Hi guys, hope you like this new story idea, I've got a few more chapters coming soon, so let me know any ideas you have! Also, comments are awesome!

"I bet you can't do it."

Bucky looked at Steve, unimpressed. "You think I can't woo someone?"

"Not this one."

"Stevie, I wooed you. I even taught you how to woo."

"I know," He held up his hands but smirked. "But you can't woo this one. I've tried every trick in the book but nothing has worked."

Bucky narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. "Are you trying to tell me something here?"

Steve ducked his head down and stared at his sketchbook, still drawing. "Maybe?"

He moved closer and grabbed the back of Steve's chair to look at his drawing. "Well if your drawing is anything to go by, I may be a bit worried here."

The drawing Steve was finishing up was of the new kid that blew up the science wing, Stark.


In a rush, he sat up and faced Bucky. "I don't love you any less, I swear."

A warm feeling started in his chest and a slow smile spread across his lips. He nodded for him to continue.

"I just- there's something about him. I don't know what it is, but his smile and laugh…" Steve was quiet for a second before snapping his head up violently. "Do you remember when I told you when how I realized I was in love with you?"

Bucky nodded. How could he forget? Steve had run after him after seeing him upset, running in the park. The idiot had paint on his face and shirt, probably some in his eye even, but he just blinked through the tears building in his eyes and asked if he was alright.

"Do you remember the smile you gave me?"

Unwilling, Bucky began to smile as he recalled the moment. "Yeah. I asked if you were alright and you yelled something about acrylic paint."

Steve turned a little red but nodded. "That was when I realized it Buck and it happened again a few days ago when I saw Stark."

His boyfriend now carried the smile that made his heart melt. "So you like him?"

Slowly he nodded but kept eye contact. "But I love you first."

Bucky blushed a bit and looked away. "God Steve, I have a reputation to uphold."

Steve just laughed and kissed his hand. "Had to make sure you remembered."

He sighed and shook his head. "Fine, I'll woo him for you."

Again Steve laughed and let go of his hand. "I'm telling you, it's impossible."

A few days went by and Bucky didn't have a chance to talk to Stark. He kept seeing him across the campus, rushing to his next class, but never stopping long enough for Bucky to catch him.

That was, until he found Stark's weakness.

He bumped into him and just stared at him for a few seconds.

Bucky was tempted to wave a hand in front of his face to gauge a reaction but Stark snapped out of it pretty fast.




Bucky smiled slowly and sensually.

Again Tony blanked out but he returned quickly enough.

"Right. Any reason why you're blocking my path to coffee?"

"Because I have a cup for you here."

He immediately honed in on the cup in his left hand and reached out to grab it slowly, as if unsure.


Tony was held back by one of his friends. "Rhodey, coffee!"

"Tones, that'll be your fourth cup of coffee in past two hours."

Bucky stared at Tony with wide eyes before inching the coffee out of his reach.

The next attempt was the day after. Bucky decided to wait until Tony's class was over and he could catch him between classes.

Except when he showed up five minutes before the class ended, the class was nearly empty and smoke was slowly leaving the room.

Bucky blinked and coughed lightly as Tony emerged from the classroom, looking sheepish and guilty, with Fury standing in front of him.


Third time's the charm.

Bucky waited a bit for the opportunity to come along, but it was worth it.

Tony was alone at the bar, looking thoughtful and a bit sad.

Just before Bucky built up enough bravado to approach him, another guy walked up to him and started talking to him.

Bucky deflated a bit and hung back, waiting to see what Tony would do.

At least it would present the chance to see how Tony would react to company.

A few minutes into the conversation, Bucky could see Tony getting annoyed but the other guy wasn't realizing it.

A second before he got up to help, Tony turned to face the guy head on and glared at him.

"I have never in my life been less interested in a person as I am now. You're so fucking boring I can feel my brain sliding out my ears."

The man talking to Tony stared at him and then stumbled away, traumatized.

Bucky decided to retreat back into his booth and focus on his beer.

Steve was sitting nearly in the exact same place as he was when the 'wooing' began.

He looked up and grinned when Bucky sat down heavily next to him. "How did the wooing go?"

Bucky just shook his head. "I didn't even have a chance to try."

There was silence for a second before Steve laughed loudly. "I got further than you did!"

He groaned and sunk into his hands, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. "I don't even know what happened. Every time I tried there was something or someone in the way."

"What about right now?"

Bucky glanced up at him. "What?"

Steve nodded at something behind him.

Tony was in the distance, walking with Rhodey when he noticed them and turned to walk towards them.

He got pretty close, but Rhodey pulled his arm back to the main building. They saw Tony roll his eyes, but he did stop and only smiled and waved before turning back.

Bucky groaned once more and leaned back in his chair. "I know what you mean now Stevie."

Beside him, Steve let out an adoring sigh.