As The End Comes

Hello and welcome to the unexpected continuation story of As Foes Become Bros, I thought of a continuation story after good ol' scott released Freddy Fazbear's pizza sim and this is what it will become so sit back and get ready for this new story

(opening credits, play A.I. from RED)

This story is being brought to you by VenomousBook38 and posted on Fanfiction . net

All music and references featured within the story all belong to their respective owners

The FNAF games and franchise belong to the all-seeing Scott Cawthon

The characters in this story will be from FNAF2 and featuring OCs created by: VenomousBook38, MissKittyBear and ProfessorKitten

Now relax and enjoy As The End Comes

Chapter 1: years gone by

Years… years it's been since I last saw Bonnie, my brother, I haven't seen him since I blacked out in the fire, I feel like I've been searching for an eternity but still I find nothing, I've looked all up and down this accursed junk yard but all I get is humans looking at me and running away, I tried interrogating them but they know just as little as I do so I just kill them off once I'm done with them, I don't know where he is and I feel lost without him, but through all these years I've been a brutal leader and had many humans killed either by my hands or by my friends.

This junk yard is my empire and I even made Mangle and Toy Chica my queens, they follow my every move and my every word, but that's only if I need them to do something for me other wise they keep and eye out for humans, or that blasted cat Vincent, the little fool says he and some "friends" have built a new pizzeria for us to go to get fixed and restart our lives and entertain children again, well for one I don't want to entertain anything, they ruined my life so I'm going to take theirs and two does he really think he can fix me, must be delusional, another thing is what's with that greeny yellow little bunny thing on his shoulder, it's looks weird.

Other then that all my other friends are here… well apart from the Marionette and Golden Freddy, it's been hard but I'm still strong for them, Freddy and Chica have used what was left of their parts to become a single being, a bit like Mangle and Toy Chica but they can at least break apart and almost sliver around the junk yard and do a surprise attack on humans, Foxy just looks a bit roughed up but has become quite savage, Opal and Ashe work together and go in for quick kills, Finn likes to take the brute force approach, Pete and Sarah managed to find manuals for Oscar and Lenny and somehow fixed them, but it was crude and they look as bad as the rest of us and over the years they've had a lot of problems but as they are all from the same place they all work like a special task force, I love how they have taken to my rescheme and have vowed their own revenge on humans, makes me proud to be apart of this new world that I will create.

Slowly, I walk around this junk yard seeing if I have missed something, a corner of a certain section or try to stray into the human territory, thing is they know I'm here but they dear not face me and the areas they know I like to travel in they steer clear, but I like to venture further sometimes, and maybe I could come across Bonnie as I explore, I know there's another area the humans don't like to go but I myself have yet to go there perhaps I could see what else may be lurking in the dark, as I make my way towards the human areas I find Pete and his crew making a move on some humans "Pete my good friend, have you found something of interest?" he turns around to see me walking towards him and he gestures at me to stay close to the side "we've found one of the heads of rubbish inbound, we followed him and we saw his office, if I'm right this means he has control of the gates and if we kill him we could find a way out and into the rest of the world" the good news brings a smile to my face, though I'm enjoying taking land from the humans in this junk yard my real goal is to find a way to get out of here and take everything from them, this office could be the ticket I've been looking for.

Pete directs his crew into different positions around the office, he also motions for me to join up alongside him, I nod and we wait for something to happen, not long after a lorry comes around the corner and up to the first gate, it opens letting the lorry enter up to the second gate, the first gate closes then the second one opens, once the lorry is through and all the gates are closed again the man inside the office comes out and lends a hand to unload the lorry, we wait for a while as they work and we see more animatronics from other locations, there are two cats, a chimp and a penguin, it's the Candy crew and they have been completely destroyed by what ever events has happened, no use trying to fix them, they are dead, makes me wonder how Pete managed to fix, Oscar and Lenny, I guess they won't dead quite yet, as they finish their work we move in and take out the workers only leaving the head alive "you! Tell me how to work the gates!" Pete terrorises the man until he gives him to info he needs "no way, you animatronic freaks can go to hell" the man protests despite he obvious trembling fear "perhaps I should talk to him" I say as I come out of the darkness of the rubble.

