Poster's Note: Yes, unfortunately, this is the last chapter in this revised version. But the story continues in the unrevised version, if you're curious!

Author's Note: THE GRADING SYSTEM. I get tons of comments about this, so I'll explain. I use the A-F system on regular assignments, the O-T system on O.W.L.-related assignments. Harry has to have the O-T system explained to him in book 5 in relation to the O.W.L.s. Therefore, it was obviously not used to grade his assignments before the O.W.L.s. I look at it as the difference between scoring systems between regular grades and say the SATs, or the AP exams or the British A-Levels. So, unless they are taking practice tests for the O.W.L.s, they will be graded on an A-F scale.


"Harry! Harry!"

Harry, who was walking with Ron and Hermione toward the back exit from the castle, turned to find Eloise bounding toward him with a grin spread across her face. She skipped down the hall until the raised eyebrows of passerby made her slow her step. She bit her bottom lip to suppress a smile and when she got to him, she wildly waved a piece of parchment a little too close to his face.

"What's that?" Harry asked, smiling at Eloise's obvious excitement.

"This," she said, "is going to be enlarged and framed and hung above my bed."

Harry snatched the parchment out of the air before she gave his nose a paper cut. He recognized it as their latest Potions quiz. Eloise had only gotten two questions wrong out of thirty. Harry's jaw dropped and he let out a breath of a laugh.

Hermione and Ron peered over Harry's shoulder.

"Merlin's beard," Ron gasped.

"Eloise," Harry said through a huge smile, looking up from the test, "you got an A!"

"I know!" she squeaked. "It's our study sessions! I finally understand this stuff! I just can't believe it. Snape handed me back the test with his eyes all squinty and suspicious-like and I saw the grade and I kept staring at it until..."

"Hey polka dots," called a drawling voice. Eloise froze and the joy vanished from her eyes. "I heard you cheated on the Potions test."

"I did not!" Eloise shouted defensively at the approaching blond.

"Bugger off, Malfoy!" Ron spat.

"I can see those spots on your face haven't cleared up, Midgen. I'll gladly sacrifice a galleon if you need to see a specialist. Every time I run into you in the halls, it puts me off my dinner, so I admit my motives are selfish. What do you say?"

Eloise bowed her head, not looking at anyone. Her thumb rubbed at her wrist in a self-protective gesture.

"Oi, shut your face you bloody ferret," Ron growled, stepping forward aggressively.

Harry wouldn't have minded punching the pinched, sneering face, but he'd come to realize that rising to Malfoy's bait was what gave Malfoy confidence. Though he felt his hands itch to curl into fists, he forced himself to stay cool and roll his eyes. "Malfoy, don't you have something better to do, or are you really so pathetic that you've got to prance around and annoy people for scraps of attention?"

"Pathetic?" Malfoy sneered. "I guess we have different definitions for the word. What I find pathetic is two morons getting tutored by an even bigger moron in his worst subject, then having one of them nearly wet herself when she has a burst of luck."

"And what did you get on the exam?" Hermione asked in her most superior tone. "Just average even though Snape gives your house advanced notice on the material covered? You're right. We do have different definitions of pathetic. At least the other houses earn their grades on their own."

"At least I'm passing," Malfoy shot, looking pointedly at Ron. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered at their leader's side.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Glad your cronies find you so amusing. Do they not understand what passing means? 'Cause I don't think they should be throwing stones on that subject."

Crabbe and Goyle's laughter abruptly died and they cracked their knuckles threateningly.

"I've wasted enough time on you lot," said Malfoy, his arms crossing casually. "I just wanted to tell Midgen I thought her attempt to curse off her acne should be a repeated experiment. Trust me, Midgen, getting rid of that mess is worth the sacrifice of your nose." He fixed Eloise with a condescending look, then marched away with his thugs hurrying after him.

Thick tears welled up in Eloise's eyes. "I have to go," she said in a small voice, then strode off quickly, wiping a sleeve across her eyes.

"Eloise, wait!" Hermione called, but Eloise was already gone.

"Should we go after her?" Harry asked Hermione, who, being a girl, knew more about female emotions than the two boys could ever hope to learn.

