Guest - I'm gonna give Jouji his own Stand cry, but it'll be closer to Hanabi than Jotaro. I view Jolyne and Jouji as the second versions of Hanabi and Jotaro. They have similarities but aren't carbon copies.
Clarent excalibur - Not sure yet what I'll do with Shizuka. I do want to make like a part 6.5, a prequel of sorts for Stone Ocean, that centers around Jouji, and I'd have her in it.
UsagiAngelRabbit - Not sure where I'd put her father in part 5.
Goodbye Bizarre Summer - Hello Great Days!
He was cornered, there were only three escape routes, and they were all blocked. The man was trapped like a rat.
To his left, Jotaro, Rohan, Koichi, Shu, and Sho.
To his right Hanabi along with Iggy.
Right in front of him Josuke, Okuyasu, Hayato, and Hope.
Yoshikage Kira was trapped.
Killer Queen
Power - A Speed - B Range - D
Durability - B Precision - B Potential - A
"Thi-this is a dream…" Kira almost choked out the words still not believing the current situation he was in. " a dream. The idea that I'm being cornered like this. This has to be a dream."
Kira's once steady and calm demeanor started to crack as his words were filled with despair and disbelief.
Okuyasu spoke up, "You don't have-"
"-anywhere left to run." Josuke finished
"So just give up," Hope said
"You're finished," Hayato added
"J-Josuke's badly hurt," Koichi said
"Forget about him! Look at Hope!" The twins said
"She seems pretty fine to me," Rohan said
"Are you blind?!" Shu said
"Yeah, just look at her!" Sho said
Rohan didn't respond to the brother's outburst just letting out a sigh. "The battle had already begun while we were waiting. Which means…"
"That's Yoshikage Kira," Jotaro said
Kira dropped to his hands and knees due to his wound, his injuries were only getting worse as he profusely bled on the street. While he struggled to hold himself up an EMT spotted him and she started to make her way over.
"Someones hurt over there! Bring the stretcher! Are you alright? Can you hear me? An ambulance is on its way. You're going to be alright."
"Don't let that lady near Kira!" Hayato shouted
"Shit…" Hope cursed under her breath.
The woman bent down in front of Kira. "Well get you treated at the hospital right away. Please hang in there."
Kira reached up with a trembling hand and the woman, with caring nature, went to grab it but when her hand was within reach Kira snatched it holding her hand in a tight grasp.
"O-Oh no!" Hayato shouted
Killer Queen came out activating a bomb.
"That lady's been turned into a bomb!" Hayato exclaimed
Everyone gritted their teeth each one trying to figure out how to go about the new situation.
The EMT held up three fingers in front of Kira.
"Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?"
"Jotaro we need your Star Platinum," Rohan whispered
"I know. But it's no use unless I can get closer. Even if I stop time, were too far away, and I can't do anything to him. I have to get at least five meters closer," Jotaro explained
"Darn," Hanabi bit her lip in agitation, "Jotaro's too far to stop time and if we try to act in any way Kira's going to blow up that woman."
She looked to Jotaro then over to Josuke.
"If anyone….If anyone can come up with a solution it's a Joestar man!"
"You turned someone into a bomb and took them hostage? Just try it! I'll fix her right up in a heartbeat!" Josuke shouted
His outcries caught the woman's attention as she cast her gaze over to the group.
Hayato grabbed onto Josuke's pants clinging to the teen.
"No! It's not as simple as taking a hostage! He's got a hidden ability! It's an ability called Bites the Dust, and it can blow away time! It must only work on people who aren't Stand users, like me or that lady, and occurs coincidentally whenever Kira is in trouble. Which means, when he's in despair like this, this ability activates and becomes a bomb that can turn back time one hour!"
"What the hell?" Josuke said
"What kind of deus ex machina bullshit is this?" Hope said
Kira started to pant heavily rubbing the EMT's hand.
"The knuckles and skin on your hand are so soft. You have such cute, white fingers. Will you rub my cheek?"
"Rubbing my cheek calms me down so much."