Pete throws the man at my feet, I look down at him and grab him by the neck using my oversized claw "tell us, how do we use the gates?" I stare into his eyes and he cowers away "you may as well kill me I'm not telling you anything, the council has deemed you a threat and has advised us to keep you here for as long as we can, I'll see to it that you stay even if I have to die" this makes me mad and I oblige his wishes "then you are no use to me, die!" using my claw I crush his neck and another kill is marked on my arm, I like to keep a tally chart of humans killed on me at all times, so far I'm up to 56, while that was happening Sarah, Oscar and Lenny had tried to work the gate console in the office, no success this time "sorry Scrap Bonnie, it's just too complicated for me, I just don't understand how it works" Lenny says looking down and disappointed "I don't know what's going on with it either" Oscar seems just as downhearted about it too "not to worry my friends, there's still hope, there are more ways to escape this god forsaken place" despite the failed attempt we move on and see what other areas we can take from the humans.

While we are walking I can hear someone behind us, they try to be sneaky but something is on their mind and they are thinking out loud, loud enough for me to hear them, they are saying things like "why does he keep doing this, it's wrong and horrible" and "can't he see that I'm trying to help him, he can be himself again, just let me help you" his constant bickering is like a migraine, it's not welcome and can go away as fast as it arrived, "you guys go on ahead, I'll meet up with you again later" I sent Pete's crew off to find new areas to capture while I deal with the pest "I know you're there Vincent, come on out you rat!" he seemed offended by the word rat but I've called him much worse in the past "hey, I'm no rat, look just think about it for a second will you, you could be your old self again and have so much fun being with children, please just consider it" Vincent, he's of very similar construction to us Toy models, the same metal endo skeleton structure and the same plastic shell casing, highly efficient hydraulic actuators and oil pumps, his plastic shell is even the same colour as mine and those eyes, they are the same emerald green as mine are… or at least what they used to be, they make me sick "no, they only deserve death and that's what they'll get" I shout back at him and then try to walk away.

As I move back towards my throne he easily keeps up with me, I'm much slower then I used to be as even though the camera tripod is a decent substitute it's not perfect and I can't run anymore, I'd only fall over, face first into the mud like some common worm "just so you know you haven't actually killed anyone, remember I told you I have a repair protocol too, but I can fix humans on the brink of death" he thinks he can trick me with such foolish notion "and I've yet to see you do that, now do me a favour and go away, I need to think" yet despite me reaching my throne and Toy Chica also returning from her own trek he persists on making a scene "if you're looking for a way out I know one, if you all just follow me I can get you out of here" only an idiot would ever follow him to that stupid pizzeria "like I would take your exit, you'll be target number one if I ever follow you there, the only way I would ever trust you is if my brother was in there too" that was possible my worst mistake as he knew he had struck a cord with those words out of my mouth "well maybe one day you'll find out, the only other thing I was hoping to ask you about was if you knew where Springy was, I'm starting to get a bit nervous about letting him go alone, I might have to get angry and break some stuff to find him".

That's right, Vincent always has his little bunny friend with him but today he's not around, he must have gotten into trouble "umm… tell you what, if I go find him will you go away for today?" I try to be nice but he's just so annoying I only want him to go away "yes totally, I only want my best friend back, please go find him" he seems to be getting very worried really quickly, it always interests me the way he acts when someone messes with that little bunny thing, I look around all my areas and some of the human areas I've recently taken, but I find nothing, a few time I thought I saw Bonnie but it was only my mind playing tricks on me, then I move to the other area, the one where the humans won't go but nor have I been there as I move are the area I hear something screaming and a girl of some kind talking, as I get closer to the sound I can see that there's a girl humanoid animatronic trying to get Springy to do something for her but he keeps refusing.

I walk up to them a little more and the girl notices me, she then slams Springy onto the floor and addresses me "oh, greetings wary traveller, it's nice to see another animatronic face here, my name is Scrap Baby, what's yours?" looking upon Scrap Baby I can see we have some similarities, like me she has one hand with sharp finger tips, and a claw to replace her other hand, but while I have a three point claw salvaged from a plush claw machine hers is something akin to a crab with lots of sharp blade inside of the claw's edge, other wise she is pretty damaged all over, one interesting thing to note is that she has a tiara made from spare wires, "I am Scrap Bonnie, formally Toy Bonnie, I'm here to bring that back with me" I point at Springy as I say that and Scrap Baby just stares at him "oh this little piece of vermin, I was actually hoping he could help us" she says as she picks him back up "get off of me, Vincent will have both your heads for this" both me and Scrap Baby laugh at that, I know him too well, he's weak every time he tries to fight me to come with him I always win "say Scrap Bonnie, would you like to see where this scum actually comes from" the idea of seeing where Springy actually originates from interests me as his design has always made me think of something but I can never put my finger on it "alright, lead the way" and with Springy in hand Scrap Baby takes me toward a unfamiliar part of the junk yard I haven't seen before.