Hermione sighed. "No. Not right now. Unless one of you boys is planning on declaring an attraction to her, more attention on the subject's going to make her feel worse."

Harry frowned at the test still in his hand. Eloise had completely forgotten about her achievement in all the upset. The three continued toward the greenhouses.

"Why is Malfoy such an arse?" Ron asked, jaw clenched. "I hope he gets eaten by the giant squid."

"Maybe he'll turn around one day," Hermione said without much conviction.

Ron snorted. "Yeah, I'm sure. Right after Harry and Snape become best mates."

Harry cocked his head. "Snapey? He's been my best friend forever, Ron! I'm sorry, did you think it was you?"

"Ah, so that's why you're all into tutoring Potions now," Ron teased. "I thought it might be to be more like Snape."

Harry nodded along. "Yup. I'm going to start washing my hair with kitchen grease to get that same posh effect."

While Ron laughed and Hermione tried to suppress a chuckle, Harry felt the cheeky grin fall from his face. Snape had helped him when he was hurt, kept his secret and had gone all the way to the Dursleys to save his life. Harry felt his stomach churn with guilt as Ron kept going with the joke.

Finally, they reached the greenhouse and grabbed their usual stools. Harry pushed the pot waiting on his desk away to clear a space, and paused only for a moment at the growl that came from beneath the soil. He pulled out his Transfiguration text and carefully closed Eloise's test in its pages, careful not to crinkle it. After sliding it into his bag, he pushed all of his anger at Malfoy, sadness for Eloise and guilt about his Snape comment out of his mind and watched as a vine crept out of his pot and started propelling itself back toward him.


After classes, Harry brought his school things up to his dorm, took off his robe and tie and threw his bag onto his bed. He turned to head back down to the common room, but paused when Kota's picture frame caught his eye. As usual, it sat proudly on his nightstand. The Muggle photo fascinated Neville and Ron, who poked at it, and peeked at it from the corners of their eyes, not understanding that the occupants weren't just extra sneaky about moving. Mostly his roommates waggled their eyebrows and made suggestive comments about his and Kota's relationship. Harry just rolled his eyes in return and insisted she was practically a sister. The photo reminded him why he'd made his sacrifice and kept him going when he felt rotten.

Now the frame gave him an idea. He pulled an old, cracked vial from his trunk and transfigured it into a rectangular pane of clear glass. He had to flip through his schoolbook, but was finally able to transfigure two pieces of parchment into small panels of wood. Then, he cut a wobbly rectangular hole in the middle of one. He set down the full panel of wood on his bed, dug out Eloise's test and carefully centered it, then stacked the pane of glass and the second panel on top. He sealed the seams and smiled with pride. He'd made a frame. A frame that looked like it had been made by a six-year-old, but a frame nonetheless.

"What're you doing?" asked Neville, walking into the room and tossing his bag onto his bed.

"Eloise got an A on Snape's last test. I've just finished framing it for her," Harry explained, eyeing his crafts project critically.

Neville peered over his shoulder and his eyebrows jumped. "Only two wrong? Wow!" He grinned. "She's going to love this. Let's carve a message into it. You know, Congratulations Vice President of the Hated By Snape Club or something."

"Brilliant," Harry agreed. He had Neville trace the words with his wand since Harry's own handwriting was too messy. When he was done, Harry repeated a charm Dean used on quidditch banners and the words glittered gold. Harry held the frame out at arm's length so they could admire their handiwork. They both gave satisfied nods.

"One more thing," Neville said with a sly grin. He flipped the frame over and quickly carved something into the back with much less care. He held it up for Harry to read. The words "Smart Ass!" smirked back at him. Harry laughed.

Neville ran and grabbed an old copy of the Daily Prophet. They used it as wrapping paper, sticking pieces of Spellotape all over it. It looked a little wonky, but Neville insisted that it gave it a personal touch.

Harry brought the gift to Hedwig with instructions to deliver it to Eloise at breakfast.


The next morning, hacking coughs that seared his throat jolted Harry from sleep. The sound tore into the quiet of the dorm room and Harry was almost more annoyed with the noise than the pain. He buried his face in his pillow to quiet them.

