Son of the Naga

Chapter 1

An male Jonin enter the Forest of Death with a baby in his arms. A while later, they're in the centre of the forest but unknown to the Jonin, a pair of orange snake eyes is watching him.

The Jonin then lay the baby on the ground then pull out the Kunai, "Time to die, Demon."

Suddenly, a female snake like creature; Naga, grab the Jonin with her arms and teeth before coil around the Ninja while she and her now-becoming prey roll to the bushes. A while later, Naga rise from the bushes and slither out with an human shape bulge at her nearly 20 feet tail.

She's red with black stripes, crimson underbelly and orange eyes. She has a cobra's hood and wears brown loincloth on her chest.

She was about slither off to digest her meal when she heard some noise. She head towards the sound and see a baby. Decide to have a dessert, Naga slowly open her mouth but the baby saw her and with a smile, he reach for her.

Naga was surprise before with her tail, she pick the baby up. The Naga then saw a bracelet on the boy's arm with the name Naruto. She flick her forked tongue at Naruto as Naruto starts to patting Naga's face.

Naga with a small smile, reach her hand to Naruto who grab her finger with his small hands. Naga with the loving smile, hold Naruto in her arms as the baby fall asleep. Naga smile as she slither off.

(A while later)

Naga arrive at the giant tree then she slide through the burrow till she reach a large chamber. She coil up before she place Naruto in the centre before went to sleep herself.

(Few days later)

Naga slither across the forest with her new son in her arms. Naga smile as she nuzzle her nose on Naruto's who laughing.

This is the start of Naruto's new life, the life with a Naga!

(Done! I know it's very short. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Anyway, what do you think? Will Naruto be fine, rising by the Naga? Also, who's going to get eaten?! Now, how will Naruto gain mates?)