Hey Reader!

I've been dreading the moment I would ever have to write this, but long story short, I won't continue this fanfic. I just don't have the passion or the motivation to write this anymore. I am not as active in the fandom and I've shifted my interest to other places entirely. I began this fanfic after my twelve-and-a half year old self read so many fanfics and wanted to make something of my own. I was young, I had time and ideas. Now, not so much. I've tried my hardest to write more, even restarting the whole story altogether. No matter how much I've tried, nothing came, and I could no longer remember what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. The accusations against Edward and Tamaki's English voice actor made it even harder for me, as I wouldn't want to hear that voice in my head anymore. Life is big and busy, and started new projects and left this in an old folder somewhere.

That being said, I don't want to leave any of you on cliff-hangers or keep you anticipating forever, because I think it isn't okay. So, I will put this story up for adoption. If you think you can continue my story for a new generation of readers, all you have to do is PM me or send me an email, and the both of us can discuss plot and where I intended to go with the story.

I thank you all so much for your patience and I hope to see you all again someday.


Galaxia Girl

Business Email: screamtothendlessstars (it's a gmail account, but it won't let me put the at gmail at the end. also, the 'e' at the end of 'the' shares the same 'e' as the beginning of the word 'endless', so please read carefully)