The coughs eventually subsided, leaving his throat raw and stinging, and he was only left with a pounding headache. Harry ached to go back to sleep, but felt wretched and couldn't find the comfort he needed to slip back under. He gingerly lifted his head from his pillow and his head swam at the movement.

This was going to be a bad day.

A splatter of dark red drops across his pillow caught Harry's attention. His fingers flew to the side of his mouth and when he drew them away, they glistened with blood. That definitely wasn't good.

He reached to touch the blood on the pillow, more out of shock than any real reason, but he jerked his hand back in surprise. The part his fingers had ghosted over was clean again, like nothing had happened. Curiously, he waved his hand over the rest of it. His pillow was clean. Harry swallowed nervously, not quite comfortable yet with his new powers that showed themselves off when even he didn't expect it.

Wondering if the rest of him needed cleaning before Ron caught sight of him, Harry stumbled to the bathroom. His nose crinkled in distaste at his reflection in the sink mirror. His skin was pale and clammy, his hair matted to his forehead. His collar and sleeve were also stained red in spots, but another sweep of his hand and they, too, were good as new. Now, just some cold water on his face to get the color back...

Suddenly, he felt a lurching in the pit of his stomach. He leaned into the sink and the sounds of retching echoed in the stone bathroom. He rose, gasping for breath and clutching his stomach. While he was rinsing out his mouth, another dizzy spell swept over him and he had to grasp the sink for support.

It was definitely going to be a bad day.

Hearing the muffled stirrings of his dormmates, Harry splashed some cold water on his face, desperately trying to get color in before Ron saw. Harry didn't know if he could handle any grim looks this morning, feeling as wretched as he did. And there was nothing he could do about it. To skip classes he'd have to get excused by Madam Pomfrey, which meant an exam, which meant his secret blown. He wasn't ready for that. He just wanted to forget that death was waiting quietly at the end of his school year, focus on how he was going to defeat Voldemort, and live the next few months as normally as possible. He didn't want people to freak out every time he stumbled on a stair.

So, he'd have to buck up and deal with it. He gave his reflection a firm nod, then winced as the movement made him dizzy.

Trying to keep his gait steady, he wandered back into their dorm room and headed for his trunk. Seamus, Neville and Ron were poking at Dean, who just curled into the fetal position and groped around for his duvet. Potions first thing didn't inspire much motivation for getting out of bed. Ron looked over at Harry, his face quirked in question. "Hey mate, where were you?"

Harry nodded toward Dean, who swatted a limp hand at the pillow Seamus was pummeling him with. "I figured we only need one person each morning that needs to be pulled from a coma. I got up early."

Ron seemed unsure if he was satisfied with that answer or not.

After Seamus finally dumped water over Dean's head, the five fifth year Gryffindor boys hurried down to the Great Hall for breakfast, Dean grumbling about exacting revenge for the water stuck in his ears. While the food spread across the Gryffindor table made Dean perk up, it just made Harry feel worse. With his stomach feeling queasy, he wanted to distance himself from the sausages and eggs steaming on the table in front of him, so he opened up his Potions text and pretended to study. He might have actually studied if Hermione and Ron's bickering hadn't drowned out his mental repetitions of potion-making laws.

"I don't care, Ron. You shouldn't badmouth professors!" Hermione scolded.

"'Mione, come on. We all know Snape's an oily, slithering git. He's prejudiced against our whole house! And you know how much he picks on Harry. There's just no defending the slime ball," Ron snapped back in hushed tones, then glanced quickly over his shoulder. Snape did have a tendency to show up when he was least wanted, but for now, he was at a safe distance, eating his meal with a scowl.

"Snape's not all that bad," Harry muttered.

Hermione and Ron instantly went silent.

"He gave you detention for sneezing," Ron reminded.

Harry shrugged a shoulder. "That was months ago. I think he's gotten better."

"But you were making fun of him yesterday. Did Hermione make you take her side?" Ron asked with a suspicious glance at their bushy-haired comrade. Hermione's eyes narrowed back at him.

"I shouldn't have said that thing about his hair. He's not such a bad guy and saying that about him's no different than Draco making fun of Eloise," Harry said quietly.

