A BAZILLION apologies for taking SO LONG with this chapter!

You have no idea how difficult it was to write! I was stuck on the stupidest part too… give me angst or romance and I can write pages… give me a simple interaction and I'm like, crap, why can't they be kissing or yelling?

But here it is, hopefully super long. The next chapter will take some time too. I have it outlined but not written. I Have five chapters AFTER the next chapter written out… but that doesn't help us. I tend to write endings then go back and write the middle. That's a terrible way to write. Don't do that, it takes forever.

I recently just went to Japan, fulfilling a huge lifelong dream of mine of Sailor Moon of course but more Tokyo Disneyland. It was so inspiring to be there and I got to write some of this chapter IN JAPAN! Fangirled a bit. It was special.

Went to the official Sailor Moon Store – not as great as I wished it was. Alas… still bought most of it though because why would I not?!

But here I am, talking away when you are on a mission.

Before you read though I want to take a moment and just tell you how much your reviews have meant to me. I am super undeserving of your kindness but you'll never know how much it makes my heart soar to know you love reading this. I feel bad I make some of you cry but then I'm like, "Oh my goodness, they cried too!" I cry along with the story. My husband tells me I make faces when I write so he can tell if I'm writing something happy or something sad because my face is acting it out as I write. Hilarious.

But you make me awestruck. When I get stuck or need a pick up I go back to your words and re-read them and they make me want to write. They make me want to keep picking these characters back up because they don't just matter to me… they matter to you. So, these pages are for you dear friends, dear readers… I write them for you so that I'm not alone on these fun adventures. We take them together and knowing that you are there makes them magic.

I am forever your humble servant and senshi friend. May I write as long as you wish it.


Mercury gently sat before the sleeping form of Senshi Cosmos. She looked slightly different from Cosmos Five. Younger, more relaxed. Her frame was in an odd upright sleeping position in the chair Jupiter had dragged into Venus' recovery room. The comicalness of the position wasn't lost on Mercury but she didn't feel too guilty since Cosmos had been adamant about staying. They had offered her a perfectly adequate room to bunk in. Mercury smiled and held up a small round pastry towards Cosmos nose. It took less than a minute and when the universe's most powerful creature jolted awake at the smell of her old self's favorite treat it warmed Mercury's heart deeply.

"Forgive me. Did I sleep too long?" Cosmos quickly sputtered and Mercury shook her head, holding out the pastry for her.

"Not long enough in my opinion but I had news for you so I figured you would want it immediately," Mercury breathed and Cosmos sat up, her eyes quickly becoming fully awake.

"What is that?" She questioned, a finger pointing at the round cake pastry and Mercury grinned.

"It's a donut," she smiled. "I think you'll like it," she offered holding it out to her and Cosmos took it with a small smile. Venus always knew more about her than herself. If her sister warriors were anything like her…

"If you think it, I'm sure I will," she breathed. "Venus?" She questioned and Mercury nodded.

"Our solar system revolves around our biggest star: the sun. The sun helps bring life to this planet. Without it our plants wouldn't grow, we would have no air, no life," she began as Cosmos took a bite of her breakfast. Mercury stilled as Cosmos chewed than swallowed.

"What magic awesomeness is this?" the white-haired warrior exclaimed suddenly as she stared at the chocolate covered circle in her fingers. Mercury smiled, joy hitting her heart a bit. "May I have more of these?" Cosmos questioned and Mercury nodded as Cosmos took another giant bite.

"Venus is suffering from an extreme Vitamin D deficiency. It's a vitamin we mainly get from our Sun as well as a few foods found on our world. We are replenishing her system now. She should be just fine in a week or so," Mercury breathed and she gasped when Cosmos leaned forward and threw her arms around her.

"I knew you would fix her," Cosmos breathed into her ear and Mercury sat up, her arms wrapping around the small woman as she clung to her for dear life. Cosmos relaxed into her embrace, the sudden tightness not unwelcome. She felt Mercury's emotions shift and Cosmos stayed put. This hug was meaning so much more to Mercury then she could comprehend at the moment so she wasn't going to rob her of it. Her bright blue eyes fell on the last piece of her donut. Gently she turned her head more into Mercury's, freeing her mouth to pop over Mercury's shoulder. She popped the morsel in and wrapped her now free hand around Mercury.

"Thank you for trusting me with her," Mercury finally ground out as she tried to pull away. She hugged her once more than quickly moved as if it was completely normal for her to hug someone for over five minutes. Cosmos smiled warmly at her. Mercury melted a bit and she couldn't stop the large smile that formed on her lips. That face had smiled so much at her and seeing it once more… it reminded her of the first time she had met Usagi. Mercury reached out and gently cupped her Princess' cheeks. "I am so happy you are here," she heard her voice saying. She didn't understand why she said it but the moment of vulnerability made her muscles tighten a bit and she quickly stood. "I hope you will both stay awhile. Venus will need a few weeks to get back to optimum performance," Mercury said mechanically, trying to erase the emotion from her voice. Cosmos stood, her bright smile still in place.