Without the woman's permission Kira started to rub his cheek against the woman's hand, it was rather aggressive and perverse.
"When I was a child've heard of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, right? When I saw that painting in an art book, when I first saw that, I don't know how to put it. This is a bit dirty, but I got an erection. I just cut out the part with her hands and hung it up in my room for a while. I want to cut off yours, too."
Kira stuck out his tongue and licked the woman's hands finally pushing her over the edge.
The EMT shouted pulling her hand out of Kira's grasp.
"What are you doing?!"
Her hand wasn't free for too long before Kira snatched it back holding on even tighter.
"My name is Yoshikage Kira! I've killed 48 women with beautiful hands up to now. You're the only one! You're the only one who will know my identity!"
"O-Oh, no! Bites the Dust is about to start! If we don't defeat him now, everyone here but that lady will be blown away!" Hayato shouted
No time for thinking only time to act.
Jotaro moved running towards Kira.
Josuke tried to move but the wood shrapnel still stuck in his sides prevented that. His wounds only bled harder as he fell over.
Hope caught Josuke supporting him.
"Are you coming for me, Jotaro? Bite the Dust was created because I didn't want to run into you! Come closer! Just try and stop time! How long will you be able to stop it? Just try to corner me more! Pushing me to the limit again will make Bites the Dust appear!" Kira mocked
"Jotaro stop time! Don't let him push Killer Queen's switch!"
Killer Queen reached back grabbing the EMT's arm.
"No, this is the limit! I'm pushing it-!"
Killer Queen's thumb was only millimeters from pressing down but before it could Kira's hand slammed down smashing into the concrete.
"Act Three! 3 Freeze! He's now within five meters! S-H-I-T!" Echoes said
Kira screamed and struggled to pull his hand up but it was useless against 3 Freeze.
"You rotten pieces of shit!"
"Star Platinum! The World!"
Time froze and the world went still.
Kira screamed as his body was suddenly riddled with wounds, and he was thrown back a good few feet.
"H-He did it!" Josuke cheered
"He made it in time!" Hayato said
"I'll push it ...I'm gonna push it. Bites the Dust will go into effect again…."
Kira's hand was completely broken his fingers all twisting in odd angles.
The EMT gaped turning her head. "H-How? He just suddenly went flying back!"
"I'm gonna push it...I-I'm gonna push it...I'm gonna push the switch right now…."
"I know he's our enemy, but he really is something," Rohan said
"Hey stop! Stop!"
Tires screeched as an ambulance speedily backed up.
"Someone's on the ground back here!"
The ambulance wasn't able to stop as Kira's head met one of the tires. The wheel caused his head to spin around and a loud crunch echoed in the air as Kira's neck snapped.
"Oh shit!" Josuke and Hope gasped together.
Varying screams rang out as Kira's body was fully run over by the ambulance.
"O-Oh, no! A guys been run over by an ambulance! I didn't realize he was there! Drive back forward! Forward!"
A few officers started corralling the crowd trying to get them to clear the scene and get behind the police tape.
An EMT came over to Josuke kneeling next to him.
"You there. Are you one of the injured too?"
The female EMT was joined by two others along with a pair of firefighters. They all stood around the crushed body of Kira.
"It's no use. He's dead. He died instantly."
"He's dead," Okuyasu mumbled
"It was like he dove under there himself."
"This my responsibility." The lady EMT spoke up. "I'm not trying to make up excuses, but I didn't have a chance to restrain him."
"This is unbelievable," Jotaro said
"His head was caught between the tire and the road. The skin on his face has been ripped off."
"Pardon me."
Two officers approached the medical workers.
"Do you happen to know the identity of the deceased?"
"He said that his name was Yoshikage Kira."
"Kira...There's a family by the name of Kira in Kotodai that goes back generations. I heard it's only current member lives alone so he might not have any family."
"An accident, his demise was due to an accidental death," Koichi said
"But this is how it should be. There would be no way to punish him in court. This was the best outcome," Rohan said
Hope sighed crossing her arms. "Yeah...but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. For what he did to others this kind of death just seemed too good for him."