Ron shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth and his cheeks puffed to hold the food while he spoke. "First you're helping Slytherins in the corridors, now you're defending Snape? Next thing we know you'll be wearing silver and green."

Harry glanced around, then leaned forward over his book. "Listen, it's just...he's spying for Dumbledore, which has to be really dangerous, and we're insulting him behind his back? Maybe we should lay off him. Show some respect, you know?"

Ron clearly thought Harry had lost his mind.

"See Ron? Harry' We need to stop all...that." Hermione gave a firm nod but still seemed surprised and shot suspicious glances at him. She frowned at his plate. "Harry, aren't you going to eat anything?"

Harry's eyes sank back to his book and he slumped a little in his seat. "Not right now."

Ron's fork froze halfway to his mouth and Hermione's eyes widened.

"I'll eat at lunch, just not now," Harry sighed. "And I can see all those looks you two keep giving each other. I'm not blind, you know."

Ron pointedly raised an eyebrow.

Adjusting his glasses, Harry smirked. "Well, not totally blind."

Out of reflex, everyone glanced up as the owls came soaring in through the windows. Mail time. Neville caught Harry's eye from his spot next to Dean and grinned with excitement. Hedwig swooped over Harry's head toward the Hufflepuff table.

Hermione's eyes followed the snowy owl curiously. "Where's Hedwig going?"

"She's delivering a present," Harry said, turning around in his seat. "It's nothing, really. Just wanted to make Eloise feel a little better."

The morose Hufflepuff, who had been poking absently at her food, was jolted out of her stupor as Hedwig gracefully set the package down at the side of her juice goblet. Tentatively, Eloise pulled at the wrapping. Her lips turned upward into a smile as she turned the frame over in her hands, then she barked a laugh at Neville's words on the back. Her eyes sought out her fellow Hated By Snape Club mates. She mouthed, "Thank you," and fed Hedwig a piece of toast.

When breakfast was through, Harry gingerly headed toward the exit with his classmates, every step an effort. His head was fuzzy and his stomach turned dangerously. There was a distinct ache in his chest when he breathed. All Harry wanted to do was gulp down a sleeping potion and crawl into bed for a few hours, but that would panic his friends.

Before he could make it to the exit, Eloise bounded up and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you, Harry. Really."

Harry smiled through his wince and she skipped off to find Neville. He was happy Eloise seemed cheered up, but the hug had nearly been too much for his weak and wobbly legs.

"Harry, are you certain you're alright?" Hermione asked quietly, trying to keep Ron from hearing. Judging by the tightening in Ron's mouth, she was unsuccessful.

"I'm fine, Hermione," Harry muttered. Hermione's expression was skeptical, but her mouth snapped shut when Parvati and Lavender drew into eavesdropping range.

Harry kept his eyes straight ahead, trying to ignore the swaying of the floor. He assumed since nobody else had mentioned it that the floor wasn't actually rocking back and forth. He could sit down soon. He held onto that thought.

A firm hand grabbed his elbow when he stumbled on the stone staircase leading to the cold, dank dungeon. Harry looked up to find Ron steadying him with a grim look.

"Thanks. Wasn't paying attention," Harry said.

Ron nodded, not meeting Harry's eyes. He let go of Harry's arm, but hovered close during the walk down. Harry slowed his step to make sure he appeared more in control of himself.

When they reached the dimly lit classroom, Harry collapsed into his seat. The flickering candles made shadows dance to and fro over the walls as always, but today, it made him feel disoriented. He tried to read the instructions on the chalkboard, but the words seemed to wave and Harry had to drop his gaze when he started feeling faint. Thankfully, once the flames were lit under the cauldrons, the light grew steady and Harry could finally concentrate on not knocking over his cauldron or slicing off a finger while chopping the slimy, slippery shrivelfigs.

After four and a half years at Hogwarts, Harry had become largely unfazed by loud bangs and sudden flashes, but when Neville's potion exploded halfway through class and several people screamed, Harry's body jolted unpleasantly. Dark purple bruises blossomed over Neville's arms where the purple goo had splashed. The potion was supposed to heal bruises, so Harry winced on behalf of his friend when Snape swooped over and those surrounding Neville backed away. It looked like Neville was about to get more fodder for the Hated By Snape Club.