"It greatly upsets Venus' King that I am here," she admitted and Mercury looked at her a bit startled. She saw a thoughtful expression fall over Cosmos' face. "So, I think I'll stay as long as I can to annoy him," she admitted, her lips curling up in a bright smile once more and Mercury couldn't help herself. She laughed. Laughed so hard she snorted, which made her laugh again.

"Now, that is a sound I never hear enough of," Mars greeted as she entered the room. Mercury turned to her and the two women shared a smile as Mercury slowly got control of herself.

"I like to laugh," Cosmos stated with a smile. "I don't do it often either," she admitted leaning near Mercury and Mercury smiled sweetly at her.

"I'm going to wake up Venus later this evening if I see her levels continuing to improve. It will just be for a little bit but I'm sure she would like to see you," Mercury added and Cosmos eyes lit up a bit.

"She does say I am her favorite," she admitted and Mars grinned.

"While I have you here I was wondering if I could ask you about your crystal," Mercury said pointing to the locket in the center of Comsos' uniform.


"I studied it a really long time ago," she admitted and Cosmos removed it, holding it before Mercury in her hand. "It didn't have cracks then," she mused seeing the visible fissures in it. Five. She reached out her fingers to touch it then she pulled them back, her eyes flying back to Cosmos.

"GCS scientists believe crystals cannot last forever," she mused turning the bright gem over in her fingers. "They are only supposed to be used once yet mine seems to not want to let me go," she continued looking back at the two Senshi who were watching her very intently. "My emotional guardian on Gamanon believed it was because I wasn't fulfilling my purpose. He believes that there is something else I'm meant to do besides just save the universe all the time," she said with a sigh and a shrug. She placed the crystal back into her locket than looked back up to them with a smile. Her smile stilled seeing the expressionless faces staring back at her.

"I'd like to believe we all have such a purpose," Mars said slowly and Cosmos shrugged a shoulder.

"I haven't had time to think about it, which is odd, since I've thought about many things," Cosmos replied and Mercury grinned, her frame standing.

"Sometimes a person's purpose is staring them right in the face and they miss it while thinking about it," she offered and Cosmos glanced up at her.

"I'll try and not do that," Cosmos offered and Mercury nodded.

"If you have a moment, I have something I'd like to show you," Mars began and Cosmos stood, stretching her muscles a bit. "I think Venus could spare you," she added with a smile and Cosmos nodded, turning towards her.

"She would definitely trust you with me," Cosmos replied and Mars smiled, that compliment hitting on many levels.

"Yes, she would."

The walk was pleasant silence.

She knew the most about Mars. She hadn't told her that yet but her stories were quickly coming to her mind and it made her lips curl up. She hoped Venus hadn't exaggerated. Venus had described Mars as the rock of their team. The one always calm, her actions always calculated and her talents never ending. She was a worthy teammate on the battlefield but more a very loyal friend. Though she rarely showed emotion aside from annoyance or anger, Mars intuition always had her in the right place at the right time giving what comfort she knew how when needed. Mars led them down a hall, the clicks of their heels the only noise until she stilled before a very ordinary looking door. It wasn't ornate or special like many other doors they had passed. Mars placed her hand on the handle, her violet eyes capturing Cosmos bright blue.

"I've become a hoarder," Mars admitted and Cosmos raised an eyebrow at her, stepping closer.

"What does that mean?"

Mars opened the door, the wood frame swinging to the left and Cosmos glanced in. It was dark until Mars' hand reached across her to flip a small switch. Then everything bounced to life and colored lights hit her from every angle as they began to flicker on. Cosmos stepped inside, downright awed. The wall to her far left was lined with books covered in plastic, elaborate colorful drawings on their fronts. Littered around the floor were large, larger than her, brown boxes that were slowly one by one blinking to life and jittering out musical tunes that didn't all go together as animations played upon their large screens. Large lit up neon signs hung on some of the walls reading: Arcade, Ice Cream Shop, Karaoke. Cosmos stepped forward, her fingers trailing along the closest brown box and they skittered over the red covered joystick, a small blonde Senshi fighting on the screen.

"If hoarder means something magical then I think you are most amazing," Cosmos breathed, her eyes still taking it all in. Mars watched silently as the woman moved from piece to piece, spying a small area in the corner covered in plush pillows and couches, a karaoke machine in the middle.

