High school DxD: Youkai Royal Guard

Summary: After his childhood friend moved away. His parent decided to bring Issei to Kyōto. But instead, they were brutally murdered in front of Issei. Alone in the city of Kyōto, Issei thought he would never found happiness again until he found a young girl who was about to be kidnapped?




Some might think this story is dead. So I am here to confirm that, No. This story is. Not. Dead.




Hello everyone. Thank you all for your support! 209 Favorites and 269 Followers.

I deeply apologize for the very late uploading of Chapter 3. Since the school open, I have been struggled with finding a free time to write a chapter.

If you noticed. I have changed story name to make it more suited to the theme I'm writing. Irina was added to the official list, but she will appear later in the Excalibur arc.

Anyway. Read first, talk later.


-Chapter 2 might receive a rewrite and re-edit. Due to a concerning plot hole in chapter 2. But I might fix chapter 2 once I started the Kuoh arc.

-I have decided the information chapter is not a necessary thing in the story. So no more information chapters from now on. The information will be written down at the end of each chapter instead. No more information chapter.

- My school has been open for almost 3-4 months now. So my uploading time has will no longer be fixed anymore. The reason behind so long time to write one chapter is because I have to divide my time between a school work, studying for applying for university (College) and writing fanfiction here.

-To check each of my chapter progression. Please visit my profile. I will keep update there.

Disclaimer: I did not own High school DxD and other anime elements.

Chapter 3: Regain

Yasaka's room

After the long meeting about the kidnapping incident and the troublesome circumstance about Issei Hyoudou. Yasaka finally puts meeting to an end. As she walking back to her room where her daughter and Issei were staying for tonight. Yasaka finally arrived in front of her room, heavily guarded by her most trusted bodyguards.

"Yasaka-sama." All guard bowed down to their leader.

Yasaka nodded and replied.

"Thank you very much for taking care of my daughter and the young boy,"

"No, your highness. We were merely just performing our duty for your highness and princess. We do not deserve such praise." The security royal guard replied.

Yasaka frowned, but accept it nonetheless."Very well, I shall retire now. Continue doing your job to the fullest."

"Yes, your highness." All guard replied.

Yasaka then opened her door and stepped inside. Once inside she saw what happen to her daughter and the boy. She couldn't stop smiling. Both Kunou and Issei were sleeping together in her bed, Kunou is hugging Issei and Issei also hugging her back. As much as Yasak wished to retire for tonight, she couldn't yet. She must finish the last problem with Issei first. So she walked into the living room and closed the bedroom door. Once she is alone, she picked up the phone and dialed a phone number.

"Good evening," Call operator spoke. "This is the Cabinet office of the Japanese government. We are deeply apologized to inform you that we are closed for today. Please contact us tomorro-"

"Code Three. One. Three. Codename Nijō zero. Password, Nine Fox Tails. Calling for Edo one."

The operator stopped what he was saying,"...Please hold the line, your highness."


"...The line secured, Yasaka-sama. Transfering your call now." The operator said before he transferred her call.



"Good evening," A man spoke up "This is prime minister of Japan. To whom am I speaking with?" he asked.

"Good evening, Mister prime minister," Yasaka spoke up.

"Greeting, Yasaka-sama. How are you, your highness?"

"No need for formality, Mister prime minister. This is an unofficial call after all."

"Hahahaha~! You never change, aren't you Yasaka?. Anyway, why did you call me today? I believe you wouldn't call me directly for such a small talk like this."

"You got me there. The reason I call you today is because I need a small favor from you."

"..This is quite surprises you know? Youkai faction leader herself need a favor from a powerless human leader? Please continue your highness, I'm listening."

"Have you heard about an incident at Grand Kyōto Hotel around three weeks ago?"

"Yes. It was a hot news on almost every news channels. It's an unfortunate couple, who were murdered by their own child. Hyoudou Issei if I am correct."

"Yes. Their child is Issei, but the catch is that-"

"-that he didn't commit the crime. Am I right, your highness?" Yasaka could already see the smirk forming on his face.

Yasaka chuckled darkly. "You already knew it... May I ask if this is the work of the Ministry of Intelligence again?"

"Yes. They already found out since the news caught their interest. The video footage had too many errors if you looked carefully enough. They also have magicians scanned the video footage several times and found it was indeed forged."

"Good. Right now Issei is staying with us."

"Hmm... How did the boy end up with you?" He asked.

"He saved my daughter from a kidnapping attempt."

"...Fallen angel was behind this, am I correct?" His tone became serious.

"Yes. You better tell your guard dog to stay alert. We do not know how many of them are planning to do something bold or outright stupid again." She recalled about the last missing fallen angel on running.

"Don't worry. I will take care of the areas under my control. For your territory, your royal guard should be capable of handling the rouge fallen angel with ease. However, the territory under devils control..."

"Don't worry about the devils. I will arrange some... aggressive meeting with them to ensure they will take care of the Japanese citizen in their territory. Also about the favor," Yasaka glanced back at her bedroom where Issei is sleeping. "It is about Issei."

"Go on."

"I would like you to pull some string to clear his name. He is just a young child who got dragged into our... world. We, Youkai already made a mistake by treating him like an animal... but this time I will make sure he will not suffer from the same mistake again."

"I see... don't worry. I will fulfill your request, but you will have to pay for a favor."

"...What do you want?" Yasaka's eyes narrowed.

"Once I fulfilled your favor, I would like to have some of your men deploy to Ehime, Shikoku. It seems Ministry of Intelligence requested more professional fighter to deal with rouge supernatural being, rampaging there."

Yasaka snorted "Hpmh! You are such a greedy man." Her tone is annoyed

"Well... What could I say, Yasaka-sama? The security and the safety of Japan must come first and foremost."

"Understandable. You have my word, Mister prime minister. Until next time we meet. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Yasaka-sama. Take care." And she ended the calls.

'What a troublesome man.' Yasaka sighed once again. But she quickly shook it off and head back to her bedroom.

