"Hey hey. The exam is in a couple of months you can't slack off now!" A skeleton figure of All Might yelled at his successor training who has fallen to the ground. The blonde man's eyes slightly narrowed in the realization that what he was seeing was that Izuku was under the symptoms of overworking. "Your overwork aren't you? That's going to have the opposite effect of what results we are trying to get."
"I...I have to work much harder than the other candidates...if I want to be a hero just like you!!" Izuku yelled as he struggled to get his head off of the ground to look at his idol with determination. Toshi was caught off guard by this and felt spirit rising within him causing Toshi to buff up to All Might. "Ha Ha Ha I see your spirit Fanboy!! And I do get your concerns. Leave It To This Old Man To Adjust Your Plans!" All Might said with reassurance as he holds the boy by the back of the track jacket.
"You're not an old man All Might." Izuku weakly said.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha." All Might Laughed at Izuku's statement.
The Next Day~
Izuku decided that instead of doing any working out, he would just take a walk around the city to pass by the time since it was a weekend now. As the boy realized too late that he was lost in the city because he aimlessly walked. 'Way to go Izuku, now your lost crap.' Izuku cursed himself for getting lost in a city that he should know his way around.
"Oft" Izuku heard a voice as a person bumped into him causing the boy to fall down on his face. "Oops my bad." A voice said a pair hands help Izuku off the ground.
"O-oh no it's my fault for not looking I am so sorry." Izuku bowed to the unknown person before him. "Dude it's my bad for running into you without saying anything." She apologized once more. Izuku waves it off before he apologized again. "N-no it's my fault really."
"Well ain't we all clumsy this morning?" She asked reviving a nodded by Izuku. "Oh wait Miss can you show me were is the nearest park?" Izuku asked the girl who had many features that stood out; her pink skin and pink curly hair, her dark eyes that had yellow irises, and her horns. Said girl was wearing a pink hoodie and exercise sweat pants that were cut just above her ankles. This girl had a wide grin equipped along with a cheery attitude coming off the air which was full of energy for the boy.
"Sure! Actually if you keep going down this street than you will find a park on the way there, I can show you ~." The pink girl pointed in the direction of the park before her phone was ringing before she then answered. "Hey coach... what? I thought it wasn't for another hour... Really?... okay. I will see you then." The girl ended the call then turned her attention to Izuku. "Well... I got to go sorry about that but yea, you can just follow the street than you will eventually see the park. Anyway see ya!" The pink girl ran of with her duffel bag that Izuku did not noticed earlier.
After seeing the girl disappear in the distance Izuku then turned to the direction of the park and continued to stroll onwards to his destination.
As Izuku past by the numerous buildings he began to noticed that the structures of the buildings began to change. From big time office buildings to the small time convenience stores at every corner.
Still following the same direction as was instructed by the pink girl earlier, Izuku then stumbled on a plaza for various shops. Thinking that he had a lot of time in the day he decided to take a break and cite-see around the shops.
The first one was fully a clothing store that was more on the casual wear side of things. Izuku took a look around to pass by the time to see a lot more expensive clothes than he thought since this wasn't a dress warehouse for business men's and women's clothing.
After that store was a good market though be it small with options of different kind of fish but nonetheless it caught Izuku's attention for a bit. Izuku decided to buy a water bottle since he felt that he can get thirsty later on.
The next store was the second to last of the plaza. This store consists of many different accessories from hats, necklaces, wrist bands from different materials such as gems, beads, and strings. There were also ordainments and decorations for holidays as well. In all it was an interesting store and maybe Izuku will come back to possibly get some of this stuff.