"I grew up too fast," Mars suddenly announced and even over the many games that were sputtering music or noise for her attention Cosmos heard her clearly. "Remembered too much, too fast," Mars added, her arms crossing across her chest as she walked around a video game machine, Cosmos a few feet ahead of her to the left. "My friend Usagi-chan never grew up," she added and Cosmos stilled, straining to hear her as her voice hitched a bit. She turned, her eyes meeting the violet of Venus' second in command. She smiled encouragingly. "It annoyed me she never grew up and didn't take our responsibilities more seriously," Mars admitted. "It took me a long time to realize she was just trying to help us hold onto being kids. Turned out it would be soon enough we were adults. She didn't want it to happen so fast," Mars mused, her finger reverently touching one of the video games before her. "She died suddenly," Mars stated nonchalantly and Cosmos blinked. "I think I built this to cope and perhaps," Mars breathed, her eyes glancing around the room with a bit of pride at the collection. She could almost see that bumbling blonde racing from game to game, her high-pitched laughter filling all the way to the rafters in the ceiling. "To prove her influence wasn't wasted," Mars grinned. "She played this Sailor V game for hours and it always annoyed me," Mars grinned looking at the game console with affection. "She always tried to help me act my age. I never told her why I couldn't so she thought I was an old grump," Mars smiled, her eyes catching Cosmos. "She was right," she added with a noncaring shrug.

Cosmos stepped towards her, her frame gently leaning against another video machine, her head gently pressing against its side as she spied the powerful woman before her.

"Your love story is my favorite."

Mars turned to her, her eyes narrowing curiously as Cosmos announced that sincerely, her voice clear and steady.

"You must not know them all then," Mars mused and Cosmos stepped towards her.

"Venus told me love stories to keep me balanced. Starline loved to train twenty-four seven. She didn't understand why sometimes I just would like to sit and… breathe," Cosmos confessed, her shoulders heaving a bit as she let out a breath with her words. "Being born of nothing with no memories except this duty is a bit daunting. I had the choice to either robotically accept it or try and willingly choose it," Cosmos continued. "Stories like yours," Cosmos began, a fond smile coming to her lips. "Of this awful cocky soldier who after one taste of paradise changed his entire being for it," she mused and Mars held her breath, her eyes glittering a bit at the recollection. "It highlighted this strange phenomenon Venus was always prattling about," Cosmos chuckled. "It gave me a reason to want to use my powers so that stories like that could have the chance to exist," she finished, her smile lighting her face and Mars stepped forward, her hands cupping the smaller Senshi's cheeks with her hands. Cosmos allowed it. It seemed to be a common thread among Venus' Senshi to be affectionate. Yet, deep down she knew it was more. She was the beloved image of their past and their affection only honored that image. Cosmos would never rob them of that. Mars only smiled at her, her hands leaving her cheeks to gently touch her hair before tugging on a ponytail.

"You are better than the universe deserves Senshi Cosmos," Mars teased and Cosmos grinned, pulling her hair away from her.

"Well, the universe hasn't had me yet," Cosmos mused, her frame turning towards another video game, the bright lights grabbing her attention. "Maybe they won't mind me playing in here for a bit… I never did get to be a child after all," Cosmos said, gently hitting one of the round red buttons and the machine sprang to life.

"I don't think it would mind at all. This room is at your disposal and I'd be happy to teach you any of its games. I currently hold the high score on all of them," Mars grinned, then her gaze fell to a small green one towards the left. "Except that one. Jupiter holds that one. I think Mercury rigged it for her," Mars huffed and Cosmos giggled.

"Will you still be my friend if I destroy all of your records?" Cosmos questioned, her eyes twinkling and Mars couldn't stop the big smile she held for her. She was trying hard but dammit… for a moment she didn't want to try anymore. She wanted to be here, in a fake arcade playing games with her dear friend who always begged her too.

"Maybe," Mars answered, proud of herself her voice didn't waver.

"Let's find out," Cosmos challenged with a bright grin, her blue eyes twinkling and Mars fell in love with her all over again. No matter what life she lived or who she thought she was… Serenity could never be anyone but herself and Mars could never not love her for it.

"You're on Odango."


"You just can't take it!"

"You did not just say that to me!"

Jupiter leaned against the doorway, the bickering a bit of music to her ears as she watched the two powerful women push shoulders as they attempted to best each other on the current video game they were playing. Each had giant smiles on their faces, throwing shade as often as they could.

"Should I not disturb?" Jupiter questioned finally.

"No!" They both laughed out until Mars let out a groan, her fingers falling away from the joystick with defeat.

"Hm. Look at that. I am great at everything," Cosmos snickered, her eyes shooting to the fiery water with a bright smile. Mars looked up at her, joy still on her face when the white hair put her back into the right reality. She grinned, glancing away to Jupiter who looked at her with an understanding smile.

"Yes, how annoying of you Cosmos," Mars returned and Cosmos smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and turning her towards Jupiter.

"I was cheating," Cosmos said with a soft sigh and Mars' eyes widened as she turned to the warrior with accusation.