She quickly changed into her nightwear and fall asleep next to her daughter. Drifted into the pleasant dream...



I̧͚̫͓̯͙͕s̡̟̪̥̝̭̲ş̢̮͉̩̳̘e̫̹̫̤̤̝͕i͓̳͇̼̫̗ͅ.̧̧̞̙̺̤͜.̡̪̝̹͚̭ͅ.̞͓̙̤͔̞͖ ̟̲̯̥͎̠̥W̨͎̭̤̙͇̫h̞͙̜̝̯͓͈e̡̪̰̹̹͍̞r̢̰̝̬̻͍ͅȩ̢̨͓̪̳̟ ̲̬̟̟͕͖̰ḁ̭̹͖̣̩̞r̬̝̹̩̝͜ͅe̝̫͉̙͇̖̮ ̻̩͙̣͈̗͓y̨̥͍͈̱͜ͅo̧̤͇̭̱̭̤u̡̞̗̳̻̯ͅ.̨͕͕͚̥̱͍.̨̦͓͓͎̱̱?̢̢͖̳̹̤ͅ






I̡̤̣͙͎͙̗͖̟s͇̮̝͔͙͖͔̗͜s̰͚̺̘̟̤̘͍̗ȩ͓̮̮̹̬̪̦̘i̮̙͍͕̘̙̲̖͔.̧͎̫̙̦͔̣͕͇.̯̻̠̯͍̜̱̮̖.̢͓̯̩̜̣̹̦ͅ ̣̺̣͔͓͍̳͜ͅW̨̜̫̼̯̝͍̮͜ḩ͖̩͕̳̬̰̗͈y̨̡͎̬̰͍̩̟͎.̧͔̫̗̬̦̮̖ͅ.̨͇͍̤͔͎̖̹̪?̡͚̬͚̙̫̯̮ͅ




M-Mom! I-I'm coming!



W̨̧̡̲̫͖̝̗̣̮̥̫ḩ̮̹̥̩̫̪͎̱̙̪͓y̨͓̙̬͉̥̳͔͖̱̞̯.̡̢̡͙͎̠̮̭̹̹͉͓.̡̯̬̯̺̥͔͔̲̪̭ͅ.̯̞̼̯̩͙̤͔̥̫̗͜I̡̨̳̙̼̘̖̩͎͖͍̗s̼̞͕̲̪͎̳͖͈͖̩͕s̡̜͍͙̲͕̲͇̙̲͎ͅe͇͇̘͍̗͓̯̭̩͖̳̼i͚̱̦͙͈͎͈̳̫̟̪̹.̟͎̱̱̱̝̭̮͖̫̹ͅ.̡̢̮̠͎̖͙̦̝̪͍͜.̠̟̰̦̗̺̝̻̫͓͉͉ ̨͓͕̭̝̤̦̤̺͔̖̥W̙̺̯̺̬̥͖̘̘̼͖̥h̨̧̧̤̬̻̘̠̠͈̠͜y̢̥̲̻͔̥̜̺̮̳͚͎.͔͓͓̣͚̖͈̰͈͙͜ͅ.̡̠͎̻̘̹͚̘̘̰̭ͅ?̨̧̨̦̖̲͚͉̥̟̺ͅ



D-Don't leave me mom...!



Ḭ̧̥̝͙̬̮̦͎̖̺̫̼͖.̰̭̟̺̘̦̯̟͙͚̻͚̜ͅ.̡̧̘̗̥̖͙̦̣̺͔̝̦͇ ̣̖̮̰̱̘̪̙͎̞͇̣͉͜h̨̡̳̣̼͍̙͔̜̞̼̥̞̖a̡̢̧̖̳͖̼̟̣͓̮̥̹̮t̢̗̙̭̟̟̳̯̥̤͍͍͇͉ȩ̨̠̦̙̣̻̼̪̦͔͓̲̗ ̳͈͚͔̣̱̞̹͕͔͇̭̹̣y̻͎̬͓̫̺̹̣̲̙͎͔̝͜o̗͉̤͕̣̞̖̩̠͈̭̠̦̦u̩̫͈̮̻͈̭͕̭̮͍̞͜ͅ.̡̟͍̹̗̩̭̙̩̺̭̪̻͇.̳̬͍͎͚̥̩̯̜̗̭͕̠̯.͙͈̺̟̤̣̪̺̙̲͔͕͔̠ ̩͕̟̫͔̬̟̹̟̝̤̫̳̱I̢̢̢͎̮͇͓͎̯̦̰̭͉̫s̨̨̙͖͕͔̭̱͓̹͕̗͎̜s͍̱̖̪̤̹̣̣̞̣̺͜ͅͅe̢̨̥̤̦͎͉̦̙̞̠̥͜ͅi̱̮̬̹̦͍̺̳̣̞͎̩̼̩.̢̣͚͇͎̣̟͖̹̥͙̱̻̪




M-Mom..? W-Wha..?



I͔̫͔̟̳̯̱͇̖̯̗͔͜ ̥̰̥͎̲̮͖͙̖̞̭͉͜ḩ̨̙̳̦̘̮̱̜̪͍͚̪a̧̮̳̞͙̞̰̤̹̙̟̥̪ţ̧̨͈̟̲͎̰̲̺̙̹̭e̼̥̥͉͎̖̝̺̰͖̫͜ͅ ̨̧͓͎̝̗͍̣̣̗̼̩͉y̧̝͕̼̥̩͚͈̙͙̼̪̪ǫ̧̡̥͍̱͍̯̼̲̤͎͇ų̢͚̦̹̬̟̳͕̱͎̯ͅ!̪̞͖̣̘̣̫̬͇̞͜͜ͅ