Hope let out another sigh dropping her arms, her body suddenly felt drained, all the adrenaline rushing through her gone. The next thing she knew her body went limp and she collapsed on the ground.
The fallen girls was quickly surrounded by her friends.
"Hope! Hope!"
"Hey! A girl just collapsed! Get a stretcher!"
Star Platinum: The World
Power - A Speed - A Range - C
Durability - A Precision - A Potential - A
The next time Hope opened her eyes she squinted as a bright light shines above her.
"Well, it's about time you woke up."
Hope turned her head to see her grandmother sitting next to in a chair. The older woman held an apple in her hand peeling away at the red fruit.
Minami stopped peeling to point the small knife at Hope. "You've got some nerve going and worrying everyone like that."
"Where….Where am I?" Hope asked
"Ain't it obvious, the hospital. Doctors said you fainted." Minami scoffed. "Fainted, what an idiotic way to describe what happened to you, I mean the bottom of your clothes were singed to hell. You passed out clearly exhausted. What happened?"
"Kira...Yoshikage Kira," Hope said
"Yeah I figured that much out," Minami said
"He...followed me home. Snuck up on me. I'm pissed I didn't even see it coming. He blew off my legs," Hope said
"Blew off your legs? The hell? You look like you still got them to me. Josuke fix you up or something?" Minami asked
"Nah, it was all thanks to Must Go-On. Since it was Kira's Stand that harmed me my Stand could heal it. But that took a lot of energy. I should've probably rested afterward but I couldn't let Kira harm others," Hope said
"So you wore yourself down. Kept your body gong until everything was over huh?" Minami said
"Yeah…." Hope said
"You loyal brat….think about yourself for once got it! Think you can put me in an early grave by worrying me sick huh? Think again!" Minami said
"Grandma, for once I'm really happy to hear your harpy like shrieks," Hope chuckled
"Brat!" Minami said
Hope continued to chuckle as tears slowly started to make their way down her face.
"I-I….When I came home and you weren't there, then Kira showed up….I thought maybe-maybe he'd gotten to you."
Minami's shoulders relaxed as a small understanding smile came to her face.
"Silly girl. You know I'd never die before I smack some proper manners into you," Minami said
Hope chuckled wiping away her tears. "Yeah, I should've known."
The door to the hospital room started to open two voices filtering in.
"Granny we-!"
Before Hope could process what was going on two heavyweights were plopped on top of her.
"We were so worried!"
"How dare you scare us like that!"
Shu and Sho cried as they clung onto Hope. They were piled on Hope's hospital bed smothering the girl.
"Hey-Hey I can't breathe! Get off!" Hope shouted
The twins ignored their sister's cries and much to her displeasure they held onto her even tighter.
Minami chuckled leaning back further in her chair crossing her arms as she took a bite out of her apple. While her grandchildren were having their moment a second knock came from the door and Minami was the only one to hear it.
"Excuse me," Josuke spoke entering the room.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here," Minami quipped with a smile.
Josuke fully stepped inside the room with a bouquet of flowers in his hands, orange and red roses to be exact.
"I came to see how Hope was," Josuke said
"I figured that much out." Minami chortled. "But as you can see she's a bit tied up."
Josuke nodded his head in understanding watching Hope be smothered by her brothers.
Shu and Sho continued to make a racket for about 10 more minutes before Minami pulled them off Hope and out the room.
Hope clicked her tongue rubbing the back of her neck. "Geez, those idiots…"
Josuke gave a small chuckle taking the seat Minami had been occupying.
"Those for me?" Hope gestured to the flowers. "Who knew Josuke was the charmer?"
"Hope, how are you feeling?" Josuke asked
"Pretty good for a girl who regrew legs. Honestly, I've got more injuries from running around the streets without my shoes on. But I'm gonna have a bit of physical therapy just as a precaution," Hope explained
"That's good," Josuke said
Josuke reached over placing his hand on top of Hope's. The girl smiled returning the gesture giving a light squeeze to Josuke's hand.
"Now ... don't we have an important send-off coming up?" Hope said
The sky above Morioh was clear, the air of the town somehow felt cleaner. It was as if a new life was brought into Morioh.