"I knew it!" She cried, pointing an accusing finger and Cosmos smiled genuinely at her.

"I hated to disrupt but the King wants an update on the Sun Festival. He is on his way to the War Room," Jupiter informed and Mars' eyebrows fluttered in surprise.

"No, that meeting is in four hours- oh I didn't," Mars hissed, catching the clock's time on the wall. She had spent the last four hours playing video games with Cosmos. Usagi would be incredibly proud. Jupiter smiled sweetly at her. "Don't say a thing," Mars spat as she walked past the tall beauty. Mars stilled and bowed, Cosmos quickly mimicking the gesture. "Until next time Cosmos," Mars promised and Cosmos nodded.

"I look forward to it," Cosmos smiled and Mars vanished out the door. Her infectious smile turned to the patient green loving warrior. "You have a War Room?" She questioned and Jupiter gave her a sideways grin as she stepped aside so the Senshi could walk past.

"Don't sound so excited, it's just a large room we plan everything in," Jupiter informed and Cosmos shrugged a shoulder at her. "I have other plans for us than a boring planning room," Jupiter informed.

"Aw, Jupiter. A Senshi has to get her kicks somehow," Cosmos mused walking past her and Jupiter shook her head with a smile. "As the highest-ranking protector in the universe it is my duty to check out something as dastardly named as a War Room," she called over her shoulder and Jupiter slowly closed the door to Mars Arcade. She looked at the door and smiled a bit sadly. No one had really said anything when Mars started to collect random video games. It was odd. Downright weird for the Miko but… it made sense. It was how she coped. The loss of their Princess tore giant gaping holes in them… each dealt with it in their own way. It took Mars five years before she even let one of them step inside. Another ten years before she admitted one of the last conversations she had with Usagi was about finally agreeing to go on an arcade date with the bubbly blonde. Mars remembered every detail about the conversation. How she had been reading a book and Usagi was pestering her. She was lonely and just wanted to relax. Mars had given in with distaste but Usagi had still smiled with triumph, convinced she would beat her at anything they attempted. Mars regretted not taking her to play that very day but instead finishing the stupid book she couldn't even remember the title for. Jupiter placed a hand on the door and let out a soft sigh.

"You kept your promise Rei-chan," Jupiter breathed then turned, following behind her Senshi sisters. "Coming!"

Senshi Mars pushed open the closed door of the War Room and let out a breath as Lunar and her King turned at her entrance.

"You're late. That's a first,"

"Uh… I was playing video games," Mars admitted honestly, a chagrin look on her face and Endymion glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "With Cosmos," she clarified and he narrowed his eyes. "I'm ready if you are," she continued, clearing her throat.

"Did you beat her?" Lunar asked gently and Mars shrugged a shoulder, her fingers typing at the console to pull up her notes. Endymion watched quietly as his wife's long-lost world displayed above them and then a few photos of the actual Sun Kingdom on Earth. Mars had been running the yearly Sun Festival for the last forty years. She felt a connection to them more than the other Senshi and he understood. The Sun and Martians were very similar in anatomy and temperament. He deeply appreciated her effort to keep Serenity's beloved people's culture and history alive.

"She is an annoyingly fast learner," Mars mused with a small smile.

"Thank you."

The three in the room turned and Mars blinked as Cosmos stood near the open door.

"Did you follow me?" Mars questioned amused and Cosmos nodded stepping closer in, her eyes taking in the specs displayed on the view screen.

"Someone said war room. I had to investigate," Cosmos stated matter of factly and Mars snorted, slightly amused. "This is the Sun Kingdom," Cosmos stated, pointing at it as she looked at the occupants. Jupiter stepped silently inside, making eye contact with Mars as she waited by the door.

"Yes," Lunar confirmed and Cosmos eyes flicked to her. Lunar held her breath and Endymion pressed his lips together tightly. He was hoping Cosmos would get off his planet before Lunar had to see her. That was a false hope…

"I'm Cosmos Six," she said with a gentle bow of her head.

"Is that how you introduce yourself?" Endymion snapped, his frame stepping before Lunar and blocking her from Cosmos line of sight. He couldn't protect his own heart but he could at least try and spare Lunar as much pain as he could. Cosmos bright blue eyes patiently moved towards the annoyed King.

"I'm not ashamed of who I am," she stated matter of factly. Her penetrating gaze left him and turned back to the floating images on the screen before them. "I may be just a copy who is only a few months old yet I do know this kingdom. It's mine," she stated and Endymion felt those words slap him painfully. It sure as hell was hers and it hurt him that she couldn't be with them. That she was in fact… just a copy. His face scrunched in pain and turned away from them completely, unnoticed by the other occupants except for his ever-present Lunar. "I'm from there," Cosmos added in the next breath. Her finger reached out, gently touching the edge of the hologram of the beloved burning planet. "You have a beautiful solar system," she stated suddenly, the emotion that had leaked in her voice gone as a smile came back to her lips. "I had a replica of it in my room. Never knew what it was," she stated suddenly and Mars glanced at Jupiter who only shrugged. Endymion let out a breath, turning back to them.