Y̸͈̠̦̪͙̫͈̱͉͕̦͎̲̖̰̰͓͎͜͜Ǫ̵̧̧̢̡̜̻̦̦̘̖̲̲̩̖͈̟͍̤͈U̶̞̺̮̤̲̘͓̩̝͈̦̳̙̭̼̼̙̯͜ͅ ̶̨̨̩̤̪̥̥̺̹͇̮̥̠̞̞͕̫͍̱͍Ļ̸̪̣̼͙͚̫̣̯̰̩̫̳͓̩͙͖̮̜̰E̶͎̲͕̱̺̪̙̰̣͎̤͔̪̗͕̣̼̗̟̣F̵̡̨̧̦̤̖̳̼͍̗͈̮̰̼͎̺̞̝̯̘T̴̢̧̼͍͎̰̟͍̗̲͖̩̙̲̲̘̳̤̮̰ ̸̨̰̮͕̪̤̜̪͎̬̱͇̬̹͎̘̠̲͕̪U̸̢̢̼̮͉̩͈͈̲̫͈̙͉̝̯̫̬̰̫͜S̵̡̪̣̘͕̲͙̺̰͍̙̳̥̱̻̦̳̗̹̥ ̶̢̲̰̗̼̠̫̼͖̟̘͍̱̗̪͚̲̗̪ͅṮ̷̨̨̧̠̘͈̟̣͍̞̯͇̻̠͙̩̤͜ͅO̷̡̧̢̤͈͙̳̥̭̰͉͙̗̭͇̮͜ͅͅͅ ̴̧̢͕̤̹̥͎̤̟͕̠̪̬̬͙̝̥̯͉͉D̴̢̹͇̜̖̮̞̤͍̪̜͇͉͙̳̦͎͚̰͇I̶̡̢̞͍̥͈̠̯̫̟̤͙̞͔̥͓̫͙̼̞E̶̡͉̳̭͍̭̠͚͇̻̜̘̯̤͈̱̬͓͎̤ ̴̢̡̨̪̯̹̻̟͈̣̪̥͚̯̮͈͇̮̤̱A̴̢͖͔̤͕̹̠̙͈̪̩̬͎̻̘̖͍͜ͅͅL̸̬̲̲̫͚̗̩̤̤̦̖̖̺̰͎̞̺̲͚͜O̶̡̱̪̯̭͎͕̼͚̩̩̤̜̗̮͓͙̘͜͜N̵̞͚͍̺͕͙͕̦̹̩̠͕͈̘̼̳͍̫̰̟Ȩ̵̱͈͔̝̝͈̝̺͚̗̻͓̻̺̬̝̬̺̖





.N-No.. N-NO! I tried to save you..I...!



I̢̡̡̹͔̪̪̺̖͇͎͇̟̜͖͎͚̺ ̤̙͖͔̯̜̻̣̤͔͚͈̞̲̣͜w͍̘̮̥̩̭̳͙̹̦̥̲̹̳̰̯ͅi̧̡͙͉̦̙̬̥̩̖̮̬͕͔̩̯̝̹s̢̟͇̖̤̳̯̹͚̘͕͕̯̺͚͜h̡̡̢̭̯̹͍͓̪̼͓͔͇͇̜̠ ̡̢͕͇͈͓̜̤͔̼̱̳̱̠̟̜y̨͉̗̜͓̤̦̬͚͎̤̦͖̻̮͜o̢̢̧̦̝̫̙͔̮̫͖͈͔͎̫̺u̮̟̺̼̣̬̯̩̫̳̬̳̭̱̥̗̰͜ ̨̩͕͎̝̣̹̱̞̱͉̘̣̼͜w̢̡̱̱̫̼̹̣̦̞͚͎̱͙͕ę̡̞͙̠̭̞̟͇̼̼̰̠͓͜ͅr̡͔͙̭̭̱̮͎͈̬̱̟̱͈̦͉e̢͇͓̳̥͈̫̯͙̖̱̠̮̗͚̘ͅ ̢̝̳͖̰̗̻͈̼̪̭͎̻͈͙̬̱̖n̨̡̨̳͍̹̝̘͕̦̺̣͇̺̹̯ͅe̢̧͈̣̹̙̰̥͔͕̬͚̻̪̝v͔͙͕͎̙̭͉͉͖̪̱͓̱̟͖ͅe̡̠̲̦̹̥͎̠͚͓̲̥̪̗̜͜ͅŗ̠̱͍͙̮͈͔̰͎͇̗͈͕͜ͅͅͅ ̰͉͓͔̦͈̗̠͓͖̳͎̟͙̜̤ͅb̧̧͔̻̗̗̠̠͕̝͎̺̙̺͜o̢̨̢̡͕̦̞̼̳͈̳̤̘̱̝̭͜r̢̡̨̜͍̙̦̦̲͈͓̮͓̺̟͍ͅn̨̨̥͈̰̖̙̙̼̭͉̜̙͙̫.̡̢͔̝̗̤̻͉̞͇͙̼͉̖͍.̢̡̼͉̱͇̪̼̘͖̰͍̪̞͓̺.̡̢̧̢̦͔̠̞̥̞͓̮͎̣̥͙!̡͚͙̗͔̖̣̫̣̤̪͉̬̬͔͈͜ ̢̩͍̺̦̜̗̙̫͓̣̱̙͇̟͍I̧̧͍͎̰̲̭͓̜͇͔̲̗͉͙̺s̨̻̩̲̻̹̟͖̩̠͚͍̤̠̙̩̬ͅs̻̩̪͚̺̞̳̙̦͖̰̼̗͕̘͜͜ę̢̬͚̳̜̣̹͙̯̻̺̦͍̗͉ͅi̢͉̼̲̰̝͈̪̞̼̞͇̖̜͎̭͜͜!̧̧̞̹̣̠̘̟̳̜͔̞̜͉͕͔



W-Wait mom! P-Please don't leave me!




Mom, please!








Come back!








S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚





S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚


Stop...! s-stop th-this!


S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜


Its hurt! please stop!