Without Kira around that meant the restless spirit of Reimi could finally move on. But she wasn't going to leave without a proper send-off.
Hope walked next to Josuke, amongst the group was Jotaro, Joseph holding baby Shizuka, Hanabi holding Jouji, Shizuka, Sho, Minami, Okuyasu and his father. When the group arrived at Reimi's spot Rohan and Koichi were already there.
"Hey," Josuke greeted
"Josuke! Everyone!" Koichi said
Hope held a vase in her hand decorated with various flowers.
"Josuke gave me a rather sweet gift," Hope smirked side-eyeing Josuke.
Said boy flushed slightly rubbing the back of his head avoiding eye contact.
"-It gave me the idea that Reimi deserves something nice for her send-off."
Hope set the flowers down at the entrance of the alleyway causing Reimi to smile.
"So it's finally over Reimi."
The group turned to see Yukako approaching with several others with her. Joining her was Hazamada, Yuya, Tamami, Mikitaka, and Antonio.
"We came to see you off," Mikitaka said
Reimi looked around at all the people who had come to say goodbye to her. Her eyes started to tear up from both sadness and happiness swelling up.
"I know it's strange to say this to a dead person but take care," Josuke said
"I'm going to miss you, too," Okuyasu said
"Your a wonderful young lady," Joseph said
Reimi could no longer hold back her emotions as tears started to fall down her cheeks. A single tear rolls down her face hitting the ground. As the droplet touched the ground it released a wave of golden light that illuminated Reimi. She slowly started to float off the ground ascending to the skies above.
"Reimi! Thank you for everything! Because of you, this town was saved!" Koichi said
"Thank you, Koichi. But I believe we all saved Morioh together. Thank you, everyone. Goodbye."
"Goodbye Reimi."
Breakdown, Breakdown
Listen, Breakdown, Breakdown
Listen, Breakdown, Breakdown
Breakdown, Breakdown, 1 2 3, Let's Go!
"Come on Josuke!"
Hope tugged on Josuke's hand pulling him down the road, the teens running as fast as they can.
"We don't want to miss them! Come on move your butt!"
"H-hey!" Josuke said
Shining justice burns on in me
In this strange town I don't ever wanna leave
As Hope pulled Josuke the two passed by the Morioh cemetery. Hope glanced over at the entrance to see a woman with her arms crossed leaning against the entrance of the cemetery. Hope's eye widened as she saw the woman's ombre hair. The woman locked eyes with Hope and gave the girl a friendly yet mischievous smirk. She put her finger over mouth in a hush motion before sending Hope a wink.
Hope blinked in disbelief and when she opened her eyes the woman was gone.
Straight through the tunnel from the sea
Blows in an ocean breeze
Drawn to each other night and day
Were lost on narrow streets
Shu and Sho sat outside in front of a cafe. The twins had folders and several papers strewn out in front of them covering the table.
"No, no, no, its gotta be orange!" Sho pointed at a paper.
"Are you insane man! Its gotta be blue!" Shu said holding up another paper.
Sho slammed his hands on the table.
Shu copied his brother slamming his hands on the table.
The twins quickly stood up their chairs scraping across the ground, facing off, foreheads pressed against one another.
All eyes were on them as the other patrons of the restaurant watched the argument.
"Excuse me."
The twins shouted whipping their heads around.
A waiter held back a squeak as the twins angered eyes zoomed in on him.
"Uhm I uh, brought your cakes." He meekly spoke.
He held out a tray that held two slices of cakes. Both the cakes had orange and blue frosting swirled on them giving the desserts a marbled look.
The twins gasp looking at one another.
"Blue and Orange!"
They quickly retook their seats scribbling on the papers, leaving a confused waiter to awkwardly stand next to them.
A shadow looms
Melting into our hearts
But our golden spirit
Will protect us from the dark
Minami stood outside the Blooming Garden a cup of sake in one hand.
She spotted Hope and Josuke running by, the girl tugging along the boy. For a brief moment, she didn't see Hope and Josuke but rather a rambunctious Rose pulling along a frantic Domino. The vision only lasted a brief moment.
