This story takes place after the highjacking. Mellie called QPA and Fitz for help finding out who highjacked the plane. Cyrus took Charlie and gave him back when he signed the confession. Mellie wants Olivia to kill Cyrus. Fitz and Olivia are together again. Olivia is packing her things and moving to Vermont.

"You were going to let Quinn Perkins die. How can you be okay with that?"

"For once, I did what was best for me. I'm tired of helping ungrateful people. I chose me."

"She was your friend."

"I gave her everything, and she wanted to ruin me. I couldn't let that happen."

"She was doing her job."

"And I was doing mine."

"How can you be so uncaring?"

Olivia laughed, "Really Fitz? They were so quick to forgive Abby, and they are treating me like I owe them something. They would all be nothing without my talent."

"You owe her an apology."

"I don't owe her anything."

"What about Mellie? Are you going to let Cyrus frame her for the highjacking?"

"Yes. Karma is a bitch."

"You're better than that Olivia."

"Mellie and QPA tried to ruin a supreme court case less than a month ago. How can you really expect me to give them anything?"

"Charlie is her husband. You have to do something."

"He has immunity. I'm not doing anything to clear his name. Mellie can fix her own problems."

"Work your magic Olivia. We all want you to take Cyrus down. You can do it without violence."

"I'm not their magical negro anymore."

"Are you making this about race?"

"It's always about race. You're just too privileged to see things from a different vantage point."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home to Vermont. I'll be waiting for you."