As Izuku walked out of the store and made his way to the last one in the plaza he noticed it was still ten o'clock in the morning. He recognized this by the text message he received from All Might saying 'I adjusted the plan for you my boy we start training again in a few days to help your body recover a bit more. Don't forget to stay consistent with the diet plan young Midoriya!!' Izuku was happy that he was going to train again and continue the progress of becoming a hero but was disappointed that he was getting a couple days off from the training regimen. By any means Izuku wasn't ungrateful for the time off but he just felt like he can get back in action. Although he knew himself that would be a bad idea entirely since he own body could barely keep up with the training for the past couple of day prior to Izuku's time off.
Izuku responded to All Mights text messaging 'Nice can't wait to get back into training!! I will stay on track with the nutrition All Might. See you then!' Izuku just send the message and was planing on putting away his phone until...
Izuku got another notification on his messages this time from his mother. 'Hi honey, I was wondering what time are you coming home so I know if I should cook lunch as well?' Izuku then mentally smacked himself for not telling his own mother what time he was going to be out for but just to be safe he replied: 'Hi mom, I be home around five. So I will wait for dinner okay.' Izuku replied with a small smile on his face. He then got another message reading: 'alright dear I will see you then... please be careful.' Izuku replied his mom reassuring her that he will be alright and he will be careful.
When Izuku put his phone in his pocket he then looked at the store from the outside of the shop window. It was full of instruments that Izuku barely knew about because he for one did not have knowledge about such things. This was probably due to the fact that he was always a hero fan and nothing else.
"Thanks for you business" the door of the store opened as Izuku looked at the entrance reveling a girl with dark blue hair with ear phone jacks as earlobes. She had a guitar case on her back thanks to the case strap. The same girl walked towards Izuku only glance at the boy before walking away.
Izuku saw a little pick and some chords fall out of the case of the guitar. He then noticed that the girl did not pay any mind to it as she was more focused on the music which was hearable due to silence of any other noise and it was the head phones that the girl was wearing.
Without a second thought Izuku caught the girl's attention by rushing to tap her shoulder which he did only to receive a 'what do you want?' expression. The girl took of her headphones and Izuku started the conversation. "U-Um miss, your stuff is c-coming out." The dark blue haired girl looked back at her case and realized it was coming out. "Oh thanks for that." She thanked. Izuku then looked away for a bit to realized that he still had enough time left before five o clock. He then turned back to the girl was putting away her stuff and turned around to walk away. "Well... see ya later I guess?" It was more of a question than a farewell but nonetheless Izuku returned it as he waved slowly but then continue on his way to the park.
After parting ways with the girl at the music store, Izuku then continued onward to the destination he wanted to be at. Making his way to the park once more as he then found himself in urban streets once again.
By walking down the same road it felt like another fifth teen minutes before Izuku stopped an looked around once more feeling more confused. 'Maybe I should've asked that other lady for directions as well.' The boy thought to himself as he looked around to see where was he. He then noticed it was another plaza but this time full of restaurants on one side of the street and the other a huge gym took over that was basically the only thing there.
Izuku felt that he shouldn't eat since he wouldn't know what kind stuff they put in the food as well as the amount of calories in it. Even if the amount of calories was given along with meal before consumption, Izuku wouldn't know if it was just full of carbs and not proteins.
Deciding to choose the latter and not eat until dinner was the boy's decision. It was still before noon and given the amount of time Izuku had plenty to cite see once again but this time around the public gymnasium.
When approaching the entrance to the building Izuku saw a struggling person as they were doing tire flips with a hundred and seventy-five pound sand tire. As Izuku got closer, he began to notice that this person was a guy about the same age as him.
"Come on Eijiro! Keep er going!!" The blacked haired boy said as he picked up the tire and let it flop down making a loud "smack" sound with the concrete.
Izuku began to smile that someone else was pushing themselves to do better right before him just like he was doing the same to become a hero. "Grrah!" Izuku saw the boy struggling to lift the tire completely up as his knees were buckled and locked in a less than ninety degree angle. 'Oh no!' Izuku thought as he ran to the boy's aid.