"It's mine and I am eager to get the universe's most powerful bad guy magnet off of it." Cosmos posture tightened at his voice. Slowly her eyes turned his way and his blazing deep blue caught hers. She saw the annoyance in them and it made her smirk a bit. "Jupiter, why don't you show Cosmos our gardens," he half offered, more commanded as he looked away from her. Lunar smiled a bit at her King. He was being a bit of a child and it was hilarious.

"I'm quite content where I am," Cosmos stated easily and Jupiter bit her lower lip to keep from chuckling. "Please, don't mind me. Continue," Cosmos said motioning with her hand and Mars smiled, pressing a button and the globe spun, highlighting a large portion of land.

"All is in place for the Sun Festival my King," Mars began and Endymion turned his gaze to the hologram. "I've been working closely with the Sun Senate. They have planned a truly beautiful celebration to honor the Sun Kingdom," she smiled turning to him and Endymion gave her the courtesy of a small nod of approval. She knew it meant a lot to him she had taken on this mantle to keep his wife's world and traditions alive.

"Excuse me." Speaking of his wife… His eyes narrowed at the woman parading in her body. "The Sun Senate?" Cosmos questioned, her voice going a little high as she battled the confusion this conversation was causing. Mars nodded once.

"Yes. After our thaw the Sun Kingdom inhabitants that had been transferred here during the implosion were reborn. They act as an independent continent upon our world and are thriving," Mars informed.

"They live," Cosmos whispered, her hand reaching out and turning the globe to her to spy the large land highlighted in gold. "My people," Cosmos exhaled, her gaze rushing to Mars and the warrior from Mars smiled with understanding. She nodded once. Cosmos downright gasped and the four in the room watched as her calm veneer was shattered with excitement and urgency. "Do I look like them? Are we the same? Do any of them have similar powers?" She questioned quickly. "Do they know me? Did they know my father? Is he still technically considered my father?" She asked, her gaze jumping from Mars to Jupiter, wanting answers as quickly as she was asking questions.

"No, they don't know you. They think you are dead and I think it should stay that way," Endymion stated, his voice a bit hard and Cosmos let out a breath.

"Yes, of course. Let's let the blank slate remain that way, it's more convenient for the galaxy," she muttered, her eyes narrowing at him and he held her gaze unphased by her attempt to intimidate him.

"You look a little like them," Mars mused. "No one has similar powers except perhaps us. That might be a Senshi thing though. An incarnation of you used to be able to control some Sun Magic."

"Not very well," Jupiter remembered and Mars shrugged a shoulder.

"Even though they think you are dead, you are still their beloved Princess and your father, King Fergal, is still greatly remembered among all Sun Natives," Mars said with a bow of her head and Cosmos frowned at her.

"How can I be their Princess? They do not even know me," she stated and Mars looked at her a bit confused.

"Well, you are a part of their history," Jupiter added.

"If I am a historical figure, why would they refer to me with an affectionate name?"

"You've lost me completely," Mars stated, her frame leaning against the table a bit as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Princess. Is it not an affectionate term for friend?" Cosmos questioned and Endymion rolled his eyes, turning away from her completely. He needed a drink in order to deal with blank slate Usagi.

"No, though I'm sure Venus made it seem like it was."

Cosmos turned quickly at the new voice, the other inhabitant in the room finally speaking. Her hand was on her King as she gently pushed him aside away from her, a smile on her face towards him. Cosmos shoulders relaxed a bit as she took in the stunning woman. Her hair was long and wavy, down to her waist and a beautiful dark purple. Her eyes twinkled and Cosmos felt drawn to her. A bright crescent moon shone on her forehead.

"I am Lunar, Senshi Cosmos. I serve as King Endymion's advisor and use to train these magical women before you when they were children," she informed with a soft bow of her head. Cosmos curtsied perfectly in return and Lunar felt something choke a bit in her throat but she just pushed on a smile. She had taught Serenity how to curtsy as part of her court training. She use to do it just like that.

"That must make you quite a woman," Cosmos stated and Lunar shrugged a shoulder.

"I live to serve," she stated simply. "As well as assist; a Princess is a term used in a monarchy. A monarchy is a form of government that isn't elected but is run through a family. King Endymion is the ruler of this world . Your father, King Fergal was the ruler of the Sun which made you, his only child, a Princess and heir to his Kingdom," she explained patiently.

"I don't know what that means," Cosmos stated with a soft sigh.

"Can you explain to me the hierarchy of the GCS?" Lunar questioned gently, her hands clasping in front of her as she offered the young senshi a smile.