Ḿ̻̠̝͍̩̖̣̒̉̈́͋̅́͑ͅŐ̪͎̦̹͍̮̠̹͑̇͛͌͘̚͝M̨̭͍͈̱̞͕̣̏͗̑̀́̈́̉̂S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜Ḿ̻̠̝͍̩̖̣̒̉̈́͋̅́͑ͅŐ̪͎̦̹͍̮̠̹͑̇͛͌͘̚͝M̨̭͍͈̱̞͕̣̏͗̑̀́̈́̉̂S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜Ḿ̻̠̝͍̩̖̣̒̉̈́͋̅́͑ͅŐ̪͎̦̹͍̮̠̹͑̇͛͌͘̚͝M̨̭͍͈̱̞͕̣̏͗̑̀́̈́̉̂S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜





Ḿ̻̠̝͍̩̖̣̒̉̈́͋̅́͑ͅŐ̪͎̦̹͍̮̠̹͑̇͛͌͘̚͝M̨̭͍͈̱̞͕̣̏͗̑̀́̈́̉̂S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜Ḿ̻̠̝͍̩̖̣̒̉̈́͋̅́͑ͅŐ̪͎̦̹͍̮̠̹͑̇͛͌͘̚͝M̨̭͍͈̱̞͕̣̏͗̑̀́̈́̉̂S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜




S̵̯̲̤̗̯̼̎͊͐̀̇̄Ą̶̧̟͈̼̙̃̈́̓͌̉͘C̷̛̟̩̼͕̙̝̈̎̾̿̀R̵̡̮͇̰͍̦̎̇̿̍̊͐Ẻ̵̬̹̬̮̂̊̕͜͝͝ͅD̸̩̠̞͓̺̙̅̀̋̋͐̆ ̶̢̲͍̣̮̬̍̓̇͆̔̀G̵̻̤̥͉͈͉͗͂͊̃̚͠Ȇ̶̢̤̖͚̽̒̽͛̀͜ͅẢ̸͍͉͉̮͙͙̎͋͋̕͠R̵̛͙̗̪͖̭̟̂̽̇̉̚F̯͚̝͙̖͎̬̼̃̈́̈̓̓̍͋͝A̧̡̭̹̹̖̳͔͛͑̅̅͌̄͒͠L̨̧̯̝̙̪͚͍̈́͊̎͊̕̕͘̚L̢̦͎͙̯̜͎̻͆͐́̍̇͘͝͝Ĕ̛̠͙̳̫̘̤̦́͌͒͂͗͗ͅN̛̮̯̩̮̬͉̰̞̏̽͊͊̎̌̔A̠̗̮͎͍̬̙̔̍͗̃̈́̊̈́͜͠N̨̪̱̝͖̣̖̫̎̌̀̈́̾̿́̌Ģ̛̠͕̰̯̟̖̦̎̑̈́̾̓̄͌Ẻ̖͍̳̼̦̜̖̂́̀̎͗̑͋ͅĹ̮̠̟̮̠̼̟̏̈́̏̐̑̈́͛͜


save me...











Issei eyes snap opened as he immediately jumped off the bed and fall to the floor. Hard.

"Argh!" He cried out in pain

"Issei! Are you alright?!" Kunou immediately came to Issei side as she helped him up.

"Ye-yeah.. I'm very sorry.." Issei said.

"You don't have to apologize me... it isn't your fault." She replied back. "...Did you have a nightmare?"




"Issei...?" Kunou asked Issei again.

"A-Ah.. y-yes..." He mumbled.

Kunou frowned. She did not like the looks on the Issei face. She wants to see his smiles again not the blank face. Fortunately, she remembered about a garden here.

"Nee-Nee- Issei-kun."

"Yes, Kunou-chan..?"

"Follow me. I want to show you something here."

Kyotō Imperial Palace

Both Kunou and Issei is now outside her mother room. Kunou left a message for her mother to the bodyguard who continues guarding.

"Are you sure this is alright? We didn't tell your mother that we came out!" asked Issei.

"Don't worry! I left a message to my oka-san bodyguard. He will notify her once she comes for us. Now follow me! I want to show you something." She then held Issei's hand and continues walking.

A few minutes later, both Kunou and Issei stopped in front of a large garden. For Kunou, it was a common sight here, but for Issei was another story.


The garden itself could be described as majestic. With many different trees decorated the garden, giving the calm atmosphere around the garden. The path was made of beautiful stone. And there is a small pool in the middle.

"Welcome to Imperial Palace garden, Issei-kun."

Kunou then started giving the tour for Issei. As they walked around the garden, Kunou will explain how some part of the garden was made, How they made it. Once she finished, she continues with the history of the garden.

A few hours later, Issei found himself sitting next to Kunou under the large sakura tree inside the garden. Enjoying the peaceful of the garden. Kunou seeing the chance to speak with Issei, immediately take it.

"Issei-kun, Can I ask you something...?"

Issei turns to face Kunou. "Sure. What is it Kunou-chan?"

"Um... Do you hate me and my youkai faction... for what we have done to you...?"

"..." Issei did not reply right away.

'Do I hate them...?' It was hard for Issei to answer. Issei didn't hold any grudge against youkai faction, but for him to be treated like a criminal for the crime he did not commit added salt to the scar. Not to mention how ignorant the council was to him.

"I...I really can't answer yet..." He answered honestly.

"Oh... we-well, it's alright...! sorry that I brought it up..."



Kunou knew Issei was upsetting about something she did not know. While her attempted to cheer him up by taking him to the imperial palace garden did not result as she desired, but she won't back away from this yet. With Issei being her first friend since many long years without one. She will help him for sure. After several ideas, she finally came up with a way to help Issei.

Kunou moved forward, grabbed Issei shirt collar and slowly pull him down to her lap.

"Kunou..chan..?" Issei asked, but he showed no resisting.


"..." Issei closed his mouth.

"Issei-kun... Do you.. have anything you would like to tell me...?"

Issei hesitated. "N-No... I... I really dont.. I-"

Kunou gave Issei a sad smile.

"P-Please don't lie... I really want to help you... at least let me shown you that we, youkai are not bad people."

