AN: Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever Harry Potter fanfic!
I've been in a very Harry Potter mood recently, so I thought it was time for me to write a Harry Potter fanfic! (Haha, I'm a bit late, aren't I?)
Anywho, this story was inspired by a Korean Drama called 'Oh My Ghost' and a SasuNaru doujinshi (forgot what it's called). The setting for this fic is going to take place during the Prisoner of Azkaban time period.

Annnnd, I believe that's I have to say for now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Happy Reading!~

Harry sighed heavily as he slowly walked behind Hermione and Ron who were arguing about Potions. That was their first class and now that both his friends were dating each other, he sat next to either Dean, Seamus or Neville and if Snape felt particularly evil, he would pair him with Malfoy.

Harry scoffed at the thought of the blond Slytherin.

He's been keeping his distance from the trio for a while now that Harry thought about it.

'Probably planning something again… Will he ever stop?'

With a grunt, Harry put a hold on his thoughts as he walked into the Potion's classroom and surveyed the area to see what seats were available today. His eyes stopped on an empty seat next to Neville so he walked over and sat down.

"H-Hey Harry." Neville stuttered as he started to set up the caldron.

Harry smiled back.

"Hullo Neville."

Neville was about to say something but cowered back when he saw Snape enter the room and stride to the front of the class. Once he got there, he dramatically turned to the class, with his robes twirling with him, and started the lesson.

"Today, we will be making Draught of Peace. Unlike the Draught of Living Death, this potion does not put you to sleep. Instead, it calms the soul by relieving stress and anxiety. It is most often given to those suffering with mental disorders or suffering after a particularly damaging life experience."
The class was filled with light chatter and Harry was thinking that this would be a good potion to learn. Snape raised his hand to signal silence.


Snape announced in a menacing tone as he glared looking around the room.

"This is is as difficult to make as the Draught of Living Death. I am certain that only a hand full of you will get close and only one of you will successfully produce the potion."

Harry looked up and saw Snape staring at someone behind him, so he turned to see Malfoy smirking with a confident glow in his eye. He heard Ron swearing and Hermione trying to calm him down from his left side.

"You all may begin now."

With that, Snape went to sit at his desk as students started moving around some gathering ingredients from the shelves, some chopping the ingredients, and a few working the caldron.

Harry gathered the necessary ingredients and told Neville to cut the ingredients while he mixes the caldron. Neville nodded and did as told… but something always goes wrong with Neville.

Towards the end of class, Snape tells the class to wrap it up and Harry pours the potion into a bottle for testing.

"Now, the person who stirred the potion will be the one to sample the draught."

Harry mentally groaned at his luck as he grabbed the bottle and pulled the cork out. Harry stared at the bottle before glancing to his right at Neville who looked very nervous and had and apologetic expression.

'Let's just get this over with.'

Harry gulped the potion down and waited for any nasty side-effects to happen. When nothing happened, he gazed over the class and saw some students who fainted or were too relaxed and then there was Malfoy who seemed like he didn't have a care in the world.

'Of course his potion would be the perfect one.'

Harry turned to Neville who appeared as confused as he felt.

"H-Harry, do you feel any d-different?"

Harry paused for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, I feel the same as before."

Snape advanced towards Harry and Neville and scooped up some of the potion for observation. After a moment, Snape placed the potion into a bottle and turned to Harry.

"… As much as it pains me to say, your portion is near perfect."

The remark seemed to echo across the classroom as everyone silenced to hear the conversation.

Harry and Neville gaped at Snape.

"I said near perfect Potter! You may not be displaying side effects right now because, perhaps, they are internal. Inform me at once if something out of the ordinary occurs. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded as Snape swiftly turned with the bottle still in his clutches and dismissed the class.

"Bloody hell, Harry! How'd you manage to make the potion with Neville?"

The trio were currently sitting in the Great Hall for lunch with gossip in the air about Harry and Neville's achievement in Potions earlier that day.

"I'm honestly not sure Ron. I just got the exact ingredients, so there would be the correct amount, and told Neville to cut them up. I guess getting the exact amount of ingredients helped."

Hermione nodded as she took in this information.
"Yes, Neville always does manage to put in something extra or an incorrect ingredient. That was very smart of you, Harry, to point him in the right direction like that. Though I do wonder what the professor meant by saying your potion was 'nearly' perfect."

Harry and Ron looked at each other before turning back to Hermione.

