Chapter 1: The Wild Child
In the city of Station Square it was raining hard.
People were going about their own business whether it was laughing with friends or just doing what they please, completely unaware that in a small house near the edge of the city something horrifying was happening.
In fact it had been happening for nearly 15 long years.
For in this house lived a man with his wife and daughter; and another soul...
Jules Maurice was 47 year old hedgehog with cobalt blue fur, brown hair and blue eyes. He had a great job as a bartender and lived in a nice neighbourhood with his family.
What people didn't know was that Jules wasn't a very nice man.
His wife's name was Bernadette, or just Bernie for short. She had lavender fur, blonde hair and blue eyes. She use to work at a hair salon. Unfortunately, not long after her daughter's 5th birthday she suddenly became blind due to a genetic disease she inherited from her mother and it cost Bernie her job.
She wasn't aloud to leave the house unless Jules was with her at all times.
Sonia Maurice was Jules and Bernie's 18 year old daughter with beautiful fuschia pink fur, pink hair in a style of curly spikes and a full fringes, peach skin and blue eyes.
Sonia worked in a music video store in the mall.
She didn't really care about what other people wanted and only cared about was saving enough money to move to California and becoming a DJ and to get away from her father.
Finally, the last person in this house was Jules and Bernie's second child, Sonic Maurice was 14 years old going on 15.
Sonic was a hedgehog with blue fur that covered most of his body, peach skin that covers his arms, muzzle and torso, and emerald-green eyes. He had six quills on his head, two spines protruding from his back and a short tail.
No one but Jules, Bernie and Sonia knew of Sonic's existence.
When he was a toddler, Jules locked his only son in the back room and tied his hands and feet to a chair during the day and at night Sonic would be tied to his small bed, Jules had ordered the girls never to talk or see him.
He was tied up in that room ever since.
So with little contact aside from his father coming in to feed him or his older sister sneaking in before Jules got home to feed him a cookie, Sonic never learned to speak or even walk...
In the Maurice Family House, Bernie was sat on the couch listening to the TV, Sonia was listening to music on her phone while reading a teen magazine and Sonic was heading to the back room with a bowl of baby food in his hand as he stomped down the hall to his son's 'room'.
When he entered he saw Sonic tied to the chair, staring at the pages of a story book Sonia had given him about children's fairy tales.
Jules glared as he smacked the book out of Sonic's hand and started forcing the food down his son's mouth.
"Swallow." He growled as the blue hedgehog struggled to down the soggy food.
"SWALLOW!" He shouted again, but this time Sonic nearly choked on the food and coughed it up on his father's chest and Jules finally snapped. He dunked his hand in the food and started to rub it against the boy's face.
"BET YOUR HAPPY NOW YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled as he smacked Sonic across the face over and over again.
As he continued his assault on his son, Bernie tried to drown out her son's screams in pain by covering her ears with her hands while Sonia turned her music up, but Sonic still kept on screaming...
Soon things had quieted down a bit, Sonic was now tied to the bed with his face red, sore and still covered in baby food.
Sonia was fast asleep in her sleeping bag on the floor, Bernie was lying on the sofa not daring to move and Jules was sat in his usual chair messing with a pistol.
"Jules, you promised me." Bernie whispered faintly, slowly lifting her head to her husband.
Jules didn't even pay any attention to her and continued to mess with his gun.
"You promised me that if Sonic lived passed the age of 12 then we could get him some help." She said. Jules smiled at his wife and aimed his gun at her, luckily for her it wasn't loaded.
"Bang." He laughed as she flinched when she heard the gun click...
The next morning Jules went straight to work, leaving his wife and children home alone. Once she was sure he was really gone, Bernie grabbed her walking stick and knocked Sonia awake.
The two girls quickly ran to Sonic's cell.
"He's going to kill me, you know that right?! I'm as good as dead!" Sonia glared as she uncuffed Sonic and lifted him out the crib.
"Just tell him you don't know where we are, you woke up and we were both gone." Bernie replied as Sonia stripped Sonic naked and changed him into some clean clothes.
"Oh yeah, and how did you get away?! You can't do anything for yourself!"
"I-I don't know, you'll have to think of something!"...