"The GCS is governed by three elected judges. The rest of the GCS is built by rank," Cosmos replied, the hours of reading spent getting that data jumping to the forefront of her mind.

"How is your highest rank Senshi treated vs your lowest rank?" Lunar questioned and Cosmos let out a breath, frustration welling within her.

"I wouldn't know. I've never been to the GCS, but according to what I've read they make a ridiculous deal out of my rank," she spit out and Lunar nodded.

"When you go to the GCS you'll find they treat you a certain way because of that power you possess. The same is true in every culture. In this one, our reigning sovereign is Endymion Lahaire, our King," Lunar explained gently as she motioned with a hand to the black-haired man. Cosmos gaze shifted that way and took in the man she had been sparring verbally with the last two days. "He is the last surviving hair to the Earthen throne."

"He has led us faithfully and with his whole heart since the thaw. He is a great leader and one I highly respect, which says a lot for him," Mars stated with a smile as she bowed her head to her King. He bowed his head gently back to her, his eyes conveying the honor he felt from her words.

"You would be very proud of him and the work he has done," Jupiter stated and Endymion shot his lightning loving warrior a look.

"He obviously does not need my approval," Cosmos stated simply and Mars pressed her lips together, her eyes lowering. He indeed did. He had wanted it so much when they were in the Silver Millennium. "In fact, I think it might bother him if I gave it," Senshi Cosmos mused with a half-smile towards him. "As such, I am in no position to have such opinions. I didn't even know what a Princess was," she added with a self-depricating shrug.

"You can't help it you are constantly reborn as a tool. You can't be expected to know everything," Endymion snapped and Senshi Cosmos' eyes widened in surprise.

"Did you just exercise empathy towards me?" She questioned, her hand touching her chest in surprise. Mars smirked and Jupiter snorted a laugh.

"I was stating a fact just like I'm stating that I am the most powerful person on this rock politically and with that station comes a required amount of respect you have yet to demonstrate," Endymion said and Cosmos held his gaze with perfect calm. Why did he always sound angry?

"Give me a few hours. Maybe I'll warm up," Cosmos snarked a bit, her eyes narrowing a bit amused.

"It sometimes takes years to learn protocol. We shall have grace," Lunar grinned, casting a glance at Endymion who did not reciprocate. "There is protocol and how you should behave in front of a royal much like how someone should behave in front of a grand senshi. Cosmos Five wasn't a fan of protocol if I remember," Lunar mused and Cosmos turned back to the Earth's King, eyeing him as he set his glass down.

"Probably because it was stupid," Cosmos offered and Jupiter let out a laugh. She quickly silenced, almost choking on the next as Lunar shot her a look. "I'm a servant of the people. Why should they place me on a higher pedestal?"

"While we honor our monarch with a higher place in our society and treat them differently than others, I can't imagine it's different than how you as a Senshi Cosmos is treated. Aren't people not even allowed to touch you?" Mars asked and Cosmos shot her an alarmed look.

"What? Oh… really?" She questioned, surprise hitting her features.

"It's protocol. A hierarchy that is followed on my world. Please feel free to read up on it," Endymion offered and Cosmos felt her back tighten at his hostility.

"I know I'm young but is protocol a fancy word for asinine and archaic rules to discourage connection?" She accused and Mars pressed her lips together a bit impressed, Jupiter flat out snickered.

"Great word usage," Mars breathed and Endymion stepped into Cosmos' space.

"Have whatever opinion you like but when you are in my world you will obey such protocol or you are free to leave. So, either accept it or get off." His voice was almost a growl and Cosmos could feel the heat coming from his body temperature.

"For clarity… even doing this is off limits to a monarch?" She tested, her voice amused and it made his spine straighten. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist lightly and he reacted. She grabbed onto his other wrist, he blocking her and she quickly parrying each of his moves until he pushed forward, her frame hitting the wall as he stepped into her. He had her by the wrists, yet her fingers were clutched to his front shirt as their eyes blazed into each others. She wasn't out of breath but she could hear his quick inhales and though he tried to make this feel like hatred, it just felt like… electricity. She gulped, suddenly forgetting how to breath and the small motion of her throat snapped Endymion out of his haze. She had baited him and he fell right into it… hell, he jumped into it. He released her and she did the same.

"Keep her out of my presence or I'll ship her off my world without Venus," he ordered, his frame storming to the door and Jupiter quickly moved out of his way. She bowed her head as he passed but he ignored her, vanishing into the hallway.

Lunar let out a slow breath. It had been a bit breathtaking to watch. The two had been fluid, fighting yet clinging to each other. They had sexual tension that lit the room like a firecracker and as Endymion doused it she could see the clear confusion across Cosmos frame. Probably confusion from all levels since she didn't truly understand what was between them. Lunar frowned. What was supposed to be between them…

Cosmos gaze moved from the door and his retreating back to the women back into the room.

