He gently pulled back, his face still inches away from her, and watched as her eyes fluttered open, gazing hazily into his.

Robert's eyes drifted back to her lips and she was smiling innocently. He wanted to kiss her again, so badly that he almost acted on it but he stopped himself. He didn't want to scare her away after all the effort he put into the work. He whispered her name in frustration as his hand moved up to caress the side of her face.

Willow was still quiet, secretly hoping he would say something, and when he did, it was her own name. His expression was unreadable, as always, but he called her name like no other man ever did. Filled with frustration and urgency. She always thought she knew what being desired by someone felt like but she realized she'd been wrong.

The warmth of his hand, gently cupping her cheek, brought her to the present moment. She knew she had to leave his room and think about the consequences of being kissed by the King of England but for the first time in her life, she threw caution out the window.

She clutched his hand, dragging it away from her face and to her waist. Robert was observing her every move and she realized he didn't expect this from her. But her body was too hot and her mind was far gone and the only thing she cared about was to feel his attention all over her body.

Robert leaned in once more as his arm tightly wrapped around her waist, bringing them closer together. Willow wet her lips unconsciously as his face stopped dead close to hers. She could feel his hot breath on her mouth, minty fresh, and for a short moment she worried about her own breath.

But Robert's lips covered hers and all the worry seemed to wear off of her as he deepened the kiss. His hold on her was getting tighter but she liked it. Being pressed against his chest, tasting his tongue, she knew she could easily get used to it. He was making it too easy for her.

Robert on the hand, wasn't doing much thinking. He had been lost in her kiss, desperately wanting to taste every inch of her perfect little mouth. Apparently she had some Champagne earlier, he could taste it all over, and he liked it. And it wasn't just the Champagne. Willow was a good kisser, he had come to figure out. And he was thanking his lucky stars.

Robert noticed she was gently tugging on his tie, probably out of breath, so he loosened his grip and broke the kiss. He was watching her, his hand lazily resting on the small of her back. Willow was clearly out of breath but a cute smile was fixed on her face. And Robert wondered if he'd ever made someone this giddy before.

Willow was trying to get her breath back but Robert staring at her with that look in his eyes wasn't helping. That look he'd given her for months, a mix of amusement and adoration. It always made her think he wanted to explore or conquer her, but at that moment, she was willing to let him do just that.

She was still looking up into his eyes, not knowing what to say, and strangely enough Robert was quiet as well. His fingers were playfully tapping on her back but his face looked like he was in deep thought. Willow's insecurities threatened to resurface as she wondered if he was second guessing the kiss.

She took a step back, breaking whatever spell that was casted on them, and sighed as his hand left her back. Robert gave her one of those pointy smiles of his and started: "So…" Willow rushed: "Your Majesty, I…" But she stopped as he raised his eyebrows, his smirk widening the moment she started talking.

Willow chuckled nervously before calling his name: "Robert…" He took a step closer, erasing the space she had created between them, and asked with a smile: "Yes?" Willow opened her mouth to say something but the need to touch him again was paralyzing her.

Robert could sense her hesitation. She wanted to kiss him again but she was held back for whatever reason by her pretty little mind. He wanted to make things easier for her, to decide for her, but before he could make a move they both heard a quick knock on the door. Robert instinctively stood tall and noticed Willow distancing herself a bit from him.

The door opened and Rachel politely announced that he had a call with the prime minister. Willow looked up to him and said: "I'll leave you to it." Robert nodded and watched as she walked out with Rachel. He sighed before mumbling to himself: "That bloody walk…"

So that's it.

Tell me what you think ;)