Issei stared at Kunou. He was scared of the nightmare last night. He admitted that for the past three weeks he has been using police hunting for him as a temporary distraction from his parent death. But now there is no more police to chase him. No need to concern for his safety anymore. Now the bad memory started to resurface again.

'What should I do... I-I am scared... I... anyone... I...' As his thought is going haywire, Ddraig decided to intervene.

[Calm down... partner. Do not let the past clouded your mind.] The boost gear appeared on the Issei left arm.

Both Kunou and Issei looked at the boost gear. While Kunou was curious what is Ddraig talking about. Issei knew what Ddraig referred to.

[Partner. I could feel your emotion from inside here. Anger, Sadness, Regret... I suggest to let it all out. It will become nausea to yourself soon or later if you were to continue holding it back inside...]

Issei said nothing back. Ddraig knew Issei won't let it go easily. He decided to ask for nearby help instead.

[You, kitsune.]

"Y-Yes...?" Kunou replied.

[I need your assistance. Please talk to my partner. He is clinging to the past... Sooner or later if he did not let it go, he will lead himself to the path of self-destruction. If you are his friend, then help him.] Then Ddraig went silent.

Then everything returns back to silent once again. Issei turned his face away from Kunou sight. Kunou struggling with the way to help her friend. Seeing there is no other choice. Kunou tried to ask Issei the same question again.

"I-Issei-kun. Would yo-"

"Kunou-chan. Am I a bad guy...?" Issei interrupted Kunou.




"E-Eh? What do you mean Issei-kun? Y-You saved me f-from a fallen angel! How could you be a bad person?"

"...Kunou-chan... I... I..." Kunou felt her skirt becoming wetter. Because of Issei tear is slowly coming out. "Uuc.. I-I.. Uuu..!"

"What's wrong, Issei?!"



"I-I couldn't sa-save my...!"



"Couldn't save...?"




"I couldn't save my parents!"




"My parents! They were a-all dead! B-Because I am too w-weak!..How could I-I... How could I be a good p-person? If I couldn't s-save my p-parent!."

"I-Issei, but-"

"I f-failed! I failed to protect my parents! All I-I could do is j-just looking at m-my mom and d-dad!" Issei cried out.


"W-What if I... What if I failed again... I... you... I wouldn't be able to-"

Before Issei could continue, Kunou suddenly pushed Issei off her lap, hold his shirt collar and pulled Issei on his feet.

"Ah!? K-Ku.. K-Kunou..?" Kunou lets go of Issei collar, placed both of her hand on each side of Issei shoulder and pulled Issei into a hug.






"Please stop. Issei... Please... Stop."

"B-But. I-"

"There is no but! It is not your fault Issei!" Kunou yelled this time.


"Please... no more Issei.. please... don't blame yourself anymore..."

"K-Kunou.. chan.."

"Issei... If you couldn't stop..then please..at least stop blaming yourself for me...!"







Please remember.


"M-Mom.." *Hic* ..mom!"


I will always love you.


*Hic*"... P-Please.. c-come back...I-I want y-you back..!"




".. Mom! ...M-Mom!"

Once again, Issei is grieving in silent. But at least this time he has someone to comfort him. After all, he is not alone anymore.

After Issei calm down. Kunou started a conversation with Issei to lighten up the mood. Issei while still held some sadness, slowly talking with Kunou. One hour later. Both Kunou and Issei still continue talking. Kunou has learned much more of her friend, Issei and so did Issei.

While both Issei and Kunoi are engrossing in chatting with each other. They didn't notice Yasaka, looking for them, slowly approaching them. Truthfully Yasaka did not want to interrupt Kunou talks with Issei, but she couldn't leave the breakfast cold, so she speaks to get heir attention.

"Good morning, Kunou-chan, and Issei-kun."

Kunou quickly stood up and immediately bowed down to her mother. Issei also tried to follow Kunou example but failed to do so.

"Good morning, Oka-sama."

"G-Good morning, Yasaka-sama!"

Yasaka chuckled for Issei attempted to impress her. But she will accept it nonetheless.

"Good morning. I hope you have a good sleep last night, Issei-kun." Yasaka said, unaware of Issei nightmare.

Issei flinched but quickly recovered. "Y-Yes..."

Yasaka knew Issei was lying, but she won't press it. Because today she will ask Issei a question that will change his life forever. But first! She must take Issei and her daughter to the dining room. Both of them must be hungry already.

"Alright Issei-kun, Kunou-chan. The breakfast is ready to be served. I would like you two to eat breakfast first."

"Yes, Yasaka-sama." "Okay, Oka-san!" Both Issei and Kunou replied.

As they were about to head to the dining room inside the palace, suddenly-

"Oh? So that boy is the current generation Sekiryuutei I've been hearing around? Not what I expected, but not bad either." Kunou, Yasaka, and Issei turned to found a man standing alone in the imperial garden. He wears a brown double-breasted overcoat and gray fedora hat.

Yasaka not taking any risk slowly pulled both Issei and Kunou behind her back.

"Who are you...?" She asked.

"Oh well, your highness." He slowly approaching Yasaka, " I am-"

"INTRUDER!" One of the guards spotted him and in less than a minute, A whole guard garrison surrounded the mysterious man, weapon pointed at him, daring him to make any move.

Instead of backing or showing any hesitation. The man just staring at the weapon pointing at him. He even touched a weapon!

"My~ my~. Youkai royal guard is too strict sometimes. Not my taste at all." He pulled his hand back into the coat pocket.

"Shut up fools! Who the hell are you?!" One Inugami guard yelled at an intruder.

Yasaka was watching him with curiosity and caution.

'Where did he come from? I could not sense any power in him at all... then he must be...' Yasaka sighed when she realized who he is.

"Everyone. Stand down." She ordered.

Most of the guard immediately lowered the weapon and turned to face Yasaka. But some still pointed their weapons at him.

"Your Highness, Are you sure? He infiltrated the Kyōto palace without any of us spotted him! He cannot be trusted!" The inugami guard who still had his weapon pointed at the man protested.