"Your utter inability to follow directions never ceases to amaze me, Mr. Longbottom," Snape intoned. "Run along to the hospital wing so Madam Pomfrey can once again clean up after your mistakes."

As Neville bowed his head and darted from the classroom, Ron leaned over and muttered, "Yeah, Harry, Snape's a real stand-up guy."

Harry just shrugged. "He's not exactly sugar and spice, but he's a good person at the core. Trust..." Harry felt someone watching at him and looked around. To his surprise, it was Snape, who quickly looked away and went to snap at Seamus and Dean. Harry got the distinct impression his and Ron's conversation had been overheard.

Harry was desperately thankful when his potion was finally finished. The billowing steam in his face had made him sweat more than usual and the heat had become unbearable. His hand shook as he heaved his book bag onto his shoulder and followed Hermione and Ron from the dungeons. With one comment about hook-nosed vampire bats from Ron, Hermione picked her scolding right up where she'd left off at breakfast.

Neither noticed Harry falling behind, rubbing his temples to urge the fogginess to clear. He felt weaker with each step he took and hoped he didn't fall again like he had on the dormitory stairs with Ron. The fumes from Potions had irritated his lungs and when he coughed into the back of his wrist, he was alarmed to see a spray of blood. He wiped his hand over it anxiously, like he'd done with his pillow, but this time, nothing happened. He reached for his wand, but started coughing again, more forcefully than before and the world started going blurry.

Harry's books slipped from his arms and clattered loudly on the ground. Ron and Hermione whipped around, their eyes widening in alarm to find him doubled over, his books abandoned at his feet.

"You alright?" Ron asked, his voice high with panic.

Harry shook his head, a conspicuous departure from his usual stubborn insistence that he was fine. Ron and Hermione started toward him, already talking about the infirmary, when Harry's legs gave out and he crumpled to the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked as the two raced to his side. Harry lay on his back, his chest heaving erratically.

"Shit," Ron cursed, crashing to his knees next to him. "Harry, dammit, don't do this." He shook Harry's shoulders but and Harry just shut his eyes.

"Ron, stop! Go get a professor, you're faster than I am. Snape's closest," Hermione ordered in a voice tight with hysteria. She pressed a hand to Harry's forehead, then his cheeks, as Ron launched himself to his feet and took off at full speed toward the classroom of his most hated professor. Hermione's face hovered over Harry's worriedly and she smoothed his hair back in a useless, but compassionate gesture.

"C-cold," Harry gasped. "I'm so cold." He hadn't meant for the words to escape, but he was afraid. Was this it? He'd thought he had more time.

Hermione whipped off her cloak and tucked it around him, stammering, "It'll be all right, Harry. Help is coming. You'll be fine. Just fine. I promise."

Harry's mind clouded. Everything felt confusing, as if someone had hexed him with the Confundus Charm. "Where's Ron?" he managed weakly.

"Getting Snape. He'll be here really soon."

Harry swallowed. "Where's Hermione?"

The girl stared down at him with wide eyes, then a shaking hand rose to her mouth and tears spilled from her eyes. Her hand left her mouth and touched his cheek. "I'm here, Harry. It's Hermione."

"You're okay," Harry said in relief, blinking up at her blurry face.

She nodded, her bottom lip quivering. "Yeah."

"I haven't killed Voldemort," Harry groaned. "I was supposed to.

"Don't worry about that right now, okay? You just focus on...on being well."

Harry turned his head to the side to cough, then winced as he swallowed.

Hermione pulled in a shuddering breath. "There's blood," she said in surprise.

"I need my glasses," Harry muttered, squinting up at her. "I can't see."

Hermione stared at him again with a terrible expression of fear. "You're wearing your glasses, Harry."

"Then why..." Why was everything getting blurrier? Why was everything getting darker? He desperately tried to focus on Hermione's face because as long as he could hold onto her, he didn't have to be afraid. As her features blurred and her sobs grew faint, he knew he'd lost the battle. But soon, even his worry faded. It was kind of if everything was drifting very far away...