"See ya old woman!" Hope shouted sticking her tongue out.
"Che," Minami clicked her tongue but smirked. "That girl...truly is her mother's daughter."
She took a sip of her drink as the teens ran off.
Let the voice of love take you higher
With our power we can go
Far beyond time and space
Morioh was safe which meant it was time for Jotaro, Joseph, and Hanabi to return home. The trio stood on the rear of a boat as the ship slowly left the docks.
Hanabi stood next to Jotaro gently rocking a fussy Jouji. When the infant wouldn't settle down another set of hands gently took the baby out of Hanabi's arms. Jotaro held his son easily in one arm gently rocking the boy. Hanabi smiled before leaning into Jotaro, her head resting on his arm.
Joseph stood next to the couple Shizuka in his arms.
"Are you worried, Jotaro? About leaving this town?" Joseph asked
"Yeah, a little," Jotaro answered
"After watching Josuke and the others get involved in this incident in Morioh, there's one thing I can say. That the young people in this town have hearts of gold. The same hearts of gold shining with justice that we saw when we headed to Egypt. I saw that within Josuke and the others. As long as they have that, they'll be fine," Joseph said
"I can't agree with you more Mr. Joestar," Hanabi said
Two figures were sprinting up the docks trying their best to get in view of the boat before it left.
1999 Bizzare summer
The city thrives on courage from the brave
Great Days
"We won't have to worry about this town any longer," Joseph said
"Hey, Old Man!"
Everyone looked down to see Josuke and Hope at the edge of the docks waving up.
"Can't you hear me, Old Man?"
"Now, then, I guess I should say goodbye to the son I'm so proud of."
Joseph passed Shizuka over to Jotaro causing Hanabi to giggle seeing her husband holding a baby in each arm. The babies giggled at one another their feet kicking together.
Joseph walked to the railing of the ship waving down to Josuke.
"The picture of my mom that I gave you, do you still got it?" Josuke called out.
Joseph smiled patting his coat pocket. "Yes. I put it in my wallet, just as you asked. I'm leaving without seeing your mother, nut I wish her nothing but happiness."
Josuke smirked and Hope blushed at the mischievous look he was making.
"So you put it in your wallet."
Josuke held up a scrap of paper.
"This is the edge of that picture."
Hope let out a stifled laugh. "Josuke you didn't."
"Crazy Diamond!"
Joseph's jacket moved and his wallet flew out landing right in Josuke's hands.
"I'll be taking this! A dad should give his son an allowance, right? Not to mention, if you take that picture back home, your old lady's gonna get mad at you again!" Josuke said
"Y-You little brat…."
Hope was hunched over holding her stomach laughing. Hanabi and Jotaro stood behind Joseph, Hanabi sweat dropping and Jotaro wearing a blank face.
"You gonna take back what you said about him having a heart of gold, old man?" Jotaro said
"Take care!" Josuke smiled waving as the boat got further out.
Joseph let out a sigh before he smiled.
Hope and Josuke stood at the docks until the boat could no longer be seen.
"Well Josuke I know the first thing you can spend that money on," Hope said
"Huh? What?" Josuke questioned
Hope smirked before wrapping her arms around one of Josuke's.
"On us. Let's have ourselves a date funded by Joseph Joestar."
Hope started to lead Josuke but stopped when he pulled his arm out of her grasp. She looked at her boyfriend with a confused raised brow. Josuke smiled before putting his arm over Hope's shoulders, bringing her in close and planted a short kiss on her lips which caught Hope off guard. This kiss only lasted a few brief seconds before Josuke pulled away with a charming smirk.
"Alright but I get to pick the place." He spoke taking the lead guiding Hope.
Hope put a hand over her mouth.
"Okay….but you better pick something good ya got it."
She was looking away from Josuke hiding the small blush that had made its way to her cheeks.
Let the joy of love give you answers
With our power we can go
Far beyond time and space
1999 bizarre summer
The city thrives on courage from the brave
Great Days!