"Inugami usually serves their masters loyally and will always loyal forever... but if it showed any sign of disobeying the order... perhaps it was best to quickly put it down before any damage can be done." The man said out of nowhere.

However, the inugami guard did not take that well. As he growled at a human, who insulted him.

"You bastard-!" But he stopped when

"Enough!" Yasaka yelled. "When I said stand down. You will stand down! We are Youkai royal guard, so act like one!" She glared at those who did not back away from the man.

Yasaka then turned to face the human.

"And you, human! Stop provoking my men. You knew very well what will happen when you did it. Give us some respect."

"Yare~ Yare~. How scary. Alright, I came here to deliver your message, Yasaka-sama." His lost his playful tone and turned serious.

"Message? From whom?" Yasaka asked.

"Ministry of Intelligence." He answered.

"I see.. please follow me. My bodyguards will accompany you." Yasaka said.

He nodded. Yasaka then turned to Kunou and Issei behind her.

"Issei-kun. Please follow me as well. We have prepared breakfast for you."

"O-Okay, Yasaka-sama..." Issei replied.

Dining room

When they arrived at the royal dining room. The breakfast was prepared for everyone including the man from the Japan government.

As Issei slowly eating his breakfast. He couldn't enjoy the taste of breakfast no matter how good it is. The reason? That man keeps staring at him since they arrived here.

"U-um... M-mister..?" Issei spoke up.

The man continues staring at Issei. Showing no sign of stopping any time soon.

"P-please stop... staring me already!" Issei pleaded.

Yasaka sighed once again. "Please stop intimidating him. Nobody wants to be stared at like that." She scolded the man.

The man chuckled and stopped.

"Alright alright. Sorry, Issei-kun~" He then looked at his watches and asked one of the bodyguards. "Can any of you open the television? There is something very important airing right now."

The guards then turned to Yasaka, asking if they have permission to do so. Yasaka quickly nodded in silence, granted the permission. One of them quickly opened the television.

"-and that is the report from the White house, Washinton. The next important news we received from the Kyōto today is about the resignation of the Chief of Kyōto Police Station. Let's watch the interviews." The news then changes the screen to when the news reporter is interviewing the chief of Kyōto police station.

"Greeting everyone." The chief said "I am a chief of Kyōto police station. Today, I shall report on the homicide crime case, occurred at the Kyōto grand hotel three weeks ago. Following our report from the last three weeks ago. When we were lead to believe that a seven-year-old child, Hyoudo Issei was a suspect. But unfortunately, upon further investigation. More detailed evidence suggested that Hyoudou Issei is not a suspect at all. A report of an autopsy on the deceased parents shown no sign of any DNA or fingerprint from the child. The weapons that were used war nowhere to be found. And the place we found the corpse suggested that a mere seven years old cannot hang a fully grown adult on the ceiling by any method. With all new evidence and report. We hereby declared, Hyoudo Issei, to be free from any charge that was placed upon him and he will be in custody with Child Welfare Center for time being until we can find him new home and family.-"

Everyone turned to see Issei reaction from the news. And they were right.

Issei stopped eating. Chopstick falls to the floor. His eyes widen so large as if it will come out.

"-And this is the last announce from the Kyōto Police Station. I, Ogawa Meiji. The chief of Kyōto police station hereby resigned from the position as the chief of Kyōto police station and from the police. This is the greatest shame in my entire career life as a police. I deeply apologize for my mistake which leads to the huge misunderstand upon the Hyoudo Issei. I truly apologize for what I have done." Then every policeman and policewoman in front of the Kyōto police station stood up and together bowed down in front of the news reporter. Showing their apologies.

As the news moved on to next story. The man slowly stood up and looked at Yasaka.

"Your request has been fulfilled, your highness. It is time to pay up per our agreement you have made."

Yasaka nodded and signaled one of the guards to bring a phone to her. She then dialed the number.

"This is Yasaka speaking. Yes. I want Fifth-Independent battalion to send two platoons to Ehime, Shikkoku by today. We shall provide an assist for the human there. Do not worry about the human, they have already acknowledged our coming to assist them at Ehime. Very well. Please tell all platoons they have my blessing. Thank you, commander."

Yasaka then handed back the phone and look back at the man. "Youkai royal guard will help your force at Ehime as we agreed. I will remind you that I do not want to see any of my guards end up on casualties list."

The man nodded.

"Do not worry your highness. We will ensure that every youkai troops will return back alive. No matter what."

"I hope you will keep your word." Yasaka then looked at Issei, who was being comforted by Kunou. She turned back to the man again. "Now I believed it is time for you to leave now. I would like to talk with Issei. You will be escorted out of the palace by my personal bodyguards."

Two red uniform guards immediately flanked both sides. Seeing he could not refuse, he just shook his head and accepted it.

"Very well, Yasaka-sama. I shall take my leave now. I am grateful for the meals." Then he moved out of the room, followed by Yasaka's bodyguards. With Issei, Kunou, and Yasaka still remaining in the dining room. Yasaka then walked to Issei.

"How are you Issei-kun?" She asked.

Issei slowly nodded and replied, "Y-Yes, Yasaka-sama. I am fine... I-I just-" Yasaka slowly patting Issei head with care. "Do not worry. Since you saved my daughter, I will help you as well. Issei-kun."

As Kunou also joined in and hugging Issei. Yasaka then waited patiently for appropriate time to ask a question that will change the path of Issei life.

"Issei-kun. If you do not mind. I would like to ask you something very important."

Issei nodded. "What is it, Yasaka-sama?"

Yasaka knew this will be no turning back now.

"Issei-kun. As a youkai faction leader. A commander in chief of the youkai royal guard. And a mother of Kunou. Would you like to join the Youkai Royal Guard?"

""!"" Both Issei and Kunou were very shocked and surprised.

"W-What..?" Issei mumbled out of shock.

While Kunou reaction is...