In this area there are more things to be discovered but as I move through it something is bothering me, I don't know what it is but I don't like it, Scrap Baby then takes us into a dark corner of the area and the feeling only gets worse, it's like I'm being lead to meet something or someone I really don't want to but could be the salvation I'm looking for, when we reach the last corner she hands Springy over to me and then tells me to wait, odd "father, I got and I brought a guest" father? How exactly is she talking too? "he want's to see you" without hesitation I walk forward and I see a much bigger and slimier version of Springy, he perhaps more broken then anything else around here and it's evident by the fact that he can barely move "so, this is the blue scourge I've heard about, have to say, you're very good at dowsing those humans, I can hear them from here, and you brought me a gift, how thoughtful" his voice was like the sound of a jigsaw as I get's to the end of a plank of wood "yes… I did, what exactly are you going to do with him?" he laughs at my question but explains anyway "well you see we bunnies have this innate ability to see the thing we desire most, but alone we have no way of finding it, however if you have three or more bunnies we have the ability to triangulate the thing we want most and find it's location, with such information I can find someone who's looking for me" wow I didn't even know that but that I've still been having dreams, I can see my brother but I can seem to find him when I wake up.

Some time passes and my consideration grows to help him find this person looking for him, it may even help me find my brother and reunite with him but as I think Springy protests "oh come on haven't you figured it out yet, it's so obvious" he shouts out like the world is going to end "oh contraire, perhaps pre tell you could enlighten me" with a slap to the face Springy then gives then the vital info "don't you think I look an awful lot like him" looking between the two of them the similarities are just too high to be coincidence "yes, absolutely, the tow of you look like brothers" he nods and spills the beans "the fact is that animatronic used to be me, he used me to kill masses of children and then went on to further his act in that suit, he stuffed children into animatronics making them possessed and he even reprogramed you to lose control of your mind, he made you who you are now, you are the culmination of his work" shock, utter shock, is what I felt after he spewed those words and all I could do was look at the both of them.

The larger bunny laughed as if to say he was not disputing these accusations "it's all true I'm afraid, just look at me, can you really see what I am?" and as if my eye have been opened I look over him again and see the guts that have been trapped inside and I'm reminded of when Golden Freddy told me about the spring lock suits and this was one of them "there it is, I can see the realisation in your eyes" he was right and a small part of me wanted to end him, I could do it so easily too, but most of me still wanted to try and find my brother but not yet "yes I see now you're the Purple Guy, you're William Afton" again he laughs and corrects me "I was the Purple Guy, I was William Afton, but now though, now… MY NAME IS SPRINGTRAP, and don't you dear forget it" I just looked down at him and said "well it was nice to meet you but I have some things to think about" Scrap Baby smiled and she knew I'd be back.

As I walk back to my area and back to my throne Springy seems to look up at me, for only being about three foot tall he's very good at keeping up with me, but then my body is heavily damaged and I've slowed down in my age and the tripod don't always help, "I'm surprised, you didn't give me up to him nor did you kill him" I look down to him and say "let's just say I don't trust him, but that don't mean I won't doing it in the future, he may be the key to finding my brother and you are apart of it too" he seems scared but then tries to scare me back "you know if you so much as touch me while I'm with Vincent he'll try to hurt you" I laugh at him "ha! He's too weak, he can't even kill a human" little Springy seems shocked at those words "well why would he?" I only answer is question with my own "why wouldn't he?" soon enough we reach my throne and I pass Springy back to Vincent.

He's thankful that I got him back and as I climb back onto my throne next to Toy Chica he says "thanks, you know you're not as bad as you say you are, somewhere deep down there's still an ounce of good, I know there is" I'm grateful of his prises but he's got the wrong idea about me "no, I'm only looking after fellow animatronic kind, no like you said, be gone" he remembers the deal and with Springy on his shoulder he goes back to another part of the junk yard "so, what did you find out there love?" Toy Chica asks as she pulls me close to her "there was a very ugly looking bunny, he's not to be trusted and you should stay clear of that area, if you come across a young girl looking animatronic, be sure to keep an eye on her, they might just try something to threaten us one way or another, please be on guard" she smiles and kisses me on the head "will do my love, Mangle you hear that" "loud and clear" the three of us then hug and try to rest for now.

Alright so that was the first chapter, of course starting a new story is slow but as it progresses it will start to pick up again, but sure to keep checking back to see how far we're getting and make sure you fav and follow the story, why not also send a review and tell me what you think so far, till next time

Venomous Book out