Izuku help pushed the sand tire up and have it flopped down in front of him and the person. Said person fell down on his back while Izuku just breathe in before turning his attention to the fallen boy.
"A-Are you alright?" Izuku asked as he offered a hand to the black haired boy. Said boy looked up with one eye squinted from the amount of stress he put on his body but nonetheless saw the offered hand and accepted it while saying "yea thanks man."
"N-No problem." Izuku said as he pulled the boy off the ground. "No man really... I could've gotten hurt or worse but thanks to you I only need to worry about my worn out knees." He said as he attempted to stand up straight but his knees wouldn't let him.
"Y-You shouldn't push yourself!!" Izuku said concern as he help the boy to a nearby wall that had some rails to lean against for the black haired boy. "I guess I shouldn't my bad for you having to jump in there and help me out." He apologize causing Izuku to put up his hands saying "it was no problem! You should just be more careful next time."
"Yea I will thanks again... Crap." He thanked only to stop short due to the pain in the joints of his knee. "It looks like you overworked your legs." Izuku assumed aloud getting a nod from the boy as he explained himself. "Yea I mostly work out my upper body a lot and decided recently to work out legs but I was a fool for putting the same amount of weight that my arms can handle but I did not think much about my legs at all." The boy said as he looked down at the ground with disappointment in himself for messing up his own body. "I-I know how it feels to push your body then it needs to. W-when you go to far beyond than your own limits. When the body screams stop your mind shouts continue." Izuku connected with this boy as he himself was also recently a result for overworking because he wanted to get to his goal sooner but this lesson itself has taught him that everything takes time and goes at its own pace even exercising.
"Let me help you put back the tire." Izuku offered which was accepted by a smile from the unknown boy as Izuku then lifted up the tire and rolled it to the side of the building where he guess that there would be tire racks luckily there were.
After putting away the sand filled tire away and making his way back to the boy who is now resting by sitting down by the side walk looking out at the street ahead. "Do you workout or do you have strength enhancing quirk?" He asked leaving Izuku to answer his question with some puzzlement. "Y-Yes I do workout." Izuku couldn't bring himself to say about the quirk part. It was the only characteristic that he felt he was ashamed off because it only brought him and his mother pain. Being quirkless was his one and only set back in his life and he did not like to openly admit it to anyone otherwise they would stop seeing him as a person and someone lower just like his once childhood friend.
The unknown boy noticed how silent the green haired boy had become and felt concerned and bad for bringing up something he did not know. "Oh I'm sorry if I was a bit to personal on that subject." Trying to make the mood more lighter the black haired boy introduced himself. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima by the way." Eijiro held out his hand in front of the Izuku. "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." The green haired boy shook Eijiro's hand.
For the next half an hour the two boys talked about Heroics and training through the subject of favorite heroes. Izuku now knew that Eijiro's favorite hero was Crimson Riot and he hope to achieve the dream of being a hero that's why he was training till overwork came into play. After the conversation was over Eijiro decided that he would want to stay in touch with Izuku so they exchange phone numbers. Izuku was shy but happy that he made friends with somebody today on his day off. Izuku suggested that they should hangout again since the black haired boy had to leave due to his schedule.
After the two part ways Izuku continued to make his to the park the pink haired girl directed him to.
Somewhere along the way Izuku found himself in front of a mall which the only to continue without getting loss on some random street was to go through the big building.
This mall was something else, there was a road the lead inside to the first floor of the mall and on the side you can see all the stores compact and next to each other. The whole building was one long street that had many floors and different shops as well.
Izuku was amazed at the cite of its structure and continued to walk around for a bit.
After a while it was two o clock and Izuku felt that he had enough of walking around so he continued to the park. At least that was the plan anyway...
Along the way to the other side were the exit will be, Izuku overheard a group of girl talking. "What is up Kaminari thinking he can asked you act after a couple of dates?" One girl said followed by another voice. "Ya didn't he do that with you? He really is some loser." Then another voice joined in. "I know it's like got nothing better to do than to just asked out any girl that he prefers after a couple of dates." There was a fourth person but she did not comment on the subject. Izuku heard all of this as he past by the group of girls who were sitting down on table in front of a restaurant.