"Is he a unich?"

The tension ebbed out and Mars let out a breath as she sagged against the communication table, her arms crossing.

"No. He is not a unich," Mars confirmed with a shake of her head.

"You understand unich but not a monarchy?" Jupiter accused with a huff.

"I am only six months old," Cosmos defended and Jupiter smiled a bit at her. Cosmos moved from her spot he had pushed her into and her fingers flexed a bit at her side, still feeling the warmth in them from touching him. He was such a confusing man. "I would like to know more about monarchies though… perhaps starting with this one?" Cosmos asked, her finger gently pointing at the burning sphere of the sun. Mars nodded.

"I'll tell you all about it."

He hunched uneasily in his desk chair, his forearms on his desk and his stupid fingers still tingled from where he touched her. In anger he growled, pushing at the papers before them sending them violently to the floor along with a few knick-knacks. The noise covered the sound of his door opening but he knew who was there so he didn't care.

"Why does she test me so?" He demanded and Lunar looked at her beloved king with compassion.

"Because you challenged her," she sighed and he winced as he stood.

"Is it so wrong that I wanted to hurt her a little bit. I thought it would feel better to be mean to her… it did for a moment, but now she is just really pissing me off," he confessed and Lunar quirked a half smile. "I hate destiny. It's stupid," he prattled like a child. "Keep her away from me. She doesn't exist to me anymore," he ordered strongly and Lunar stepped towards him.

"I've never had luck with keeping her away from you. Believe me, I tried," Lunar grinned and Endymion felt his shoulders sag.

"Memories are vicious Lunar," he confessed as he gently turned his back to her. He didn't like her to see him crumble. He was tired of crumbling. "Every part of me wants to touch her but I have to keep her away for my sanity. Help me convince myself she is gone and can't be mine again," he begged and Lunar gently put a hand on his shoulder.

"No," she breathed and he closed his eyes in defeat. "Let's get some boring King work done," she offered and he nodded.

Mercury walked forward towards the overlook balcony on the second floor. Mars was leaning against the railing looking down into a small indoor training arena.

"You rang?" She questioned, her eyes still trained on the data tablet in her hand. "I think I can wake Venus in a bit. We should find Cosmos so they can talk. I've heard it's been an interesting day," Mercury sighed.

"It's about to get more interesting." Mars let out a breath and reached out, her fingers touching under Mercury's chin and lifting it. Mercury's light blue eyes widened in annoyance than stilled as she took in the battle below her. Jupiter and Senshi Cosmos were having a bit of a duel. Mercury let out a low Mercurian curse and Mars smirked a bit at it.

"Why would you let them do that?" Mercury growled placing the pad down on the wide banister.

"I tried to get her to bake with her," Mars replied, remembering Jupiter's stubbornness about not heading into a kitchen.

"The woman needs to get over this baking thing. I miss her cookies," Mercury whined then she winced painfully as Jupiter impacted full force with a power blast from Cosmos hand. It sent her spinning backward into the air. Mercury tapped a small device at her ear. "I'm going to need some healing splints," she commanded into it. "That fall had to have broken a few ribs."

"Illegal move!" Mars yelled down and Cosmos shot them a look.

"It's a battle! You think the enemy is going to play by rules?!" Cosmos screamed up at her and Mars blinked at her. Mars opened her mouth to respond when Jupiter plowed into Cosmos stomach, sending them both sprawling to the floor. "See!" Cosmos yelled in a muffled voice as the two switched to hand to hand combat.

"Venus always said Starline was intense," Mercury observed.

"She was being kind. Starline taught her to be vicious," Mars muttered crossing her arms across her chest. They heard a crack and Mercury whined.

"STOP KILLING JUPITER!" She screamed down below and Cosmos quickly threw her hands up in the air.

"She wanted to do it!" Cosmos yelled back in defense.

"She's kind of like Usagi," Mars grinned, watching the powerful warrior bend down to talk to Jupiter who was lying flat on her back on the ground.

"Yea, fourteen," Mercury snapped walking away from her and Mars smiled affectionately at the two women down below.

Cosmos bent down, her eyes scanning the woman underneath her.

"You do have advanced healing technology here right?" Cosmos questioned and Jupiter moaned painfully, her hand going to her side.

"Yes," she whined and Cosmos knelt quickly beside her, preventing her from getting up. "Everything hurts. Am I dying?" Jupiter wheezed and Cosmos shook her head with affection.

"No. I'm sure Mercury will fix you," Cosmos said with certainty and Jupiter let out a laugh that bounced along her broken ribs painfully and she winced.

"Sometimes you don't go back the same way though kid," Jupiter huffed and Cosmos looked thoughtful a moment.

