Summary: Four years after her 'disappearance' Elena Gilbert returns with a surprise.
Chapter 1
If there was one thing that Damon Salvatore wanted, he will find a way to get it. In this case, he wanted Elena and he thought that he had one of the perfect solutions to getting her to be his. Turning to look at the witch, he smiled at him.
"Here's the DNA that you needed to make Elena pregnant with my child but make sure that there's no vampiric DNA in it and also, have her be seven weeks along." He told him as he handed him a hairbrush filled with Elena's hair.
The witch nodded and as he pulled three strands of hair, he placed them on top of a bowl filled with water and began to chant.
As soon as he stopped, he smiled at him.
"She is seven weeks pregnant." He told Damon. Damon nodded and then Damon ripped open his throat, leaving the witch to die.
No one needed to know what he had done.
Elena Gilbert felt that there was something off about her but pushed it aside. She was happily waving goodbye to Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline as they were going to England, Chicago and Paris with their significant others-Bonnie was going to England to meet Kol, Stefan was meeting up with Rebekah in Chicago to make new memories and Caroline was going to Paris with the Hybrid King himself.
Once the plane was gone, she felt that oddness about her again. She decided to talk to a witch-hopefully Lucy-and to see what was wrong with her. Getting into her car, she drove off to find Lucy in her house in Richmond.
Lucy did seemed surprised to see her but as Elena told her what she was feeling, Lucy looked concerned and had placed her hand on Elena forehead only to move it away quickly.
"Somehow a witch used magic to make you carry a human child. Damon Salvatore's human child."
Elena's world turned white as she fainted.
Three months. It was three months later that she found out she was pregnant with Damon's baby when he had her living with him that she decided to eat healthier and have no alcohol in the place. Or at the very least-lock it up somewhere that the baby couldn't get to it.
He fought her on that and then she left the Boardinghouse. She couldn't stand being there any longer when he wasn't willing to do much for her.
She wasn't going to call her friends as they were all living happily ever after, she wasn't going to ruin that so she called her brother Jeremy.
Four years later Elena (who now lives in New York with Matt and Jeremy) got an email from the bride-to-be Caroline Forbes as well as her maid of honor Rebekah Mikaelson inviting her to Las Vegas.
"Go to Vegas sis." Jeremy told her with a smile. "We can watch Aurora for you." As he said this, her eyes spied the four year old girl with her dark brown hair in pigtails and her bright sapphire blue eyes were sparkling as she was watching a classic Disney movie in the living room.
"I'll go." Elena said with a sigh. "I'll go to Vegas."
Reading the email back, Caroline squealed loudly and was jumping up and down much to Klaus' amusement.
"She's going to come! She's going to come!" The young vampire shouted and all of the sudden Rebekah and Bonnie-a new witchpire-were also squealing in delight.
"Am I missing something?" Elijah Mikaelson asked as he just entered his brother's Parisian house. He had been traveling around the United Kingdom, helping people after a disastrous relationship with Hayley. Once they parted she quickly got married to another werewolf.
The part that stung-it wasn't even a full hour after they broke up that she got married.
"Elena Gilbert just agreed to go to the joint bachelor-bachelorette party Rebekah and Kol are throwing in Vegas." Klaus told him.
Elijah nodded, his heart beating slightly fast.
"When do we leave?" Stefan asked, wanting to start the party.
"Now." Klaus said as he got everyone out of the Parisian townhouse and into the private jet. "Just a quick stop in New York before headed off to Vegas."