Izuku did not pay any mind to it but heard nonetheless as he continued to walk towards the exit. After another few minutes of walking Izuku came across some benches that were placed by the exit of the mall. On one of these benches had a person, another boy who had his down in a depressing manner. Izuku couldn't help but feel bad as he saw the guy as he shed a couple of tears but soon wiped them away thinking to himself that shouldn't cry over something.
Izuku knew it wasn't any of his business but that guy needed some help even if he didn't want anyone's. Izuku then walked toward the boy as he got a closer look he can see the yellow lightning patterns on his blonde hair with black highlights of his own. Wearing a short sleeve top and some jeans really fit that he was either going somewhere out or that's just his normal dress preference.
The green haired offered help by asking "H-Hey are you alright." To Izuku's surprise, the blonde boy looked up at Izuku with some red eyes and a running nose. Luckily there wasn't anyone around for the people to see the boy in his worse condition. "To be honest, no." He responded. Izuku did not know what to say next without pressuring personal stuff on to the plate. Until he heard a familiar group of girls talking at a distance. They were on purposely talking poorly about the boy on the bench. "Hey kid stay away from that creep otherwise you will get his disease and trust me it's contagious." One girl said to Izuku as she points a finger at the blonde boy. "Otherwise your probably like him just going at woman for their looks." Another said. Izuku was conflicted as he didn't like the way these girls continuously insulted the lightning haired boy. "Maybe you can join us and we can have some fun." That one hit the blonde boy as he looked up revealing his tears to the girls and then looked at Izuku then backed to the girls.
"N-No thanks, I am okay right here l-ladies." Izuku states as he looked at them with a nervous smile on his face. The blonde boy's eyes widen as he looked at Izuku with shock. "Your loss pal. Maybe your just a loser perv like him." She states as she turn heel and began to walk away. "I-I know it's not any of my business but y-you shouldn't treat him like that because of his behavior towards you or who ever else. He is still a person with feelings just like you and me so it's not right to degrade him like that." Izuku nervously stood up for the boy behind him. The same boy was taken back by this act of defense from Izuku. "Eh? It looks like Kaminari made a friend." One of the other girls said as she began to mock the blonde haired boy known as Kaminari.
Izuku began to take the defenseless (emotionally) Kaminari out of the mall through the exit that they were near to. After walking away for what is seemed like a few minutes of silence Izuku stopped in front of Kaminari. "S-Sorry if I butted in back there." Izuku apologized at the boy who was wiping his tears away and looked at Izuku with a smile of gratitude. "No, I should be the one to say sorry for having you get into that...it wasn't you issue to begin with. I also want to thank you for stepping up for me when I couldn't." Kaminari thanked and apologized to Izuku. "My name is Denki Kaminari. But you know my last name anyway." Denki introduced himself as Izuku did the same. "I-I am Izuku Midoriya."
For the next couple of minutes the conversed about what happened back in the mall. As it turns out that Denki was going out on a few dates with one of the girls in that group and he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend. Though he got rejected but not in the way he expected as it turns out the girl's friends were spying on them with the girl's knowledge and took a video of the rejection and spatted insults and injury to Denki's heart leading him to feel hurt and cry at the exit. Izuku felt angered and sad for Denki's situation as he knows what it feels like to be humiliated and shamed for the character he was.
Denki started to feel better after that but felt that he and Izuku should stay in touch and Izuku agreed so happily. Once the two parted ways Izuku eventually founded the park his was looking for but unfortunately spend as much time as he wanted as it was four o clock and he spend some time walking there.
On the way back home Izuku felt happy that he made two new friends as he saw it and began texting the two as he walked home feeling happy about himself.