"WHAT!? Y-You can't do this. Oka-san! I-Issei... I-I don't want to lose him again! I want him to stay with me!" She protested furiously from her mother proposal.

Yasaka knew her daughter will become furious if she took Issei away from her. But Yasaka had already prepared everything.

"Kunou. You don't have to worry, I can assure you that Issei will be with you."

"B-But! If he joined the royal guard training! H-he won't be able to see me again!" Kunou argued.

"Yes... Under the normal circumstances, Issei won't be allowed to leave the barrack as a trainee in training. But... I can make some exception. Depending on an appropriate condition."

"O-Oka-san... Y-you are saying that-!"

"I can allow Issei to visit you on every weekend. He can spend a night here as well, so you can spend your time with Issei all you want. But he will have to return back to his barrack on a Sunday evening. So what do you think? Kunou-chan. Do you agree with this agreement?"

"... I...Y-Yes..! Yes, I am!"

Now Kunou agreed with the condition Yasaka has set. The moment to the final decision is up to him, Issei.

Issei couldn't think straight right now. Everything happens too fast!

Out of nowhere, Kunou's mom invited h-him to join youkai royal guard?! B-But what if he couldn't make it!? What if he failed to be royal guard?! What if he- What if-! But Issei haywire thought was interrupted when he felt someone shook him.

He turned his face to see Kunou smiling at him, her eyes gave it away that she is very happy.

"Issei-kun you heard it right?! You can come here every weekend! Isn't that great!" Kunou shouted with joy.

"U-Umm.. y-yes.." He mumbled

"What wrong Issei? Shouldn't you be happy?! You can come to visit me every weekend! We can play and talk together! We-"

"Kunou. Did you forget something?" Yasaka interrupted.

"What do you mean, oka-san? If Issei joined royal guard, he can still- Oh... oh... I..." Kunou realized that it is up to Issei to make his decision. Not her.

"... I-I am very sorry... Issei."

"N-No... it is alright. I just... need time to think about j-joining. About t-this."

Yasaka knew if she let Issei think first, no doubt he might turn down her invitation. But for the sake of the whole of youkai faction, she will NOT let this chance slip away! Even if her action would be considered scum or even lowest of low. So be it. She will gladly embrace the insult if youkai faction chance of survival will greatly increase from recruiting Sekiryuutei. After all, The three factions will try to recruit him as well.

Now she needs to give Issei a motivation. What would make Issei join her faction... For his parent..? No. That would be too direct and he has just barely recovered from the trauma recently. His friends..? As far as she knew, most of his friend wasn't important or hold any power to motivate him enough. The last option would be... Yasaka glanced at Kunou who is sitting with Issei.

'I am truly sorry, Kunou-chan, Issei-kun. For the sake of youkai faction...' Yasaka made a final decision and turned to Issei again.

"Issei-kun. I will not be angry if you will decline my invite. But before you come to your decision. I want you to think carefully... Don't you have any... goals..? or maybe... any promise you vow to do...?"

"What do you mean...? Yasaka-sama..?"

"Issei-kun... don't you want to become stronger... to protect your friend or someone you love...?"

Issei eye widens, Yasaka knew she got him. This is her chance now!

"Issei. Join us... and become stronger to protect your friends and the person you hold dear most! For your pa-" She stopped, " No. For Kunou...!"


"Oka-san?! W-Wha... What do you mean?!"

But Kunou was ignored as Yasaka watching Issei every movement. She wan- No. She needs him for the youkai faction. She has used her own daughter to persuaded Issei to join. Now it is up to the fate itself to decide the outcome. And Yasaka pray has been granted.

"Yasaka-sama," Issei said as he lowered his head. His hair hid his eyes from Yasaka.

"Yes, Issei?"

"Is it true... i-if I joined... I will become stronger...?"

"Yes. I promised."

Issei then slowly lifts his head. Showing Yasaka his eyes once again. But it was different this time. This time, Issei's eyes are full of fire. A fire of determination. A fire of hope.


Issei bowed down before Yasaka.

"I wish to join the Youkai Royal Guard."

Later at night.

Today was truly the greatest day Yasaka has ever dream of.

She finally got him. The Red dragon emperor. One of the thirteen Longinus. It was believed that one Longinus user can make a huge difference in the terms of power between the factions. And now, The Youkai faction will not be underestimated anymore. Youkai faction will grow stronger day by day and with the Red dragon emperor on their side? None will ever bring harm to youkai anymore.

Behind Yasaka are Issei and Kunou cuddling together on the bed. Today event has tired them out, when they reached the bed, both of them have already collapsed and slept on the bed. However, someon- No, something is still awake. And it planned to show it's displeased with Yasaka very soon.


"!" Yasaka immediately jumped away from the bed and facing the source of the sound. And she immediately found it. On Issei's arm is the gauntlet. And it started talking right away.

"You... You have the nerve to deceived my host..." Ddraig spatted.

"I'm afraid I do not understand you... Ddraig."

"You knew damn well what I am referring to! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DENY IT. FOX."

"...But it shouldn't be your concern? It is your host decision after all." Yasaka argued back

"Don't play a game with me. Bitch. You even used your own daughter to persuaded my partner. Are you so desperate to the point you are willing to lower yourself down like this?!"

"...So be it. We, Youkai faction need someone like Issei, the host of Red dragon emperor to protect our faction. We are weaker than almost every faction out there. One thing you must know that I love my daughter with all my life... but if my daughter can make youkai faction stronger... Then I don't have any regret doing so." Yasaka voice now turns cold ice.



Ddraig was truly lost. Ddraig never met anyone who was willing to sacrifice their own child for the sake of the race. Knowing there is no point to continue arguing with Yasaka, Ddraig start speaking again.

"...There is no point in arguing with you anymore. Yasaka. You shall remember my words. I, Ddraig. The Emperor of Red Dragon. Will do my best to help my host become stronger... but don't let this flattered you. If one day my host shall ever turn back on Youkai faction or declare your faction as his enemy... I am more than ready to help my host tear down the whole youkai faction if he ever wishes so... So be careful what you wished for." Then the gauntlet collapsed and disappeared from Issei's arm.