"What do you mean? I'm fine, aren't I?"

Hermione shook her head.

"You may be fine now, but what if it's a side effect that doesn't occur right away? Or a side effect that has a trigger! Or —!"

Ron raised his hands in an attempt to calm her down.

"Mione, I think you're overreacting! Look at him! He's fine."

Hermione stared at Harry for a bit more before sighing.

"Ooh, perhaps you're right. I'm sorry Harry. It's just the way he said it that got me concerned."

Ron put an arm around Hermione's shoulder.

"It's alright Mione, that's understandable. That bloody git was probably just trying to scare him. Isn't that right Harry?"

"Um… yeah." Harry replied unsurely.

'If that was the case, why did he tell me to seek him out if anything goes wrong?'

"See Mione! Don't worry about it!"

Hermione still looked unconvinced but nodded and didn't discuss it anymore.

Ron and Hermione started getting close and Harry felt uncomfortable so he excused himself to go to the restroom.

When he exited the Great Hall, he saw a flash of blonde from the corner and quickly spotted Malfoy turning around a corner.

'Ha! He is up to something!'

Harry, immediately, was hot on his heels and followed him to the direction of the abandoned girl's lavatory.

'What's he doing here? Could it be — he knows about the Chamber?'

Harry saw Malfoy enter the bathroom and dug in his bag, pulled out his cloak and draped it over himself before entering the restroom himself.

Harry walked in and was surprised that Malfoy was grinning at Moaning Myrtle and seemed to be conversing. Harry cautiously stepped closer to hear what they were saying and decided to make himself comfortable by sitting on the floor near the sink that opens up the Chambers.

"Honestly, I don't know why I put up with those… those idiots!" Malfoy ranted. "I mean really! I highly doubt either of them know how to read. It's embarrassing! Why Father thought having them as friends would be beneficial is beyond me. Merlin!" Malfoy finished as he started pacing back and forth with Myrtle floating above him looking amused.

"You could always spend your breaks here." Myrtle replied with a giggle at the end.

Malfoy sighed and looked up at her.

"Yes I could, but it might look suspicious to some people if I'm not there. I already know Dumbledore and the Golden Trio are keeping an eye on me. No need to give them anymore of a reason to do so."

Harry gawked at Malfoy.

'What? It's almost as if he doesn't want to be a bad guy.'

Myrtle moaned sadly at Malfoy before floating in front of him.

"Why don't you try and become friends with Harry?"

Harry stiffened when his name was mentioned and watched Malfoy's response.

"W-Well, I tried befriending him first year, but he rejected me for the Weasel!" Malfoy stammered as he look away from Myrtle's concerned gaze. "I hardly think that, with me as a 'slimy Slytherin', he'd want to be friends with me."

Harry stared at Malfoy in awe.

'I have wondered what it would be like if I ended up in Slytherin and as his friend…'

While Harry was in his thoughts, Malfoy wrapped up his conversation with Myrtle and took off.

When he came around, Malfoy was gone so Harry stood up from his spot after he was sure Malfoy was gone, and pulled off his robes and stuffed it in his bag. When

he looked up he saw Myrtle glaring at him.

"Oooooh, how dare you eavesdrop on our conversation! Dray doesn't deserve this... mmhmm, not at all."


"Myrtle, how long have you been talking to Malfoy? He seems… very comfortable around you."

Myrtle moaned and quickly flew over to float in front of Harry.

"Since the beginning of last school year. I am very grateful that he does come here – I get very lonely. He's such a good friend." She sniffed a few times before glaring at Harry. "But, what's it to you? Are you going to hurt him? He really doesn't need that!"

Harry rose his hands and shook his head.

"N-no! I only attack if he does something first! You can understand that, right?"

Myrtle hummed for a second before nodding in agreement.

"I suppose that's excusable."

Harry nodded and was about to excuse himself when Myrtle had a curious expression on her face and floated closer to him.

"Um… is there something wrong?"

Myrtle tilted her head.

"You're glowing. Why is that?"

Harry glanced down at himself and saw nothing and was about to say so, when suddenly, Myrtle let out a shriek of surprise as she felt herself get sucked into Harry's body. Harry felt frozen to the spot as Myrtle entered his body and he felt himself fall to the floor and slip into unconsciousness.

AN: And that's a wrap of Chapter 1!

Hope you all enjoyed and I've peeked your interest!

Have a great day!~