"Well, at least they fix you. If it was me they would just reset me," Cosmos added with a small smile and Jupiter gulped painfully. She reached out, grasping onto Cosmos hand and the white-haired warrior blinked at the sudden contact.

"No one is going to touch you now that I'm around Cosmos," she vowed and Cosmos smiled sweetly at her.

"So much like Venus," she cooed sweetly, pushing some hair out of Jupiter's eyes. Medics were arriving now and a very pissed looking Mercury. "You are going to have to stop letting me win if you want to actually protect me sometime then," she teased with a wink and Jupiter gasped, the offended sound turning into a painful cough.

"I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to do this," Mercury huffed stepping up to them. "Cosmos, you are grounded," she ordered and the young Senshi blinked up at her.

"I don't know what that means," Cosmos admitted and Jupiter only shook her head with a grin.

"Get inside now and I'll tell you exactly what that means," Mercury commanded pointing behind her into the castle. Cosmos looked at Jupiter with a guilty grin.

"Oh, she is angry," Cosmos observed with amusement as Jupiter was placed on a stretcher.

"It was my idea," Jupiter defended.

"Oh, you are grounded too," Mercury growled as the stretcher rose, a medic pushing it as it floated above the ground. Jupiter reached out and Cosmos took her hand, the two snickering at each other as Mercury followed behind them with a scowl.

She gasped, the harsh movement rattling her chest as her eyes slowly blinked open. White ceiling. Elaborate molding. Dark outside. Her eyes moved further down and they softened when they came upon familiar pale blue.

"Amille," the word barely got out of her parched lips and Mercury leaned forward, putting a straw between them.

"Drink," she gently commanded as she sat on the bed beside her. Venus obeyed than pushed it away gently when she had enough.

"Am I ok?" Venus questioned and Mercury nodded, gently pushing some matted hair away from her leader's forehead.

"You are now," she confirmed and Venus relaxed a bit. "Space travel really doesn't agree with you," she sighed and Venus smiled sadly at her.

"How long have I been out? She ok? They fall in love yet?" Venus joked and Mercury shook her head once.

"About thirty-eight hours. She's fine. Made Mars all gushy, broke a few of Jupiter's bones and no, they definitely did not fall in love," Mercury sighed and Venus narrowed her eyes confused at her.

"Broke Jupiter? Oh no, don't let her fight any of you!" Venus' body jolted forward and she winced painfully. Mercury leaned over, pushing her back down, soothing her.

"It was Jupiter's fault. She will be fine," Mercury assured and Venus winced.

"She is more powerful than I have ever seen her," Venus admitted and Mercury nodded. "The GCS learned so quickly to unleash all of her potential," she admitted sadly and Mercury gently took her hand, rubbing her fingers over Venus own.

"You scared all of us," Mercury confessed and Venus looked at her sadly. "I thought Endymion was going to kill her. He blamed her immediately and he wants her off of our world," she sighed, her gaze going up to prevent herself from tearing up.

"What?" Venus demanded. "None of this is her fault. All of this has been done to her, she didn't ask for any of it. I'm trying to give her a life when all they want her to do is be a weapon," Venus defended and Mercury nodded.

"He is just going through a bitter phase," Mercury condoned and Venus eyes narrowed.

"Well, tell him to get over it!" She snapped.

"Calm down or I won't let her in here," Mercury soothed, as she smoothed out a wrinkle in Venus blanket. "Have compassion on us," Mercury asked. "Sometimes we need to be reminded there is a happy ending and that they do exist," Mercury confessed, her eyes meeting Venus and Venus nodded sadly at her.

"They still do Ami," Venus said with conviction and Mercury grinned at her.

"They better."

"I didn't tell her everything," Venus admitted suddenly and Mercury looked at her with patience. "Just her lineage and about all of us. Nothing about him," she sighed and Mercury raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why would the goddess of love not start out with her favorite love story?" Mercury questioned and Venus pressed her lips together, her eyes leaving her old friend's face. She had meant to. She truly had. But it never felt right. She had taken out Endymion from the parts of Senshi Moon's history chronicles and she felt the guilt of that action. At the time she had reasons. She wanted to teach her about love first, get her to understand its value and hope for it… not just throw at her she was a part of the greatest love story of all time and she better jump back into it.

"I wasn't sure if he would let us come home," Venus admitted finally and Mercury gently patted her hand.

"You have always been so kind to her," Mercury soothed and tears flooded Venus eyes.

"Have I? Keeping her favorite part of herself away from her?" She questioned and Mercury let out a slow breath.

"I was just told that happy endings still exist," she sighed and Venus smiled, a few tears leaking out. "Who knows. It might all work out," Mercury grinned with a wink and Venus wiped at her tears.

"It better."

That's it for now. Let me know your thoughts of if you have any confusing questions. I love to answer them as long as I don't give plot points away ;)

Keep being awesome my friends.

God Bless and Happy Holidays!