Yasaka was glad that Ddraig did not take any action immediately. But from his threated alone, Yasaka must change something. She will make sure Issei's loyalty will stay with the Youkai faction alone. And forever until the day he perished.

London, England.

The city of London. The capital city of the United Kingdom. London was considered a major business and financial center. Throughout the 20th century, London continues to be a major meeting point for many businesses from around the world. The church that still existed inside London was merely recognized as a tourist attraction or an ancient religious places. However, Unknown to the citizen of the great London who continues living in a peaceful life. Many churches were still active for many thousand years, recruiting, training and molding a new generation of exorcists to become the sword and shield of heaven, purging all of the evil beings.

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. He shall bestow you life and happiness! Praised be the name of the Lord." The chant was being practiced by the church newest trainees in the classroom.

"Amen." The priest finish.

"""Amen.""" All trainees spoke together.

"Good work everyone. Make sure to continue practice on your chanting. Every chant is very important for our duty as an exorcist, so make sure you remember all of the chants because it will give you an advantage against all eil being. Got it, everyone?"

"Yes, father." All trainees replied.

"Good. Before we finished this class today. I would like to ask you all a question. Why did you want to become an exorcist? Start with you." The priest pointed at one of the trainees.

"To fight for his holiness against all evil-deeds, father!" Trainee answered.

"Good. You, next!"

"I want to serve the church and protect everyone I love, father!"

"Good answer. Next!"

"Because I-"

As the priest continue asking trainees for the answer. In the back of the class, sitting there is a young girl with short chestnut hair, giving an impression of tomboyish is Irina. While everyone was eager to answer the priest answer, however, Irina was not in the mood because she was still in a daze after the news about her friend from BBC today. For most people, the news would mean nothing to them, but for Irina, it was the whole world for her.

'Issei-kun... please be safe... I.. I wish I could-' But her thought was interrupted.

"Trainee, Irina. You are next!"

Irina snapped back to the real world.

"Y-Yes, father?"

"Trainee Irina... please stay focus in my class! Now please answer my question. Why did you want to become an exorcist?"

Irina stared at the priest for a moment then she answered his question.

"I wish to become an exorcist to protect my family and..." Irina stopped.

"And...?" The priest asked.

'And...what?...Why did I choose to be an exorcist..?' Irina couldn't come up with the last part yet.

"Well... You can answer later then, trainee." The priest said as he was about to move to the next trainee. Irina immediately panicked and grabbed her instructor wrist first.

"Wait, father!" she cried out


"I wish to become an exorcist to protect my family and! and..! and.."

"Trainee... I won't be angry at you if you cannot give me an answer yet. Please let me go first and I will come back again."

"I..." Irina was about to cry when something snapped in her mind. It was the day she was about to leave Japan.

'Nee.. Irina-chan...? P-Promised me that you will come back!'

'I promised! I will!'

Irina remembered the promise she made with her best friend back then. She finally found the last missing piece of her goal.


"Father... I know the answer now."


Irina pulled her hand back from the priest's wrist. She then answered his question for final times.

"For I...wish to become an exorcist to protect my family and.. to find someone I-" 'Bye Irina-chan!' "-someone I left behind."

"Someone you left behind...?" The priest asked.

"Yes, father. He was a someone that I made a promised with. And I will fulfill that promise one day. I will."

The priest just stared at Irina. Slowly, he nodded and replied back.

"Well... It was... a decent answer.. but I will respect the promise you made. Alright... you, next." He then left Irina and moved on to the next trainee.

"That was a weird answer, Irina." A young girl with long blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right. She was sitting in front of Irina.

"...I don't regret answering that, Xenovia." Irina replied back to her roommate and also her partner.

"You are weirder than I thought, Irina. Maybe it was the wrong choice to be paired with you..."

"That is my word, Xenovia, not your." Irina shotted back.

As the class still continue. Irina looked out from the window to the clear blue sky of London. She was scared when she thought back to the fate of her friend. But now she finally found her goal. And she will make sure to achieve the promise she made no matter what.

'Please wait for me Issei... I will come back for you one day...I promised... I will.'

To be continued...


-Ministry of Intelligence (Japan):

The Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA) is tasked with internal security and surveillance against any threats to Japanese national security such as terrorism, the foreign spy, and etc. But what about something... beyond human...? Something far more dangerous...more sinister... something that can cause a sudden catastrophic crisis in the mere minutes... PSIA wasn't trained for this. This is why the Ministry of Intelligence was created.

The Ministry of Intelligence was considered the most classified agency in Japan even the PSIA did not know about its existence. Only the highest ranking person in Japan knew the existence of the agency such as; Prime minister and his selected cabinet, his Highness Emperor of Japan along with royal families and selected samurai family in Japan.

Ministry of Intelligence is tasked with keeping the supernatural being in its place. Any action on Japan mainland that will cause great harm to the Japan national security or global catastrophic event, will be taken care of before any damage could be done. The agency also works as a cleaning crew, media crackdown, censorship, and many more.

The agency has an allies supernatural faction in Japan. Youkai faction was one of the factions the agency has been working with together for a long time. Despite some minor conflict in some case.

To this day, the Ministry of Intelligence continues to protect Japan from the shadow. None of their heroic sacrifices would be remembered. None of their hard work will receive a praise. Noone will ever know them.

Thank you all for reading Chapter 3.

Some of you might be wondering. Why this chapter was extremely late?! School work and stress were the reason why I could barely find a time to write this chapter.

I admitted that this chapter felt rushed. Many parts felt unnatural. My grammar is still as horrible as the first and second chapter. BETA reader? One of my friends promised to help me with the next chapter. Let's hope we will see some improvement next chapter.

anyway, Thank you all for reading for once again.

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And see you guys next time!

Next chapter: Chapter 4.